Some recent Suffolk plant records

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SOME R E C E N T SUFFOLK PLANT RECORDS Compiled by E. M . H Y D E and F. W. SIMPSON For each record the following information is given: locality and habitat, Ordnance Survey 10 k m square, vice-county, finder's name or initials (see key at end of article) and date of record. The comments are those of the compilers, based in some cases on information supplied by the finders. Nomenclature and order of species are those of D . H . Kent's List of Vascular Plants of the British Isles, 1992, and the New Flora of the British Isles, 1991, by Professor C. A . Stace. However for the sake of continuity Simpson's Flora of Suffolk is largely used as the authority for English names. It is also used as the authority for claiming first or second County records, supplemented by the large number of records received since its publication. The compilers wish to thank the specialists who determined or confirmed the identity of specimens, especially Mr. E. J. Clement, who has for many years generously given us the benefit of his time and extensive knowledge. Thanks are also due to the many people who supplied records for this list, and to Martin Sanford for kindly typing it.

I Native plants and established introductions Polypodium interjection Shivas, Intermediate Polypody. Linstead Parva, a mass of plants completely covering the roof of the Chapel porch, TM37, v.c. 25, FWS, 23/6/93, but known here for at least 10 years. Det. R. H . Roberts, July 1993. A remarkable sight. Dryopteris carthusiana (Villars) H . P. Fuchs x D. dilatata (Hoffm.) A . Gray, Narrow Buckler Fern x Broad Buckler Fern. (D. x deweveri (J. Jansen) Wachter) Ray don Wood, TM04, v.c. 26, FWS, 30/5/93. Fairly frequent where both species grow together. Azolla filicidoides Lam., Water Fern. Groton Wood, in pond, TL94, v.c. 26, FWS, 26/8/93. Still rare in West Suffolk, while frequent in the East. Ranunculus repens L . , Creeping Buttercup, double-flowered form. Great Livermere, arable headland, TL86, v.c. 26, E M H , 10/7/93. Doubleflowered plants are rare. Recorded in Hind's Flora from Hitcham. No other known Suffolk records. Suaeda vera Forsskaol ex J. Gmelin, Shrubby Seablite. Hollesley, one young specimen on shingle, TM34, v.c. 25, FWS, 4/6/93. Not previously recorded on this stretch of the coastline. Very rare in Suffolk and a nationally Scarce Plant. Moenchia erecta (L.) Gaertner, Meyer & Scherb., Upright Chickweed. (i) Reydon, two small colonies on acid banks, TM47, v.c. 25, CC, 29/4/92. (ii) Benacre N.N.R., more than 100 plants in short turf on broad track across dunes, TM58, v.c. 25, CDP, 25/5/92. A rare species in Suffolk and a nationally Scarce Plant. Still to be found in four or five sites, but only in East Suffolk.

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Silene nutans L . , Nottingham Catchfly. Campsey Ash, railway station, one plant growing on ballast on side of overgrown platform, TM35, v.c. 25, M D C , July 1993. Conf. M N S , from photograph. A perennial native species scattered throughout Britain, but our few Suffolk records are thought to result from introductions. This is the only recent record. Persicaria wallichii Greuter & Burdet, Himalayan Knotweed. (Polygonum polystachyum Wall, ex Meissner) Wenhaston, in wood and on roadside verge, TM47, v.c. 25, J M and TA, 24/8/87. Recorded here again i n Oct. 1993 (GP), who commented that this Knotweed had been known in the wood since the last war and had grown, over that period, from a single plant into a large colony. Fallopia baldschuanica (Regel) Holub, Russian Vine. Nayland, TL93, v.c. 26, EM-R, 12/9/93. A spectacular mass on the hedge-bank of the Nayland to Bures road. Not near houses. Uncommon in West Suffolk, but frequent in the East of the County. Lepidium heterophyllum Benth., Smith's Cress. Bury St. Edmunds, about 20 plants in meadow near R. Lark, TL86, v.c. 26, N G , Oct. 1993. Conf. Mrs. G. Beckett. Possibly the site of Mr. H . J. Boreham's 1953 record from Bury St. Edmunds. A rare plant in West Suffolk. Crassula helmsii (Kirk) Cockayne, New Zealand Pigmyweed. Long Melford, in farm pond, TL84, v.c. 26, DC, 1993. A serious infestation. This species continues to spread steadily, from plants discarded from garden ponds and aquaria. It is extremely difficult to eradicate. First West Suffolk record. Rubus mucronulatus Bor., a Bramble. First Suffolk records ( A L B ) . See page 5 1 . Rubus leyanus Rogers, a Bramble. First Suffolk record ( A L B ) See page 5 1 . Rosa multiflora Thunb ex Murray, Many-flowered Rose. Two records from the same area, one recent, one less so: (i) Sprats Water, TM59, v.c. 25, single specimen, FWS, 27/6/93. (ii) Oulton Broad Marshes, TM59, v.c. 25, G W M , 3/7/83. Of garden origin, but able to persist in the wild for many years. Rosa canina L . x R. obtusifolia Desv., Dog Rose x Round-leaved Rose. (R. x dumetorum Thuill.) Southwold, S. side of Buss Creek Marshes, on top of sea-wall, TM47, v.c. 25, CDP and SEY, 30/8/92. Det. A . L . Primavesi. First record for v.c. 25, East Suffolk. Cotoneaster bullatus Bois, Hollyberry Cotoneaster. (i) Harper's H i l l , Nayland, TL93, v.c. 26, B H H , August 1993. A bird-sown shrub, established in hedge of old A143. Det. G. M . S. Easy. Comm. EM-R. Specimen in Ipswich Museum Herbarium. First record for v.c. 26, West Suffolk.

