THE TRICHOPTERA OF SUFFOLK THE MORLEY COLLECTION AND POST MORLEY RECORDS ADRIAN CHALKLEY Introduction Many a local museum holds important collections which are little known to the general public. The Ipswich Museum is no exception and many local people, whilst enjoying the many exhibits, little suspect that behind the scenes, up a dusty, winding staircase lies a room smelling of mothballs lined with mahogany cabinets full of pinned invertebrate specimens; which is heaven to an aging entomologist like me. Several of the cabinets hold the collections of Claude Morley, the founder of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society. Morley published several monographs in his lifetime, with titles such as ‘The Coleoptera of Suffolk’, many of which are now obtainable from the ISSUU pages of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society (Morley, 1899). However, no such publication exists to detail his collection of caddis flies, Trichoptera. The aim of this article is therefore three-fold; to describe the scope of his collection at the museum, provide additional data to bring Morley’s work up to date and thus provide a species list for Suffolk, as far as is presently known. I began to catalogue the Morley collection in November 2007 and continued at intervals until April 2009. Having been recording mainly larval Trichoptera for several years, I had begun to get an idea of which species were common or rare in Suffolk and wanted to see what Morley had found in his time. Although the whole collection had been previously checked and verified by an expert, unfortunately no list of the specimens had been produced for the museum, due I think to illness, so this was the task I began. Work was further complicated by the fact that Morley, as many local naturalists will know, did not always label specimens clearly. Often the collecting location is considerably abbreviated, necessitating further research; or worse still simply coded by a small piece of coloured card, with no key. His handwriting can also confuse matters. The catalogued data was sent to Ian Wallace, the National Trichoptera Recorder, which resulted in some further research on certain specimens at intervals up to November 2015. Ian has recently completed a reappraisal of the British Trichoptera Fauna (Wallace, 2016) and so it seemed high time that all these data were set out here in the SNS Transactions. Firstly, I must thank Ian Wallace for his generous help over several years and for permission to use the species descriptions from his recent review. My gratitude is also due to the Ipswich Museum management and especially to various past staff for putting up with me, including Jerry Bowdrey, Anne Ainsworth, Molly Carter and the current Natural History Curator Kathryn Riddington. The Morley Collection Morley collected only pinned adult specimens, several of which were obtained in the pre Beeching era from railway waiting rooms and toilets. Whilst waiting for his train Morley always found these convenient places to find adult caddis attracted by the lights from the evening before. He also collected by beating from undergrowth, netted flying caddis over ponds, streams or moats and used purpose made light traps Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
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himself. Morley’s records date from the 1890s to around 1935 but as all 1,049 specimens in the collection were verified and the taxonomy updated by J. R. A. Gray between 1979 and 1985, we can be sure of the accuracy of the specimens. John Gray was a Trichoptera researcher from the Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology, Merseyside County Museum, and a colleague of Ian Wallace who also worked there until he retired. Not all specimens were found in Suffolk for Morley travelled extensively, collecting in the New Forest, parts of Ireland, Scotland and elsewhere. All data catalogued by myself is lodged at the museum, as Gray unfortunately never completed this when verifying the specimens. All species in the collection are presented below but since this article is also concerned with the Trichoptera of Suffolk, those specimens definitely ascribed to this county are coded and totalled so as to show separately as far as is possible. Those who know Morley will be familiar with his less than copperplate handwriting and sometimes lack of location detail; so, where there is doubt, the county total has an asterisk * to show that the origin of some specimens cannot be located with certainty and could still be within Suffolk. ‘Recent’ Recording Since 1984 I have been adding records of the larvae of caddis flies, which have been made much easier to identify thanks to the publication of the two Freshwater Biological Association keys; to Cased (Macan, 1973) and Caseless Caddis (Edington & Hildrew, 1995). In addition, a rather smaller number of records of adult caddis have been made with the help of a number of moth trappers who preserved and identified or sent in specimens. My thanks therefore to Brian Fountain, Barry Wentworth, Raymond Watson and Trevor Goodfellow. The publication of the RES key to adults (Barnyard & Ross,2012) which I reviewed in White Admiral 87 (Chalkley, 2014), has greatly aided this identification. The order Trichoptera comprises a list of some 202 species which live in the British Isles and Ireland. 104 species are listed below as having been identified from Suffolk, although it is of course possible that some of Morley’s specimens may not be extant any more. In the main body of results below each species has a paragraph containing a brief description followed by, in coded form, the number of records of adults from the Morley collection and those made since. The number of larval and adult records are totals from my own data and from the SBIS database up until September 2017. A few Suffolk records from the Adult Caddisfly Occurrence Scheme have also been included (Crofts, 2014). The species descriptions are taken, with the permission of the author, from Ian Wallace’s review (Wallace, 2016). Species Codes Some species names are preceded by the following codes: 5 species which Morley recorded that have not been recorded since 35 extra Suffolk species which have been added to Morley’s list. ➢ On the Suffolk list but doubtful for reasons elaborated in the text for that species. Species in the Morley collection which were not collected in Suffolk.
