Suffolk Bird Report 1973

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Editor W . H . PAYN

assisted by The County Records Committee H . E . AXELL, C. G . D . CURTIS, T h e V e n . P . H . T . HARTLEY, G . J. JOBSON, a n d A. E . VINE.

Obituary. It is with much regret that we record the deaths during the year, of two well known Suffolk ornithologists, F. C. Cook and G. B. G. Benson. Both were members of the County Records Committee. Fred Cook was a naturalist and nature lover in the truest sense of the word and his knowledge of the wildlife of coastal Suffolk was probably unsurpassed. He was also among the last of the county bird-watchers of the Ticehurst era, having collaborated with C. B. Ticehurst throughout the latter's sojourn at Lowestoft. Chris Benson took up the study of birds rather late in life but nevertheless quickly made a name for himself as an extremely careful and competent observer, with an extensive knowledge of the bird life around his home at Southwold. His "Atlas" census on a farm at Reydon was a model for such surveys and an analysis of his work was duly honoured by publication in Bird Study. He was, at the time of his death, B.T.O. representative for the county.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

The Editor of this report will greatly miss two very good friends with whom he had spent many a happy day in the field*. Acknowledgements. The R.S.P.B, and the Lowestoft Field Club as usual provided records from their logs. The late R. P. Bagnall-Oakeley and the Editors of the Norfolk Bird Report and the Cambridge Bird Club Report kindly passed on relevant records and correspondence. Thanks are due to Eric Hosking, H. E. Axell, and G. St. J. Hollis for providing photographs for this report. Back numbers of Suffolk Bird Reports. Copies of back numbers from 1955 to 1972, but excluding those for 1965 and 1967, are available from the Editor. Species for Special Survey. Information on all breeding localities and numbers of the following: corn bunting, redstart, wheatear, and woodlark, during 1974 and 1975 is particularly asked for. Records for 1974 should be sent to the Editor at Härtest Place, Bury St. Edmunds (phone Härtest 224) by the end of January next. A Brief Review of the Year 1973 was a year of exceptional interest in so many respects. that it is difficult to decide what event or occurrence should have pride of place in this annual review. Probably the most important from the conservationist's point of view was the excellent breeding success achieved by our Suffolk marsh harriers. Following a series of lean seasons in which numbers have been falling steadily, there were, in 1973, four nests in three separate localities, which produced probably thirteen or fourteen Aying young, the best ever recorded. The county also participated in the considerable influx into Britain of red-footed falcons, at least four of which occurred between May and September in one coastal area. It was in fact an outstanding year for raptors. More hobbies were noted than for some time, a red kite again put in an appearance, while there was also a minor irruption during both winters of rough-legged buzzards from Scandinavia. Indeed it was claimed that during February it was possible to see, in one day, seven or eight different species of birds of prey in the Blythburgh area alone. *We also learn with great regret, just as we go to press, of the death at O r f o r d of Reg Partridge. H e will long be remembered by ornithologists, old and young, expert and inexpert, who have m a d e the trip d o w n to Havergate Island under his cheerful and helpful guidance.



Climatically the very mild winter of 1972/73 was followed by an exceptionally warm and dry spring and summer. There followed in its turn an even milder winter in which little snow feil and frosts were few. Such conditions must have been of benefit to most of our less-hardy breeding species. Unfortunately this does not seem to have applied to the Sylvia warblers in general and to the whitethroat in particular. Except very locally, their numbers continue to fall, the result, it is suggested by the experts, of prolonged drought conditions in their wintering areas south of the Sahara. It is good to be able to report, on the other hand, improved fortunes of two resident species normally considered scarce, the lesser spotted woodpecker and the long-eared owl. Both showed a sudden upsurge in records, the latter for the second year running. Have they been much under-recorded in the past? The golden oriole again bred successfully, as did the blacktailed godwit, at the same place as last year, while the little ringed plover again did well, despite drought conditions in some of its habitat. T h e year will be remembered also for its impressive list of vagrants. These included two broad-billed sandpipers, a pectoral sandpiper and a white-rumped sandpiper, as well as a very interesting stint which remained at Minsmere for more than two months. At first believed to be a semi-palmated sandpiper, doubts arose as it moulted into winter plumage. Finally it allowed itself to be caught. It seems highly probable that it was in fact an example of the red-necked stint, an Asiatic bird which, if it is finally accepted by the Rarities Committee, will be a new species for the British as well as the Suffolk list. Other interesting vagrants recorded were four bee-eaters, one of which was picked up dead on the beach at Walberswick, a woodchat shrike at Cookley, a serin, an ortolan and a Richards pipit. Another Cetti's warbler was seen or heard rather irregularly at Minsmere in autumn and winter. At least one white Stork turned up at Havergate Island in May, and there was very probably another south of Breydon in August. A little crake showed itself to—appropriately enough—Eric Hosking at Minsmere in September and a lesser grey shrike made a brief appearance at Walberswick in June. There were also the usual dotterel and Sabine's gull, four icterine warblers and—literally—a flock of purple herons. Among more familiar species wood warblers were prominent on passage and stonechats, which otherwise had a bad year, appear to be returning in a small way to the Breck.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

Since both winters covered by this report were unusually mild throughout Northern Europe, with much less ice than normal in the Baltic, the numbers of migrant duck on the coast and inland was again below average. Eiders, however, were reported in almost all months whilst velvet scoters occurred in both winters, though not in the high numbers present during the winter of 1972. These appear to have moved north to the Wash. Following the trend of recent winters, itinerant herds of Bewick's swans were widespread on the coast and on Breckland rivers and meres, while whoopers were again very scarce everywhere. There was one small party of bean geese, always—and rather surprisingly—a rare species in Suffolk, and a lone lesser whitefront which—because it occurred in mid-May—has been rejected as probably feral, by the Rarities Committee. Other feral birds reported during the year included a white pelican on the River Blyth in October, and the barnacle and barheaded geese which again visited Redgrave Lake and are now known to have escaped from Lord Tollemache's collection at Helmingham. There was also a female mandarin duck at Framlingham Mere in September, while the sacred ibis continued to make periodic excursions to our estuaries and coastal broads from its base at the Kessingland Wildlife Park. In all 238 species were recorded during the year including the Egyptian goose and the golden pheasant, two introductions now well established within the county and accepted by the B.O.U. Status of Birds in Britain and Ireland as Category C species (birds with a regulär feral breeding stock able to maintain itself without further introduction). Migration (Based on information provided by H. E. Axell, B. J. Brown, F. K. Cobb, D. R. Moore, C. R. Naunton, M. Packard, and D. Vaughan.) The very mild conditions prevailing throughout the early months of the year did not favour the mass weather movements so familiar in a normal winter and little of note was reported between January and March. The position was, however, somewhat redeemed towards the end of January by a small influx of rough-legged buzzards, as well as a red kite, which with merlins and two species of harriers, provided plenty of interest for visitors to the Blythburgh and Walberswick area.



