Coleoptera taken during 1970 from Arable Fields at Haughley Research Farms

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THE Haughley Research Farms lie on the alkaline clay-loam soils of the flat upland area three miles north of Stowmarket (N.G.R. 62/0.6). They are the location of the Haughley Experiment which started in 1939 when Lady Eve Balfour and the late Alice Debenham founded a trust for the management of New Beils Farm and Walnut Tree Farm to enable a study to be made of the relationships between soil, plants, animals, and man. Special attention was to be paid to the value and success of organic farming. These farms and the Experiment are now administered by the Soil Association (Soil Association 1962). Three farm sections were established in 1939. O R G A N I C (c. 75 acres) a stockbearing section, the fields of which receive only the crop residues and animal manure produced on the section. M I X E D (c. 75 acres), is also a stockbearing section similarly treated with its own crop residues and animal manures, but also with Standard supplementary applications of chemical fertilisers. S T O C K L E S S (c. 32 acres), carries no animals but receives the crop residues it produces together with chemical fertilisers, but no animal manure. A rotational cropping system is employed, which has a ten-year cycle including four years of Ley in the Organic and Mixed sections, and a five-year cycle in the Stockless section. In 1968 a three-year grant was obtained by the Soil Association from T h e Natural Environment Research Council to finance a research project on " T h e Biological Control of Crop Pests" at the Haughley Research Farms. An Entomology Section was set up in March, 1968. Part of the research programme of the Section was sampling by pitfall traps of the rotational crops, and it is from this monitoring trapping and also from a series of soil samples, that the following list is derived. An intensive study was done in 1970 on isolated Cabbage plots in two Bean fields, and the species recorded from these are also listed. Only in 1970 was the complete catch of Coleoptera identified to species, but a list of additional species taken in 1968 and 1969, and from areas other than the rotational crop sampling is included. T h e writer carried out much of the field work in 1970 and species determination was done by him at Monks Wood during the following winter. T h e 1970 records date from the period May to August inclusive. Nomenclature follows Kloet and Hincks (1945).


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 5

I n t h e f o l l o w i n g species list c r o p s are referred t o as f o l l o w s : — F B o w s L

= = = = = =

Fodders (Kaie, Rape, and Mangolds) Field Beans Oats Wheat Sugar Beet First Y e a r G r a s s L e y

1970 Sampling CARABIDAE—Carabus violaceus L . : F.W. Nebria brevicollis (Fabr.): B.o.w. Cabbage. Notiophilus biguttatus (Fabr.): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Loricera pilicornis (Fabr.): F.B.O.S. Clivina fossor (L.): B.o.w.L.Cabbage. Bembidion lampros (Herb.): F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. B. ustulatum (L.): B.O. Cabbage. B. quadrimaculatum (L.): F.B.w.s.Cabbage. B. obtusum Serv.: F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. B. guttula (Fabr.): B.Cabbage. Trechus quadristriatus (Schrank): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Badister bipustulatus (Fabr.): Cabbage. B. sodalis (Duft.): B.Cabbage. Harpalus aeneus (Fabr.): F.B.O.S.Cabbage. H. rufipes (Degeer): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Amara similata (Gyll.): B. A. familiaris (Duft.): F.B.O.W. A. apricaria (Payk.): B.L.Cabbage. A. aulica (Panz.): 0. Stomispumicatus (Panz.): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Feronia cuprea (L.): B.O.Cabbage. F. vernalis (Panz.): B.Cabbage. F. macra (Marsh.): B.O.S. F. melanaria (Iiiiger): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. F. madida (Fabr.): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Calathus fuscipes (Goeze): B.o.s. Synuchus nivalis (Panz.): F.B.O.W.S. Cabbage. Agontim dorsale (Pontopp.): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Demetrias atricappillus (L.): o.w. HYDROPHILIDAE—Ochthebius bicolon Germar: o. Sphaeridium scarabaeoides ( L . ) : o. Cercyon spp.: F.B.O.W. Megasternum obscurum (Marsh.): s.w.Cabbage. SILPHIDAE—Ptomophagus subvülosus (Goeze): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. angustata (Fabr.): F.B.O.W.


SCYDMAENIDAE—Euthia scydmaenoides (Mueller & Kunze): Cabbage.