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Species: Adicella reducta Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and locally common species amongst vegetation, especially tree roots, in flowing water. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Tuddenham Fen, 1901 Post Morley Suffolk records: 8 larvae 1 adult: Larval records from 1990 to 2001 mostly from South Suffolk. Seems not to be commonly found though more light trap specimens are needed as with almost all species. Species: Agapetus fuscipes Family: Glossosomatidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and abundant stream species. Morley Collection specimens: (26), but only 1* in Suffolk. Foxhall, 1897 Post Morley Suffolk records: 59 larvae but 0 adults: Larvae records from 1959 to 2016 mostly from South Suffolk. Certainly common, but adults may be elusive or possibly do not fly far, more light trap specimens are needed as with almost all species. Species: Agapetus ochripes Family: Glossosomatidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and often abundant river species. Morley Collection specimens: (4), None in Suffolk. Specimens from Derbyshire 1835, Ireland 1913 Post Morley Suffolk records: None
Species: Agraylea multipunctata Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and very common in still waters. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Blythyburgh wood, 1931 Post Morley Suffolk records: 13 larvae 1 adults: The Hydroptilids are micro caddis, both adults and larvae being very small. Many larvae are not yet identifiable to species, although this is not the case for A. multipunctata. As for adults, more light traps need to be run for caddis in general, when they are it is often the larger insects that are sent in for identification. Species: Agraylea sexmaculata Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common still-water species. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 3 larvae 5 adults: Larval records from North Suffolk, light trap adults are from the South. Probably widespread across the county, all records 2013, 2014 & 2015. Species: Agrypnia obsoleta Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common still-water species. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen from Loch Tay 1937, Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Agrypnia pagetana Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Still waters in lowland England, Wales and southern Scotland, locally common. Morley Collection specimens: (10), 7 in Suffolk. Mostly Fritton, Oulton 1898 - 1936 Post Morley Suffolk records: 17 larvae 3 adults: Recorded from 1993 to 2013 from widely spread locations. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
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Species: Agrypnia picta Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: DD / NR Description: “No post Morley records and all are probably based on misidentifications so status as a UK species is doubtful. A still-water species.” Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen from K Morton, New Forest, 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Agrypnia varia Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common in still water. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. All from New Forest. Post Morley Suffolk records: 7 larvae 5 adults: Recorded from 1993 to 2015 mostly from East Suffolk. Species: Allogamus auricollis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: “Scotland, northern England, a few Welsh sites, also Herefordshire. A locally common river species.” Morley Collection specimens: (3), None in Suffolk. Specimens from K Morton, Scotland 1908, 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Anabolia brevipennis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: VUL / NR Description: Only 10 post-1980 sites and few post 2000 records, but a difficult species to find. Several earlier records. A carr woodland species. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 3 larvae 0 adults Recorded by, or confirmed by, Dr Ian Wallace in 1983 from Redgrave & Lopham Fen. Species: Anabolia nervosa Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and very common in all sorts of permanent waters. Morley Collection specimens: (23), all in Suffolk. 1898 to 1943 Post Morley Suffolk records: 20 larvae 3 adults: Larvae recorded from 1956 to 2011 from widely spread locations and many types of water bodies. Adults from Santon Downham 2015, Stanton 2017. ➢ Species: Apatania muliebris Family: Apataniidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread but local spring stream species. Partheogenetic so several species may lurk under this name. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. All from Lake District Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: A single female adult recorded adjacent to a small spring in Boxford 1985. No subsequent sightings and the wood surrounding the spring has since been cleared. Species: Athripsodes albifrons Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common river species but local in Scotland. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Southwold, 1921 Post Morley Suffolk records: 6 larvae 1 adults: Recorded from 1992 to 2001 from widely spread locations. % of the larval records were all from 1992, but from the Stour, Gipping and Deben catchments, the sixth was from 2001. The only adult record was from Lackford in 2013. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
