Additional records of aberrant Small Copper My article on the Small copper ab. caeruleopunctata Ruhl in Suffolk, 1983– 2000, (TSNS 37: 89–90) was not only read by two butterfly recorders, but had a positive outcome. Alan and Penny Cornish noted a Small Copper flying low across the ground before landing on Dock leaves, near Uggeshall, TM464798, on 13 October 2001. Remembering my comment in the article that this aberration may often be overlooked because the species is easily identified at a distance, they had a close look, discovering it to be ab. caeruleopunctata, with ‘three full blue circles on each hindwing and a partial spot on the outer edge of the pattern’ (Alan Cornish, pers. comm.) This was a fortuitous observation as no others were reported in 2001. R. G. Stewart Valezina 112 Westerfield Road Ipswich IP4 2XW
Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 38 (2002)