B Y D R . W . S . BRISTOWE, M . A . , D . S c . ,
The List of a hundred and eighty species which I give below includes, I believe, all the species that are known to inhabit Suffolk in 1937. Several have not previously been recorded. Many more of the 550 British kinds will be added in the future as the result of careful search. I have not attempted to give a complete list of the localities in which each species has been found [though such has been later inserted, as far as at present ascertained.—Ed.] but have recorded only my own unpublished localitity records. Most of my collecting has been carried out, besides Hemley, within the area bounded by Mildenhall, Brandon, Thetford and Bury St. Edmunds, and its duration unfortunately has amounted to very fevv days in all. This is a rieh area, which deserves much more attention. The saltmarshes, where Mr. Claude Morley and M r . H . St. J. Donisthorpe have recently discovered a species new to Britain (recorded by Dr. Randelf Jackson in the Trans, of the Suff. Nat. Soc. 1937, p. 279) Trochosa fulvolineata, Luc., at Hemley and Blythburgh, would also repay careful search. The little blue-bodied Spider, Physocyclus Simoni, Berl., was also new to Britain when I found it in the cellars of the Angel Hotel at Bury St. Edmunds in 1932, but I have since rediscovered it in similar situations in eight other counties. Previous records of Suffolk Spiders have comprised a list of species, rarely with any indication of locality, by your Hon. Secretary [on the authority of the late Revd. Octavius Pickard-Cambridge, M.A., F.R.S., of " Bloxworth Blue " fame, Wareham in Dorset] in the Victoria History of the County of Suffolk 1911, and scattered additions in the Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society and elsewhere. Family D I C T Y N I D / E . 1. 2. 3. 4
Dictvna arundinacea, Linn.—Mildenhall, Bury. Monks Soham 1938. Dictyna uncinata, Westr.—Monks Soham garden, October 1905a, Farnham 1938. Newmarket. Dictyna pusilla, Westr.—Bury St. Edmunds. Dictyna latens, Fab.—One mile south of Navland, 1931 (Hull).j3 _
a T h e s e localities, of the species baldly listed in Vict. Hist., corae before D r . Bristowe's because they are both more southern and earlier records.—Ed. 0 T h e Revd. D r . Hull in ' Essex Naturalist ' 1934, xxiv, pp. 2 0 9 - 1 4 . — E d .
Lathys humilis, Bl.—'Tuddenham Fen, July 1903 ; Southwold and Foxhall 1938. Bury. 6. Amaurobius similis, Bl.—Ipswich kitchen, Tattingstone ; Monks-park Wood, Monks Soham. Mildenhall, Bury. 7. Amaurobius ferox, Walk.—Bury St. Edmunds. 8. Amaurobius fenestralis, Ström.—E. Bergholt, April 1901 ; Southwold 1938. Mildenhall. Family PHOLCID7E. 9. Pholcus phalangioides, Fuess.—Bury St. Edmunds, in cellars. 10. Physocyclus Simoni, Berl.—Bury, in Angel Hotel cellars : NEW to Britain in 1932. Family DYSDERID^E. 11. 12. 13.
Dysdera crocata, Koch.—Mildenhall. Dysdera erylhrina, Walck.—Felixstow in June 1903. Harpactes llombergi, Scop.—Ipswich 1904; abundant among ivy by day and on sugar by night for miles round Southwold ; Foxhall. Mildenhall. 14. Oonops pulchra, Tem.—One mile south of Nayland (Hull). 15. Segestria senoculata, Linn.—Abundant ; E. Bergholt, Tattingstone, Ipswich, Southwold dist., Monks Soham.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Family D R A S S I D ^ . Drassodes lapidosus, Walck. (cupreus, Bl.)—E. Bergholt, Bentley Woods, Foxhall. Brandon. Drassodes signifer, Kch. (troglodytes, Kch.)—Brandon. Southwold dist. 1938. Drasscdes pubescens, Thor.—Mildenhall. Zelotes apricorum, L.K.—Aldeburgh. Zelotes Latreillii, Koch.—Bentley Woods, Dec. 1901. Mildenhall. Zelotes electus, Koch.—Bentley Woods, in Aira csespitosa tuft, April 1901. Scotophoeus Blackivalli, Thor.—Bury St. Edmunds. Micaria pulicaria, Sund.—Ipswich and Southwold 1903. Mildenhall.
