O n 31st A u g u s t 1980 I was examining leaves of lime trees (Tilia sp.) at M o u s e h o l d H e a t h , Norwich, E . Norfolk (v.c.27) when I found leaf-mines of Stigmella tiliae (Frey) (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). Referring to H e a t h (1976), I discovered that, up to the 20th October 1975, this small m o t h had been recorded from only nine vice-counties, all outside East Anglia, and that it was believed to occur locally in England and Wales and to have a western distribution. Col. A . M . E m m e t , associate editor of the publication mentioned and a u t h o r of its section on the family Nepticulidae, agreed that larvae of S. tiliae were responsible for the highly contorted galleries in the leaves of the Norwich limes. H e told m e (in litt., 2nd September 1980) that since the publication of V o l u m e 1 the species had been recorded f r o m five additional vice-counties: 18 (South Essex), 19 (North Essex), 29 (Cambridgeshire), 35 ( M o n m o u t h s h i r e ) and 37 (Worcestershire). O n 6th S e p t e m b e r 1980 I found larvae of S. tiliae (pale yellow, gut dark green) feeding in mines on lime leaves at Cromer, E. Norfolk, and on the following day vacated mines at Earlham Park, Norwich, E. Norfolk. O n 9th S e p t e m b e r 1980 mines were observed at Weeting-with-Broomhill, W. Norfolk (v.c.28) and on the same day at Santon D o w n h a m , W. Suffolk (v.c.26). T h r e e days later I visited Aldringham, E. Suffolk (v.c.25) and discovered n u m e r o u s mines of S. tiliae, some tenanted, others vacated. T h u s Stigmella tiliae (Frey), which I have since found in two other East Anglian stations (Old B u c k e n h a m , v.c.27, and F a k e n h a m , v.c.28), mav be a d d e d to the faunal lists for the four Norfolk and Suffolk vice-counties (25-28).
Reference H e a t h , J. (1976). The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and lreland, 245, L o n d o n & O x f o r d .
S. A . M a n n i n g , F . L . S . , F . R . E . S . , 9Eversley Court, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9HR.
Nat. Soc. 18 part 3.