Species: Athripsodes aterrimus Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common still or slow flowing water species. Morley Collection specimens: (20), 15* in Suffolk. 1897 to 1937 Post Morley Suffolk records: 80 larvae 4 adults: A relatively large number of records suggests this to be common across the county. Larvae recorded from many areas between 1987 & 2016. The adult records were to light in 2013 and 2015. Species: Athripsodes bilineatus Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: “Widespread and common river and stream species but local in southern England.” Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. Specimens New Forest 1932 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Athripsodes cinereus Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common in larger permanent waters. Morley Collection specimens: (16), 11 in Suffolk. Brandon and Tuddenham Fen 1905 to 1943; Others New Forest & Salisbury, 1895 & 1936 Post Morley Suffolk records: 151 larvae 2 adults: A large number of records for this common Suffolk species. Larvae recorded between 1986 & 2014 across many areas of the county, adult records from Earsham on the Waveney and Lackford on the Lark both in 2013. Species: Beraea maurus Family: Beraeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and locally common species in spring streams, especially when shaded. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 1* in Suffolk. Tuddenham, 1903 to light Post Morley Suffolk records: 4 larvae 2 adults: Larvae recorded between 1991 to 2011 from small streams in Bentley, Bures & Freston. Adults from Market Weston Fen, sweep-net and suction sampler, June 2013. Species: Beraea pullata Family: Beraeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common flowing marsh species. Morley Collection specimens: (15), 6* in Suffolk. Foxhall & Brandon, 1894 to 1908 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 0 adults: Both larval records from Assington in 2001. Species: Beraeodes minutus Family: Beraeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread but local species associated with roots of marginal vegetation, mainly in flowing water. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Monk Soham on Elder, 1910 Post Morley Suffolk records: 5 larvae 0 adults: Larval records are between 1990 to 2001 from small headwater streams across the south of the county.
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Species: Brachycentrus subnubilus Family: Brachycentridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and locally abundant river species (Plate 8). Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. All Scottish specimens from K Morton Post Morley Suffolk records: 5 larvae 0 adults: One record from Thrandeston in 2008 is associated with the Waveney catchment. All others are from 2014; from Yoxford on the River Yox and 3 more from Santon Downham on the Little Ouse. Larvae are easily identified and can often be easily seen as they fix their case to weeds or roots to ‘fish’ food particles from the flow as they face upstream. A species which will repay further searching for.
➢ Species: Ceraclea albimacula Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: Widespread locally common species. Feeds on sponge in flowing water. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 0 adults: Not recorded since July 1990 & July 1991 from sites on the River Brett south of Hadleigh, despite much further recording taking place here. ➢ Species: Ceraclea dissimilis Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common in stony lakes rivers and large streams. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: The only record is to light, Somerleyton in June 2013. ➢ Species: Ceraclea fulva Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: There is a good cover of records across the country but it can be difficult to find larvae in the southern part of its range. A still water species with larva feeding on sponge. Morley Collection specimens: (2), 1 in Suffolk. R Gipping, 1896 Swept Vegetation Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Ceraclea nigronervosa Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and locally common in stony lakes and rivers. The larva feeds on sponge. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Brandon Bridge, 1911 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 1 adults: Larval records from Little Cornard, Sudbury in 1991 and Nayland, undated. The only adult was to ligh,t Hollesley 2013. Species: Ceraclea senilis Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: It is undergoing a significant northward expansion in range. A still or slow - flowing water species whose larva feeds on sponge. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None* in Suffolk. No details at all on specimen Post Morley Suffolk records: 13 larvae 2 adults: Larval records widespread across the county between 1916 and 2012, with about half made since 2000. The last adult was to light, Somerleyton 2013.