Family C L U B I O N I D ^ E . Clubiona pallidula, Clk.—Bentley, Ipswich. Southwold, Monks Soham & (Tr. iii, 183) Gorleston, Mildenhall. 25. Clubiona terrestris, Westr—Gorleston (Trans., I.e.), Monks Soham. Brandon. 26. Clubiona reclusa, Camb.—E. Bergholt, Bentley, one on dead Jay at Foxhall, 1900-4; Monks Soham ; Southwold dist. 1938. Mildenhall. 27. Clubiona brevipes, Bl.—Bentley, Tuddenham Fen 1903 ; Farnham, Southwold. Bury.
28. Clubiona phragmitis, Koch. (holosericea, DeG).— Tuddenham, July 1903 ; Southwold dist. 1938. Bury. 29. Clubiona stagnatilis, Kulcz.—Southwold (Trans, iii, 183) Monks-park Wood. Mildenhall. 30. Clubiona compta, Koch.—Bury. Southwold and Monks Soham 1938. 31. Clubiona corticalis, Walck.—Southwold (I.e.), Blythbro Monks Soham 1938. Brandon. 32. Clubiona subtilis, L.K.—Brandon. 33. Clubiona interjecta, Koch.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). 34. Clubiona lutescens, Westr.—South of Nayland (Hull Monks Soham, a male, May 1938. 35. Clubiona diversa, Camb.—Mildenhall. 36. Chiracanthium erraticum, Walck.—Monks Soha Mildenhall. 37. Agrceca brunnea, Bl.—Bentley Woods in 1902, rare and nests never observed (Mly). Brandon. Haiesworth, mud nest on glass, August 1940 (P. J. Burton). 38. Zora spinimana, Sund.—I pswich and Foxhall 1901-4; Southwold 1938. Brandon. 39. Anyphana accentuata, Walck.—Bentley, Belstead, Ipswic Blythbro, Southwold. Bury. Family THOMISID^. 40. Thanatus striatus, Koch.—Hemley; Mildenhall, Brandon. 41. Philodromus dispar, Walck.—Bentley, Ipswich, Bramford Farnham, Southwold, Monks-park Wood. Brandon. 42. Philodromus aureolus, Clk—Ipswich, Bramford, on Jay at Foxhall 1901, Southwold 1938. Mildenhall. 43. Philodromus caspiticollis, Walck.—Brandon. 44. Philodromus fallax, Sund.—Suffolk (in coli. Cambridge). 45. Xysticus cristatus, Clk.—Common in moss everywhere Mildenhall, Burv. 46. Xysticus audax, Sehr, (pini, Hahn).—Bentley Woods, May 1902; old pines Blythbro Heath, September 1937. Mildenhall. 47. Xysticus lanio, Koch.—Not rare in Bentley Woods, May. 48. Xysticus erraticus, Bl.—Bentley Woods, 1901. Brandon 49. Xysticus ulmi, Hahn.—Rare and local near Ipswich in April 1904. Burv. 50. Xysticus luctuosus, Bl.—One mile scuth of Nayland (H 51. Xysticus luctator, Koch.—Ditto. 52. Oxyptila sanetuaria, Camb.—Southwold (Trans, iii, 183 and 1938. Bury. 53. Oxyptila atomaria, Pz.—Bentley Woods in Aira-tufts, Dec 1901. Brandon. 54. Oxyptila praticola, Koch.—Ipswich 1904, common; Gisleham (Trans, i, 141).
55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.
67. 68. 69.
70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78.