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol 30 Ipswich, one 10-12ft. tree established in ditch below Piper's Vale, TM14, v.c. 25, T H , 17/9/93. Det. E M H . Hb. E & M H . Second record for v.c. 25, East Suffolk. Like other Cotoneasters, frequently bird-sown. The scarlet fruits of this particular species ripen in August, long before most others.

Anthyllis vulneraria L . ssp. carpatica (Pant.) Nyman, also within (carpatica) var. pseudovulneraria (Sag.) Cullen, an introduced subspecies of Kidney Vetch. Wherstead, many plants on broad verges of bridleway, T M 1 4 , v.c. 25, INHS, 5/6/93. Det. as above by Dr. J. Akeroyd, who explained that this subspecies, native to valleys in the Alps and Carpathians, is the classic roadside verge plant grown from seed derived from fodder stocks. It appears in 'native wildflower' seed-mixtures. First record for East Suffolk. Vicia sativa L . ssp. sativa, a subspecies of Common Vetch. Burgh, TM25, v.c. 25, FWS, 15/6/93. Recorded on roadside where it has persisted for the past ten years. Few recent records. Probably a relic of former cultivation for fodder. A much larger plant than the other commoner subspecies, (ssp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. and ssp. segetalis (Thuill.) Gaudin). Lathyrus nissolia L . , Grass Vetchling. Between Barnham and Elveden on roadside verge, TL87, v.c. 26, DJL & YJL, 2/6/93. A n uncommon plant in inland Suffolk, particularly in the Breckland. Trifolium glomeraturn L . , Clustered Clover. This is a nationally Scarce Plant, but one which is locally very frequent on the sandy soils of East Suffolk. It is, however, rare in West Suffolk, even on the sands of the Breckland. Below are the four most recent West Suffolk records. (i) Icklingham, Camp Close, TL77, v.c. 26, DEC, 1989. (ii) Cavenham, by track to Temple Bridge, TL77, v.c. 26, DEC, 27/11/86, and a second site in Cavenham, DEC, 2/5/87. (iii) Lakenheath, Maid's Cross H i l l , TL78, v.c. 26, FWS, 6/6/93. (iv) Polstead, sandy pasture, TL93, v.c. 26, FWS, 22/5/93. At Piper's Vale, Ipswich, this clover has increased from a few plants in 1991 to many large patches, ( E M H , 1993). Trifolium squamosum L . , Sea Clover. Shingle Street, three separate substantial colonies, TM34, v.c. 25, DCW, 10/7/93. The plants were found on the top of the dyke in an ungrazed section. An interesting re-discovery. It is recorded from Shingle Street in Hind's Flora, but does not appear to have been seen there again until now. Last recorded in Suffolk in 1978, when it was found near Felixstowe (FWS), in a site since destroyed. Always rare in the County and a nationally Scarce Plant. Oenothera fallax Renner, Intermediate Evening Primrose. Sutton, several plants in rough meadow near R. Deben, TM24, v.c. 25, E M H , 3/10/93. Few records (none in West Suffolk), but probably overlooked. Euphorbia cyparissias L., Cypress Spurge. Freckenham, a large patch on waste ground alongside the A l 1(T), TL66, v.c. 26, E M H , 5/5/93. Probably native in several Breckland sites, but doubtfully native here. Oxalis exilis Cunn., Least Yellow Sorrel. Aldeburgh Churchyard, TM45, v.c. 25, FWS, 18/8/93. Few Suffolk records, but Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 30 (1994)