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Species: Chaetopteryx villosa Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common in streams, rivers and stony lake shores. Morley Collection specimens: (7), 5* in Suffolk. All Ipswich, 1896 to 1899 Post Morley Suffolk records: 13 larvae 0 adults: Most larvae recorded along Suffolk / Essex border, with two records from Brightwell and Oulton. All records from 1998 to 2016 and doubtless say more about where recording has taken place than distribution. Species: Cheumatopsyche lepida Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Locally common species of large rivers in England Wales, and Scotland north to the Clyde Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen from New Forest Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Chimarra marginata Family: PhilopotamidaeIUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: Mainly northern and western, which probably accounts for some of the scarcity of records of this very local fast- flowing river species. Morley Collection specimens: (7), None in Suffolk. Specimens from Loiusbergh, Ireland 1910 & Otterburn 1938 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Crunoecia irrorata Family: Lepidostomatidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of permanently flowing trickles and oozes, especially if shaded. Morley Collection specimens: (3), 1* in Suffolk. 1, Fritton at light 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 2 adults: Adults to light Hollesley July 2013 & June 2015. Lack of larval records probably indicates the need to survey more of these habitats. Species: Cyrnus flavidus Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and locally common species of still water. Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. Ireland 1913 & Norfolk 1936 Post Morley Suffolk records: 17 larvae 1 adults: Apart from two 2013 records from Ickworth House all larval data is from widespread sites during the 1990s. The single adult was to light Hollesley June 2015. Species: Cyrnus trimaculatus Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species mainly of still and slowly flowing water. Morley Collection specimens: (29), 9 in Suffolk. Many from Fritton & Brandon, 1896 to 1948 Post Morley Suffolk records: 21 larvae 2 adults: Apart from one 2006 record from Lound all larval data is from widespread sites during the 1990s. The single adult was to light Hollesley August 2013.
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Species: Drusus annulatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common stony stream and river species. Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. Both specimens, K. J. Morton, Scottish Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Ecnomus tenellus Family: EcnomidaeIUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A secretive adult during the day, larva often lives very deep. Range may be expanding. Morley Collection specimens: (14), 14 in Suffolk. Fritton Lake & Sutton Lake, 1934 / 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 12 larvae 0 adults: Apart from a single record from Elveden August 2013, all larval data is from the Suffolk / Norfolk border catchements in 1990 and 1991; adults to light Hollesley, June and October 2015. Species: Erotesis baltica Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: VUL / NR Description: A species of very few permanently wet fens and only widespread in one small area of North Norfolk; may have disappeared from Wicken Fen, its only post Morley Cambridgeshire site. Only single modern sites for Wales, Lake District and Hampshire. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Single specimen from Horning, on a boat 1931. Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Glossosoma boltoni Family: Glossosomatidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and very common except in the south east where it does not occur. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen Ireland 1913 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Glyphotaelius pellucidus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common mainly still water species. Morley Collection specimens: (24), 17* in Suffolk, many Monk Soham at light, to sugar etc. 1900 to 1941 Post Morley Suffolk records: 21 larvae 24 adults: Widespread larval records but apart from one in 1954 and one 1991 all others are dated after 2010. Adults mostly to light, 2014 and 2015 but with some casual records reflecting the distinct coloration of this caddis. Species: Goera pilosa Family: Goeridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common stony stream river and lake species. Morley Collection specimens: (19), Surprisingly only 4* in Suffolk. Nayland, Fritton, Barton, R Gipping 1898 to 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: 326 larvae 7 adults: Given the number of larvae taken in streams across Suffolk between 1987 and 2016 it is surprising that so few adults have been recorded. Most recent adult records have been to light in 2013 and 2015.
