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21 NOTES ON SUFFOLK BRYOPHYTES 2009 The new Suffolk Flora (Sanford & Fisk 2010) contains all records of bryophytes up to the end of 2008. I hope to publish records of rare and or interesting species on an annual basis to keep the flora up to date. There are still some three hundred tetrads from which no bryophyte records have been recorded and the principal task for the next few years will be to visit as many of those as possible. A slow start was made in 2009 with only sixteen new tetrads being recorded. The following is a list of interesting records from 2009. Nomenclature follows the new Checklist and Census Catalogue of British and Irish Bryophyte by M O Hill, T H Blackstock, D G Long and G P Rothero published in 2008. Where names differ from those used in the Flora the name used in the Flora is given in brackets. Bryum donianum, At the edge of a path in the churchyard at Knodishall, TM46F, 20 February 2009 and on the bank of the gull at Flowton TM04Y 27 March 2009. Brachythecium mildeanum, On a farm track, Apsey Green near Framlingham, TM26R, 26 February 2009. Cinclidotus fontinaloides, On wooden piles on the bank of the river Waveney at Carlton, TM49W 12 March 2009 and Oulton Dyke, TM59B and TM59C 30 April 2009. Oxyrrynchium speciosum (Brid.) Warnst. (Eurhynchium speciosum), Path in woods at Benacre, TM59M 2 February 2009. Grimmia dissimulata, Brundish church TM26U, (D Strauss). Gyroweisia tenuis, On damp brickwork at the base of a wall of St Margaret’s Church, Lowestoft TM59M 27 January and St. Mary’s Church, Somersham TM04Z 25 March 2009. Hennediella heimii On the bank of the river Waveney at Carlton, TM49X, 30 April 2009. On an area of bank liable to flooding, but a long way upstream for this predominately coastal species. Hennediella stanfordensis, On the bank of the gull between Flowton and Burstall TM 04X and TM04Y 27 March 2009. Herzogiella seligeri, On a rotting stump in Sapiston Great Grove, TL97I, 25 November 2009. Found by Robin Stevenson during a local bryological group meeting. Leucobryum glaucum, With abundant sporophytes in Scottshall Coverts, Minsmere, TM46T 10 December 2009. Othhotrichum straminium, On branch of a sycamore on Stuston Common, TM17J, 2 January 2009. Othhotrichum tenellum, On a poplar in a plantation at Brundish TM 26U, (D Strauss). Phascum cuspidatum var. schreberianum (Dicks.) Brid. (Tortula acaulon var. schreberianum), In a field gateway at Ufford, TM35B, 17 February 2009. Plagiothecium undulatum, In Tunstall Forest TM45B 15 January 2009. Platygyrium repens, On the trunk of an oak tree in a clearing in Sapiston Great Grove, TL97I, 25 November 2009. Found by Bob Ellis during a local bryological group meeting.

Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 46 (2010)


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 46

Pogonatum aloides, On the bank of a ditch in Tunstall Forest, TM45B, 15 January 2009. With abundant capsules (the photograph in the Flora is of these plants). Pohlia annotina, On a rutted track in Tunstall Forest, TM45B, 15 January 2009. Pohlia wahlenbergia On bare clay in a pit in Rendlesham Forest, TM35F, 28 May 2009. Rhynchostegiella curviseta, On rotting wooden piling at the edge of a stream Apsey Green near Framlingham, TM26R, 26 February 2009. With abundant capsules. Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Large patch in a clearing in Tunstall Forest, TM45B, 15 January 2009. Syntrichia papillosa, On the trunk of a sycamore in St Margaret’s churchyard, Lowestoft, TM59M 27 January 2009 and in Brundish, (D Strauss). Reference Sanford, M. N. & Fisk R. J. (2010). A Flora of Suffolk. D. K. & M. N. Sanford, Ipswich. Richard Fisk 35 Fair Close Beccles NR34 9QR

Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 46 (2010)

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