T h e first spring passage migrants—stone curlevvs and chiffchaffs—were well u p to time in mid-March and they were followed by an early redstart on March 22nd and an early hoopoe on 24th. T h e n followed a long spell of northerly winds which reduced migration throughout much of April to a mere trickle or delayed it altogether. T h o u g h the first two cuckoos were heard on April 2nd and 7th there was no other report of the species tili April 21 st, nearly three weeks later than in 1972. Right at the end of the month a change to southerly winds hurst the dam, bringing in a big flood of summer birds, including nightingales, whitethroats, redstarts, and turtle doves, as well as two more hoopoes. What were probably emigrant coal tits were observed on the beach at Minsmere on April 24th, with a small movement of "continental" robins two days later. Ruffs and reeves also visited Minsmere where display was noted before the birds passed on. T h e spring passage of black terns which began with two birds at the end of April, soon petered out. On May 5th the first hobby was seen to come in from the sea at Minsmere, with an ortolan following a day later, a serin at Blythburgh on 12th and two broad-billed sandpipers at Minsmere a little later. T h r e e Montagu's harriers as well as the usual ospreys, appeared during the first fortnight of May. An unusual feature of the spring emigration was the very belated departure of such wintering birds as shore larks, fieldfares, redwings, and bramblings. T h e last day of May saw the arrival of the first of four redfooted falcons and on June lOth a lesser grey shrike turned u p at Walberswick. Another shrike—a woodchat—had occurred near Haiesworth on May 26th. T h e early summer months brought the usual spoonbills— perhaps five in all—purple herons, and ospreys. T h e r e had been a white Stork at Havergate for two days in mid-May. An autumn passage which was to be protracted as well as interesting began well on July 24th with an extraordinary movement of purple herons, two parties of which, seven in all and all immatures, circled over Minsmere before moving away southwards. Next day an American straggler, a white-rumped sandpiper, dropped in at Walberswick. With anticyclonic conditions prevailing during much of August and September, actual visible migration was on a minor scale numerically though the number of unusual vagrants was probably above average.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

These included two more hoopoes brought in by a spell of westerlies at the beginning of August, three bee-eaters, several icterine warblers and a dotterel, while on August 14th there arrived at Minsmere the bird of the year, a small stint showing all the characteristics of a red-necked stint, an Asiatic wader not previously recorded in Britain. Between August 17th and 19th there was another mini-passage of blackcaps and spotted flycatchers and at least forty whimbrels at Minsmere on 17th, yellow wagtails and more blackcaps at Shotley and at least twelve black redstarts at Lowestoft. Finally, right at the end of August, came another marked fall consisting largely of whitethroats and lesser whitethroats, blackcaps, and garden warblers, and—at Minsmere—another whiteringed sandpiper. September was generally quiet but started well with at least three barred warblers on 2nd. Little gulls were conspicuous off Lowestoft during the first fortnight of September and included thirteen at Ness Point on 13th, along with a number of arctic skuas and purple sandpipers. On September 22nd a water rail was Seen to make its landfall at Benacre and next day, following a night of heavy rain and northerly wind, a large passage of waders was observed in the Orwell estuary. An unusual immigrant noted in the dunes at Minsmere on September 27th was a nuthatch. September ended with another north-westerly gale during which many gannets and skuas as well as two sooty shearwaters were seen heading south off Lowestoft with Manx-shearwaters off Easton Bavents. Immigrants arriving during the first week of October included the first fieldfares and redwings, "continental" robins and numerous goldcrests and the first shorelark on October 3rd. T h e wheel turned füll circle again on October 12th when the first rough-legged buzzard of the autumn arrived at East Bridge, the forerunner of another small influx of this very erratic visitor. On November Ist a southwards movement involving some hundreds of brent geese was noted at Minsmere and Felixstowe; a firecrest came ashore on 3rd and the only nutcracker of the year on 4th. It was a good year generally for immigrant woodcock which came dribbling in throughout November, being noted particularly at Shotley on 12th, at Hopton and Pakefield where one came ashore soon after midday on 15th and at Minsmere where arrival was recorded on 29th.



Interest for the remainder of the year was mainly confined to a very small irruption of waxwings. W.H.P. SYSTEMATIC L I S T

Records refer to Single birds unless otherzuise indicated. 1. Black-throated diver.—R. Orwell, Jan. 3rd and Dec. 6th to end of year (AB, AW, DW, M M , PM), off Hopton, Nov. 5th ( D R M ) and inland at West Stow Gravel Pit, Nov. 18th tili driven away by ice ( B O T et al). 2. G r e a t northern diver.—One found injured under pylons at Tunstall, Nov. 21st, subsequently died (SOG). 4. Red-throated diver.—Rather low numbers in both winters marking a steady decline since 1950s. A max. of twenty-six off Dunwich/Minsmere in Jan. and c. twelve in Dec. (HEA, AB); odd birds, some oiled, in R. Orwell as far up as Ipswich docks in both winters (MM, PM); Thorington Street Reservoir, Jan. 14th (AAB). 5. G r e a t c r e s t e d grebe.—Breeding reports from Cläre Gravel Pit, West Stow Gravel Pit, Culford Lake, Barham Gravel Pit, Holbrook Lake, Minsmere, Fritton Lake, Flixton, and Lound and Weybread Gravel Pits. Four ads. and young on R. Aide, June 23rd. Unusually high numbers present during winter on estuaries and including fifty-seven on R. Stour in Nov., fortyeight on R. Orwell in Dec., fifteen off Minsmere in Jan., and c. twenty on Breydon Water, with odd birds on R. Deben, Weybread Pits, etc. Thirteen over-summering (?) in Holbrook Bay, June 2nd. 6. R e d - n e c k e d grebe.—None reported in New Year but two ims. off Covehithe, Sept. 9 (GB, G E , G J J , N K , C R N ) ; two off Minsmere, Nov. Ist (AP); Benacre during much of Nov., Oulton Broad, Dec. (CRN) and Woolverstone, Dec. Ist (SOG). 7. S l a v o n i a n grebe.—R. Orwell including Ipswich docks, Jan. (AB, RVAM) and again during Nov. and Dec. (SOG, M M , PM, AW, DW); Benacre, Oct. 15 ( F K C , AEC); two, Minsmere, Apl. 13th and three, Nov. Ist (AP). 8. B l a c k - n e c k e d grebe.—Walberswick Mar. 19th (CW); Minsmere, in f.s.p., June 8th (HEA, P J M , G D et al) and at sea, Nov. 5th (AP).