it is becoming increasingly common as a weed in Ipswich gardens, greenhouses and outside bases of walls. Geranium sanguineum L . , Bloody Cranesbill. Lakenheath, in ditch cut across Maid's Cross H i l l , TL78, v.c. 26, several recorders, 1987-1993. Possibly native here, but, in view of other plants of garden origin in the area, perhaps not. Petroselinum segetum L . , Koch, Corn Parsley. Boyton Marshes, about 60 plants on bare parts of the recently-repaired river flood-bank, TM34, v.c. 25, BW, 19/11/93. This species has become very rare in Suffolk. This interesting record is the only one since the publication of Simpson's Flora in 1982. Apium inundatum (L.) H . G. Reichb., Lesser Marsh wort. Chippenhall Green, in muddy horse-trodden pond, TM27, v.c. 25, FWS, 18/5/93. Also DS, at about the same time. A rare species in Suffolk. This is the only recent record. Symphytum caucasicum M . Bieb., Caucasian Comfrey. Stoke-by-Nayland, roadside verge, TL93, v.c. 26, FWS, 22/5/93. A blueflowered Comfrey sometimes grown in gardens and naturalised in a few sites in Suffolk. Second West Suffolk record. Misopates orontium (L.) Raf., Weasel's Snout. (i) Lower Ray don, disturbed soil on roadside verge, TM03, v.c. 26, BW, Oct. 1993. (ii) Garden weed in Ipswich, TM14, EP, 1989 and Nacton, TM24, FWS, 1990, both v.c. 25. Now generally infrequent, but persisting in certain arable fields and gardens in the East of the County. Euphrasia confusa Pugsley x E. nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr., a hybrid Eyebright. Little Blakenham, chalk pit on Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., TM14, v.c. 25, SWT, 1993. Det. A . J. Silverside. Comm. PGL. First record for v.c. 25. The E. nemorosa parent is recorded for the parish of Little Blakenham in Simpson's Flora. Galium verum L . x G. mollugo L . , Lady's Bedstraw x Hedge Bedstraw. (G. x pomeranicum Retz.) (i) Nacton, in churchyard, TM23, v.c. 25, FWS, 16/7/93. (ii) Sudbourne, roadside verge, TM45, v.c. 25, M D C , 22/6/93. Conf. M N S . iii) Reydon, roadside verge, TM47, v.c. 25, LFC, 1980. The Reydon record was the first for Suffolk, but was unfortunately omitted from Simpson's Flora. Lonicera caprifolium L . , Perfoliate Honeysuckle. Raydon, naturalised in roadside hedge, not near gardens, TM04, v.c. 25, FWS, 30/5/93. An introduced species naturalised in Britain on rough ground, in ' edges and on sites of former gardens. Carduus crispus L . x C. nutans L . , Welted Thistle x Musk Thistle. (C. x duhius Balbis) A rare hybrid thistle with only two post-Flora records.

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 30 Icklingham, single specimen, TL77, v.c. 26, FWS, 6/6/93. Barking, TM15, v.c. 25, M N S , 18/7/84.

