The Lepidoptera of Suffolk: Addenda et Corrigenda

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THE LEPIDOPTERA OF SUFFOLK. A D D E N D A E T CORRIGENDA. It had been hoped that the appearance of a comprehensive view of the Moths and Butterflies of the County would be found interesting by Members, but the phenomenal impetus that the publication last December of our First Irregulär ' Memoir ' upon the subject has given to their study transcends the wildest anticipation. Not only have ornithologists and botanists launched out in this direction, not only have Moth-collectors hitherto lain perdu come forward as Members, but the ' old hands ' zeal has augmented to such an extent that no less than 308 records of different Macrolepidoptera (out of Suffolk's total 658 species) have reached us in the last twelve months. Obviously our funds are inadequate to embrace such a concourse ; and we can but trust the following selection of the worthiest is in no way invidious. All were taken in 1938, unless stated.—Ed. 7. (E. quadra.—A female on sugar at Fritton, 9 Aug. (Goddard). Six at Sunk Lightship, 10 miles S.E. of Felixstow, 4 Aug. (Entom. 1938, p. 237). 16. P. fuliginosa.—Mildenhall, 31 July (Gd) ; Battisford light, 7 Aug. (Geoffrey Burton = GBurton). 18. D. urtica;.—One at Potters Bridge in July 1937 (P. J. Burton = Btn). 26. R. confusalis.—Much commoner near the coast this year than hitherto suspected, usually sitting at 2-6 feet from ground on oak-trunks : Sotterly Park (Btn); common in Blythburgh Wood and at Foxhall (Mly) ; at light in Wangford (Baker) and Hinton Woods, and at Somerleyton (Gd). 30. E. chlorana.—One in Reydon garden, 20 June (Baker). 31. H. bicolorana.—Kenton and Martlesham in July (GBurton). 34. A. leporina.—Bred on 24 July from Needham larva (id.). 49. N. dissoluta.—Bred in west Suffolk by Col. Nurse in 1914 (coli. Revd. J. E. Nurse). 55. S. maritima.—Two at Needham light, 1937 (Platten) ; a series on 28 June at Reydon (Baker). 65. C. subtusa—Mildenhall, 31 July ( G d ) ; Bentley Woods, 9 Aug. (GBurton). 76. C. Hellmanni .—Mildenhall, some 30 by Btn, and more by Gd. 95. H. rurea.—Recorded for Lothingland at Fritton (Moore). 99. H. abjecta.—Several on sugar, Aldeburgh, 1932-4 (Jones). [115. Under delphinii S u b s t i t u t e 1 re-admitted' for discovered.] 118. A. occulta.—A male on sugar in Oulton Broad, 18 Aug. 5 S (Btn). 120. A. strigula.—Mildenhall (Gd), Westleton (Webster) and Iken (Jones) in July.



128. E. cinerea.—Light at Wrentham in June 1936 and Mildenhall, 15 May (Gd). 143. G. Dahli.—On sugar in Wangford Wood near Southwold 13 Sept. (Mly). 154. T . interjecta.—Three at both Needham (GBurton) and Iken (Jones, Ent. 1938, p. 262). 154. T . rubricosa.—Herringfleet sallows, 27 Mch (Gd) ; Monks Soham light, 6 April (Mly). 158. T. prasina.—Two in Barking Woods on 25 June (Platten). [157. Prefix asterisk, erroneously omitted.] 160. A. australis.—The 1937 total was 33 specimens. On 24 Sept. 1938, on Benacre Denes 18 were taken at light, sugar and sticky spiders-web on gorse. 165. O. xerampelina.—Two at Needham in 1937 (GBurton); abundant in Barking Woods in Sept. 1938 (Platten). 166. O. citrago.—Needham on 6 Sept. (GBurton). 167. O. aurago.—Coddenham, 1914 (Crisp); Mildenhall, score in 1937, Frostenden in 1938 (Btn); Needham on ivy (GBtn) ; Barking woods (Platten). 176. O. macilenta.—Three at Needham in 1937 (GBtn). 178. O. fissipuncta.—Near Needham (GBtn); Beccles (Gls). 185. C. Asteris.—Many bred from Southwold 1937 larvae (Doughty). 189. P. vetusta.—Benacre Denes sugar, Sept. (Btn, Gd). 190. P. |-brunnea.—On sallow in Lowestoft 21 Mch. and ivy at both Frostenden (Btn, Mitton) and Reydon (Gd, Baker) in early Oct. 201. L . obsoleta.—One by Blyth at Walberswick in July (Btn). 209. A. albipuncta.—Five on grass-heads and sugar, Iken, Aug. (Jones). 218. M. populeti.—Usually common at Coddenham and Hemingstone (Crisp). 224. P. piniperda.—At blackthorn-flower near Blythburgh (Gd). Probably not rare (Wiltshire). 231. M. reticulata.—Barking, one on 18 June (GBtn). 270. E. glyphica.—Common in Oulton marshes, 1931 (Gd) and one spot in Sibton, 1936 (Hawley); Beccles (Gls), a series at Barnby Broad on 12 May (Mly). 281. P. festucae.—At Monks Soham light, 9 Aug. (Mly). 292. C. coryli.—Singly at Barking on 16 May (GBtn) and Mildenhall on 31 July (Gd). [295. For ' sailis ' read salicis.] 298. P. muricata.—Mildenhall, 31 July (Gd). 302. P. dilutaria.—On asters at Iken ; common at Aldeburgh in 1934 (Jones). 316. L. emutaria.—Not uncommon at Slaughden in July 1892 (Ctw, E M M . 1892, p. 254).