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

9. Little grebe.—Bred at Pakenham Fen, probably (OBP, KTEMP), on R. Little Ouse (CRC), Helmingham (T), Sproughton and three other sites near coast (MM), and at Minsmere, five prs. (HEA). Winter numbers were high, including thirty-eight in Ipswich docks in Dec. (AB, MM, PM); twenty-five Lake Lothing (BJB) and over twenty Levington Lagoon, Nov. Ist (AMG). 16. Manx shearwater.—Up to three off Easton Bavents on Sept. 30th (CRN). At Walberswick one came within 150 yards of shore with some kittiwakes on June 24th (JELP). 21. Sooty shearwater.—One or two off Lowestoft, Sept. 30th (BJB), one moving south off Easton Bavents, Oct. 21 st (CRN). 26. Fulmar.—Present on coast in small numbers between midFeb. and mid-Sept. 27. Gannet.—An ad. over the Scrape, Minsmere, Apl. 29th (HEA) and an imm. on Walberswick Beach, Sept. 12th (SJB). Singles and small groups, max. six, offshore between July and end Oct. 28. Cormorant.—Present as usual during much of the year on coast, river estuaries, and in small numbers inland on rivers and lakes. High winter counts included c. 100 on R. Orwell in Feb. including probably some of Continental race (PM), c. eighty on Breydon in Mar. (DRM) and fifty-two Aying north off Minsmere, Sept. 27th (HEA). 29. Shag.—Two ims. at Lowestoft, Oct. 13th (BJB); and singles, Covehithe, Sept. 23rd (TG, JG), Minsmere, Oct. 14th (HEA), and Dunwich, Dec. 12th (FKC, AEC). 30. Heron.—Numbers probably fairly stable but all breeding sites were not reported on. Two prs. bred in reeds at Minsmere. Counts from all heronries are needed for 1975. 31. Purple heron.—Only recorded at Minsmere, where an ad. was present from Apl. 27th to June 18th, with an im. between June 1 Ith and 24th. On July 24th, at 06.40 hours a party of five ims., coming from north, circled over the reserve before passing on southwards. At 20.10 hours on same day two more ims. repeated this manoeuvre (HEA, AD, GC). 38. Bittern.—Breeding numbers were probably about average with twelve to fourteen prs. at Minsmere (HEA). Five were seen in the air together, over Westwood Marsh, on Apl. 23rd



(TG, JG). Inland, one Aying along R. Stour, Sudbury, Aug. 29th (AAB) and one between Nayland and Stratford St. Mary, late winter (JR). 40. White Stork.—Havergate Island, May 16th and 17th (RJP et al). 42. Spoonbill.—Two at Havergate Island, May 5th and three in late May on R. Ore at Gedgrave (RJP). An ad. at Minsmere, June 4th to 14th (HEA). 47. Garganey.—Three, perhaps four, prs. bred at Minsmere, with two late broods seen at end of July (HEA). Two or three prs. also recorded at Walberswick East Bridge in Mar. and Apl. (FKC, AEC, GJJ, CW), Middleton, Apl. 24th (TG, JG) and inland at Stowmarket, June 5th (RJC), and Livermere, Apl. 18th (NJE). 49. Gadwall.—Breeding and winter numbers probably about average on both sides of county but eighty-two at Livermere on Nov. Ist (CAEK) is a high number for this species. 50. Wigeon.—A pr. at Reydon, May l l t h (FKC), and a female seen there in June with at least one young (CW). Peak winter population on R. Stour included c. 3,800 in Dec. (SEBG) and c. 2,000 in Jan. and Feb. (BEE). 2,000 to 3,000 on R. Orwell in Sept. (MM) and c. 1,600 at sea off Covehithe on Dec. Ist (TG, JG). 52. Pintail. Average winter numbers included 320 on R. Stour in Feb. (RVAM) and in Jan. c. 250 at Havergate (RJP), and thirty on R. Deben (JELP). Eight Aying north on R. Stour at Sudbury, Dec. 2nd (AAB). 54. Red-crested pochard.—Four at Thorrington Street, Nov. 18th and 23rd (AAB). 55. Scaup.—Highest winter numbers were thirty-seven at Burgh Castle in Jan. (DRM) with smaller parties of up to a score on estuaries during Nov. and Dec. A pr. at Minsmere between May 2nd and 9th. 58. Ferruginous duck.—A m. at Minsmere, May 23rd (HEA, PJM, CM). 60. Golden-eye.—Peak numbers on both R. Stour and R. Orwell in both winters was about sixty (SEBG, MM), single birds inland on R. Lark (CAEK) and West Stow Gravel Pits (PE) in Dec.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

61. Long-tailed duck.—Düring early months up to twelve present off Gorleston and Hopton. A pr. were Coming into breeding plumage on Apl. l l t h (DRM). Odd birds only at Benacre, Walberswick, Dunwich, and Easton Broad from Oct. 21st to end of year. Three or four off Cliff Quay, R. Orwell, end Dec. 62. Velvet scoter.—The high numbers present towards the end of 1972 evidently moved on by the new year when fewer than a score remained off Gorleston (DRM) with two or three only on R. Orwell (AB, MM, AW, DW). A straggler at Minsmere on May 20th (HEA). Numbers built up locally from Oct. 4th—when ten were counted off Covehithe (AMG) —to Nov. and Dec. when forty-eight were feeding off Walberswick (FKC, GJJ, PM). 64. Scoter.—Comparatively few scoters again wintered off the coast but 650 were present off Walberswick on June 17th (GJJ). 67. Eider.—While small numbers of this species were recorded locally on various parts of the coast throughout much of the year, it was far less plentiful and widespread than in 1972. Düring the early months of the year sixteen was highest number recorded— at Levington (AB)—with odd birds only at Aldeburgh, Walberswick, and Gorleston. Some over-summered, with up to six, including an ad. m., at Minsmere at end of May (HEA, GJJ). Winter birds included a f. in Ipswich docks on Oct. 7th (MM) and small parties at Easton (CRN), Pin Mill (PM), Dunwich, where numbers rose to c. thirty by mid-Dec. (FKC) and Gorleston where there were c. twenty-five at year's end (DRM). 69. Red-breasted merganser.—Winter numbers highest—c. twenty—on R. Orwell, mostly at Freston where display was observed on Feb. 26th (PM). Nine at sea off Minsmere on Oct. 3Ist (HEA). Small numbers only on coastal broads. 70. Goosander.—Recorded only from Benacre, Jan. 13th (GJJ), Boyton, Feb. (MM), Woolverstone/Freston, Dec. 16th (AB, MRM, MM, PM) and from Minsmere, Oct. 18th, Nov. 17th, and—two— Dec. 8th (HEA). 71. Smew.—Noted only at Benacre, a pr. in Jan. (GJJ) and on R. Orwell in Jan., Feb., and Dec. (MM). One again on Purdis Heath pond between Jan. and Mar. (PM).



73. Shelduck.—Breeding population was probably about average. At Minsmere a single f. was seen accompanied by forty-four small young (HEA). Winter numbers included c. 2,500 on R. Stour in Jan. (BEE). The usual small population at Livermere. Thirteen seen Aying down R. Stour at Sudbury, Aug. 23rd (AAB). Egyptian goose.—A pr. bred in the Aldeburgh area and reared one young (DN). Up to six visited Minsmere and Leiston during the autumn. 75. Greylag goose.—One or two recorded irregularly about Southwold and Minsmere in Jan. and Mar. and again in Nov. and Dec. At Minsmere and Westleton a skein of six on Apl. 23rd and June 1 Ith and eight there on Oct. 6th. Some of these, particularly the summer records, must refer to Wanderers from the feral flocks in Norfolk and Essex. Odd birds too turned up inland among the Canada goose flocks at West Stow, Long Melford, Bures, and Livermere. These also are suspect. 76. White-fronted goose.—The usual wintering flock on the coast rose to c. 150 during Jan. but did not return in the autumn. A party of six was seen Coming in from the sea on Oct. 7th, at Covehithe. Singles at West Stow and Livermere in Nov. and Dec. 78. Pink-footed goose.—Fifty-four off Covehithe, Dec. Ist (TG, JG) and singles, Minsmere, Jan 24th and Dec. 6th were only records. Bean goose.—What was probably the same party of three was reported in the Covehithe and Easton area between Jan. 7th and 16th (GJJ, CRN). 80. Brent goose.—Peak numbers in both winters on Rs. Orwell and Stour were c. 300. The usual coastal movements were noted, with the first arrivals on Sept. 23rd. 81. Barnacle goose.—Benacre, Jan. 14th (CRN). Two Aying up coast at Minsmere, May 5th (HEA) and singles, May lOth, Leiston (FKC) and Holbrook Bay, May 13th (MM, PM). 82. Canada goose.—Continues to increase, with high winter numbers. 84.

