THE genera, species, varieties, micro-species and forms of plants here enumerated, of which I have roughly mounted specimens, result from some two years' botanizing. Much more could be added by experts and wider-spread work, since scarcely a week elapsed without either contributing some name here listed, or adding to one or other of Hind's Districts the habitat of a species or variety hitherto presumed to be there lacking. But the Editor suggests that I should compile a list " as afirststep towards up-to-dating Hind " : this, therefore, is but a partial and fumbling step—pas qui coute. I must add that the names used accord with the " Vienna Actes " of binomial nomenclature and follow the law of priority established by the Paris Congress (see Druce's preface to Hayward's Botanist's Pocket Book) ; therefore they necessarily differ from those in the 7th and 8th editions of Babington, that were implicitly followed by Hind : some Standard was essential, and Groves and Wilmott in Babington's 9th and lOth editions have innovated on Hind without getting much nearer Druce or Hooker or Sowerby, etc. But Druce does follow a definite system, presumably one more standardized because promulged by an oecumenical council, so I add in difficult cases Hind's synonyms to Druce's names. The style and order of species are those of Hind. RANUNCULACE^E.
[Ranunculus trichophyllus, Chaix, var. Droueti, F. form withfloatingleaves—Semer, Naughton.] R. Flammula, L. fasciculate form—-Wherstead; var. tenuifolius, Wallr.—Groton, Assington ; form with very long grasslike leaves and stem one-flowered ; agrees with gramineus, L., in Smith's English Flora 3. 46.—Aldham. FUMARIACE/E.
Fumaria Boraei, Jd., var. gracilis, Pugs.—Semer. F. officinalis, L., var., minor, Hau.—Semer ; var. scande Pugs.—Assington. F. micrantha, Lag., var. dubia, Pugs.—Kersey. CRUCIFER®.
Cardamine pratensis, L., var. Hayneana, We.—Had ? a casual. , Malcolmia maritima, Br.—Brantham (genus new to Suffolk). [Raphanus Raphanistrum, L.—shrubby, remarkably dark crimson-purple form—2. Hadleigh ;—5. Brantham : ? foreign casual.]
X Viola odorataXhirta.—Bildes ton, Semer, Hitcham, Lindsey, Whatfield, Chelsworth and white, not violet, at Nedging. Odoraia, L. var. dumetorum, Jd.—2. Whatfield, Hitcham, Semer, Chelsworth, Aldham, Nedging, Bildeston ;—5. Ringshall, with petals' ends purple. V. hirta, L., var. hirsuta, Lange—Ringshall. V. Riuiniana, Rh., var.nemorosa, Newm.—2. Semer, Hitcham, Groton, Assington, Lawshall;—5. Bricet. V. arvensis, Mu., var. aruatica, Jd.—Monks' Eleigh, Kersey. Var. ruralis, Bor.—Chelsworth, Semer (Miss Mary Welham), Whatfield. Mantissce ergo : I append some Polstead micro-varieties of V. Riuiniana whose names are in no book I have ; specimens grew solitarily and the small pieces I dared cull perished on their way to Kew through post-office's delay :—(1) Bracts not opposite, lowest petal shorter than rest ; (2) bracts close-up, flower wee, calycinc appendages dentate ; (3) plant long, spur lilac, appendages denticulate; (4) bracts close-up, flower big, spur dark, appendages' teeth two, conspicuous ; (5) like 3 but spur white, bracts standing obliquely to peduncle, as also in 3 and 4 ; (6) spur white, hooked ; (7) similar, but spur lilac. These notes, hastily made in the field, are here fully copied lest the plants die out before next ^spring. CARYOPHYLLACEJJ .
Silene inflata, Sm., var. hirsuta, Gray.—Kersey, Whatfield, Semer and not noted elsewhere. Spergularia rubra, Presl., var. stipularis, Boiss.—Brantham. [Spergula arvensis,L. (vulgaris, Boenn.), with wing not obscure, papillae clubby prominent—5. Belstead, Wherstead—2. Aldham and elsewhere not noted.] GERANACEIE.
Erodium cicutarium, Sm., var. glutinosum, Dm.—Wherstead, Brantham. LEGUMINOS^E.
