Lepidoptera of Suffolk: Addenda et Corrigenda

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THE LEPIDOPTERA OF SUFFOLK. A D D E N D A F.T CORRIGENDA. Concluded from page 31 supra, where 385, C. certata, is now conti rmed ; and 642, in S q u a r e brackets, is corrected at Proc. p. xlviii.—Ed. 659. A. lotella.—In numbers at Thetford on 24 June (Gd). 666. E. Farrella.—Cf. E M M . 1889, 225 ; and Trans, iv, 75. 671. P. interpunctella.—One, very worn, in Waldingfield rectorv on 30 June 1940 (Wir). 675! H. sinuella.—Eriswell on 11 June 1940 (Gd. teste Rait-Smith). 683. E. marmorea.—At Monks Soham light, 3 Aug. (Mly). 687. A. consociella.—Monks Soham light in Aug. (Mly). 718. P. cerussella.—On grasses at Aldeburgh in July (Gd). 719. C. phragmitellus.—For 1833 read 1933. F.aston Broad in Sept. 1938 ; and at Monks Soham light (for first time in 35 years ! ) in 1939 (Mly). 721. Schoenobius forficellus.—Iken at light (Jones). 722. S. gigantellus.—Several at Fritton light, 20 Aug. (Mly). 737. P. sambucalis.—Dunwich (Horsfall). 763. S. dubitalis.—Rarely at Aldeburgh in July 1892 (Ctw. EMM. 1892, 254). 764. S. basistrigalis.—Lowestoft in 1937 (Gd). 766. S. angustea.—Oulton Broad in September (Mly). 774. A. pinguinalis.—Dunwich (Horsfall). 781. P. acanthodactyla.—Benacre Denes in Sept.(Geo. Baker). 792. P. lieniganus.—For " 1891 " read Julv 1892 (EMM. 1892, 254). 793. P. monodactylus.—Blvthburgh Wood in Sept. (Mly). 798. A. Benneti.—Manv at light in Ikensalternsl9Aug.(MIy). 801. Zenzera pyrina.—One in Normanston Park at Lowestoft 1933 ( G d ) ; one in south Rushmere garden on 6 July 1938 and empty pupa in Pyrus floributida there the previous day (Mr. J. D. Ray of Redcroft there). 803. Z. filipendulse.—Still in profusion at Badley (Platten) ; one at Bedingfield in 1938 (Miss Alice Read, teste C . M . ) ; a colony near Sudbury (Capt. Hutchinson). 812. P. Smeathmannana.—Bentley Woods on 18 May 1936. 813. P. badiana.—Common at Monks Soham light (Mly). 830. P. maculosana.—Lowestoft 1937 and Hinton Wood in June 1938 (Gd). 838. H . inopiana.—Mildenhall on 31 July (Gd). 842. C. podana.—Wangford Wood at light, 22 Sept. (Mly). 857. T. costana.—Hinton Wood and Sotterly in June (Gd. teste Hayward). 860. T. musculana.—Lowestoft ( G d ) ; Barnby Broad.



876. For " olmana " read Ulmana. 882. P. hastana.—One bred from osiers at Oakley on 29 Sept. 1940 (Gd). 886. P. variegana.—One at Sibton in Nov. 1937 (Hawley) 887. P. Schallerana.—Mildenhall in Sept. (Btn) ; common in Mrs. Critten's Southwold garden. 890. P. contaminana.—Framlingham, Westleton and Saxstead in October and November (Mly). 891. P. Shepherdana.—Oulton marshes on 19 Sept. 1931 ; and several at light in Herringfleet marshes just after dusk on both 17 and 21 Aug. 1935 (Mly). Proc. 1939, p. lxvi. 892. P. ferrugana.—Blythbro wood in September 1940. 899. E. Buoliana—Mildenhall (Gd) ; Monks Soham (Mly). 900. E. pinivorana.—Aldeburgh ( E M M . 1892, 254). 902. E. turionana.—Taken at Mildenhall on 30 May (Gd). 903. E. Purdeii.—Waldringfield, plentiful in 1940 (Wir). 906. A. obstusana.—Several in Hinton Wood in May-June. 911. A. diminutana.—Hinton Wood on 29 May 1938 (Gd). 913. A upupana.—Blythburgh Wood in mid-May (Mly) and Bentley Woods in June (Gd) 1938. 916. G. dealbana.—Wangford Wood (Gd. teste Hayward). 919. G. acerana.—Wangford Wood in July (Gd). 936. E. citrana—Freckenham in July 1931 (Trans, iv, 74). 938. E. aemulana.—NE. Suffolk on 19 Aug. 1924 (H.C. Hayward). 940. E. subocellana.—Hinton Wood in June (Gd). 944. F.. ramella.—Flewto light in Blythburgh Wood, 1938 (Mly.) 946. E. i m m u n d a n a — M a y 1938: Blythburgh (Btn. teste C.M.) and Sotterly (Mly). 947. For " 8 June " read 28 June. 950. E. tjedella.—Mildenhall on 2 May 1938. 956. E. ophthalmicana.—Mildenhall in Sept. 1937 (Gd) ; beaten aspen, Bentley Woods 13 Oct. 1940 (Btn). 957. E. bilunana.—Gorleston palings on 24 June 1934 and 4 July 1936 (D. col). Mus. Southwold). 958. E. Solandrana.—Mildenhall in Aug. (Gd). 959. E. sordidana.—In profusion at South Cove (Trans, iv, 75). 960. E. semifuscana.—Mildenhall in July (Gd). 964. E. cana.—At Monks Soham light in August 1909 (Mly.) 971. L. permixtana.—Mildenhall in June 1938 (Gd. teste Hayward). 977. E ericetana.—Mildenhall ( G d ) ; Brandon light. 978. E antiquana.—Wangford Wood light, 22 Sept. 988. A. profundana.—In Brandon oak wood, July 1937. 995. A. lacunana—South Cove light, 19 Sept. (Mly). Var. herbana taken at T h o r p in July 1892 (Ctw. E M M . 1892, 254). 997. A. bifasciana. Plentiful on pine at Waldringfield (Wir).