Oxvptila trux, Bl.—Local ; swept at Bramford, 3 May 1901. Hemlev. Oxyptila flexa, Camb.—Rare ; Ipswich dist. 1904 (cf. Proc. Dorset Field Club 1906, p. 79). Oxpvtila scabricola, Westr.—Mildenhall, Brandon. Tibellus parallelus, Koch.—Ipswich and Bramford, local 1901-4. Hemley ; Brandon. Tibellus maritimus, Menge.—One mile south of Navland, 1931 (Hull). Misumena vatia, Clk.—Common everywhere on umbellflowers. Brandon Family P I S A U R I D / E . Pisaura mirabilis, Clk.—Ipswich and Bramford 1904, Southwold 1936, Monks Soham 1938. Brandon. Dolomedes fimbriatus, Walck.—Ipswich district in 1904. Familv L Y C O S I D / E . Pirata piratica, Clk.—E. Bergholt grass-tuft April 1901. Hemley. Pirata hygrophilus, Thor.—Local ; Ipswich district 1904. Hemley. Pirata latitans, Bl.—Local ; Ipswich district 1904. Hemlev. Trochosa ruricola, DeG.—Southwold, Barnby Broad, Monks Soham, Monks-park Wood 1937, Bradfield St. Clair in May 1901. Bury. Trochosa terricola, Thor.—Bentley and Ipswich 1901-4, Southwold and Barnby 1938. Bury. Trochosa perita, Ltr. (picta, H a h n ) . — L o c a l ; Southwold sand-hills, July 1902 and May 1937. Mildenhall. Trochosa fulvilineata, Luc.—NEW to Britain : a pair in sah marshes among Statice limonium at Hemley and Blythburgh, 1937 (Trans, iii, 279). Pardosa amentata, Clk.—Bentley Woods 1901, Southwold and Monks Soham 1938. Bury. Pardosa lugubris, Walck.—Bentley Woods 1901. Mildenhall. Pardosa Purbeckensis, F . Camb.—Hemley. Pardosa nigriceps, T h o r . — E . Bergholt in Aira-tuft April 1901. Mildenhall, Bury. Pardosa tarsalis, Thor.—Suffolk (in coli. Cambridge). Pardosa pullata, C l k . — A b u n d a n t ; Ipswich, from Stuston to Bawdsey (Trans, ii, p.cl). Pardosa palustris, Linn.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). Pardosa monticola, Koch.—Bentley Woods, April 1902. Mildenhall. Pardosa prativaga, Koch.—Gorleston 1936 (Trans, iii, 183), Southwold 1938.
160 79. 80.
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93.
Pardosa rubrifasciata, Ohl.—Thetford. Tarentula barbipes, Sund.—Ipswich gardens Walberswick Heath in March, Southwold 1938. Mildenhall. Tarentula pulverulenta, Clk.—Mildenhall, Bury.
1901-4; in Sept.
Family S A L T I C I D / E . Salticus * scenicus, Clk.—Abundant evervwhere on walls, &c ; Bawdsey (Trans, ii, p. cl). Mildenhall. Salticus cingulatus, Panz.—Mildenhall. Heliophanus cupreus, Walck.—Bentley and Foxhall, 1901-3. Bury. Heliophanus flavipes, Koch.—Bramford in 1901. Mildenhall. Evarcha falcata, Bl.—Mildenhall. Nenn reticulaius, Bl.—One mile south of Nayland (Hui!). Ballus depressus, Walck.—Not common ; Bentley Woods on oaks, May 1901-4. Attulus saltator, Sim.—Rare and local; swept in Tuddenham Fen, July 1903. Euophrys frontalis, Walck.—Mildenhall. Euophrys erraticus, Walck.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). Marpessa muscosa, Clk.—Not rare on gates at Culford. & c , in May 1922, &c. Sitticus caricis, Westr.—Assington Thicks, Bentley Woods. Foxhall, 1900-4.
Family AGELENID7E. Agelena labyrinthica, Clk.—Taken in Ipswich d i s t r i c t , 1904. Tegenaria domestica, Clk. (Derhami, Scop).—Frequent indoors: Wenhaston, Gorleston ( T r a n s , iii, 7 6 a n d l 8 3 ) ; Monks Soham 1938-40. Bury. 96. Tegenaria parietina, Fourc.—Dedham, Ipswich, Woodbridge, Southwold, Monks Soham, Debenham, Bury. 97. Tegenaria atrica, Koch.—Fritton Lake on sugar, Oct. 1934 (Trans, ii, 285). Bury. 98. Textrix denticulata, Oliv.—Near Nayland in 1931 (Hull). 99. Argyroneta aquatica, Latr.—Common in all waters: Ipswich 1904, Kessingland dam (bite : Trans, ii, 79). Family M I M E T I D ^ . 100. Ero furcata, Vill.—Ipswich 1904; Bentley Woods 1936; bred at Monks Soham from egg-sac on elongate footstalk (Entom. 1916, 32). Bury. 101. Ero Cambridgii, Kulcz.—Brandon.