['Ononis spinosa, L., form 3-4 flowered on a 1-spined peduncle, stem 1-flowered apically.—Semer.] Lotus uliginosus, Schk., var. glaber, Breb.—2. Groton ;— 5. Shelley. [Trifolium repens, L., proliferous.—Whatfield, Semer.] Anthyllis vulneraria, L., var. maritima, Ko.—Wherstead. Vicia Cracca, L., var. incana, Thu.—1. Great Finbro, Combs ; —2. Whatfield, Aldham, Lavenham, Preston, Naughton, Cockfield, Hitcham, Kersey, Hadleigh ;—5. .Offton, Ringshall, Hintlesham, Flowton, Battisford, Brantham and probably elsewhere unnoticed.
[V. scepmm, L., form transit. to var. ochroleuca, Bast., Standard white and pale blue, wings white, keel creamy, buds creamy pale-blue.—Flowton, along with type form.] V. bithynica, L.—Hadleigh, ? a casual. ROSACEA.
Potentilla Anserina, L., var. nuda, Gray.—Groton. X P. reptans X Tormentilla.—Groton. [P. reptans, L., seven-foliate.—Hadleigh, Nedging.] [P. erecta, Hame, six-petalous lowest flower.—Aldham.] Rubus ccesius, L., flore pleno.—Kersey. EPILOBIACK^E.
Epilobium angustifolium, L., var. brachycarpum, Leight.— 1. Horningsheath ;—2. Groton, Whatfield, Hadleigh, Elmsett ; —5. Belstead, Whitton and ? hybrid at Ringshall. (Enothera biennis, L., var. Lamarckiana, Ser.—2. Hadleigh ; —4 of Hind usually, but wrongly. Aldeburgh (Miss Violet Burn) ;—5. Washbrook. [.Myriophyllum alterniflorum, DC., form with leaves tending to be alternate and exceeding internodes somewhat.—Stoke by Nayland.] Hippuris vulgaris, L., var. fluviatilis, Web.—2. Hadleigh ;— 5. Bramford, Sproughton.—A remarkable form of this var. with Compound rootleted branchlets atop, with light green leaves exceeding internodes : thus apparently as if stems of vulgaris were affixed to apex of fluviatilis, Whitton ;—same, plus sub-branches below middle, with typically long leaves and compoundly branched, Hadleigh. CRASSULACE^E.
Sedum rupestre, L.—Orford (F. W. Simpson of Ipswich Museum) : new to Suffolk. SAXIFRAGACE.E.
Ribes rubrum, L., var. petrcpum, Sm.—Whatfield. UMBELLIFERYE.
Pimpinella Saxifraga, L., var. dissecta, With.—2. Whatfield, Elmsett, Naughton, Semer, Monks' Eleigh, Lindsey, Groton, Lawshall;—5. Bricet; and doubtless elsewhere. Angelica sylvestris, L., var. decurrens, Lall.—1. Finbro Magna & Parva ;—2. Whatfield, Layham, Lavenham, Lawshall, Cornard Magna & Parva, Kettlebarston, Aldham, Groton, Polstead, Waldingfield Parva, Acton, Elmsett, Kersey, Naughton, Nayland-Stoke, Lindsey, Hadleigh, Boxford;—5. Shelley, Ringshall, Wherstead, Bramford, Raydon, Bricet: the prevailing form. Daucus Carola, L., var. gummifer, Lam., i.e. maritimus, With. Felixstow (F. W. Simpson of Ipsw. Mus.) ;—form of Carota
203 with fruit as well asflowersdeep crimson-pink, growing along with normal pink- and wbite-flowered ones : Polstead. [Anthriscus Scandix, Beck., bright green plant with subsimple umbels on long stalks.—Hadleigh.] PLANTS NEW TO HIND'S "FLORA."
Galium hercynicum, Weig., var. transiens, Rouy.— Catawade in Brantham. VALERIANACE-E.
Valerianetta holitoria, Poll., var. lasiocarpa, Bab.—Brantham, normal form; Whitton, abnormal with the leaf auricled, solitary lilacflowerin forks, fruit corky, one foot high. COMPOSIT/E.
