Records of butterflies and moths at Brandon by Yorkshire naturalist J. W. Dunning (1833-1897)

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 33 R E C O R D S O F B U T T E R F L I E S A N D M O T H S AT B R A N D O N BY Y O R K S H I R E N A T U R A L I S T J. W. D U N N I N G (1833-1897) H. MENDEL & R. E. CLARKE

Research for Butterflies ofthe Doncaster District (Rimington, 1992) brought to light a copiously annotated, interleaved copy of A Conspectus of the Butterflies and Mothsfound in Britain (Rennie,1832) in the library o f t h e Royal Entomological Society (catalogue reference L.40 L5:REN). The annotations were made by Joseph William Dunning and most of them relate to Adwick-le-Street (Doncaster), Storthes Hall (Huddersfield) and Brandon in Suffolk. Annotations relating to Yorkshire localities have been abstracted by Rimington and Beaumont (1996), on whose paper we have relied for biographical information. Dunning was in his early teens when the records were made, a pupil at Adwick Hall School in 1845, moving with the school to Storthes Hall in 1846. Both establishments were run by Peter Inchbald jnr. (1816-1896) an accomplished Yorkshire naturalist and it is likely that he had a hand in identifying the specimens that Dunning collected on his summer holidays at Brandon. Dunning maintained his interest in entomology and later in life was a distinguished Fellow of the Entomological Society of London. A legacy of his presidency (1883-1884) of that society was the granting of its Royal Charter in 1885. In spite of Dunning's age when the records were made they are entirely credible and give a valuable insight into the lepidopterous fauna of the Brandon area (likely to include parts of Norfolk as well as Suffolk) in the 1840s. There will always be some doubt where a species is difficult to identify, for example Grey Dagger Acronicta psi (L.), but on the whole the records are likely to be reliable. Many of the common moths that Dunning must have encountered are not mentioned, the majority of his annotations referring to more noteworthy insects. Some of the species recorded are of particular interest. It is known from other sources that Dark Green Fritillary Argynnis aglaja (L.), Silver-washed Fritillary A. paphia (L.) and Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria (L.) were once widespread in Suffolk. the latter species becoming so once again since its re-establishment in the 1960s. The reference to Silver-spotted Skipper Hesperia comma (L.) is of far greater interest. It used to be found on the Devil's Ditch and the adjacent Newmarket Heath that straddles the Suffolk/Cambridgeshire border (Mendel & Piotrowski, 1986), but has not been seen in Suffolk for over a Century. Amongst the moths, Orache Moth Trachea atriplcis (L.) and Spotted Sulphur Emmelia trabealis (Scopoli) deserve comment as both are believed to be extinct as breeding species in Britain (Heath & Emmet, 1983). The Orache Moth was essentially an East Anglian species, well known from the Wicken and Chippenham areas of Cambridgeshire in the 19th Century. It became extinct early in this Century. The Spotted Sulphur was always regarded as a Breckland species although found more widely in the 19th Century. The significance of this particular find has long been recognised; ' . . . a school-boy, spending his midsummer holidays at Brandon, in Suffolk, having taken it, this insect found its way into all our collections, and Mr. Dunning "awoke and found himself famous. " l mention this as a hint to other school-boys. Since Mr. Dunning ceased to visit Brandon, Sulphuralis has been no more taken.' (Stainton, 1857; p. 295).

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The Spotted Sulphur was last recorded in its breeding haunts in 1960. at Mildenhall. Both species have been recorded as very occasional migrants and could conceivably recolonise. A third species worth mentioning is the Scarlet Tiger Callimorpha dominula (L.) which is no longer found in East Anglia. The annotations relating to Brandon are reproduced, verbatim, below. The main heading for each species is the name by which it is known today. Beneath that is the name used in the 'Conspectus' (for reference, in case we have misinterpreted any of the names) followed by the page number in square brackets [ ]. The annotations, in italics in quotation marks, although faithful are often taken from a larger text and are therefore out of context. BUTTERFLIES Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus) The Primrose, (Gonopteryx Rhamni, Leach) [Page 1] 'Also called the Brimstone. - Two specimens at Brandon, in Suffolk of Lungwort & Clover, in beginning ofJuly/46 -' Large White Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus) The Cabbage (Pontia Brassica>, Stephens) [Page 3] 'Taken . . . at Brandon in June, . . . 1846'