94. 95.
* W e have n o w h e r e m e t w i t h records of fossil Arachnida in Suffolk, presumably because o u r strata are too late : for S p i d e r s of this genus in A m b e r , cf. T r a n s , i, 115. Scorpiones, o f w h i c h n o n e exist as British nowadavs, of the S u b o r d e r Apoxypodes are a m o n g the oldest indigenous Articulata (cf. T r a n s , iii, 2 8 2 ) . — E d .
Family T H E R I D I I D 7 E . Theridion sisyphium, Clk—Ipswich 1903-4, Southwold 1938. Mildenhall. 103. Theridion varians, Hahn.—Monks Soham gardcn, Sept. 1905. Bury. 104. Theridion denticulatum, Walck.—Bury. Southwold dist. and Foxhall 1938. 105. Theridion pallens, Bl.—Ditto. Ditto. 106. Theridion vittatum, Koch.—Foxhall 1903 ; Monks Soham, Southwold, Foxhall 1938. Bury. 107. Theridion bimaculatum, L.—Ipswich grass-tufts 1901 ; Foxhall 1938. Brandon. 108. Theridion tepidariorum, Koch.—Bury St. Edmunds. 109. Theridion ovatum, Clk. (Phyllonethis lineata, Clk).— Bentlev, Ipswich, Foxhall, Monks Soham (Trans, iii, 279). Brandon. 110. Theridion tinctum, Walck.—Brandon. Southwold district 1938. 111. Theridion simile, Koch.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). 112. Theridion aulicum, Koch.—Ditto. 113. Theridion impressum, Koch.—Ditto. 114. Stearodea bipunctata, L—Gorleston (Trans, iii, 183), Monks Soham, Monks-park Wood. Bury. 115. Crustulina guttata, Wid.—Bentley Woods and Trimley grass-tufts, April 1901. 116. Crustulina sticta, Camb.—Brandon. 117. Asaqena p'ialerata, Pz.—A female at Monks Soham 1938. 118. Robertus dubius, Bl.—One mi!e south of Nayland (Hull). 119. Robertus lividus, B l . - A male at Southwold in May 1938. 120. Pholcomma gibbum, Westr.—Rare and local about Ipswich in 1904. Brandon. 121. Lithyphantes albimacu latus, DeG. (corollatus, L).—A local and rare kind ; found under a stone on open breck between Brandon and Elveden, early June 1903. 122. Dtpcena cnracina, Koch.—Rare and local; sin£,ly at lpsw.cn Sept. 1903. Brandon.
Family ARGIOPID7E. 123. Singa pvgmcea, Sund.—Mildenhall. 124. Cercidiä prominens, Westr.—Local ; Bentley Woods grass tuft, April 1902. Brandon. 125. Cyclosa conica, Poll. Bentley and Ipswich in Winter; Southwold, Monks-park. Brandon. 126. Zygiella atrica, Koch.—Bury St. Edmunds. 127. Zygiella x-notata, Clk.—Monks Soham (Trans, ii, 285), several in April 1938. Bury. 128. Araneus cucurbitinus, Clk—Ipswich, Foxhall, Bramford, Monks Soham, Monks-park Wood. Mildenhall. 129. Araneus Redii, S c o p — Ipswich district. Mildenhall.
130. 131. 132.
133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139.
140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146.
147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153.