Mute swan.—Peak figures for Rs. Stour and Orwell were

c. 250 in Nov. and Dec.

85. Whooper swan.—Very small numbers only recorded from Southwold, Walberswick, Minsmere, Covehithe, and Carlton Colville up to Apl. 14th and from Oct. 24th.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

86. Bewick's swan.—Again plentiful and widespread during both winters, but it is difficult to arrive at any accurate estimate of numbers owing to constant movement of the herds. The high numbers already present at the end of 1972 continued throughout the first three months of the year and a herd of fiftythree was present in the Southwold/Walberswick area from midFeb. to the end of Mar. Emigration was noted on Mar. 20th when thirty flew over East Bridge at 10.00 hours and headed out to sea. Other parties of varying sizes were recorded all down the coast from Burgh Castle to Boyton. Second winter numbers were higher than ever, with first immigrants arriving from the sea at East Bridge and Minsmere on Oct. 22nd and 23rd. One party of twelve, on Oct. 28th, included seven ims. During the next three months herds of up to eighty were reported at Southwold and Reydon, with eighty-six Coming in from the sea on Dec. Ist. Smaller groups also recorded at Benacre, Stutton, and R. Orwell—c. twenty-five—in Dec. Inland, parties of up to a max. of twenty-seven were present on the R. Lark and West Stow Gravel Pits. 91. Buzzard.—Recorded in every month of the year except June, with at least four between Southwold and Woodbridge up to Mar. 31st. At Minsmere there were four on Apl. lOth and a "flock" of ten there on Apl. 29th. The first in autumn, at Leiston, occurred in late July with odd birds along coast during rest of autumn. Two reports at Elveden, in Nov. and Dec. 92. Rough-legged buzzard. —One or two on coast, chiefly in the Walberswick area, from mid-Jan. to early Mar., with a late bird at Minsmere on May 4th. The first autumn record came from East Bridge, on Oct. 12th and 13th with at least four present by the end of that month in the Walberswick and Blythburgh area, numbers dropping to two or three for rest of year. However, one observer considered a total of six probable at one time in the area Benacre to Walberswick. One inland at Elveden in Nov. and Dec.


G. St. J. Hollis



93. S p a r r o w hawk.—Only four breeding prs. recorded, two in Breckland, with a sprinkling of autumn and winter reports, only one of which was from mid-Suffolk. Rather more than usual seen in Walberswick area including three together in Feb. 95. R e d kite.—Walberswick and Minsmere between Jan. 22nd and Feb. 24th. 99. M a r s h harriers.—Four prs. nested near coast, rearing a total of thirteen or fourteen young. Two fs. at Minsmere shared one m. and reared four and two young. Odd birds also noted along coast and elsewhere during summer. There were the usual winter records. In the west a m. was seen on Apl. 29th and the same bird, or another, remained in the vicinity for much of the summer (SOG). 100. H e n harrier.—Present as usual on coast and Breckland in autumn and winter. An early "ring-tail" at Uggeshall on Sept. 2nd; a pr. at Minsmere daily from Sept. 3Ist and three together—a m. and two fs.—at Walberswick in late Dec. A m. at Cavenham, May 4th. 102. M o n t a g u ' s h a r r i e r . — A m. at Leiston, May 14th ( F K C , A E C ) and fs. at Minsmere, May 3rd and 5th (HEA) and Havergate, May 1 Ith (RJP) were the only individuals to come under notice. 103. Osprey.—Spring passage birds, probably three in all, visited Minsmere, East Bridge, and Walberswick between May 7th and May 28th. In autumn singles at Minsmere on Aug. 13th, Sept. 27th and 29th, Oct. lOth, at Havergate Island and Butley, Aug. 24th, Sept. 3Ist with one—same bird ? over Ipswich docks on Sept. 30th; one Benacre, Sept. 19th. 104. Hobby.—It was an exceptional year for this species, with the first arriving from seawards at Minsmere on May 5th ( G J J ) . There were three more reports from Minsmere and East Bridge in May ( F K C , G J J , T G , J G ) one at Wortham, May 21st (WHP), and Havergate, May 22nd (RJP). In June hobbies occurred almost daily at Minsmere up to 19th (HEA, C A E K ) ; on the Breck on June 25th one was seen carrying prey (RVAM). Autumn return passage started with one at Sproughton, July 25th (MM), followed by singles at Walberswick, Minsmere, and East Bridge occasionally throughout Aug. and Sept. and up to Oct. 16th (HEA, F K C , C R N , C R C , CW). 105. Peregrine.—Only observed at Minsmere on Mar. 30th (HEA, P J M ) and Theberton, Apl. 23rd (CRC).


Suffolk Natural Hütory, Vol. 76, Part 5

107 Merlin.—Passage and winter numbers were much as usual with most occurrences on or near the coast. An early migrant was recorded at Minsmere on Aug. 4th. 108. Red-footed falcon.—Four which occurred at Minsmere and East Bridge were part of the widespread influx of this species into Britain during the summer. All were ms.—an ad. between May 31st and June 8th, an im. June 8th to 16th, another ad. July Ist to 13th with a fourth between Sept. Ist and 5th. 110. Kestrel.—Numbers appear to be static with possibly an upwards trend near coast. It is least plentiful in high farming areas. Both species had a good year. The red-leg still outnumbers the "grey" partridge by four or five to one, and both are locally scarce. 117. Quail.—One heard calling for a few days about June 18th at Foxhall (AW, DW). One flushed by a dog at Westleton, Sept. 8th (JELP). A number of others reported could have been bob-white quail. 118. Pheasant.—Thanks to the fine warm summer this species did well in most places. 120. Water rail.—More records came in than for some time. Well distributed as resident or winter visitor in suitable habitat. 121. Spotted crake.—Minsmere, Sept. 18th (HEA, PJM) and Oct. 7th (HEA). 124.

Little crake.—Minsmere, Sept. 27th (EH).

135. Little ringed plover.—Breeding took place at three sites in West Suffolk (five prs. in all) and at two sites near coast— one pr. at each. Birds were also present during summer in two other areas where breeding was possibly attempted. All were gravel pit sites. Also noted on passage at Minsmere, mid-May to mid-Sept. and at Bury B.F. ponds on July 27th (CGDC). 136. Kentish plover.—Only recorded at Minsmere in May and July, at Walberswick in May and at Havergate in Sept., singles in each case.