320. L. porata.—Wangford Wood at light, 12 May (Baker). 322. L. linearia.—Gorleston (Moore). 323. L. annulata.—Both broods at Monks Soham light (Mly). 328. E. vernaria.—Several at Barking and Needham in July (GBtn) ; Westleton (Webster). 332. T . viretata.—Several at Sotterley light in early May (Btn); Blythburgh Wood on 16 May (Mly) ; Hinton woods on 29 May (Gd). 355. E. castigata.—A few at Hinderclay on 14 June (Gd). 356. E. lariciata.—Numerous on larch at Mildenhall, 15 May (Gd). 362. E. trisignaria.—Lowestoft 1938 (Gd, teste Hayward) ; Sotterly light, 15 May (Mly). 365. E. pusillata.—Sotterlv Park and Blythburgh Wood (Btn, Mly). 379. C. sparsaria.—At Fritton light on 22 June (Gd). 385. C. certata.—Is said by Mr. G. Burton to have occurred at Needham so early as 30 March 1938 : I have not seen the specimen (Mly). 409. H. siterata.—Delete asterisk.—Three at car-lights in Bamham woods, three miles south of Thetford in Oct. 1937, and two at sugar soon after dusk in Mildenhall on 2 Oct 1938 (Gd). 415. H. silaceata.—Bentley Woods, June 1937 (Btn) ; Blythburgh Wood (Mr) ; four at Barking in May (GBtn). 418. H. dubitata.—Herringfleet light, 27 March (Gd). 423. H. cuculata.—One at Mildenhall on 31 July (Gd). 433. H. procellata.—One at light on 23 June in Fritton (Gd), where is no chalk ! Confirmed for Aldeburgh by one in garden there, 28 July 1931 (Jones). 435. H. fluviata.—Benacre Denes, 24 Sept. and in Lowestoft house, 24 Oct. (Btn.) [Add details from Trans. 1937, p. 294.] 448. X. vittata.—Found at Fritton (Moore). [466. For Erannia read Erannis.] 478. E. luridata.—Bentley Woods on 5 June (Gd) and bred thence (Btn). 507. A. hispidaria.—Five at Bentley Woods in March (Btn). 515. M. prosapiaria—At Scots Hall in Dunwich, 1936 (Hawley). 517. M. pulveraria.—One beaten from bushes in Bentley Woods, 7 June, 1936 ( G d ) ; three at Barking, 21 April to 14 May, 1938 (GBtn). 518. M. dolabraria.—Several in Wangford Wood (Reg. & Geo. Baker); Barking 19 June (GBtn.) 524. S. 4-lunaria.—Both sexes at light up to 27 April in Benacre woods (Mitton). 538. P. 8-gesima.—Sugar, Reydon (Baker) and Barking (GBtn). 551. D. galii.—One found by lady on garden-lawn in Southwold, 2 Aug. (Collings).