[.Eupatorium cannabinum, L., pure white and comes up true in garden.—Semer, with normal ones.] Achillea Millefolium, L., var. conspicua, Dr.—2. Groton, Nayland-Stoke;—5. Belstead, Brantham; Catawade in Brantham, with pink flowers ; Aldham, form of type with both white and pink corymbs on same plant. Matricaria suaveolens, Buch., i.e. discoidea, DC.—1. Finbro Magna, Bradfield Combust;—2. Elmsett, Hadleigh, Whatfield, Monks' Eleigh, Naughton, Lindsey, Polstead, Cornard Magna & Parva, Nayland, Cockfield, Wattisham, Hitcham, Bures, Kersey, Kettlebarston, Preston, Thorpe Morieux, Chelsworth, Lawshall, Groton, Nayland-Stoke, Assington, Milden, Boxford ; —5. Copdock, Washbrook, Ringshall, Hintlesham, Battisford. A common farmyard weed, though new to Suffolk. Arctium Lappa, L., var. subtomentosum, Lange.—Naughton. Centaurea, nigra, L., var. radiata, Bab.—2. Elmsett, Kersey, Groton;—5. Flowton; form with white corolla, anthers purple, stem simple decumbent, Hadleigh. X Carduus nuians X crispus : all forms nearest nutans.— 2. Semer, Cornard Parva, Hadleigh ;—5. Wherstead. [Cirsium (Cnicus) palustre, Scop.—Groton, fasciculate form. White-flowered at 1. Horningsheath ;—2. Elmsett, Hadleigh, Aldham, Hitcham, Kettlebarston, Groton;—5. Ringshall, Bentley.] Echinops sphcerocephalus, W.—Whatfield, established several years, now several plants grow in one spot and a new colony has seeded itself at some distance, although the genus seems admitted into no British wild Flora. Hypochceris radicata, L., var. leiocephala, Reg.—2. Hadleigh ;—5. Wherstead. Leontodon autumnalis, L., var. sordidus, Bab.—Whatfield, Lindsey, Hadleigh. Sonchus holeraceus, L., var. triangularis, Dum.—Semer. S. asper, H., var. integrifolius, Lej.—Semer.
Centaurium umbellatum, Gil.—Lawshall, white-fiowered (head gamekeeper). CONVOLVULACEÄ.
Convolvulus arvensis, L., corolla with pink ring at foot, growing with normal form.—Kersey, Nayland-Stoke. Calystegia scepium, Br., pink-flowered.—Whatfield, a genuine wilding, in two spots. BORAGIN ACE^E.*
[,Symphytum officinale, L., calyx teeth 3 i lines long, but calyx tube ^-inch and so not deep-cut, flower white with rusty blotches especially when senescent.—Nedging.] Myosotis versicolor, Reh., var. Balbisiana, Jd.—Whatfield. SOLANACE^E.
Solanum Dulcamara, L., var. litorale, Whatfield, Naughton ;—5. Ringshall.
Roab.—2. Elmsett,
[Orobanche Whatfield.]
Mimulus Langsdorf, Donn.—2. Wherstead (Burn) ;—5. Butley (F. W. Simpson) : new genus to Suffolk. [Digitalis purpurea, L., white-flowered.—Whitton.] Scrophularia nodosa, L., var. Bobarti, Pry.—Certainly found by me in Suffolk : loc. incert. Melampyrum pratense, L., var. foliatum, Neu.—Polstead, Groton. Euphrasia officinalis, L., var. stricta, Host., Naughton ;— var. borealis, Wett., Naughton, Lawshall, Lavenham ;—var. brevipila, Bu. & Gr. 2. Groton ; 5. Raydon ;—var. micrantha, Rb., Groton, Aldham, Semer;—var. Rostkouiana, Ha., Naughton. [Bartsia Odontites, Hds., white-fiowered.—Whatfield.] Veronica Anagallis, L., var. glandulosa, Dr.—2. Semer, Bures, Kettlebarston ;—5. Belstead, Wherstead, Stutton ;— V. anagallis, Bern., Whitton;—var. anagalliformis, Bor., 1. Whelnetham Magna;—2. Chelsworth, Naughton, Hadleigh, Bures, Whatfield ; all pink, Kettlebarston ; white, Elmsett. Eglandular forms seem rare hereabouts. V. Beccabunga, L„ var. limosa, Lej.—Certainly taken by me in Suffolk, probably Whatfield. * Mr. T. G. Powell took Echium vulgare, L., var. Wietzbicki, Haberle, which is a variety new to Suffolk, and Anchusa officinalis, L „ a rare species with us, in Staverton Thicks during early Augustthis year.—Ed. f Mr. F . T. Crisp finds both Linaria spuria, Mill., and L. Elatine, Mill., commonly in Hemingston.— Ed.