Araneus quadratus, Clk.—Abundant on Sea-aster at Southwold and Reydon (Trans, iii, 76). Araneus diadematus, Clk.—Ubiquitous: Felixstow, Framlingham (versus Bee : Trans, i, 225), Southwold, Gorleston (I.e. iii, 76), &c. Araneus umbraticus, Clk.—Ipswich, Foxhall, Blythbro', Southwold, at Monks Soham light in Aug. 1935, in cop. on Fritton sugar (Trans, iii, 76). Araneus cornutus, Clk.—Southwold, Monks Soham (I.e. ii, 179), Tuddenham. Mildenhall. Araneus gibbosus, Walck.—Ipswich 1901-4; Foxhall, Monks-park Wood 1937. Mildenhall. Araneus marrnoreus, Clk., var. pvramidatus, Clk.—Loca! and r a r e ; Ipswich in Oct. 1903. Araneus triguttatus, Fab.—Ipswich 1904 (Vict. Hist. 1911, 151); Southwold 1938. Araneus sericatus, Clk.—Bury St. Edmunds. Araneus Sturmi, Hahn.—Bury St. Edmunds. Meta segmentata, Clk.—Common: Bentlev, Belstead, Ipswich, Foxhall, Farnham, Southwold, Tuddenham Fen. Brandon, Felixstow. Meta Meriana, Scop.—Foxhall in Aira-tufts 1901, Monks Soham 1938. Bury. Tetragnatha extensa, Linn.—Common : Foxhall 1903 and 1938, &c. Mildenhall. Tetragnatha montana, Sim.—Ipswich 1904, Southwold 1938. Bury. Tetragnatha obtusa, Koch.—Monks Soham 1905 ; Southwold 1938, common. Bury. Tetragnatha Solandri, Scop.—One mile south of Navland, 1931 (Hull). Pachvgnatha DeGeeri, Sund.—Bentley, Ipswich, Trimley, "Monks Soham 1938. Hemlev. Pachygnatha Clercki, Sund.—Ipswich 1899-1904, Monks Soham 1938. Hemley. Family L I N Y P H I I D / E . Linyphia triangularis, Clk.—Ipswich; Southwold. Bury. Linyphia montana, Clk.—Southwold ; Monks Soham 1938. Mildenhall, Newmarket. Linyphia hortensis, Sund.—Bentley Woods 1903, Southwold 1938. Brandon. Linyphia clathrata, Sund.—Foxhall in Aira-tufts, 1901. Newmarket. Linyphia peltata, Wid.—Foxhall, Farnham, Southwold, all 1938. Newmarket. Linyphia furtiva, Camb.—Nayland-Stoke in 1931 (Hull). Helophora insignis, Bl.—Taken near Southwold, Sept. 1936 (Trans, iii, 183).
154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186.
Taranucnus setosus, Camb.—A female at Barnby Broad, late April 1938. Bathyphantes concolor, Wid.—Ipswich 1901, Monks Soham 1938. Felixstow. Bathyphantes dorsalis, Wid.—Farnham, Southwold, Monks Soham. Felixstow. Bathyphantes gracilis, Bl.—Trimlev marshes. Bury. Leptyphantes tenuis, Bl.—Newmarket, Mildenhall, Bury. Southwold 1938. Leptyphavtes Zimmermanni, Bertk. (Blackwalli, Kul.).— Ipswich 1903-4. Felixstow. Leptyphantes pallidus, Camb.—Bury St. Edmunds. Leptyphantes ericce, B l — I p s w i c h , Öct. 1903. Felixslow. Leptyphantes leprosus, Ohl.—Bury St. Fdmunds. Monks Soham 1938. Macrargus rufus, Wid.—Ipswich in Oct. 1903. Mildenhall. Stemonyphantes lineatus, L.—Bentley 1902, Monks-park Wood 1937. Bury, Brandon. Pceciloneta variegataBl.—Bury St. Edmunds. Meioneta rurestris Knoch.—Felixstow. Microneta via.ia, Bl.—Ipswich in 1904. Newmarket. Mengea Warburtoni, Camb.—Southwold in 1936 (Trans. iii, 183). Hemley. Porrhomma Egeria, Sim.—A rare and local species, found beside the River Gipping at Blakenham in Oct. 1914 by Mr. Donisthorpe. Porrhomma microphthalmum, Camb.—Suffolk, in coli. Cambridge. Entelacara acuminata, Wid.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). Entelacara erythropus, Westr.—Ditto. Peponocranium ludicrum, Camb.—Bury St. Edmunds. Pocadicnemis pumila, Bl.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). Ceratinella brevis, Wid.—Ditto. Wideria antica, Wid.—Trimlev marshes, 1901. Bury. Wideria cucullata, Koch.—Newmarket. Walckeneria acuminata, Bl.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). Tiso vagans, Bl.—Ditto. A female at Southwold, 1938. Cornicularia unicornis, Camb.—Mildenhall. Dismodicus bifrons, Bl.—Mildenhall, Bury. Gonatium (Neriene) rubens, Bl.—Monks Soham garden 1905. Brandon. Gonatium (Neriene) rubella, B l . - Ipswich 1903. Bury. Typhochrestus digitatus, Camb.—Hemley. Dtplocephalus cristatus, Bl.—Felixstow. Dtplocephalus latifrons, Camb.—One mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull).