STAPHYLINIDAE.—Micropeplus porcatus (Fabr.): B.O.W.L. Proteinus brachypterus (Fabr.): F.B.O.Cabbage. P.macropterus (Gyll.): B.O. Cabbage. Omaliutn rivulare (Payk.): o.L. O. caesum (Graven.): B. Trogophloeus bilineatus (Steph.): B. Oxytelus rugosus (Fabr.): F.B.O.W.S. Cabbage. O. sculptus Graven.: L.Cabbage. O. tetracarinatus (Block): F.B.W.L.Cabbage. O. inustus Graven: o.L.Cabbage. O. sculpturatus Graven: B. Platystethus nodifrons Sahl.: B.w.Cabbage. Stenns clavicornis (Scop.): w.Cabbage. S. brunnipes Steph.: w. Cabbage. Euaesthetus bipunctatus (Ljungh): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. E. ruficapillus Bois. & Lacor.: s. Lithocharis ochracea (Graven.): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Lathrobiumgeminum Kraatz: F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. L.fulvipenne Graven.: F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. Achenium humile (Nie.): F. Xantholinus glabratus (Graven.): F.w.L.Cabbage. X. linearis (Oliv.): F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. X. longiventris Heer: F.B.O.W.S. Cabbage. Ocypus melanarius Hoer: B. Cabbage. Quedius tristis (Graven.): s. Q. molochinus (Graven.): B. Mycetoporus splendidus (Graven.): B.o.Cabbage. M. brunneus (Marsh.): B.o.Cabbage. Conosomus testaceus (Fabr.): B.O. Bolitobius analis (Payk.): B. Tachyporus nitidulus (Fabr.): F.B.o.s.L.Cabbage. T. chrysomelinus (L.): F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. T. hypnorum (Fabr.): f.B.O.



w.s.Cabbage. T. obtusus ( L . ) : F.B.o.w.L.Cabbage. Tachinus rufipes ( D e g . ) : O.Cabbage. Atheta spp.: F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. Meotica exilis (Erich.): Cabbage. Oxypoda brevicornis S t e p h . : Cabbage. Aleochara bipustulata Erich.: F.s.L.Cabbage. A. bilineata G y l l . : Cabbage. PSELAPHIDAE—Euplectus sp.: s. Tychus niger (Payk.): Cabbage. heisei H e r b s t : F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage.


HISTERIDAE—Hister carbonarius H o f f e . : L. CANTHARIDAE—Cantharis ruja L . : Cabbage. C . lateralis L . : o . w . C a b b a g e . Metacantharis clypeata (Iiiiger): w . Malathodes minimus ( L . ) : B.w. ELATERIDAE—Hypnoides 4-pustulatus (Fabr.); F.B.o.w.Cabbage. bicolor ( G o e z e ) : F.B.S. Agriotes sputator ( L . ) : B.Cabbage. A. ( L . ) : B. Cabbage. A. obscurus ( L . ) : F.B.O. w . s . C a b b a g e . nitidulus ( M a r s h . ) : F.B.O.S.Cabbage.

Athous lineatus Adrastus

HELODIDAE—Microcara testacea (L.): C a b b a g e . NITIDUHDAE—Meligethes aeneus (Fabr.): F.B.o.w.Cabbage. o. Librodor hortensis ( G e o f f . ) : F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage.

Epuraea s p p . :

RHIZOPHAGIDAE—Rhizophagus ferrugineus (Payk.): B. CRYPTOPHAGIDAE—Cryptophagus sp.: B. Atomaria atricapilla F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage. A. linearis S t e p h . : F.B.o.w.s.Cabbage.


LATHRIDIIDAE—Lathridius lardarius ( D e g . ) : F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. L. bifasciatus Reitt.; F.B.o.w.Cabbage. Enicmus transversus (Olivier): F.B.o. w.s.L.Cabbage. Cartodere ruficollis (Marsh.): C a b b a g e . Corticarina gibbosa (Herbst): F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. MYCETOPHAGIDAE—Litargus connexus ( G e o f f . ) : B. o.w.Cabbage.

Typhaea stercorea ( L . ) :

COCCINELUDAE—Scymnus rubromaculatus ( G o e z e ) : Cabbage. Adalia 10-punctata ( L . ) : B. Coccinella 7-punctata L . : F.B.o.w.Cabbage. C. 11-punctata L . : F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. Thea 22-punctata ( L . ) : B.o. C a b b a g e . Propylea 14-punctata ( L . ) : O.W. ANOBIIDAE—Anobiutn punctatum

(Deg.): F.B.

ANTHICIDAE—Anthicus floralis ( L . ) : o. SCARABAEIDAE—Aphodius (Herbst): L.