153 999. A. striana.—Monks Soham light, 28 Aug. (Mly); Hemley, Waldringfield, Leisten (Wir). 1012. P.nitidana.—Sotterly on7 June 1938(Gd. teste Hayward). 1019. P. Juliana.—Two bred at Waldringfield 1937 (Waller). 1020. P. populana.—Fritton Lake at light, Aug. 1939. 1027. L. aurana.—On Heracleumfl.Sibton Park, July (Mly). 1028. L. grossana.—Mildenhall in July 1938 (Gd. teste Hayward). 1032. L. internana.—Waldringfield, a few in May 1940 (Wir). 1033. L. perlepidana.—-Several at Belstead on 5 May (Gd). 1037. L. dorsana.—CONFIRMED FOR SUFFOLK. Manv on oaktrunks in Blythburgh Wood, 1-13 (Btn. teste C.M.) and several at Wangford Wood light on 12 (Geo. Baker), May 1938. 1055. A. ericinella.—Abundant on Iken Heath in Aug. (Mly). 1064. E. dodecrella.—Aldeburgh in July (EMM. 1892, 254). Here insert " Brandon, on pine railing 1918 (Mly) " from 1068. 1070. T. vulgella.—Mildenhall (Gd); Brandon (Mly). 1080. G. senectella.—Aldeburgh (EMM. 1892, 254). • 1096. P. vilella.—On cliff at Southwold, 28 Sept. 1839 (Mly. teste Hayw.) 1105. P. costella.—At light; several in Monks Soham in Aug. and one in Wangford Wood in mid-Sepi. 1938 (Mly). 1112. P. marmorea.—Aldeburgh (EMM. 1892, 254). 1116. S. ^-costella.—Aldeburgh (loc. cit. 255); Mildenhall in 1939 (Gd). 1117. S. anthyllidella.—Wangford Wood in May 1938 (Gd teste Hayw.) 1125. C. gibbosella.—Singly at Cavenham and Mildenhai! in 1937 (Gd); Mildenhall in Sept. 1938 (Btn. in coli. Mly). 1127. D. juniperella.—Add asterisk, erroneously omitted. 1131. B. rufescens.—Mildenhall (Gd); several at light at both Brandon and Monks Soham (Mly). Omit " so " at line 15 from bottom of p. 173. 1134. L. phragmitella.—Running abundantly on reeds in July, and six at light in August, 1938 at Fritton Lake (Gd). 1141. M. subbistrigella.—Sotterly Park light, 15 May. 1142. M. fulvescens.—On Beccies Common, 8 April 1938. 1150. S. augustella.—One beaten from pine bough at Waldringfield, 24 June 1940 (Wir). 1160. C. salicella.—Two Aying in sun at Lowestoft on 15 and one at 1939* (B°rrOW' teste Saxstead on 9 May (Mly) 1184. D. zephyrella.—Probably general: Monks Soham, Oct. 1938. 1189. D. purpurea.—Monks Soham windows at dusk, Oct. 1192. D. Yeatesana.—In Monks Soham museum after dark, 30 Nov. 1939 (Mly). THE LEPIDOPTERA OF SUFFOLK.




