Since the publication of my paper updating the County list of Carabidae (Nash, 1978), information has become available concerning certain species whose names appeared there on the basis of records published by B. P. Moore (Moore, 1957). In addition to this information, this Supplement provides further details of underrecorded or critical species and four additions to the list. All abbreviations etc. are as used in my original p a p e r except the single asterisk, which here refers to species previously not recorded from Suffolk. 1 have assigned 2 figure N . G . references to those old records for which no map references are available. Cicindela maritima Dejean In Moore's draft chart for his publication on the County distribution of the British Carabidae this species is not recorded from Suffolk. Cicindela hybrida Linnaeus, however, is shown as occurring in the county, presumably on the basis of the old Stephens record cited by Morley, 1899. For some reason, Moore must have transferred the record to maritima in the final manuscript for publication. Confirmation of the present-day occurrence of C. maritima and/or hybrida in Suffolk would be most desirable, since I know of no record other than the 150-year-old-one of Stephens. Nebria brevicollis Fabricius A s the majority of the earlier Suffolk records of this species are unreliable, those for salina also being concealed under the n a m e brevicollis, the opportunity is taken to note reliable records for this insect which must rank as one of the most generally distributed and common of the British Carabidae. Because of this latter fact, and because its life history, ecology, etc. are so well-documented, in the interest of brevity, only localities are provided. Ipswich Museum Collections: there are specimens (teste H . M . ) in the Morley collection from "Hollywells" (presumably this is the site of Holywells Park, TM 1743) and Trans. S u f f . Nat. Vol. 18 pari 1.
"Handford Meadows", TM 14. All brevicollis and salina in C. G. Doughty's collection are without data. C. S. B. Collection: Ipswich, TM 1845; Martlesham, TM 2547; Raydon, TM 0438; Orford, TM 4151; Bamham, TL 8879; Rushbrooke, TL 8961; Arger Fen, TL 9335. I have records as follows: The Grove and Dales Road, Ipswich, TM 1646; nr. Bucklesham, TM 2241; Freston, TM 1740; Chantry Point, Orford, TM 4248; Groton Wood, TL 9743. Recently published records also exist for Haughley (Harding, 1971) and Staverton Park (Welch and Harding, 1974). Nebria salina Fairmaire & Laboulbene When my friend Mr. H. Mendel prepared a note adding this species to our list (Mendel, 1978), I had no Suffolk examples of it among my determined Nebria ssp. I can now add the following records both for the same date: 15.V.76-2 exx. under wood by old railway track nr. Thorpeness, TM 4661; 1 ex. under stone above cliffs, Thorpeness TM 4759. Notiophilus germinyi Fauvel Moore included this species on the basis of a specimen in the A. A. Allen collection. Mr. Allen (in litt.) informs me that the specimen came from the collection of the late P. Harwood, and was taken at Woodbridge TM 24 in August, 1946. Although there is no collector's name on the label, Mr. Allen is satisfied the specimen was captured by Mr. C. MacKechnie-Jarvis who collected at Woodbridge about that time. Dyschirius luedersi Wagner Mr. Allen (in litt.) informs me that he took an example of this beetle at Worlington, TL 67, in May, 1952 from the same place as Badister dilatatus Chaudoir was recorded in my earlier paper. This record was passed on to Moore. The late Rev. C. E. Tottenham also took the beetle at Wangford, TM 47, in 1937 and at Barton Mills TL 77 in 1947. Bembidion quadripustulatum
Serville Trans. S u f f . Nat. Vol. 18 part 1.
Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 18, Part 1
This species was recorded by Tottenham at Barton Mills, T L 7 7 in 1948. Pterostichus
gracilis D e j e a n
T h e source of this record was also the Rev. Tottenham who took the insect at Barton Mills, TL77, in 1945. *Agonum
livens Gyllenhal
T w o examples of this very hygrophilous, local, and usually rare species were taken on 22.iv.78 by Mr. H. Mendel under the bark of a log beside a pond in Felshamhall Wood T L 931573. T h e beetle is normally found in marshy deciduous woodland. It was recorded in the Redgrave/Lopham Fen survey (Pope, 1969) but the species is not assigned by a symbol in the species chart p.190, to any particular one of the four specific fen areas studied, so it is impossible to say if it occurred in Suffolk viz. R e d g r a v e Fen. Zabrus tenebrioides
M o o r e in the draft of his distribution chart gives the source of his Suffolk record for Zabrus as Fowler and Donisthorpe (1913). In this volume, the beetle is only recorded (as Z. gibbus F.) f r o m Millbrook and Norwich but no counties are given against these localities. I am unaware of a Millbrook in this county. A s the only other locality given for the beetle in the 1913 work is Norwich, it would seem that an error of transposition occurred and that the beetle should be recorded from N o r f o l k - the next column in Moore's chart - and not from Suffolk. Harpalus
s.g. Ophonus
D r . M. L. Luff has most kindly checked the critical species a m o n g Morley's representatives of the s.g. Ophonus and his findings have confirmed my original supposition that the true H. puncticollis of Paykull had not been taken by Morley in Suffolk, three specimens standing over that name in his collection being referrable to puncticeps Stephens, one to rufibarbis Fabricius, and o n e to schaubergerianus Puel. In view of the paucity of reliable records of these critical species, details of Dr. Luff's determinations are provided Trans. S u f f . Nat. Vol. 18 part 1.
below. Most records are based upon dissected males. Additional collecting data have, in many cases, been gleaned from Morley's diaries. H. (O.) puncticeps Stephens: 24.ix.96 - fl ex., Lakenheath, T L 78; 20.V.98 - 2 exx., at or near Oulton, TM 59; 27.viii.98 - 1 ex. under sod at base of Corton Cliffs, Lowestoft, TM59; - . i x . 1 9 2 4 - 7 exx. in seeding heads of carrot, Lowestoft; 6.viii. 1937 — 1 ex. on table at light, Monk Soham, TM 26; 15.vii.1939- 1 ex., Tuddenham Fen, TL 77. H. (O.) rufibarbis Fabricius: - 4 exx. at plant roots, Brandon, TL 78; -.vii.1903 - 1 ex., old sacking, Dunwich, T M 47; 1 ex. under board on beach, Aldeburgh, TM 45; 1 9 2 0 - 1 ex., in drive, Monk Soham, TM 26; - 4 exx., 'Bdn. chyd. together under grass.' (probably refers to Brandon Churchyard); -.v. 1929 - 1 ex., Brandon; 1 6 . V . 1 9 3 0 - 2 exx., Palmer's Heath, Brandon; 3.v. 1934 - 1 ex., Red crag pit, Butley Priory, TM 34; 21.v.1934 - 1 ex., Crag Pit, Butley; 30.v. 1 9 3 8 - 1 ex., Knettishall Heath, TL 98; 31.V.1941-4 exx., stones in Creeting pits, TM 05. (In addition to these Morley records, H . M . has taken it as follows: 19.v.1978- many exx. under asbestos sheet, Bildeston, TL 996503; 26.V.1978 - 2 exx., mole hill soil, Tunstall Common, TM 3754. I can now also add: 28.v. 1972 - 1 ex., under stone, Witnesham, TM 201508.) H. (O.) schaubergeriatius Puel: 10.v. 1934 - 1 ex., Freckenh a m C h a l k Pit, TL 67. *Bradycellus
collaris Paykull
I have recently seen an example of this species taken by Dr. Luff in a pitfall trap in a garden at Nacton, TM 24, during the period 28. vii. 1977-4. viii. 1977. This is a highly interesting find as the species is chiefly of northern distribution in this country, and has only been recorded from as far south as Cambridgeshire. It is usually found on sand and gravel and often occurs under heather etc. In this case, the beetle has been able to maintain itself, despite housing development, in what was once an extensive area of undisturbed heathland. * Bradycellus
csikii Laczo
This Bradycellus was not recognised as a British insect until Lindroth (1971) reported his discovery of a single male taken many years ago by G. C. Champion in Surrey, among the long series of the closely related B. harpalinus Serville at the British Trans. S u f f . Nat. Vol. 18 part 1.
Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 18, Part 1
Museum (Nat. Hist.). It would appear that no further examples of csikii have been found in old collections or have been collected since Lindroth's original discovery. O n 8. v. 1977, I took a Single example of a dark Bradycellus whilst sifting moss on the edge of a chalk pit at Little Blakenham, TM 14. The beetle appeared to agree perfectly using external characters with Lindroth's (1971, 1974) descriptions of csikii., and dissection of the aedeagus lent further support to this conclusion. The beetle was submitted to Mr. P. M. H a m m o n d of the British Museum, who kindly confirmed my determination. A more detailed account of this important discovery is appearing elsewhere (Nash, 1979). W e are now the only county with all six of our native species of Bradycellus on our local list. Acupalpus
dorsalis Fabricius
T a k e n by Tottenham at Barton Mills, TL 77, in 1942. Badister unipustulatus
T a k e n by Tottenham at Worlington, TL 67, in 1952. *Chlaenius vestitus Paykull Morley (1899, p.4) stated that the locally distributed Chlaenius vestitus almost certainly occurred in the county, but he was unaware of any records. There are no Suffolk specimens in the Morley collection and no additional notes regarding the species in Morley's annotated copy of his 1899 work. In the C. G . Doughty collection, however, there is a specimen labelled ' D e n h a m 11.viii. 12'. This may refer to one of the two D e n h a m s in Suffolk but the place name occurs in other counties as well. Recently, whilst working through my friend Mr. C. B a r h a m ' s Carabidae, I was surprised to discover seven examples of this beetle. Two were taken on 5.viii.62 and the others on 2.ix.62 from under stones around pools on Bamham H e a t h , TL 8880. I am unaware of a previously published Suffolk record. Acknowledgements I would like to tender my sincere thanks to the following: Dr. M. Luff for most kindly providing me with details of Suffolk beetle records used by B. P. Moore, for allowing me to study Trans. S u f f . Nat. Vol. 18 part 1.
93 the original draft of Moore's distribution chart, and for permission to include his record of B.collaris\ Mr. C. Barham for allowing me to include his unpublished records; Mr. H. Mendel of Ipswich Museum for providing meticulouslypresented details from the Morley and Doughty collections and for allowing me to include his unpublished records; Mr. P. M. Hammond for confirming my determination of B.csikii; andfinally,Mr. A. A. Allen for helpful correspondence.
Fowler, W. W. and Donisthorpe, H. (1913). The Coleoptera of the British Islands vol. 6—Supplement. Lowell, Reeve and Co. Ltd. London. Harding, P. T. (1971). Coleoptera taken during 1970 from arablefieldsat Haughley Research Farms. Suffolk Natural History 15, 445^49. Lindroth, C. (1971). Taxonomic notes on certain British ground beetles (Col. Carabidae). Ent. Mon. Mae. 91, 207-210. Lindroth, C. (1974). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects—Coleoptera. vol. IV, part 2. Royal Entomological Society of London. Mendel, H. (1978). Nebria salina Fairmaire & Laboulene (Col. Carabidae) in Suffolk. Suffolk Natural History 17, 407-8. Moore, B. P. (1957). The British Carabidae (Coleoptera). Part II: The County Distribution of the Species. Entomologist's Gaz- 8, 171-180. Morley, C. (1899). The Coleoptera of Suffolk. Plymouth. Nash, D. R. (1978). Notes on the Suffolk List of Coleoptera: 1 —Carabidae. Suffolk Natural History 17, 391^02. Nash, D. R. (1979). Bradycellus csikii Laczö (Col. Carabidae) discovered in Suffolk. Entomologist 's Record and Journal of Variation 91 (in press). Pope, R. D. (1969). A preliminary survey of the Coleoptera of Redgrave and Lopham Fens. A Supplement. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 14, 189-207. Welch, R. C. and Harding, P. T. (1974). A preliminary list of the fauna of Staverton Park, Suffolk—Part 2, Coleoptera. Suffolk Natural History 16, 287-304. David Ridley Nash 266 Colchester Road, Lawford, near Manningtree, Essex COll 2BU Trans. Suff. Nat. Vol. 18 part 1.