CHRYSOMELIDAE—Lema melanopa ( L . ) : o . w . s . C a b b a g e . Phyllotreta nemorum ( L . ) : F.B.O.S.Cabbage. P. undulata K u t s c h . : F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. P. atra var. cruciferae ( G o e z e ) : F.B.o.s.Cabbage. Aphthona cyanella (Red.): F.B.o.s.Cabbage. Longitarsus melanocephalus ( D e g . ) : F.B.o.w.s. Cabbage. L. luridus ( S c o p . ) : w . Mantura rustica ( L . ) : F.B.o.w.s. Cabbage. Chaetocnema concinna (Marsh.): F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. Psylliodes chrysocephala ( L . ) : B.o.w.Cabbage. Cassida flaveola T h u n . : w. CURCULIONIDAE—Apion aethiops H e r b . : F.B.o.Cabbage. A. dichroum Bedel: B.Cabbage. Sitona lineatus (L.): F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. S. hispidulus (Fabr.): L. Grypus equiseti (Fabr.): C a b b a g e . Miccotrogus picirostris (Fabr.): L. Curculio venosus ( G r a v e n . ) : B.o. Phytonomus nigrirostris (Fabr.): B.O.L. Ceuthorhynchus litura (Fabr.): C a b b a g e . C . quadridens (Panz.): w . C. contractus (Marsh.): F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage. Rhinonchus pericarpius ( L . ) : F.B.o.w.s.L.Cabbage.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 5

SCOLYTIDAE—Xylocleptes bispinus ( D u f t . ) : w .

Other Collections CARABIDAE—Leistus fulvibarbis D e j . ; L. ferrugineus (L.); Asaphodion flavipes ( L . ) ; Trechus obtusus E r i c h . ; Trechoblemus micros (Herb.); Harpalus brevicollis S e r v . ; Acupalpus flavicollis ( S t u r m ) ; A. meridianus ( L . ) ; Amara plebeja ( G y l l . ) ; A. ovata (Fab.); A. communis (Panz.); A. aenea ( D e g . ) ; Calathus melanocephalus ( L . ) ; Agonum mulleri (Herb.); Dromius quadrinotatus (Panz.). SILPHIDAE—Necrophorus vespillo ( L . ) ; Thanatophilus

rugosus ( L . ) ;


nigricans (Spence). STAPHYLINIDAE—Megarthrus depressus (Payk.); M. sinuatocollis (Bois. & L a c . ) ; M. denticollis (Beck); Xylodromus concinnus ( M a r s h . ) ; Lesteva longelytrata ( G o e z e ) ; Trogophloeus pusillus ( G r a v e n . ) ; T . corticinus ( G r a v e n . ) ; Aploderus caelatus ( G r a v e n . ) ; Platystethus cornutus ( G r a v e n . ) ; Stenns nanus S t e p h . ; Astenus gracilis (Payk.); Rugilus erichsoni (Fauvel); Xantholinus angustatus S t e p h . ; Philonthus fuscipennis ( M a n n . ) ; P. varius ( G y l l . ) ; P. fimetarius ( G r a v e n . ) ; P. cephalotes ( G r a v e n . ) ; Gabrius stipes S h a r p ; Staphylinus olens M u e l l e r ; Quedius lateralis ( G r a v e n . ) ; Q. longicornis ( K r a a t z ) ; 0 . cinctus (Payk.); Q. scintillans ( G r a v e n . ) ; Q. rufipes ( G r a v e n . ) ; Quedius (boops complex); Tachinus marginellus ( F a b r . ) ; Oligota inflata M a n n . ; O. atomaria E r i c h . ; Autalia rivularis ( G r a v e n . ) ; Oxypoda opaca ( G r a v e n . ) ; Aleochara curtula ( G o e z e ) ; A. lanuginosa


HISTERIDAE—Saprinus semistriatus (Scriba). CLERIDAE—Thanasimus formicarius


ELATERIDAE—Melanotus rufipes (Herbst). ANOBIIDAE—Xestobium rufovillosum


PYTHIDAE—Lissodema 4-pustulatum


PYROCHROIDAE—Pyrochroa serraticornis (Scop.). SCARABAEIDAE—Aphodius rufipes ( L . ) ; Melolontha



CERAMBYCIDAE—Stenocorus meridianus ( L . ) ; Clytus arietus ( L . ) . CHRYSOMELIDAE—Crepidodera ferruginea

( S c o p . ) ; Psylliodes

affinis (Payk.).

Acknowledgements It is a pleasure to acknowledge the following: Mr. R. W . Paine, the Head of the Entomology Section, for permission to use these data, and for his comments on the manuscript; T h e Director, Monks Wood Experimental Station, for laboratory facilities, etc., during work for the Soil Association; Dr. R. C. Welch for the establishment of a voucher collection of Staphylinidae; and Dr. M . G. Morris for identifying voucher specimens of Curculionidae.



References K

A Check list

Stockport.' 3nd HinCkS' W ' D ' (1945) ' °f British Insects, Soil Association (1962) The Haughley Experiment 1938-62, Stowmarket.

Paul T. Harding, The Nature Conservancy, Monks Wo Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon.

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