Salvia verticillata, L.—Sudbury, ? an escape (F. W. Simpson). [,Satureia Calamintha, Sch., i.e. Cal. officinalis, Mö., form 9 inches high with calyx teeth=-f-, upper teeth rather longest, pink-white flower quite sessile and hardly aromatic, peduncle not secund.—Semer.] [Nepeta hederacea, Trev., var. near parviflora, Bth., but nowhere subglabrous, tube red-purple, corolla hardly exceeding calyx.—Semer, Whatfield, Chelsworth, Kersey, Monks' Eleigh, Aldham, Nedging, Milden, Hadleigh, Polstead.] [Lamium amplexicaule, L., peloria.—2. Aldham, Semer, Whatfield.—5. Offton.] [L. album, L., form with wine-dark galea.—Whatfield, 1930, but losing blush after early spring. Noted by Druce as occuring in Berks Flora, yet none seen by me in 1931 in habitats though transplanted specimen remained normal. Still, bowing to Druce's authority, I cannot exclude it as a mere state.] Galeopsis Tetrahit, L., var. nigricans, Breb.—Hadleigh. [,Stachys silvatica, L., extraordinary form with no hooding galea, dark crimson corollae all alike, monosymmetrical, open in Mullein style, not closed atop in any way, not labiate though 5-lobed, otherwise normal and odorously recognizable.—Cornard Parva.] [S. X ambigua, Sm. (=sil. x pal.), form with lip large, conspicuous, subentire.—Kersey.] [Aiuga reptans, L., flower dull purplish-rose.—Whatfield, Waldingfield Parva.] PRIMULACEJE.
[Primula vulgaris, Hds., form with mid corolla-lobe cut £ down and 2 X the others and with apparently two leaves in one.—Aldham.] X P. veris X elatior, Jacq., leaf long, corolla ^ diam. not flat, no orange marks, pale almost green-yellow calyx, not inflated, medium shaggy, nodding.—Bricet. X P. vulgaris X elatior, Jacq.—Ringshall. PLANTAGINACE/E.
[.Plantago lanceolata, L., sport with usual rosette but scapes 12' having at apex smaller leaves and flowers.—Naughton (Burn) ; Whatfield (Harold Clarke).] [P. maior, L., form like the above.—Whatfield.] AMARANTACE^E.
Amarantus retroflexus, L.—2. Hadleigh, Whatfield (Burn) ;— 5. Brightwell (Simpson). Probably casuals. CHENOPODIACE.E.
Salicorne Europcea, L., var. ramosissima, Wds.—Brantham. Atriplex Halimus, L.—Brantham. 4
Polygonum aviculare, L., var. heterophyllum, Ldm.—Whatfield Hadleigh, Naughton, Elmsett;—var. cequale, Ldm. 2. Whatfield, Semer, Hadleigh, Elmsett, Naughton, Aldham; —5. Hintlesham, Ringshall, both common ;—form of ruriuagum Ldm., with leaves not of different sizes, elliptic yet acute, ocreae very long, Whatfield. CERATOPHYLLACE^E.
Ceratophyllum demersum, L., var. submersum, L., form with spineless fruit.—Cornard Parva. ORCHIDACE^E.
Orchis maculata, L., var. tridentata, Breb.—2. Whatfield, Elmsett, Naughton ;—5. Raydon. 0. Fuchsi, Dr.—Commonest form hereabouts and has forms near maculata, e.g. 1. B u x h a l l 2 . Whatfield ;—5. Bricet. Var. albiflora, Dr. 1. Buxhall;—2. Whatfield, Aldham, Naughton;—5. Ringshall. Var. insignis, Dr. 1. Buxhall; —2. Whatfield, Aldbam, Naughton, Elmsett;—5. Bricet, Ringshall. Form transitional to O'Kellii, Dr., with lip like maculata but flower all pure white: Lindsey, Elmsett, Whatfield. Form, with lip white unmarked mid-lobe longest, etc., Buxhall. Another albino form, with sinus subobsolete: Whatfield. 0. ericetorum, Lint.—Lindsey ; transitional form, Elmsett: such forms are perhaps hybrids, cf. Babington, x, p. 594, 7b. Habenaria viridis, Br., var. bratteata, Gr.—Naughton. Ophrys apifera, Hds., var. Trolli, Heg.—Whatfield {Simpson, who knows it otherwhence). [Listera ovata, Br., form with one wrinkled leaf above the normal twain.—Long Melford. Helleborine latifolia, Dr., var. angustifolia, Dr.—Groton. LLLIACEJE.