139. Grey plover.—The usual passage birds in spring and autumn with the odd wintering individual. A number, including one in f.s.p. at Minsmere in June and an early bird—or laggard— at Walberswick on July Ist. Highest number was thirteen at Minsmere on Sept. 19th. 142. Dotterel.—An ad. on Minsmere "Scrape" from Aug. 29th to Sept. 9th. 143. Turnstone.—The usual passage and winter records. inland at Lackford Gravel Pit, July 16th (PE).


147. Jack snipe.—It was a good year for this species, particularly near the coast. The last was recorded on Apl. 26th and the first in autumn on Sept. 24th, both at Minsmere. 148. Woodcock.—Good numbers during winter throughout much of the county, with main arrival during Nov. (see also under Migration). 150. Curlew.—Breeding numbers on Breck are probably falling owing to forestry and disturbance. The usual passage and winter population. 151. Whimbrel.—First in spring on Apl. 17th, with main passage during Aug. with max. of forty at Minsmere on Aug. 17th. 154. Black-tailed godwit.—Breeding again took place at last year's site, with first song flights on Mar. 6th. Three distinct prs. were present tili end of May but only two showed active courtship. Seven young fed with ads. on the Reserve from early June (HEA, PJM). Another m. held territory but apparently failed to find a mate (FKC). 155. Bar-tailed godwit.—Very variable numbers on coast from mid-Apl. to Nov. Twenty-two at Minsmere on Apl. 25th was largest party reported. 156. Green sandpiper.—Numbers of migrants and wintering birds were about average. 157. Wood sandpiper.—A small spring passage from May 18th to about mid-June. Rather more in autumn to mid-Sept., with a peak of eight at Minsmere on Aug. 22nd. 159. Common sandpiper.—Noted on passage between Apl. 24th and Sept. 24th. One among trees in the Arboretum, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, in July (RBW).


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

162. Spotted redshank.—Present on coast, particularly Minsmere, throughout year with highest numbers—forty to sixty— during July to Sept. 165. Greenshank.—Passage reported between Apl. 28th and end of May and from July 5th to early Nov., peak number being fifteen at Minsmere on July 15th. 170. Purple sandpiper.—Up to four at Lowestoft during both winters (BJB), two at Minsmere on Aug. 23rd—an early date— and Oct. 3Ist with two wintering there (HEA et al), one or two at Felixstowe from Nov. (CGDC, SOG). 171. Little Stint.—Fair numbers on coast during both migrations, with thirty-five at Havergate Island end Sept. Last noted, Minsmere, Nov. 25th. 173. Temminck's stint.—Spring passage—max. three—at Minsmere between May 13th and June 5th and in autumn— singles only from end July to mid-Aug., when one also at Walberswick. Red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis).—A bird showing the plumage and other characteristics of an ad. of this species was present at Minsmere between Aug. 14th and Oct. 26th (HEA, PJM et al). 175. White-rumped sandpiper.—Walberswick, July 20th to Aug. 22nd (CW et al) and Minsmere, Aug. 30th and 31st (HEA et al). 176.

Pectoral sandpiper.—Walberswick, Oct. 21st (CRN).

178. Dunlin.—A peak of 15,000 on R. Stour in Feb. (SEBG) and 6,000 on R. Orwell, Dec. (MM). 179. Curlew sandpiper.—Small numbers only on spring and autumn passage; highest number—eleven—at Minsmere in early Sept. 183. Broad-billed sandpiper.—Two again visited Minsmere. The first between May 16th and 19th (HEA, GJJ); the second, in f.s.p., on May 22nd (HEA, PJM, RP et al). 184. Ruff.—Parties and singles on passage irregularly between Mar. 4th and Nov. 4th. Up to thirty at Minsmere in Apl. included ms. in füll plumage displaying and attempting copulation (HEA). Five ruffs and reeves were feeding behind a tractor and harrow at Westleton on Mar. 23rd (JELP).



185. Avocet.—110 prs. nested at Havergate, rearing fifty young (RJP); at Minsmere, where a fox caused trouble, thirty-three prs. reared sixty-five young (HEA). In another locality a number of birds were present until third week in June, but no breeding was attempted (GJJ). 187. Grey phalarope.—Walberswick, Apl. 20th to 24th (GJJ, NK, M R F ) ; Easton Broad, Apl. 22nd (DA), and Minsmere, Oct. lOth to 12th (HEA et al). 189. Stone curlew.—At least six prs. bred or probably bred near the coast. Breckland numbers uncertain. 193. Arctic skua.—A few spring passage birds during May, and one, slightly oiled, on June 7th. A light southward passage, largely singles, between Aug. and early Nov. 194. Great skua.—Walberswick and Minsmere, July 29th (DJH, E T W , HEA); Southwold, Sept. 30th (CRN); Easton (GJJ, CRN), and Minsmere, Oct. 7th (HEA). 195. Pomarine skua.—One over the Scrape, Minsmere, June 2nd (HEA); Ness Point, Sept. 23rd (BJB); Gorleston and Hopton, Dec. 5th (DRM).

199. 200.

"An estimate of 1,500 nests of these two species on Lesser black-backed gull Orfordness (RJP). A number of Scandinavian L. fuscus reported on estuaries Herring gull and rubbish tips during autumn, winter, and spring.


201. C o m m o n gull.—A pr. again nested at Minsmere, but the young did not survive (HEÄ). 202. Glaucous gull.—Minsmere, Jan. 6th and May 29th (HEA); Aldeburgh, Jan. 7th and 8th (RVAM, AW, DW); one probable Southwold, Oct. 21 st (MM). 203. Iceland gull.—An im. at Minsmere, May 25th(DM, MB, SD). 205. Mediterranean gull.—Recorded throughout year— except Jan., in the usual Benacre to Covehithe area, also at Walberswick and Southwold irregularly, including one in f.s.p. at Walberswick on July Ist.





Vol. 16, Part


207. Little gull.—Present on coast—ads. or ims.—in every month except Feb., Mar., and Nov. Peak during June and July at Minsmere including twelve to sixteen in last week of July. Two on Fritton Lake in Aug. 208. B l a c k - h e a d e d gull.—High numbers present in early part of breeding season at Minsmere and c. 150 young fledged. 209.

S a b i n e ' s gull.—An im. off Minsmere, Aug. 26th ( G J J ) .

211. Kittiwake.—The Lowestoft colony contained at least fortyfive occupied nests divided between the South Pier and the Royal Hotel which was being demolished (CRC). 212. Black tern.—A poor year, with very small numbers between Apl. 24th and Oct. 4th, mainly along coast. 217. C o m m o n tern.—Some 200 prs nested at Minsmere and thirty-five at Havergate, with good success at both places. Odd birds occurred inland, including one at West Stow Gravel Pit on July 15th (PE). 218. Arctic tern.—A pr. again bred at Havergate Island and reared one chick (RJP). A few passage records from coast during May, June, and Aug. 222. Little tern.—Still clings tenaciously to old nesting sites on the seashore but with less and less success owing to human disturbance. From information received it appears that a total of some forty-five to fifty prs. in the county reared no more than twenty-five young, fifteen of them fledging within the safety of the Minsmere Reserve. A very late migrant at Lowestoft, Nov. 18th (JELP). 223. S a n d w i c h tern.—The Minsmere colony of some 700 prs. had very good success. One inland at Barham Pits, Sept. 9th (RJC). 224. Razorbill.—A few reports only from Hopton, Dec. and Minsmere, May. 227. Guillemot.—There was the usual sad tale of oiled birds, Coming in dead or dying to our beaches, during May and June and again in autumn and winter. One or two, apparently unoiled, visited Ipswich docks in latter part of Sept. ( M M , PM, RBW).

