For the past few years a group from the Ipswich and District Natural History Society have been recording moths in Suffolk, mostly in the Ipswich area. However, during 1980, with the help of a grant from the Suffolk Naturalists' Society, a number of localities further afield were visited and these included some of the Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation reserves. Weather conditions were not ideal at Bromeswell Green (TM 295502) on 2nd May, but seven species of moth came to the light including Polyploca ridens Fabr. (frosted green). The main purpose of the visit to Groton Wood (TL 977429) on Saturday, 17th May was to secure some specimens for a live display at the "Open Day' on the Sunday. Eighteen species were obtained, among them being Anticlea derivata D. & S. (streamer), Selenia lunularia Hb. (lunar thorn), Smerinthus ocellata Linn, (eyed hawk), and Dasychirapudibunda Linn, (pale tussock). Wangford Glebe reserve (TL 758842) on 5th June proved very interesting. At dusk, on a very warm evening, males of Macrothylacia rubi Linn, (fox moth), were Aying rapidly and erratically in one area, searching for females. Later some were attracted to the sheet, together with females and a number of eggs were laid. Over 60 species of moths were noted including Scopula floslactata Haw. (cream wave), type and melanistic forms of Biston betularia Linn, (peppered moth), Deilephila elpenor Linn, (elephant hawk), Peridea anceps Goeze (great prominent), and a Breckland speciality, Lithostege griseata D. & S. (grey carpet). Pine-feeding species were well represented and included Hylaea fasciaria Linn, (barred red), Hyloicus pinastri Linn, (pine hawk), and Panolis flammea D. & S. (pine beauty). At one stage during the evening the generator, used to power the M. V. light, was joined in a duet by a resident nightjar! Conditions were quite different the following evening, which was damp and misty when a visit was paid to Mickfield Meadow (TM 143633). Nevertheless, 30 species of moth were recorded, including Ceramica pisi Linn, (broom moth), Pseudoips fagana ssp. britannica Warr. (green silver-lines), and Autographa pulchrina Haw. (beautiful golden Y). On the morning of 7th June, at Bromeswell Green, two specimens of Hemaris fuciformis Linn, (broad-bordered bee hawk), were discovered at flowers of Silene dioica Linn, (red campion). At the same venue on the 13th June, 46 species were attracted to light, among them being Pterapherapteryx sexalata Retz. (small seraphin), Drymonia dodonaea D. &. S. (marbled brown), Rivula sericealis Scop. (straw dot), and four specimens each of Deilephila porcellus Linn, (small elephant hawk), and Arctia villica Linn, (cream-spot tiger). As expected, pine-feeding species of moth were much in evidence at Hollesley Heath reserve (TM 347467) on the evening of 20th June, among which were Semiothisa liturata Cl. (tawny-barred angle), and Bupalus Trans. Suffolk
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piniaria Linn, (bordered white). Other species of interest comprised Thyatira batis Linn, (peach blossom), Rheumaptera undulata Linn, (scallop shell), Semiothisa notata Linn, (peacock moth), and Acronicta leporina Linn, (milier). Moths were abundant at Gromford Meadow (TM 385588), on l l t h July, where 84 species were recorded. Among these were male and female Hepialus humuli Linn, (ghost moth), Scopula immutata Linn, (lesser cream wave), Idaea emarginata Linn, (small scallop), Leucoma salicis Linn, (white satin), Agrotis vestigialis Hufn. (archer's dart), Acronicta megacephala D. & S. (poplar grey) and Lygephila pastinum Treit. (blackneck). However, Pashford Poors Fen (TL 733835), proved to be the most productive reserve visited during the year, when on 18th July, just under 100 species were attracted to the sheet, despite competition from the lights at the nearby Lakenheath airbase. With such a wealth of species, it is difficult to pick out just a few for special mention but some of the more notable ones were Geometra papilionaria Linn, (large emerald), Catarhoe cuculata Hufn. (royal mantle), Mesoleuca albicillata Hb. (beautiful carpet), Noctua orbona H u f n . (lunar yellow underwing), Sideridis albicolon Hb. (white colon), Hadena confusa Hufn. (marbled Coronet), Mythimna pudorina D. & S. (striped wainscot), Parastichtis suspecta Hb. (suspected) and Apamea ophiogramma Esp. (double lobed). On 16th August, a warm sunny day, no fewer than 11 species of butterfly were to be seen Aying along the roadside verge reserve, beside Langley Wood, Brent Eleigh (TL 947484). The fĂźll list was Thymelicus sylvestris Poda (small skipper), Ochlodes venata ssp. faunus Turati (large skipper), Pieris brassicae Linn, (large white), Pieris rapae Linn, (small white), Pieris napi Linn, (green-veined white), Celastrina argiolus Linn, (holly blue), Cynthia cardui Linn, (painted lady), Aglais urticae Linn, (small tortoiseshell), Inachis io Linn, (peacock), Pyronia tithonus Linn, (gatekeeper), and Maniola jurtina Linn, (meadow brown). Cornard Mere (TL 887388) was the last reserve to be visited during 1980, on 26th September. It was a rather cool, misty night but 18 species were seen, the most interesting being Archanara sparganii Esp. (Webb's wainscot). Hydraecia micacea Esp. (rosy rustic) was abundant and came in all sizes! Also seen were Xanthia togata Esp. (pink-barred sallow), and Gortyna flavago D. & S. (frosted orange). A. Watchman, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk.
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