A FEW MORE RECORDS OF PSEUDOSCORPIONS INCLUDING A SPECIES N E W TO SUFFOLK H . MENDLE Although it is only a year since 'A review of Suffolk Pseudoscorpions' appeared in these Transactions (Mendel, 1981), I am pleased to be able to announce that Mr. R. E . Jones of King's Lynn Museum, has discovered Chthonius kewi Gabbutt in the county. C. kewi has only relatively recently been recognised as a distinct species (Gabbutt, 1966) and was first discovered in 1961 at Colne Point near St. Osyth on the Essex coast. Only one other site in the British Isles was known at the time of publication of the Biological Records Centre 'Provisional Atlas' (Jones, 1980), and so the collection of a tritonymph (det. P. D. Gabbutt, 1981) near Dunwich (TM 482717) on the 18th July 1981 is very exciting. Additional records for other species are as follows: Family CHTHONIIDAE Chthonius ischnocheles (Hermann)—2 (det. R. E . Jones, 1981), under bark of rotten log, Burgh Castle (TG 4705), V.C. 25, J. G. Goldsmith, 14th August 1981. Family CHERNETIDAE Chernes eimieoides ( F . ) — 1 (det. G. Legg, 1981), in rotten birch stump, Santon D o w n h a m (TL 827871), V . C . 26, P. Pratley, 15th June 1981. Chernes eimieoides (F.)—1 (det. G. Legg, 1982), under loose bark on poplar, Icklingham Plains (TL 7573), V.C. 26, H. Mendel, 8th November 1981. Acknowledgements I thank Mr. R. E . Jones for sending me the records of Chthonius ischnocheles, and Chernes eimieoides.
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References G a b b u t t , P. D . (1966). A new species of pseudoscorpion from Britain. J. Zool. 150, 165. Jones, P. E . (Ed.) (1980). Provisional atlas of the Arachnida of the British Isles. Part 1, Pseudoscorpiones. Biological Records Centre. Mendel, H. (1981). A review of Suffolk Pseudoscorpions. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soe. 18, 226. Howard Mendel, The M u s e u m , High Street. Ipswich.
Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 18 part 4.