554. S. convolvuli.—One at Reydon in Aug. (Baker) ; a fine male at Finbro Magna inn on 19 Oct. (Rev. F. M. Richards). 555. A. Atropos.—At least thirty larvae and pupas occurred in Aug.-Oct. 1938 at Bradwell (Moore), Beccles (Goldsmith), Wrentham, Reydon, Wangford, Haiesworth (Baker, 14 in all), Holton, Saxmundham (Btn), Westleton (Webster), Sweffling (Mr. W. H. Harris), Worlingworth (Revd. G. T . Wilkes, Mr. Woods), Waldringfield (Canon Waller) and Felixstow (Lingwood). Commonest round Southwold, where one larva fed on Tea-tree Lycium Chinense. 566. D. trepida.—Very late : Mildenhall, 15 May and Hinton (Gd) ; 12 and 14 May Wangford Wood (Baker). 567. D. trimacula— Reydon, four (Baker) ; Sotterley, Herringfleet (Gd). 568. D. chaonia.—Barking, one on 16 May (GBtn). 569. S. fagi.—Female at Scots Hall and male at Staverton, 1936 (Hawley). 572. O. cuculla.—One at car-lights in Barking woods on 14 June 1938 by Mr. J. Burton (Platten). 594. C. castrensis.—Larvae locally in profusion at Walberswick salt-marshes in June 1937 ; none there in 1938 (Btn). 598. A. paphia.—Badley on 13 and 14 July (Platten, G d ) . [604. To Ens add its author, Meig.] 607. V. c-album.—In spring at only Waldringfield in late March, Hemley late April and 4 May (Waller), and Rougham 1 May (Miss Carr). i^ater mainly singly: in late July at Wattisham, four (Andrews), Westleton (Webster), Beccles (Gls, none later), Dedham (Vinter), Hemingstone (Crisp), Monks Soham (Mrs. Morley) and over thirty round Needham (Platten); early August at Needham, Monks Soham (John Bedwell), over fifty near Fornham Martin (Mr. F. Burreil), Fakenham (Gd), Saxmundham (Miss Hill), Blythburgh (Ernest Bedwell)) ; late August at Stowmarket (Dr. Hill), Rougham (Miss Carr); late Sept. at Felixstow (French), Ipswich and Rushmere there (Miss King), Westleton (Webster), Benacre (Mly), T h o m d o n (Gale). October Ist at Mildenhall (D) and Campsey Ash (Meeting),2nd Rushmere, 8th Barton Mills (D), 20th one at Finbro' Magna (Richards); 9th to 22nd Monks Soham ivy, two on 15th. 611. V. antiopa.—' 1872,' one of this score sold for a guinea at Stevens' auction on 8 Feb. 1938 (Entom. '38, p. 93).—The late Mr. Singleton Smith took three or four at a Cossus-tree in marshes below Oulton church, and I saw one Aying across the road by Lowestoft church, all in or about 1900 (Ernest Bedwell). 614. L. sibylla.—In 1824-5 " the Rev. R. Sheppard captured a considerable number in the vicinity of Ipswich " (Curtis, B. E. cxxiv).—Garden in Needham (Platten), Westleton woods (Webster) and several in Wangford Wood (Gd). A colony near Yarmouth (EDailv Press, Aug. 1938).







619. S.semele.—Gorleston (Wiltshire); profuse round Ipswich. 627. T . w-album.—Westleton (Webster), Badley (Gd, D, Mr), Barking (Platten), Rougham (Miss Carr), Fakenham (Gd). 630. C. phlceas — One $ of silver form Schmidti, Gerh., Beccles on 21 Aug. (Gls). 639. L. aEgon.—I could have taken fifty at Bramford in 1935 (Butters). 641. C. edusa.—First brood rare, at only Beccles on 6 June (Gls, first here since 1922) and Clopton on 12th (French ; & Badburv Rings, Dorset, 16th, Mly). Second brood appeared on 31 July when one was Aying on Corton cliff (Cook) and 1 August ; it is recorded from Brandon, Fakenham, Beccles, Southtown (Mr), Lowestoft denes (Cook), Denham, Westhall (D), Monks Soham, Frostenden, Walberswick (Btn, Simpson) ; Rougham, Fornham Martin, Needham, Creeting, Coddenham^ Woodbridge (Ross-Lewin), Rushmere (Chevallier, King, M r . Ray), Waldringfield, Ramsholt, Felixstow one only, Belstead and Bentley, ending on 13-14 Sept. at Whitton (Miss King), Old Newton (Dr. Hill) and Reydon Hall (Baker). One in Rushmere garden on 10 Oct. (Chevallier). After frost the previous night, I was surprised to see one Aying in Waldringfield on 29 October (Waller).—' Saw swarms of Edusa at Wissant on the French coast on 25 Aug.' (Hawley). 642. C. hyale.—One only, in a field of lucerne at Whitton, 29 Aug. (Miss King). [A female taken in my Essex garden at Dedham so late as 26 Oct. (Vinter).] 651. P. Machaon.—One, of Continental yellow coloration, taken at " Bottom of Hopton cliff, wind east, 1911 " (in Singleton Smith's coli, at Lowestoft Library). [It is hoped to treat of the Microlepidoptera next year : space forbids here.] A D D I T I O N A L S P E C I E S T O T H E 1937 ' M E M O I R . ' 1506 (57«), Spodoptera exigua, Hüb.—Iken (Jones), Needham (GBtn), Wangford (Mly), Benacre (Baker, Gd). Cf. Obs. post. 1507 (569a). Ptilophora plumigera, Esp.—One $ at light in Needham Market on 10 Nov. 1937 (Platten, Trans, iii, p. 295). 1508 (679a). Homaosoma saxicola, Vaughan (distinct from H. nebulella, of Mem. 122).—Of this doubtfully indigenous Phycitid a $ fiew in to light at Monks Soham on 6 August 1938 (Mly, teste Hayward). 1509 (1389a). Cerostoma alpella, Schff.—Three specimens taken in Benacre woods during 1934-7 (Goddard). 1510 (115a). Heliothis scutosus, Schff.—One s p e c i m e n of this rare I m m i g r a n t " was taken in August, 1938 i n a field of lucerne near Lowestoft. T h e last recorded species [tt'c] was taken in S. Devon in 1900." (Proc. Ent. Soc. London, Agenda of Meeting 8 7 Dec., 1938).

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