1205. H. sericiella, Haw. (not of HS.) Blythburgh Wood, 7 May 1938 (Gd. teste Hayw). 1220. E. Gleichenella.—Beaten sallow in Blvthburgh Wood, 12 May 1937 (Gd). 1227. F.. stabilella.—Aldeburgh ( E M M . 1892, 255). 1248. C. gysselenella.—Waldringfield, not plentiful on pine, 1940 (Wir). 1253. A. pygmiella.—Belstead road-pales, Ipswich, August. 1258. A. conjugella.—Rowan, Benacre Wood, May 1940 (Gd). 1266. S. combinella.—Blythbro Wood in 1939 ( G d . teste Rait-Smith). 1276. H. cognatella.—Larvse abundant on spindle at Frostenden (Mly). 1281. Last line: omit " a n d glabratella," cf. No. 1250. 1284. C. spissicornis.—Hinton Wood in July (Gd. teste Hayward). 1295. C. laricella.—Several at light in Wangford Wood, 12 Mav (Mly). 1300". C. albidella.—Dingle in Dunwich, 4 April 1938 (Gd). 1308. C. albidicosta.—Mildenhall in mid-May ( G d ) ; Monks Soham light in Aug. (Mly). 1318. C. annulatella.—Aldeburgh ( E M M . 1892, 255). 1332. L. quercifoliella.—Westleton Heath, Dingle, Blythburgh and Wangford woods. 1333. L. alnifoliella.—Farnham in May and South Cove in Sept. (Mly). 1338. L. faginella.—Frostenden ( M l y ) ; abundant in Dingle. 1343. L. Blancardella.—Blythburgh Wood, April 1938 (Gd.) 1346. L. salicicolella.—On Blythburgh Wood oak-trunk, May 1938 (Mly). 1354. L. tristrigella.—Singly in Dingle and Blythburgh woods ( G d ) ; abundant on Brandon pales by elm in 1937 (Mly). 1362. L. sylvella.—Dunwich and Dingle woods, 1938 (Gd). 1367. O. guttea.—Plenty in Waldringfield apple-leaves, 1940 (Whittingham). 1368. O. anglicella.—Several, Dingle in Dunwich, April (Gd). 1370. O. torquillella.—Beaten whitethorn at Foxhall, April. 1375. G. tringipennella.—Monks Soham roadside on 31 May. 1377. G. alchimella.—Wangford Wood at light in May (Gd, Mly). 1379. C. fulviguttella.—Many on Angelica fl. at Butley Priory, A u g . ; and Thelnetham Fen, Sept. (Mly). 1380. S. festaliella.—Beaten from Rowan at Benacre and Rubus at Blythburgh, April (Gd). 1381. E. chaerophyllella.—Lowestoft 1937 and Thelnetham Fen in Sept. 1940 ( G d ) ; on Monks Soham window, Oct. (Mly). 1387. C. nemorella.—Sotterly on 15 July 1938 (Gd).



1388. C. scabrella.—Monks Soham garden, Fritton at light and Gorleston on pales (Mlv). [Not rare, with C. sylvella, in woods in Norfolk just oppostie Oakley in 1940 (Gd).] 1394. P. porrectella.—Several at Waldringfield on 10 June, the first since 1903 at Hemley (Wir). 1402. L. scitella.—For " Parkham " read Parham. 1420. T . corticella.—One at light in Sotterly, 16 June 1937 (Gd). 1421. T . parasitella.—Under decayed bark, Bentley Woods (Gd). 1422. T . granella. - A t light, Wangford and Monks Soham. 1426. T . misella.—At Monks Soham light, July 1935 (Mly). 1431. T . semifulvella.—Lowestoft ( G d ) ; Monks Soham at light (Mly). 1434. P. bisontella.—Several beaten ivy at Frostenden (Donisthorpe). 1435. P. vacculella.—Several at Monks Soham light (Mly). Page 208, line 8, for " Myrmedozela" read Myrmecozela. 1443. F. casta.—Cases plentiful on grasses at Waldringfield in 1940 ; none bred (Wir). 1444. p. bistrigella—Mildenhall on 15 May 1938 (Gd). 1445. I. muscalella.—Lowestoft and Benacre Wcod (Gd). 1448. L. prselatella.—Blythbro Wood, one in 1939 (Gd). 1452. N. fasciella.—Several in my Waldringfield garden, July 1936; and more from 15 June 1940 (Wir). 1457. A. cuprella.—Much beating produced none in 1939. 1460. A. rufimitrella.—Flying freely among Sysymbrium alliaria from 26 May 1940 at Waldringfield ; three 1933 (Wir). 1462. N. Swammerdamella.—Many in Hinton Wood 1939 (Btn, Mly). Page 212, line 9, for " not " read nor. 1490. H. svlvinus.—Unusually frequent at Monks Soham in 1938 (Mly). 1492. E. semipurpurella.—Lowestoft in March 1938 (Gd). ADDITIONAL






1511 (1226a). Elachisla Kilmunella, Staint.—At light, Fritton Lake, Aug. 1939. 1512 (1229a). Elachisla Gangabella, Zell.—Inside Monks Soham House door, 29 May 1939. 1513 (1480a). Nepticula confusella, Wals.—One on Monks Soham window, 1940 (Mly).

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