Small White Pieris rapae (Linnaeus) The Turnip (Pontia Rapce, Stephens) [Page 3] 'Also called the Small White . . . Taken at.. . Brandon in July, . . . 1846.' Green-veined White Pieris napi (Linnaeus) The Navew (Pontia Napi, Stephens) [Page 3] 'Also called the Green Veined White . . . Brandon, in July 1846' Dark Green Fritillary Argynnis aglaja (Linnaeus) The Dark Green (Argynnis Aglaia, Leach) [Page 8] '.. . at Brandon, beginning ofJuly/47.' Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus) The Silver Streak (Argynnis Paphia, Leach) [Page 8] 'Also called Silver Wash - One specimen at Brandon, in July 1846, on flower of Thistle. The most common Argynnis.' Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae (Linnaeus) The Tortoiseshell (Vanessa Urtica;, Leach) [Page 9] 'Taken at Brandon, in July, on Clover. . . 1846.' Peacock Inachis io (Linnaeus) The Peacock (Vanessa Io, Leach) [Page 9] •Also Peacock's Eye. At Brandon in July, on Thistle' Red Admiral Vanessa atlanta (Linnaeus) The Alderman (Ammiralis Atalanta, Rennie) [Page 10] 'Also Vanessa Atalanta. At Brandon, in July . . . 1846.' Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus) The Speckled Wood (Hipparchia /Egeria, Leach) [Page 12] '. . . at Brandon, in July 1846.' Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 33 (1997)


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Wall Lasiommata megera (Linnaeus) The Wall (Hipparchia Megcera, Leach) [Page 12] .. at Brandon, in July 1846.' Grayling Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus) The Grayling (Hipparchia Semele, Leach) [Page 12] 'At Brandon, in July and beginning of August 1846 & /4T Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus) The Gate Keeper (Hipparchia Tithonus, Stephens) [Page 13] 'Also Large Heath-At Brandon, in July 1846, in Cloverfield - & /47.' Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus) The Meadow Brown (Hipparchia Janira, Leach) [Page 13] 'This next to the Cabbage is the most common Butterflv - . . . and at Brandon in July 1846: Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus (Linnaeus) The Ringlet (Hipparchia Hyperanthus, Leach) [Page 13] 'At Brandon, in July 1846 - Only one specimen . . .' Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus) The Copper (Lyccena Phlceas, Leach) [Page 16] ' Taken at Brandon, in June . . . 1846: Common Blue Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg) The Alexis (Polyommatus Alexis, Stephens) [Page 18] 'Also Common Blue - Taken at. . . Brandon in July . . . 1846: Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris (Poda) The Great Streak Skipper (Pamphila Linea, Stephens) [Page 21] 'Also Small Skipper - At Brandon in July 1846' Large Skipper Ochlodes venata (Bremer & Grey) The Clouded Skipper (Pamphila Sylvanus, Stephens) [Page 21] 'Also Large Skipper - At Brandon in July, 1846 - One specimen Silver-spotted Skipper Hesperia comma (Linnaeus) The Pearl Skipper (Pamphila Comma, Stephens) [Page 21] 'Brandon' [in pencil, no date] MOTHS Five-spot Burnet Zygaena trifolii (Esper) or Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Z. lonicerae (Scheven) The Five Spot Burnet (Anthrocera Loti, Stephens) [Page 22] 'Also A. Lonicerce - . . . Very com: in marshy field at Brandon /47.' Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus) The Elephant Hawk (Deilephila Elpenor, Ochsenheimer) [Page 26] 'One spec: at Brandon in July, /47.' Humming-bird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus) The Humming Bird Hawk (Macroglossa Stellatarum, Ochsenheimer) [Page 26] ' . . . at Brandon /47.'