Cirsium dissectum (L.) H i l l , Meadow Thistle. (i) Lakenheath Poor's Fen, Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., TL78, v.c. 26, M G R and PJOT, 1987. (ii) Thurston, in wet meadow, TL96, v.c. 26, RA, 1983. (iii) Market Weston Fen, Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., TL97, v.c. 26, M H and M A , 1991. Occasional in raised places between peat cuttings, with Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench, Purple Moor-grass, in mown areas of the southern part of the fen. Comm. M . Harding. (iv) Thelnetham Fen, Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., in Old and Middle Fens, TM07, v.c. 26, M H and M A , 1991. Sparse individuals in fen meadow with Schoenus nigricans L . , Black Bog-rush and Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench, Purple Moor-grass. Comm. M . Harding. (v) Wortham, in meadow, TM07, v.c. 25, SWT recorder, post-1980. (vi) Thrandeston, in marsh, TM17, v.c. 25, SWT recorder, post-1980. (vii) Barnby Broad, TM49, v.c. 25, M N S , 19/7/90. A l l these records are listed because in 1982, when the Flora was published, it was feared that Meadow Thistle existed in only one or two sites. Happily this is not so, but it is still a very scarce and threatened species. Tragopogon porrifolius L . , Salsify. Willisham, waste ground on building site, TM05, v.c. 25, FWS, 30/5/93. A dark-flowered form as at Wherstead in 1992 (Hyde & Simpson, 1993). A second such colony was found at another site in Wherstead during an INHS field meeting, 5/6/93. Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande, Spiral Tassel weed. (i) Aldeburgh Marshes, N . side of R. Aide, in broad ditch, near tidal estuary, T M 4 5 , v.c. 25, CDP and SEY, 16/7/92. Specimen in Cambridge University Herbarium. (ii) Walberswick, Dunwich River, in flower in brackish ditch under footbridge, TM47, v.c. 25, CDP and SEY, 31/8/92. (iii) Dunwich/Walberswick boundary ditch, TM47, v.c. 25, CDP and SEY, 31/8/92. Flowering and fruiting in shallow ditch through saltmarsh. Specimen in Cambridge University Herbarium. A very rare Suffolk species, with few recent records. Lemna minuta Kunth, Least Duckweed. Barking, in woodland pond, TM05, v.c. 25, FWS, 4/4/93. Not previously recorded in this area. Scirpus sylvaticus L., Wood Club-rush. (i) Creeting St. Mary, wet meadow, T M 05, v.c. 25, JW, 1993. Comm. D. Casey. (ii) Wherstead, Spring Wood, T M 14, v.c. 25, FWS, 5/6/93. There are also post-1980 records for Boxford, TL93, and Edwardstone, TL94, both v.c. 26, by SWT recorders. An uncommon species in Suffolk. Carex viridula Michaux ssp. oedocarpa Yellow Sedge.

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(Andersson) B. Schmid., Common



(C. demissa Hornem.) Carlton Marshes, Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., TM59, v.c. 25, TP, 27/5/93. Det. A . C. Jermy. Specimen in Ipswich Museum Herbarium. A scarce Sedge i n Suffolk. Catapodium rigidum (L.) C. E. Hubbard ssp. majus (C. Presl) Perring & Sell, a Fern-grass. Ipswich, weed in garden on sandy soil, T M 1 4 , v.c. 25, ACP, June 1993. Comm. EM-R. Det. as above by Mr. P. J. O. Trist. It is given as var. majus (C. Presl) Lainz, in Stace's Flora, 1991. Specimen in Ipswich Museum Herbarium. First Suffolk record. This Fern-grass is tall and robust, with lax pyramidal panicles. Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., Annual Beard-grass. Bury St. Edmunds, in-fill site at sugar-beet factory, TL86, v.c. 26, MS, 19/6/93. Conf. M N S . First post-1930 record for West Suffolk. A casual, as in all its Suffolk occurrences. The only previous West Suffolk record is that of Mrs. F. Baker at Sudbury in 1917. (Comm. B.R.C., in connection with the Scarce Plants Project 1991-2). The Sudbury specimen is in Kew Herbarium, comm. Dr. T. A . Cope, who commented that this was the only sheet of this species from Suffolk held at Kew. Ceratochloa carinata (Hook. & Arn.) Tutin, California Brome. (i) Ipswich, two stunted plants at edge of car park, T M 1 4 , v.c. 25, E M H , 17/6/93. (ii) Near Friston, TM45, v.c. 25, GT, Oct. 1993. Conf. E M H . This site is not far from the Sailor's Walk in Snape, where it was recorded in 1986 (EMH). A very persistent grass now well-established in several sites in East Suffolk. Colchicum autumnale L . , Meadow Saffron, Autumn Crocus. Sudbourne, large patch in flower in long grass at edge of forest, TM45, v.c. 25, E M H , 19/9/93. Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Reichb., Greater Butterfly Orchid. A few specimens in a wood near Eye, T M 1 7 , v.c. 25, FWS, 18/5/93. Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich., Pyramidal Orchid. (i) Ipswich, by Morland Rd. allotments, two flower spikes, TM14, v.c. 25, T H , 1993. Soon picked! (ii) Hollesley, on edge of dyke, TM34, v.c. 25, FWS, 16/7/91. Not previously seen here. Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. ssp. densiflora (Wahlenb.) Camus, Bergon & A. Camus x Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soo, Marsh Fragrant Orchid x Common Spotted Orchid. Market Weston Fen, Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., single specimen, TL97, v.c. 26, FWS, 5/7/93. Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soo, Common Spotted Orchid. Ipswich, on fly-ash near old Power Station, one plant, T M 1 4 , v.c. 25, T H , 17/6/93. Conf. FWS.

