Edees (1974) described the results of three week's intensive study of the bramble flora of the county, and the purpose of the present paper is to place on record those species discovered in the county by the present author since Edees' visit in 1973. A study of the bramble flora of Norfolk and Suffolk was scheduled to cover the period 1970-1980. Though much remains to be done, all 111 10 km squares in the two counties have been visited, and there are at least some records from over 80% of the 5 km squares. It is hoped to publish an account of the whole study at some future date, giving fĂźll details, so the present account only includes new county and vice-county records. The letters W and E stand for the botanical vice-counties of West Suffolk (v.c.26) and East Suffolk (v.c.25). Rubus arrheniiformis W. C. R. Wats. E:40, Fritton Warren. R. affinis Weihe & Nees. When he wrote, ESE had not seen a Suffolk specimen of this plant. He has confirmed the following: E:24, Foxall; 59, Corton Cliffs. R. eboracensis W. C. R. Wats. E:07, 24, 36, 37, 39, 49. Possibly underrecorded, as ESE did not recognise this as an East Anglian plant until 1977. R. balfourianus I-Wood. R. R. R. R.
Bloxam ex Bab. E:46, Minsmere beach; also "Dunwich", J.
adspersus Weihe ex H. E. Weber. E:39, Outney Common, Bungay. amplificatus Lees. W:93, Assington Thicks. New to West Suffolk. poliodes W. C. R. Wats. W:86, 87, 93. New to West Suffolk. elegantispinosus (Schumach) Weber. E: 17, Hoxne Wood; 27, The Grove, west of Stradbroke. Collected by ESE in 1973, but not identified until 1976.
R. boudiccae A. L. Bull & E. S. Edees. W:87,88; E:24, 25,27,34,36,39,45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 58. Much confused in the past with R. cardiophyllus, which is an uncommon plant with us. R. errabundus W. C. R. Wats. E:46, Dunwich Common. A Scottish plant. R. anglocandicans
A. Newton. E:24. Frequent on Foxall Heath.
R. procerus P. J. Muell. W:66, 67, 76, 84, 85. New for West Suffolk. R. sprengelii Weihe. E: 13, Belstead Wood; Old Hall Wood, Bentley. (R. conspersus W. C. R. Wats. It is now agreed by ESE and A. Newton that this plant is more probably an aberrant form of R. criniger (E. F. Linton) Rogers. A. Newton has suggested "var. trifolius'. Placed under the latter name, it is still a distinct plant for Suffolk.) Trans. Suffolk Mal. Soc. 18 part 3.
Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 18, Part 3
R. infestus Weihe ex Boenn. (R. taeniarum sensu Watson). E:24, Foxall, J. I-Wood and A L B ; 25, Bromeswell, J. I-Wood. R. rudis Weihe ap Bluff & Fingerh. E:48, Mutford Wood. New to East Suffolk. R. insectifolius
Muell. & Lefev. W:94, Groton Wood.
R. raduloides Suffolk.
(Rogers) Sudre. W:84, Stanstead Gt. Wood. New to West
R. phaeocarpus R. hylocharis
W. C. R. Wats. E:24, Brightwell. New to Suffolk. W. C. R. Wats. E:48, Mutford Wood.
(R. leptadenes Sudre. E:13, Taffingstone. Placed in brackets, as ESE thinks this will probably prove correct. There is also one Norfolk Station.) Excluding the last, the above list adds 13 new species to the county total, making this 52, proving ESE's assumption that at least 50 species occur in Suffolk. My thanks to E . S. Edees and A . Newton for identifying specimens, and to J. Ironside-Wood for giving me records and showing me through his herbarium sheets at the British Museum. Also to the various landowners who a f f o r d e d me permission to visit their property, and with apologies to any whose woods I may have strayed into! Reference E d e e s , E . S. (1974). The brambles of Suffolk. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 16, 338.
A l e c L . Bull, Hillcrest, East T u d d e n h a m , Dereham, Norfolk. N R 2 0 3JJ.
Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 18 part 3.