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Species: Grammotaulius nigropunctatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of grassy marshes that dry up over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (6), 3* in Suffolk. Tuddenham Fen, Brandon 1902 to 1929 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 2 adults: Larvae found at Hinderclay, July 2011 and Redgrave (date unknown). Adult records from a Hollesley moth trap June & September 2013. Species: Grammotaulius nitidus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: NT / NR Description: “Historic decline and few modern sites. Lack of knowledge of exact larval requirements makes specific conservation measures difficult to plan.” Morley Collection specimens: (1), None* in Suffolk. Location unclear (Twif moor??) Post Morley Suffolk records: 4 larvae 2 adults: Larval records from Redgrave in 1922, Southwold & Benacre in August 1960, and from Minsmere 2004, again in August. Adult records were in Morley’s era, from Redgrave Fen in 1915. Another species worth searching for in these few known sites. Species: Hagenella clathrata Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: EN / NR Description: At all its few studied sites it has undergone considerable reduction in area occupied. It is a species of marginal areas of bogs. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen from Staffs, coll. K J Morton Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Halesus digitatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread common stream and river species. Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. Loch Awe & Window ledge, Dedham Essex Post Morley Suffolk records: 6 larvae 2 adults: Larvae from Flatford Mill 1956, 5 others all from River Stour catchment between 1992 and 2016. Adults from the River Stour at Kedington 1991 and Lackford Aug 2015. Species: Halesus radiatusFamily: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common river stream and lake species. Morley Collection specimens: (7), 2* in Suffolk. Both Brandon, 1896 & 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: 33 larvae 3 adults: Larvae recorded between 1990 and 2014 from the Stour, Deben, Gipping, Lark and Waveney catchments. Adults all to light; Flatford 1956, Hollesley 2013 & 2015. ➢ Species: Holocentropus dubius Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and locally common especially in upland peaty lakes. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adults: The single larval record is from the old NRA archive, in Stutton Brook in 1994. This seems very dubious and probably was a poorly pigmented specimen of H. picicornis or H. stagnalis.
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Species: Holocentropus picicornis Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widspread and fairly common still water species. Morley Collection specimens: (8), 2 in Suffolk. Lowestoft 1898 & Brandon 1906 Post Morley Suffolk records: 14 larvae 2 adults: Larvae recorded mostly in 1990s from Barnby Broad, Washbrook, Hollesley, Newbourne and Mendham with one record in 2013 from a still backwater of the Stour at Flatford. Adults from Sizewell 1989 and to light at Hollesley 2015. Species: Holocentropus stagnalis Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: Prefers marshes and may be under- recorded compared with others in the genus but still appears very local and virtually absent from Scotland and the south east. Morley Collection specimens: (11), 11 in Suffolk. 1899 to 1904 Post Morley Suffolk records: 10 larvae 2 adults: Larvae from pools & reedbed at Redgrave Fen between 2000 & 2010; from farm ponds at Boxford 2007 & Rushbrook 2008. A lake at Elveden 2008 and backwaters of the Stour catchment 2010. Adults from a moth trap Hollesley 2013, 2015 Species: Hydatophylax infumatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread species of streams and rivers, but never found frequently as it has a secretive adult and larva. Morley Collection specimens: (4), None in Suffolk. All New Forest & Scotland Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Hydropsyche angustipennis Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of outflows of ponds and lakes north to the central lowlands of Scotland. In Suffolk it does occur in outflows but most data comes general stream & river sampling. Morley Collection specimens: (5), only 4 in Suffolk. From 2 sites Burstall * Brandon in 1903 & 1943 Post Morley Suffolk records: 462 larvae 8 adults: Adult records for this species are sparse compared to the larvae, though for post Morley records this is generally true for all adult data, possibly for his collection this reflects the places where he collected. Larval records post Morley occur from widespread running waters and from almost every year 1985 to 2017. Adult records usually swept from streamside plants or picked from river bridges, e.g. Boxford 1985, 1989, 2007 River Tang 1994 rather than to light as many others are. ➢ Species: Hydropsyche contubernalis Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of larger rivers, unless nutrient poor, so scarce in Scotland. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 0* in Suffolk. 2 Irish 1913, 2 unknown location Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adults: The single record is from the River Brett at Shelley, a site which has been extensively sampled both before and since, hence the doubtful designation.