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Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soo x D. praetermissa (Druce) Soo, Common Spotted Orchid x Southern Marsh Orchid. (D. x grandis (Druce) P. Hunt) Carlton Colville, T M 5 9 , v.c. 25, FWS, 27/6/93. Probably overlooked, especially where D. praetermissa is dominant (FWS). Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soo ssp. ericetorum (E. F. Linton) P. Hunt & Summerh. x D. praetermissa (Druce) Soo, Heath Spotted Orchid x Southern Marsh Orchid. (D. x hallii (Druce) Soo) (i) Ipswich, on fly-ash near old Power Station, one plant, TM14, v.c. 25, T H , 17/6/93. Conf. FWS. (ii) Tuddenham St. Martin, two specimens, TM14, v.c. 25, FWS, 24/6/93. (iii) Carlton Colville, TM59, v.c. 25, FWS, 27/6/93. Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soo ssp. incarnata, Early Marsh Orchid. White-flowered plant (not creamy-white as seen in ssp. ochroleuca (Boll) P. Hunt & Summerh.), Market Weston Fen, Suffolk Wildlife Trust N.R., TL97, v.c. 26, FWS, 27/6/93. Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soo x D. praetermissa Orchid x Southern Marsh Orchid. (D. x wintoni (A. Camus) P. Hunt) Carlton Colville, T M 5 9 , v.c. 25, FWS, 27/6/93.

(Druce) Soo, Early Marsh

Ophrys apifera Huds. van chlorantha Godf., a variety of Bee Orchid. (i) Coddenham, beside the A140, T M 1 5 , v.c. 25, PLF, June 1991. (ii) Burgh, many specimens, growing with normal forms, in rough uncultivated fields, formerly arable, T M 2 5 , v.c. 25, FWS, 19/6/93. Two new sites for the normal form of Bee Orchid: (i) Wherstead, three specimens on embankment alongside the Strand, T M 14, v.c. 25, L A M , 1993. (ii) Shingle Street, by track to bungalow, TM34, v.c. 25, LV, 1993. II Bird-seed aliens, casuals and escapes. Anemone apennina L., Blue Anemone. Shimpling, among brambles in part of churchyard no longer in use, TL85, v.c. 26, EMC, March 1993. An escape or relic of cultivation which is infrequent in Suffolk. Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Asch., Strawberry Goosefoot. Ipswich, appeared in nursery bed, TM14, v.c. 25, SL, 24/7/93. Conf. MNS. A very rare casual. Last recorded in Suffolk in 1983 at Lakenheath. Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) D C , White Wall Rocket. Brandon Youth Hostel, in un-maintained garden, TL78, v.c. 26, R M and AW, 6/8/93. Det. T. C. G. Rich. Specimen in Ipswich Museum Herbarium. A rare casual, native in S. Europe. First Suffolk record. Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj., Chinese Mustard. Nacton, waste land by level crossing, TM24, v.c. 25, E M H , 3/10/93. Conf. T. C. G. Rich. An uncommon or overlooked casual. Second Suffolk record.