164 187.
Diplocephalus picinus, B l . — A female near Southwold in May 1938. 188. Monocephalus (Diplocephalus) fuscipes, B l . — I p s w i c h , Oct. 1903. Newmarket. 189. Savignia frontata, Bl.—Felixstow. 190. Ar es oticus humilis, B l . — A female at Foxhall in M a y 1938. 191. Cnephalocotes obscurus, B l . — B u r y St. E d m u n d s . 192. Silometopus (Cnephalocotes) intcrjectus, Camb.—Suffolk, in coli. Cambridge. 193. l.ophomma punctatus, Bl.—Brandon. 194. Gnathonarium (Trachygnatha) dentatum, Wid.—Ipswich 1901. Mildenhall, Brandon. 195. I ophocarenum parallelum, W i d . — B u i r St. E d m u n d s . 196. Mcebelia (Styloctetor) penicillatus, Westr.—Newmarket. 197. Gongylidium rufipes, S u n d . — A male at M o n k s Soham, M a r c h 1938. 198. Gongylidium graminicolum, Bl.—Several at M o n k s Soham and about Southwold in 1938. 199. (Edothorax fuscus, Bl.—Wherstead Wood in 1901. Bury. 200. (Edothorax retusus, Westr.—Ipswich in 1904; common in Bedfield moss, F e b . 1921. Mildenhall. 201. CEdothorax tuberosus, Bl.—Mildenhall. 202. CEdothorax apicatus, B l . — B u r y St E d m u n d s . 203. Erigone atra,' Bl.—'Taken in the Ipswich district, 1904. Felixstow. 204. Erigone dentipalpis, Wid.—Bury St. E d m u n d s . 205. Erigone longipalpis, Sund.—Felixstow. 206. Dicymbium nigrum, B l . — O n e mile south of Nayland, 1931 (Hull). 207. Hvpomma (Enidia) bituberculata, Wid.—Ipswich, common ' 1901-4. Mildenhall. 208. Hypomma (Enidia) cornuta, B l . — B u r y . Bentley Woods, ' F a r n h a m , Southwold, in 1938. 209. Halorates reprobus, Camb.y—Ipswich in 1904. Hemley. 210. Troxochrus scabriculus, Westr.—Bury St. E d m u n d s . [At least four Exotic Spiders are known to have been recently introduced to the County in Bananas, M u s a sapientum, L., presumably all f r o m the West Indies :— Mygale avicularia, Linn., or a similar species.—Needham Market ' 1918, Ipswich 1930 (Trans, i, 141), Gorleston 1932 (I.e. ii, pp. xxxix and xlii) and Lowestoft 1937 (iii, p. cxh). Ctenus J/).—Introduced to Revdon 1937 (nec Trans, in, p. cxh). Heteropoda regia, Fab.—Foun'd in S a x m u n d h a m and Southwold 1936 (Trans, iii, 184). . Heteropoda venatoria, L i n n . — F o u n d in Reydon d u n n g October 1935 (I.e., 76).] yThe sexes of this Spider, taken at Ipswich, were erroneously described bv Pickard-Cambridge as a species NEW to Science, Tmcticus commoaus (Proc. Dorset Field Club 1905, p. 63).—Ed.