Scilla nonscripta, L. (Endymion), var. bratteata, Dr.—2. Semer, Aldham, Whatfield ;—5. Raydon ;—intermediate form nearer type, Whatfield, Semer. JUNCACE^E.
Juncus acutus, L.—Wherstead, Brantham and Catawade in Brantham. Denied to Suffolk by Hind but undoubtedly found by me and quite distinct in habit from / . maritimus, though growing in salt-marshes. /. bufonius, L., var. fasciculatus, Ko.—1. Finbro Magna; 2. Elmsett;—5. Brantham, where also grow forms intermediate with branches not very spreading and (rare type) bracts far exceeding inflorescence, all tallish-stemmed, some plants 10' long.
Sparganium ramosum, Hds., var. microcarpum, Nayland-Stoke ;—5. Bricet.
Arum maculatum, I v a r . immaculatum, —5. Higham, near Hadleigh.
Gr.—2. Aldham ;
X Potamogeton natans X lucens.—Hadleigh, Brett between Whatfield and Semer.
and the River
Scirpus maritimus, L., var. compactus, Krock.—-Brantham and Catawade there ;—intermediate form with spikelets stalked though all compact, most subsessile, Wherstead. Carex vulpina, L., var. remorsa, Lej., a possibly intermediate form, Bricet;—form with spike interrupted etc., Whatfield and, I think, elsewhere. C. leporina, L., (ovalis, Gd.), var. capitata, Sond.—2. Aldham, Lindsey ;—5. Raydon. C. diandra, Schrk. (teretiuscula, Eh.), var. maior, Ko., with. bract far past apex, lowest spike quite distinct, stem hardly slender.—Semer. [C. gracilis, Ct. [acuta, L.), form with. lowest spike male interruptedly and atop, short, as are the sessile other two, lowest bract almost eared.—Elmsett, Hadleigh.] C. panicea, L., var. tumidula, Lä.—Semer ;—bunchy form with 5-6 females close together, Elmsett;—with second wee male, Whatfield;—form intermediate with var., Semer. [C. diversicolor, Cr. (flacca, Sehr. &glauca, Sc.)—form between Var. Micheliana, Dr., and stictocarpa, Dr., i.e. glume obtuse except those on male spikes, females short oblong, top spike androgynous, second female at very foot, fruit less than glume, Elmsett;—form with top spike female at foot, female spikes bunched halfway down stem, Buxball;—top with one female flower, Elmsett;—top and second hardly female, Whatfield ;— third very mixed, Whatfield;—top Compound at foot, second all male, first female male on top, Whatfield ;—only two spikes in all, Elmsett;—top subsessile female at foot and below it a wee male-tipped one, lowest female starting from stem-foot, Elmsett;—doubtless other variants.] [C. silvatica, Hds.—Male shortly female in middle, etc., Whatfield ;—top female spike with only two flowers, Whatfield.] [C. Pseudocyperus, L.—Male J-female, Raydon, and form with lowest female subdistinet.] C. hirta, L., var. spinosa, Mort.—Elmsett;—form with two long and very exserted stalks, lowest spike's foot Compound, Monks' Eleigh ;—form of hirta with all three males female at foot, etc., Bramford.
[C. riparia, Ct.—Female with no males atop so not acute, yet otherwise not resembling acutiformis (i.e. paludosa, Good), Bramford;—second male long-stalked, first androgynous, Wherstead.] GRAMINACEYE.