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Euphorbia characias L., Mediterranean Spurge. (i) Herringswell, several plants flowering on site o f former tip, TL66, v.c. 26, E M H , 6/5/93. (ii) Rede, one plant appeared under bird-table, TL85, v.c. 26, HC, 16/6/93. This specimen was determined by Mr. E. J. Clement as nearest to ssp. wulfenii (Hoppe ex Koch) R.-Smith. First Suffolk records. Geranium endressii Gay, French Cranesbill. Bentley, Potash Lane, roadside bank, T M 1 3 , v.c. 25, CJH, 12/7/92. A n infrequent garden escape, with few Suffolk records. Pulmonaria officinalis L., Lungwort, a garden form. (i) Bentley, large patch naturalised at edge of wood, T M 1 3 , v.c. 25, E M H , Oct. 1984. A small piece grown on in the garden for identification purposes, has proved to be the low-growing garden variety with white-spotted leaves frequently seen on rockeries. (ii) Washbrook, small patch by stream, T M 1 4 , v.c. 25, E M H , 15/6/92. The same variety as the preceding record. Verbascum phlomoides L., Orange Mullein. Ipswich, waste land near old Power Station, T M 1 4 , v.c. 25, T H , 6/7/93. One striking tall specimen with white flowers and, some distance away, a yellowflowered plant. O f garden origin, but not directly, as the site is well away from habitations. Carthamus tinctorius L . , Safflower. Sizewell ' B ' site, up to four plants near mobile offices, TM46, v.c. 25, 1993. Reported, independently, PMB and AS. This is a member of the Daisy family, with striking yellow flower-heads. Its usual source is bird-seed, probably in this case pigeon seed. A rare casual in Suffolk, with only a handful of previous records. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Roman Wormwood, Ragweed. Ipswich, came up under bird-table, TM14, v.c. 25, HT, Oct. 1993. Conf. M N S . A rare casual in Suffolk. Very few previous records. Hordeum jubatum L., Foxtail Barley. (i) Between Levington and Trimley, about six plants by sea wall, TM23, v.c. 25, MS*, 6/8/93. Comm. C. P. Barsted. (ii) Nacton, Lady Wood, TM23, v.c. 25, FWS, 14/9/93. A n introduced perennial grass. Only a casual in Suffolk. There is no record of its persisting in any of its reported sites. Cortaderia selloana (Schultes & Schultes f.) Asch. & Graebner, Pampas Grass. (i) Ipswich, waste ground near old Power Station, one large established clump, TM14, v.c. 25, T H , 6/7/93. (ii) Thorpeness, single young specimen, TM45, v.c. 25, FWS, 9/6/93. Of garden origin, but able to persist in the wild, spreading from wind-borne seed.

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 30

Key to Contributors Abrehart, T. Addington, Rev. R. Ausden, M . Brinkley, P. M . Bull, A . L . Casey, Mrs. D. Cawston, Miss H . Coe, Mrs. E. M . Coleman, Mrs. C. Coombe, Dr. D. E. Crewe, M . D. Furze, P. L . Gibbons, N . Harding, M . Harley, B. H . Hawes, C. J. Hutton, T. Hyde, Mrs. E. M . Ipswich & District Natural History Society Lawson, P. G. Leonard, D. J. Leonard, Mrs. Y. J. Ling, S. Lowestoft Field Club Maxim, L. A.


Maybury, G. W. Maycock, R. Milne-Redhead, E. Muddeman, J. Pankhurst, T. Parsons, E. Peck, G. Preston, C. D. Price, A . C. Rutterford, M . G. Sanford, M . N . Searle, M . Simpson, F. W. Smith, A. Smith, M . Strauss, D. Suffolk Wildlife Trust Thompson, Mrs. H . S. Trist, P. J. O. Tyler, G. Vulliamy, L . Walshe, J. Williamson, Mrs. B. Wood, D. C. Woods, A . Yates, Miss S. E.


References Hind, W. M . (1889). Flora of Suffolk. London. Hyde, E. M . & Simpson, F. W. (1993). Some recent Suffolk plant records. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc, 29, 32. Kent, D. H. (1992) List of Vascular Plants of the British Isles. London. Botanical Society of the British Isles. Simpson, F. W. (1982). Simpson's Flora of Suffolk. Ipswich. Suffolk Naturalists' Society. Siace, C. A. (1991). New Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge. E. M . Hyde, Park side, Woolverstone Ipswich IP9 1AR

F. W. Simpson 40 Ruskin Rd., Ipswich, IP4 1PT

Readers will have recognised the original drawings of Amaranthus species which appeared on p. 71 of Vol. 29 as being the work of Hi Hi Thompson. We regret that this was not acknowledged at the time of publication but the type had already been set before the drawings were available. (Ed.)

Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 30 (1994)

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