33. 34.
Sagartia „
35. 36. SV.
38. 39.
anguicoma, Price (viduata, Gosse nec Müll.). troglodytes, Price (Phellia muricincta, Gosse).— Pinmill in the Orwell, and on rocks off Felixstow (Dr. Sorby in Vict. Hist.) ; occurs at Southwold with the above S. elegans (Trans, ii, 282). ,, lacerata, Dal. (coccinea, Gosse nec Müll.= Hermani, Hadd. = Phellia picta, Gos.). „ sphyrodeta, GosseCereus pendunculatus, Penn. (Sagartia bellis. Ell. et Gosse).— Discovered on the breakwater to south of Gorleston pier (E. A. Ellis, in lit. 27 Aug. 1931). Usually on stones among muddy sand. Phellia gausapata, Gosse. Family P A R A C T J D / R . Stomphia coccinea, Müll. (Churchiae, Gosse).—Brought in to Yarmouth by fishing-boats during May 1906 (Tr. Norf. Soc. viii, 464). A rare species, unknown at Plymouth.
T h e earliest adequate enumeration of indigenous kinds is, probably, Leach's of five species in Brewster's Edinburgh Encycl. 1810, vii, 406. Kirby knew something of aquatic ' Oniscidae ' (Introd. capp. xxii-iii), but little of Woodlice. In 1857-9 Kinahan analysed fourteen British terrestrial Isopoda in the Dublin Nat. Hist. Review, twelve of which had been discovered in a Single garden. By 1868 Bäte and Westwood (ii, p. 438) were able to recognise seventeen kinds of their TEro-spirantia division of Normal Isopoda, i.e. Terrestrial with the upper antennse rudimentary and apical segment of abdomen very small, in contradistinction to the aquatic Aquaspirantia. An elaborate monograph on ' T h e British Woodlice ' with excellent figures was published by W . M. Webb and Charles Sillem in 1905-6 (Essex Nat. xiv ; and also separately by Duckworth & Co), showing at page 54 Britain to contain twenty-five species ; of these Collinge in 1917 (Scot. Nat., p.p. 111-6) issued a Check List. All such and one addition are enumerated below, though only the Suffolk dozen are numbered, consecutively to Trans, ii, 271, and italicised. We are much indebted to Mr. Ernest Taylor, of the Hope Department of Oxford University Museum, for liberal assistance in identification. At least, the extra five kinds that are known in Essex will be found to occur in Suffolk, where but small attention has been hitherto accorded this Family.—Ed.
Division ISOPODA
(Sessile-eyed : cp. Trans, ii, p. 266). T R I B E Oniscoidea. Family ONisciDiE (Woodlice). 51. Ligia oceanica, Linn.—All up our coast on rocks and seaweed: Felixstow in 1898, Bawdsey in 1938; abundant by River Blyth at Walberswick in 1929 (Trans, i, 70) and River Waveney below Burgh Castle in 1925 ; on Gorleston pier in 1931 (I.e., 227). [Acle bridge, Norfolk, 1933 (I.e. ii, p. Ixxxii) and Ryde, I. Wight, Aug. 1903. Antibes, S. France, April 1931.] Ligidium hypnorum, Cuv.—Essex. 52. Trichoniscus roseus, Koch.—Occurred on the Fern Cystopteris fragilis, Brnh. (Trans, ii, p. evi) at Southwold cliff in Sept. 1933. 53. T. pusillus, Bdt.—Found in a sand-pit at Gisleham, near Lowestoft, on 21 Sept. 1931. T. vividus, Koch.—Irish. Trichoniscoides albida, Bud.—Berks. Haplophthalmus Mengi, Zad.—Berks and Ireland. H. Danicus, Bud.—Essex. 54. Oniscus asellus, Linn. The Common Woodlouse.—In profusion everywhere: Lowestoft and Ipswich (Stebbing in Victoria History 1911), Ipswich in 1894; Ashfield 1938 and in Monks Soham paddock 1929 ; abundant at sugar on oaks at Fritton 1932 (Trans, ii, 88), on walls in Gorleston 1932 and very numerous at Brandon in May 1929. One eating thorax of dead Moth, Xanthorhoe limitata, Scr., flown to light in Monks Soham House, at midnight of 27 July 1938. [Polden Hills of Somerset (Trans, ii, 193 ; cf. p. lxxix ; iii, 281 ova, xvii, xxiii).]* 55. Philoscia tnuscoium, Scop.—Lowestoft (Vict. Hist. 1911); Herringfleet on 31 March 1933 ; beaten oak at Westleton Heath, 15 Sept. 1937 ; beaten honeysuckle ten feet from ground in Bentley Wood, 23 May 1931. P. Couchi, Kinahan.