X Spartina alterniflora X stricta (i.e. Townsendi, G Brantham, with forms having leaf much or slightly exceeding rachilla: apparently fertile as one parent seems absent: " rapidly spreading on South coast," says Druce. Phragmites vulgaris, Dr., var. subuniflora, Dr.—Sem Kettlebarston. Deschampsia ccespitosa, P. de B., var. argentea, Gr. The usual form here. Arrhenatherum elatius, M. & K., var. biaristatum, D Chelsworth, Lindsey, Kersey, Hadleigh, Aldham;—intermediate forms, second awn rudimentary, 2. Semer, Waldingfield Magna, Whatfield, Hadleigh ; 5. Chattisham ;— or half the length offirst,Whatfield;—the three flowers all awned, Whatfield. [Dactylis glomerata, L., proliferous form with leaves growing out of glumes—Whatfield (Harold Clarke).] [.Festuca elatior, L., form with lower panicle branches both Compound—Whatfield.] Bromus hordeaceus, L., var. pseudoracemosus, A. Aldham ;—5. Raydon ;—form between type and Var. nanus, Dr., with panicle reduced to a spikelet, etc., Nedging, Semer, Hadleigh, etc. [Agropyron repens, P. de B., subunilateral form near Var. Leersianum, Gray.—Wherstead, Catawade and Brantham with both type and Leersianum.] Lolium perenne, L., var. aristatum, Bab.—Wherstead. EQUIS^ETACEJE.
Equiscetum arvense, L., var. nemorosum, Braun.—2. H Chelsworth ;—5. Ringshall: a form with branchlets starting from middle of 6-10 normal branch-whorls. 1. Finboro Magna ; 2. Kettlebarston, Chelsworth, Whatfield, Hadleigh, Hitcham, Semer, Nayland-Stoke, Monks' Eleigh, Kersey, Groton, Lindsey , Layham, Boxford, Preston, Aldham, Thorpe Morieux;— 5. Ringshall, Battisford, Catawade, Brantham, Washbrook, Copdock, Belstead, Bricet; etc. With branchlets regularly growing up the branches, etc., Hadleigh. Which forms seem nearly absent from Syme, the Hookers, Babington, Bentham, Smith, MacGilivray, Withering, Lindley, Druce-Hayward, Loudon, Johns, etc. [.E. maximum, Lam., form with branchlets sub-whorled on branches.—2. Cornard Parva ;—5. Shelley.]
209 [E. limosum, L., var.fluviatile,L., form with long stem out of one point on whorl, etc., Nayland-Stoke ;—with branchlets scattered on branches but rest as last, Bramford.] \E. palustre, L., fertile form with stumpy branches, Raydon ; —form of Var. polystachyon, Vill.; with two sessile cones, Shelley ;—Branchlets of branches with branchletties, Kettlebarston ;—branchlettied only, 2. Hadleigh, Hitcham, Semer, Kersey, Whatfield, Assington, Cornard Parva ; 5. Ringshall.] POLYPODIACE.®. [.Polypodium vulgare, L., form, nearest Llanuairense Lowe, with midrib giving below apex two equal-sized series of pinnate lobes, thus making top dichotomously rarriose—Bildeston.] [.Phyllitis (Scolopendrium) Scolopendrium, New. (vulga Sym.), with no basal sinus and lobes, lamina wavy.—Semer.] AN ASSEMBLY OF DEER'S BONES.
nameless affluent of the Woodbridge river tbat rises upon the north-west boundary of Monks' Soham and flows down, through Kenton and Earls' Soham vilages, to join the Deben at Brandeston, passes below the former Park at Earls' Soham. Here beside the stream's bed, between my house known as Windwhistle and Walnut-tree cottages on the south side, was discovered in 1924 an assemblage of over a hundred bones in the course of raising glacial-gravel. Tentatively they have been classified as pertaining to three species of mammals, of which the first and most fully represented is the Red Deer (Cervus elaphus, Linn.) ; of it were two antlers, one eight inches in circumference at its base, the other with a tine 8| inches in length (Mr. Edwin Rope has another horn dredged some years ago from the River Aide at Iken) ; a jaw-bone retaining two teeth in situ ; no less than twenty-eight tibise ; and eleven other bones. The second is the smaller Roe Deer (Capreolus caprea, Bell) ; of it were also two antlers, one beautifully perfect and seven inches long by 3f in basal circumference ; one jawbone ; five teeth ; six tibiae ; three knee-bones ; one rib-bone ; one scapula and seven other bones. The third animal is apparently the Celtic Ox (Bos longifrons, Owen); of it are six horns, six teeth, and four other large bones.—None were fossilised ; and the sole objects of any interest dug with them were a couple of lumps of some peculiar pale-green rock which Mr. Elliott considers to be micaceous Sandstone brought in the Ice Ages from Derbyshire,a Single Belemnite(B elemnitellamucronata, Schi. and no more than two fragments of early, ill-baked red brick. At first it was conceived that the segregation had been arrested at this point in the stream's course at a very early period by