277 231. Cuckoo.—On May 27th the Suffolk Ornithologists' Group organised a cuckoo-count throughout Suffolk. Observers were asked to report the location of all cuckoos heard calling that day, with exact times. Good publicity for the count was obtained through the Press and TV and the county was fairly well covered. About 250 reports were received of m. cuckoos heard calling that day. As an indication of the actual population, this figure must of course be used with reservation. On a still day, such as May 27th was, the call of a cuckoo can be heard over a radius of half a mile or more and since a bird will almost certainly move about a good deal in a day, the same bird may well have been reported by different observers from several places. This census could provide a valuable yardstick for any future surveys. It does, however, leave two other questions unanswered. (1) What is the present county ratio of f. cuckoos to ms? Would it be realistic to suggest five ms. to a f., i.e.,fiftyfs. in the county? And (2) on this basis is a population of 250 ms. andfiftyfs. high or low for a county 1,500 Square miles in extent? An extremely interesting and unusual breeding record was of a young cuckoo reared in a wheatear's nest in a rabbit hole on the Breck (NK). BIRD REPORT

241. Barn Owl.—Reported present during the year in forty parishes, with usually only one pr. known. In one Breckland parish at least six prs. were known (SOG). 246. Little owl.—Recorded during the year in twenty-five parishes—much the same as 1972. 247. Tawny owl.—Widespread and much the most common owl in the county. 248. Long-eared owl.—Bred or noted during breeding season in six places in or near Breckland and three places near coast. 249. Short-eared owl.—Fairly low numbers on coast, including one breeding pair plus four others noted during year at Havergate (RJP) andfivetogether at Sudbourne in Dec. (GJJ). Three prs. bred on west side of county, at a site where last year nine nests were known but not reported. 252. Nightjar.—Only scattered records received from coastal areas and Breck, suggesting a static summer population. 258. Kingfisher.—Obviously widespread, with numbers well maintained, but doubtfully as high as pre-1962/63.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

259. Bee-eater.—One dead on tide-line at Walberswick, July 15th (GJJ); Havergate Island, Aug. 8th (TG); Minsmere, Aug. 12th (RF); Walberswick, Aug. 23rd (CK, NK).

261. Hoopoe.—Rendlesham, Mar. 24th (MB, DN); Stanton, May Ist (TMG); Walberswick, May 2nd (JCH, SFH) 7th (CW) and 20th (GLW); Bawdsey, early June (SOG). 262 Green Woodpecker.—Reported from c. twenty-five parishes. Considered common in Breckland, still scarce in highfarming districts. Ten prs. at Minsmere. 263. Great-spotted woodpecker.—Widely but thinly spread in suitable habitat. 264. Lesser-spotted woodpecker.—There was a sudden and rather inexplicable upturn in records, from a total of thirty-nine localities. 265. Wryneck.—Spring and summer records of three individuals only at: Boyton, Apl. 26th (HJL), Walberswick, May 6th (GJJ), and for a few days up to June Ist (CRN). A very small autumn passage, mostly singles, from Aug. 17th to Sept. 23rd, all on coast. Inland records from Nayland, Aug. 28th (EM-R, OM-R) and a late bird in a garden at Stowmarket, Oct. 6th and 7th (RJC). 271. Woodlark.—Scattered records only from coast and Breckland. Numbers are evidently very low.



273. Shorelark.—Flocks of from twenty-five up to eighty (at Minsmere) as well as smaller parties, were recorded at Benacre, Walberswick, Easton, Dunwich, and Minsmere from Jan.— highest numbers—to mid-Apl. Laggard/s at Minsmere on May 7th ( P J M ) and May 25th (EH-B). First in autumn 011 Oct. 3rd, with widespread but smaller numbers at usual coastal localities to end of year. 278. G o l d e n oriole.—Spring passage records included a pr. near coast on May 31st (CRN), and singles at Minsmere, May 20th and May 27th to June Ist (HEA, JMA). Breeding again took place at an inland locality where six males were heard calling during the summer and a pr. with five young were seen. It seems certain that breeding or attempted breeding has occurred in this area annually during the past five or six years.

280. Carrion crow.—An evening gathering in winter of 100 to 150 on Wherstead Strand ( M M , PM). 281. H o o d e d c r o w . — U p to seven, but mostly singles, on coast and estuaries to early April. Also eighteen on a manure heap at Tunstall in Feb. (RJC). Smaller numbers in autumn, from Oct. 17th. Scattered records inland from Elveden and Icklingham in Dec. 285. Nutcracker.—Minsmere, Nov. 4th (Mr. and Mrs. Cockshutt).

Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5


295. Bearded tit.—There was a high breeding population in usual strongholds, with at Ieast one successful nest on south side of Breydon. Reported in winter from a number of places away from nesting areas, including one inland locality. 296. Nuthatch.—An apparent immigrant on Minsmere dunes, Sept. 27th (HEA). 302. Fieldfare.—Unusual numbers lingered until well in the summer, including one at Minsmere on June 25th (RP) and July 15th (BJB) with two there on Aug. 9th (HEA). Another, observed all summer at South Cove was finally found dead on Aug. 29th (CRN). 304. Redwing.—Late birds were: one in song, Minsmere, May 13th to 21st (HEA), one ringed at Shotley, May 30th (I. Peters per MP). 307. Ring ouzel.—Spring migrants, mainly on coast, from Apl. 22nd to May 4th. Two inland at Sudbury, Apl. 25th and 26th. A small and late autumn passage between Sept. 29th and early Nov. 311. Wheatear.—A light spring and autumn passage. Breeding numbers continue low. A late migrant at Holbrook on June 3rd was probably Greenland race (MM). 317. Stonechat.—Only four nesting prs. reported—one in Breckland. Small numbers only on coast during the winter and at Sudbury, Sept. 19th (AAB) and Knetishall, Oct. 24th (BP). 318. Whinchat.—Fair breeding numbers in Breckland, including a minimum of ten prs. in one area (RVAM, CAEK). Four prs. bred Minsmere (HEA). 321. Black redstart.—Numbers well up on recent years. Bred: Lowestoft and Oulton Broad, four to five prs. (BJB, CRN), Sizewell, three prs. (AC), Felixstowe docks, two prs. (FJF). At Ipswich the position was rather obscure, with two or three ms. singing in summer in town and docks. Probably at least two prs. nested (AB, CGDC, IS, EMP). Winter passage birds also at Southwold (DV), Martlesham (MM), Walberswick (GJJ), and Ness Point (DRM) and at Minsmere between Mar. and May only (HEA). 322. Nightingale.—A probable decrease in most areas, including Minsmere. About fifteen singing in Hadleigh and Layham district (MRM, EM-R).