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Goat Moth Cossus cossus (Linnaeus) The Goth Moth (Cossus ligniperda, Fabricius) [Page 30] 'Two specs: at Brandon /47' Scarlet Tiger Callimorpha dominula (Linnaeus) The Scarlet Tiger (Hypercampa Dominula, Stephens) [Page 42] ' Hypercampa. Heraclia (Hub.), Callimorpha (Latr.), Eyprepia, (Och:). At Brandon, July/47.' Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae (Linnaeus) The Cinnabar Moth (Callimorpha Jacobcece, Latreille) [Page 46] 'Also called The Pink Underwing - Day Flier- Very com: at Brandon


Least Yellow Underwing Noctua interjecta HĂźbner The Small-bordered Underwing (Triphcena Interjecta, Ochsenheimer) [Page 49] 'One specimen at Brandon, in July 1846' Straw Underwing Thalpophila matura (Hufnagel) The Straw Underwing (Cerigo texta, Stephens) [Page 49] 'Also C. cytherea-At Brandon at Sugar, in July 1846' Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea (Esper) The Brown Rustic (Russina ferruginea, Stephens) [Page 50] 'At Brandon abundant July 147' Archer's Dart Agrotis vestigialis (Hufnagel) The Archer's Dart (Agrotis valligera, Ochsenheimer) [Page 51] 'At Brandon 1471.' White-line Dart Euxoa tritici (Linnaeus) The Wheat Dart (Agrotis Tritici, Ochsenheimer) [Page 52] 'At Brandon /4T Double Square-spot Xestia triangulum (Hufnagel) The Triangle (Graphiphora Triangulum, Ochsenheimer) [Page 55] 'Two specimens at Brandon in August 1847' Ingrailed Clay Diarsia mendica (Fabricius) Ingrailed Clay Diarsia mendica (F.) The Primrose (Graphiphora festiva, Haworth) [Page 56] 'Com: at Brandon in July 147/.' Clay Mythimna ferrago (Fabricius) The White-spot Bright Eye (Mythimna Lithargyria, Ochsenheimer) [Page 60] 'M. Lithargyria is same as M. grisea (Doubleday) Com: at Brandon 147.' Treble lines Charanyca trigrammica (Hufnagel) The Triple-lines (Grammesia trilinea, Stephens) [Page 60] 'Two specs: at Brandon in July /47.' Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus (Hufnagel) Morpheus (Caradrina Morpheus, Ochsenheimer) [Page 61] 'One spec. Brandon /47.' Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 33 (1997)


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Bird's Wing Dypterygia scabriuscula (Linnaeus) The Bird's Wing (Dypterygia Pinastri, Stephens) [Page 63] 'Two specs: at Sugar at Brandon July /47.' Reddish Light Arches Apamea sublustris (Esper) The Glimmerer (Xylophasia sublustris, Stephens) [Page 65] 'About a dozen specs: at Sugar at Brandon in Aug: /47.' Dark Arches Apamea monoglypha (Hufnagel) The Dark Arches (Xylophasia polyodon, Stephens) [Page 65] 'At Brandon, at sugar, in July 1846' Small Angle Shades Euplexia lucipara (Linnaeus) The Chevalier (Euplexia lucipara, Stephens) [Page 71 ] 'At Brandon in July /47.' Orache Moth Trachea atriplcis (Linnaeus) The Orrach M. (Trachea Atriplicis, Ochsenheimer) [Page 74] 'A spec: at sugar, at Brandon, July 9. /4T Broad-barred White Hecatera bicolorata (Hufnagel) The Broad-bar White (Polia Serena, Ochsenheimer) [Page 77] 'On flowers of Echium vulgare. Common Brandon.' [in pencil, no date] Miller Acronicta leporina (Linnaeus) The Miller (A. Leporina, Hübner) [Page 78] 'One spec: at Brandon /47 in Aug: /.' Poplar Grey Acronicta megacephala (Denis & Schiffermüller) The Poplar Grey (Acronycta megacephala, Haworth) [Page 78] '2 specs: at Brandon /47/.' Grey Dagger Acronicta psi (Linnaeus) or Dark Dagger A. tridens (Denis & Schiffermüller) Grey Dagger Acronicta psi (L.) The Grey Dagger (Acronycta Psi, Ochsenheimer) [Page 79] 'Brandon July & Aug: /47.' Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis (Linnaeus) The Dock (Acronycta Rumicis, Ochsenheimer) [Page 80] 'At Brandon, end ofJune 1846 At sugar-' Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix (Linnaeus) The Herald (Calyptra Libatrix, Ochsenheimer) [Page 82] 'Two specimens at Brandon, in July 1846 Shoulder-striped Wainscot Mythimna comma (Linnaeus) The Comma (Leucania comma, Ochsenheimer) [Page 87] 'One spec: at Brandon /47 at sugar.' Spectacle Abrostola triplasia (Linnaeus) or Dark Spectacle A. trigemina (Werneburg) The Nettle (Abrostola Urtica? Stephens) [Page 92] 'Taken at. . . Brandon.' [No date]