—Extreme SW. England, in seaweed. 56. Platyarthrus Hoffmannseggi, Bdt.—In some numbers, associating with the Ant Myrmica ruginodis, Nyl., at Tuddenham Fen, 14 May 1930; Helmingham Park [as well as at Ladycross O. asellus ' was formerly used in medicine and was supposed to eure „J>Ves> ' - o n s u m p t i o n s , &c., b u t has n o w deservedly g r o w n out of fashion p . LS , R E J e c t ed f r o m t h e m o d e r n Pharmacopceias. It is c o m m o n l y called raft - U l f e ' k W o o d " l o u S e o r C a r P e n t e r ' (Samouelle 1819, 111). " I have W j P r e s c n p t i o n 0 f a f a m o u s urine-doctor, in which h e ra nds a certain n u m b e r of Sow Bugs per diem, I suppose by this n ™ ™? J e d ' s t i n g u i s h i n g t h e pill-millepede, once a very favourite r e m e d y . at ettect they p r o d u c e d in this case I w a s not i n f o r m e d ; b u t B o n n e t seen a certificate of a n English physician, dated J u l y 1763, stating done fi?1111® w o m a n , w h o h a d swallowed these animals alive as is usually h a v . ' k j ™ u p a P r ° d i g i o u s n u m b e r of t h e m of all sizes, which m u s t Dred »n h e r stomach " (Bonnet, v. 1 4 4 ; K i r b y , I n t r o d . cap. iv).
bridge in New Forest, 16 June 1936], with Lasius flavus, L., 11 Oct. 1935 (Trans, i, 226 & iii, p. bdv).
57 Porcellio scaber, Latr.—Rarely noted ; perhaps common : Bramford marshes 1904 : under small stones on Foxhall plateau 23 May 1932, and Brandon heath 30 May, 1938. [Common under logs in Horning marsh, Norfolk, June 1931.]
58 P. pictus, Ratz.—Lowestoft and Oulton Broad (Vict. Hist. 1911); several inside Monks Soham House on 20 March 1929, ? attracted by light. P. dilatatus, Bdt.—Essex.
P. Rathkei, Bdt.—Middlesex.
59. P. Ratzeburgi, Bdt.—Two or three, beaten from poplar, &c on Westleton Heath, near Dunwich, 27 Sept. 1938. 60. P. Icevis, Latr.—Ipswich in 1892 (Webb, Essex Nat. 1906, p. 9 8 ) ; Ipswich in Oct. 1903. 61. Metoponorthus pruinosus, Bdt.—Ipswich (W. Mark Webb).
M. cingendus, Kin—Devon and Ireland.
Cylisticus convexus, DeG.—Essex. Armadillidium pulchellum, Zen.—Seems confined to Limestone : Ireland and N. England (Westmorland, and in Derby at Matlock). Common under blocks of Limestone at Stoney Middleton gorge in Derby, 27 June 1935 (CM). Recently dicovered among bracken at Sherringham in Norfolk. A. nasatum, Bud.—Essex.
A. Speyeri, Jackson.—Oxford. A depressum, Bdt—Extreme SW England. 62 Armadillidium vulgare, Latr. Pill Woodlouse.—-Very common, probably everywhere: Ipswich (Webb) Ipswich in 1894 Foxhall crag-pit in March 1829, Staverton Heath in Aug. 1931* Frostenden ivy, Gisleham sand-pit in May 1931. Oulton Broad and Lowestoft (Vict. Hist. 1911); Lound glacial-pit in April 1935, on roads and walls in Gorleston. Knettishall heath in Mav 1938 ; Brandon in May 1929-30 [Pelden Hills, Somerset, eaten bv Little Owl (Trans, ii, 193 ; cf. p. 1 7 9 ) . ] - Th s Insect (sie), * when alarmed, rolls itself up into a ball. In this attitude its legs and underside, which are soft, are entirely defended by the hard crust forming its upper surface. Ihese balls are perfectly spherical, shining, black and belted with narrow white bands, so as to resemble beautiful beads; and, if they could be preserved in this form and strung, would maKe very ornamental necklaces. At least so thought Swammerdam s maid (circa 1670) who, finding a number of these Insects thus rolled up in her master's garden and mistaking them for beads employed herseif in stringing them on a thread : when the poor animals began, to her great surprise, to move and struggle tor liberty, she threw down her prize and ran away in the utmosi alarm! " (Hill's Swam. i, 174 ; Kirby, Introd. cap. xxi).