326. Cetti's warbler.—Seen or heard at Minsmere irregularly between Feb. 22nd and Apl. 24th, Oct. 4th to 7th, Nov. 18th and Dec. 2nd (HEA, PJM et al). 329. Savi's warbler.—About six prs. nested Minsmere (HEA) and at least three at Walberswick (GJJ, CW). "Reeling" heard at Easton Broad, May 20th (TG, JG). 340. Icterine warbler.—Recorded at Minsmere, Aug. 16th and 17th (HEA); Walberswick, Aug. 18th (GJJ) and 19th (FKC)— these were considered to be different birds—and at Havergate Island, Aug. 29th (RJP). 343. Blackcap.—A continuing local decrease, applicable to most of the sylvias. Wintering birds occurred at Rendham in Jan. and Nov. (VMR) and at Cläre in Feb. and Mar. (FCGW). 344. Barred warbler.—There was a small "fall" of this species between Aug. 25th and Sept. 2nd, five in all being observed at Minsmere (HEA, JMA, PJM), Thorpeness (GJJ, FKC) and Dunwich (FKC, AEC). Three occurred on same day—Sept. 2nd. 347. Whitethroat.—Continues scarce, though population at Minsmere was considered good. 348. Lesser whitethroat.—Status at present time is not clear. Considered fair to good population, mainly in east. Now very scarce locally in much of south-west Suffolk. 357. Wood warbler.—At least five on coast on various dates between Apl. 28th and June 8th; of these three were in sone at s Foxhall. 365. Firecrest.—Three or four passage birds on coast between Mar. 17th and Apl. 28th and in autumn perhaps six between Sept. 14th and Nov. 3rd. Inland birds near Brandon, a pair Feb. 7th (JCR), and Bramford Tye, May lOth and l l t h (JP). 368. Pied flycatcher.—Only four in spring, including two fs., at Minsmere, May 3rd to 5th (HEA): a thin autumn passage tö Oct. 6th. One inland at Sudbury, Aug. 29th (AAB). 374.

Richard's pipit.—Minsmere, Oct. 9th to 12th (HEA,

376. Tree pipit.—A probable decrease. Äbout twenty prs. recorded along coast but Breckland numbers uncertain.


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5

379. Rock pipit.—Average numbers, including one in Ipswich docks, Oct. 6th. Last wintering bird noted on Mar. 31st. Water pipit.—At least five—at Leiston, Covehithe, Walberswick, and Minsmere—in spring, the last remaining until Apl. 18th, and in autumn and winter probably seven individuals at Walberswick, Minsmere, and Belstead. 380. White wagtail.—The usual small spring passage from Apl. 7th; very few in autumn. 381. Grey wagtail.—More and rather more widespread records than for some years, both during migrations and in winter. There was some evidence also of breeding, with one brood of three or four young on R. Lark (PE, SOG). Blue-headed wagtail.—Spring passage—three tween Apl. 21st and May 13th.

ms. be-

383. Waxwing.—Leiston, Jan. 18th (SOG); Rendham, Nov. 20th (VMR); two, Minsmere, Nov. 27th (HEA); four, Southwold, Dec. 12th (DV), and one, Mildenhall, Dec. (SOG). 384. Great grey shrike.—One in west Suffolk from June 27th to 29th and July 8th to lOth (BP) was possibly ailing and unable to migrate. Winter birds—some twenty in all—present to Apl. 8th and from Oct. 6th. Lesser grey shrike.—Walberswick and Blythburgh, June lOth (FKC, GJJ, CRN, CW). 386.

Woodchat shrike.—Cookley, May 26th (RWHG).

388. Red-backed shrike.—Fourteen prs. reported from coastal belt, much as last year. On Breck about eight nests known, two of which were robbed (CAEK). These figures almost certainly do not constitute the füll county total. 391. Hawfinch.—Present during the year at fifteen localities of which Groton (CJL) and Burgate (WHP) are probably new. Only singles or prs. noted except near Yoxford where twenty-two were seen on Apl. Ist (CRN) and in their stronghold at Staverton where thirty-five to forty were counted in spring (AB, JELP). 394. Siskin.—A large flock of at least 5,000 at Lakenheath in Mar. (CAEK), otherwise numbers were rather low. Summer records were a pr. with young near coast mid-June (CRN) and a singing m., Badingham, June 8th to July 19th ( P H T H ) .



Two ringing recoveries of this species are of interest. One ringed at Colchester in Dec. was recovered at Elveden the following Mar. (1973). The second, ringed near Brandon in Apl., 1973, was recovered in East Germany at the end of the year (SC). 396. Twite.—Fair numbers on coast included 300 at Minsmere in Oct. (HEA) and sixty to seventy at Walberswick in Nov. and Dec. (AP). 397. with CK, bred

Redpoll.—Numbers apparently maintained everywhere fifty or more at Walberswick and Westleton in Apl. (CRC, NK et al) and c. 100 in Ipswich area in Sept. (PM). Possibly Sudbury area (AAB). Increasing Cläre (FCGW). Mealy redpoll.—Two, Walberswick, Feb. 25th (FKC) one, Minsmere, Mar. 18th (GJJ).


Serin.—Blythburgh, May 12th (AJLS).

404. Crossbill.—There were more, and more widespread, reports than for some time; were these part of an "irruption" not generally recorded? Known, or probable, breeding took place at: Hinton, a pr. with young (TG, JG); Tangham Forest, ten to twelve prs. (AB); Rendlesham, pr. mating, Mar. (JELP); Hollesley, family party, June (GStJH); and Brandon, nest and eggs SS Apl. (BP). ' Also present in breeding season, summer or autumn (but with no evidence of nesting) at: Breck, five parishes (CAEK, OBP, BP et al)-, Herringfleet, Apl. and May (DRM); Rendlesham, Apl. (AW, DW); Walberswick, May and Butley, Boyton in Mar. (GJJ); Minsmere, Apl. and Sept. (HEA); Blythburgh, Feb. and June (BJB); Dunwich, Feb., Mar., and May (AAB, FKC, CRN); and Sutton, Iken, and Staverton, Jan. to Apl. (MM). 408. Brambling.—High winter numbers on Breck included 1,000 with siskins at Lakenheath in Mar. (CAEK), "a large flock" feeding on "fat-hen" at Eriswell, Jan. (MLN), and up to 400 at Tunstall in Nov. (AB). Departure was late, with a number inland and on coast in last week in Apl. and one in f.s.p. at Foxhall May 2nd (MM, PM) and at Minsmere, May 5th (HEA). 410. Corn bunting.—The population of this very local species was probably average or rather below. 416. Ortolan.—A m. at Minsmere, May 6th and 7th (Dr. and Mrs. Cox, RVAM et al).

Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5


422. Lapland bunting.—One or two only between Sept. 23rd and end of year at: Benacre and Leiston (FKC, CRN), Easton and Sudbourne (GJJ), Walberswick (AP), and Minsmere (PJM). 423. Snow bunting.—Average numbers on coast with a peak figure of some 200 at Havergate Island in Dec. (RJP). First autumn bird—at Minsmere—on Sept. 24th. One inland at Rodbridge, near Sudbury on Dec. lOth (CJL). ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE 1 9 7 2 BIRD REPORT

Additions: The following were received too late for inclusion: 2. Great northern diver.—Ness (Lowestoft Field Club). 103.