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Marbled Clover Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel) The Marbled Clover (Heliothis dipsacea, Ochsenheimer) [Page 951 'At Brandon in July & beginning of Aug: 1846.7. Onflowers of Clover - Also called The Teazle/from feeding on that plant.' Spotted Sulphur Emmelia trabealis (Scopoli) The Spotted Sulphur (Erastria sulphurea, Ochsenheimer) [Page 96] 'Several specs (4) ['4' added in pencil]: at Brandon, Convol: anensis there. Very rare.' ['72 in 1848, 75 in 1849- added in pencil]


Silver Hook Eustrotia uncula (Clerck) The Silver Hook (Erastria uncana, Ochsenheimer) [Page 96] 'At Brandon.' [no date] Br端ssels Lace Cleorodes lichenaria (Hufnagel) The Br端ssels' Lace (Cleora Lichenaria, Stephens) [Page 110] 'Found where oaks abound.' ['(At Brandon where no oaks).' added in pencil, no date] Barred Straw Eulithis pyraliata (Denis & Schifferm端ller) The Barred Straw (Electra Pyraliata, Stephens) [Page 123] 'Common in gardens. Brandon.' [no date] Latticed Heath Semiothisa clathrata (Linnaeus) The Latticed Heath (Strenia clathrata, Stephens) [Page 139] 'At Brandon in July 1846. In cloverfield.' ['Rather common' in pencilj Lesser Cream Wave Scopula immutata (Linnaeus) The Lesser Cream Wave (Ptychopoda immutata, Stephens) [Page 141] 'Brandon' [in pencil, no date] Tawny Wave Scopula rubiginata (Hufnagel) The Purple Red Wave (Ptychopoda rubricata, Stephens) [Page 141] 'Brandon' [in pencil, no date] Small Blood-vein Scopula imitaria (H端bner) The Small Blood Vein (Timandra imitaria, Stephens) [Page 143] 'Brandon' [no date] Tawny-barred Angle Semiothisa liturata (Clerck) The Tawney Barred Angle (Macaria liturata, Curtis) [Page 143] '. . . Brandon [no date] Acknowledgements We thank Ted Rimington for bringing the annotated copy of Rennie's 'Conspectus' to our notice and Mike Hall for helpful comments on the text. Ktifcrcnccs Heath, J. & Emmet, A. M. (eds.) (1983). The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Great Horkesley: Harley. Mendel. H. & Piotrowski, S. H. (1986). The butterflies of Suffolk. An atlas and history. Ipswich: Suffolk Naturalists' Society.

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Rennie, J. (1832). A conspectus of the butterflies and moths found in Britain. London: William Orr. Rimington, W. E. (1992). Butterflies of the Doncaster district. Sorby Record, Special Series, no. 9. Sheffield. Rimington, W. E. & Beaumont, H. E. (1996). Joseph William Dunning (18331897): informal annotations in a copy of Rennie (1832) by a forgotten Yorkshire Naturalist together with biographical notes. Naturalist, 122: 145155. Stainton, H. T. (1857). A manual of British butterflies and moths. London: John van Voorst. Howard Mendel & Reg Clarke The Museum, High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH

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