Feb. 9th,


Osprey.—Oulton Broad, May 19th (LFC).

370. Red-breasted flycatcher.—Kensington estoft, Oct. 2nd (LFC).

Gardens, Low-

Corrections: 391. Hawfinch.—The flock of forty at Sibton was reported by D. J. Pearson, not as shown. 52. Pintail.—For 1,000 on R. Deben in Dec. read 100.


Species Stone curlew Chiffchaff Redstart

First seen Mar. 11 Mar. 17 Mar. 22

Sandwich tern Wheatear Sand martin Garganey

Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb.

Yellow wagtail Cuckoo Blackcap Whinchat Swallow

Mar. 31 Apl. 2 Apl. 6 Apl. 7 Apl. 8

Common tern Willow warbler Sedge warbler House martin Whitethroat

Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl.


24 28 31 28

8 10 14 15 18

Locality Ipswich Ipswich Akenham/ Minsmere Minsmere Southwold Southwold Westwood Marsh Butley Orford Ipswich Minsmere Minsmere/ Cavenham Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Easton Holbrook

Last seeti




Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

19 10 28 21

Ipswich Minsmere Minsmere Walberswick Walberswick

Oct. 7 Sept. 7 Nov. 1 Oct. 14

Wherstead Iken Minsmere Southwold

Nov. Oct. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept.

Southwold Sizewell Minsmere Minsmere Pinmill Minsmere

13 26 17 2 24 16


Grasshopper warbler T r e e pipit Lesser whitethroat Nightingale Reed w a r b l e r Little t e r n

First Seen Apl. 18 Apl. 19 Apl. 23 Apl. 23 Apl. 23 Apl. 23

T u r t l e dove G a r d e n warbler Swift

Apl. 26 Apl. 27 Apl. 29

S p o t t e d flycatcher Nightjar R e d - b a c k e d shrike

May 4 M a y 14 M a y 21


Locality Minsmere Minsmere Holbrook Walberswick Minsmere Minsmere/ Walberswick Sudbury Benacre Boyton/ Cavenham Härtest Minsmere Minsmere

285 Last seen


Aug. 22 Aug. 12 Oct. 2

Minsmere Minsmere Southwold




N o v . 18 Oct. 9 S e p t . 11

Lowestoft Redgrave Minsmere

Oct. Oct.

1 6

Minsmere Southwold

Sept. 18



L . J. A c k e r M. Adcock G. Aldham D . Astin H . E . Axell M r s . J . M . Axell M . Ball P. E. Baron Mrs. M . Bamford M . Bendix L. Berry G . Besti A. G . Bishop Birds of Estuaries Enquiry B. J. B r o w n R t . Rev. L . B r o w n M. Browne H . M . Bowling Mrs. E. Harvey-Bloom A. L . Bull A. A. B u t c h e r S. J. Burnell A. B o t w r i g h t K. B. Carlisle A. C a g e J. Clarke Lt.-Col. H. K. Channer H . E . Chipperfield A. Cook F. K . C o b b M r s . A. E . C o b b D r . Cooke R. J . C o p p i n g G. Cornford D r . S. C o x J. C r o s s C. G . D . Curtis C. R. C u t h b e r t

S. Davies C m d r . M . D . HowellDavies M . J. W . Davison T . Ä. Davies T . Dean G. Dent J. F. D e n n y A. Diebel P. H . J. D o b l e R. E. Dowell G . Elton N . J. Evans P . Ewins M . R. F a r m e r F . J. F r e n c h M r s . J. F r e e m a n R. F o r s y t h H . Fessey M r s . H . Fessey R. W . H . G a r n e r Z . Gathercole Miss F. G i b s o n A. Glover Miss T . M u n r o - G l a s s T . Gladwin M r s . J. G l a d w i n G. Goyder T . Grovett A. M. Gregory P. S. G o o c h J. G o u d y T h e Ven. P. H . T . Hartley E . M . Hall M . A. Hall G p . Capt. Haine G . St. J. Hollis E. Hosking

J. C. Holyfield S. F. Holyfield R. N . H o p p e r D . J. H o l m a n G . B. H o a r e M a j . Hopewell M r s . J. H u x l e y M . J. E. Jeanes M r s . T . R. Jeanes P. J a r m a n G . J. J o b s o n J. H . Jones Miss J. M . J u k e s Miss M . K a m B. K e n w o r t h y S. K e n w o r t h y C . A. E. K i r t l a n d N . Kightley C. Kightley N. Knights H . J. L e e C . J. L o w e Lowestoft Field C l u b R. V. A. M a r s h a l l M. Marsh R. M a b e y P. J. Makepeace J. M a r j o r a m E. M a r r i o t t A. F. M a r k J. M e y e r s M r s . J. M e y e r s D . Mower D . R. M o o r e M . R. M o r l e y M i s s E. M o r t i m e r P. Murphy I. M u r r e l l J. Murrell

S H O R T - E A R E D O W L S ' NEST, EGGS A N D Y O U N G I N V A R I O U S STAGES O F G R O W T H . N O T E DEAD P R E Y - F I E L D VOLES. Copyright:

SUFFOLK, Suffolk

1973 Naturalists'



Copyright: Eric Hosking

GREEN S A N D P I P E R — M I N S M E R E , AUGUST, 1 9 7 3

Copyright: G. St. J. Hollis



Copyright: H. E.



Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 16, Part 5 L I S T OF OBSERVERS

J. Mullins C. R. N a u n t o n D. Nesling Miss M . L . Nixon D . M . S. Orr D. Ockelton M . Packard O. B. Parker K. T . E. M . Parker J. Parker A. Parker R. J. Partridge (the late) W. H . Payn W . Pettitt M r . and Mrs. Pepper J. E. L . Pemberton C. Pearson T . Peake B. Pleasance R. Pratt Miss E . M . Prime Mrs. S. Pritt K. C. Ramsay Mrs. V. M . Ransome C. Rampling E. Milne-Redhead


O. Milne-Redhead D . Reeve D. Richardson R. J. Rowland J. C. Robson Sir Joshua Rowley, Bt. N . Rowe J. M . R u d d e r h a m L . Rutterford P. Russell R. J. Rolph Miss I. Sherwood R. T . Silver M . Simpson J. Slogden A. J. L . Smith R. Snook T h e Earl of Stradbroke W . L. Stacy Stour Estuary Bird Group T . Sturgeon Suffolk Ornithologists Group A. N . Sykes P. T ä t e

B. O. Tickner L o r d Tollemache M r s . G. T o w n s e n d B. Tucker D . Vaughan J. Vane A. E. Vine F. G . C. W a y m a n R. J. Waters G . L . Walford C. Waller R. B. Warren A. Westcott D . Westcott C m d r . Westcott C. R. Westall E. T . Weiland B. J. Weston M . J. West A. Wilson C. Wilson D . Wilson Mrs. M. Winter C. Wiseman M r s . J. E. Youle

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