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Species: Hydropsyche instabilis Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of rivers and large streams. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 0 in Suffolk. Specimen Dovedale 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 3 larvae 2 adults: Larval records from Belstead Brook, 1990 & 1991 and a small headwater of the River Stour at Stoke by Nayland 2001. Both adults to light Hollesley, July & August 2015. Probably more common in our headwater streams; which is a habitat in need of more attention from freshwater surveyors. Species: Hydropsyche pellucidula Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of streams and rivers. Morley Collection specimens: (18), only 4* in Suffolk. All 4 Brandon 1911 Post Morley Suffolk records: 114 larvae 2 adults: Adult records for this species are sparse compared to the larvae, though for post Morley records this is generally true for all adult data, possibly for his collection this reflects the places where he collected. Larval records post Morley occur from widespread running waters and although rather less frequent than H. angustipennis records are from almost all years 1987 to 2017. Adults both to light Hollesley June & July 2015. Species: Hydropsyche saxonica Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: The rarest of the common Hydropsychidae but the new larval key is leading to a steady increase in records of this stream species. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 0 adults: Definitely a species worth searching out given Ian Wallace’s description above, larval records both from the Mill river at Brightwell. Species: Hydropsyche siltalai Family: Hydropsychidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of streams and rivers. Morley Collection specimens: (3), Only 2 in Suffolk. Both to light Foxhall 1947 Post Morley Suffolk records: 204 larvae 2 adults: Of the Hydropsychidae only H. angustipennis seems more common in Suffolk, fortunately the lack of 7th segment gills makes H. siltalai easy to distinguish. Larval data from widespread locations across most of our river catchments, recorded in almost all years from 1987 to 2017. Adults to light, July & August 2013. Species: Hydroptila cornuta Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: VU / NR Description: No records since 1938 from Homersfield in Suffolk); 8 records in total. Elsewhere in Europe sometimes taken in large numbers. Morley Collection specimens: (3), 3 in Suffolk. Brandon & Mildenhall 1915 Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 3 adults: There are several records of Hydroptila sp. larvae from various Suffolk sites but as these tiny, 3mm purse cased caddis cannot be identified to species as yet adults must be found or light trapped. The 3 Adult records are listed only as from East Suffolk 1860 and the Homersfield record mentioned above.
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Species: Hydroptila forcipata Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread common stony river and stream species. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: There are several records of Hydroptila sp. larvae from various Suffolk sites but as these tiny, 3mm purse cased caddis cannot be identified to species as yet adults must be found or light trapped. The Adult record is from Lackford on the River Lark, June 2013. Species: Hydroptila martini Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: DD / NS Description: A ‘micro-caddis’ with an unidentifiable larva so is consequently underrecorded. Also only recently recognised as a UK species. Widespread stream species. Morley Collection specimens: (1), ?* in Suffolk. Unknown location, to light Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 0 adults Species: Hydroptila occulta Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: DD / NS Description: Earlier records include H. martini and H. valesiaca so decline probably not as marked as might appear. Nevertheless, appears to be scarce. Flowing water species. Morley Collection specimens: (15), None in Suffolk. Specimens Wales & Derbyshire 1935, 1938 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Hydroptila simulansFamily: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: DD / NS Description: A flowing water species and will be under-recorded as a ‘micro-caddis’ with unidentifiable larva. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen to light Bakewell, 1938 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Hydroptila sparsa Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread flowing water species. A ‘micro-caddis’ with an unidentifiable larva hence under-recorded and certain to occur in many more hectads. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 3* in Suffolk. Mildenhall 1915, Brandon 1916 & 1933 Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: There are several records of Hydroptila sp. larvae from various Suffolk sites but as these tiny, 3mm purse cased caddis cannot be identified to species as yet adults must be found or light trapped. The Adult record is from Earsham on the River Waveney, July 2013. Species: Hydroptila tineoides Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: “A widespread and common species of lakes, rivers and streams.” Morley Collection specimens: (3), None in Suffolk. Specimens from Kilarney, 1913 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Ironoquia dubia Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: CE / NR Description: “The only post 1980 records are from two small streams in south east England, neither of which produced any specimens when examined recently.”
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Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults Although there are no specimens in the Morley collection the only adult record we have is by Claude Morley at his Monk Soham house September 1906. Somehow it never made it to the collection. ď‚Ť Species: Ithytrichia lamellaris Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: An assumption has been made that records for the genus will be this species. The larvae of the two cannot be separated. Morley Collection specimens: (3), None in Suffolk. Derbyshire 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 5 larvae 0 adults: All records for this very striking genus of micro caddis larvae are dated 1990 or 1991 from the Belstead Brook near Washbrook or from the Mill River near Brightwell. Species: Lepidostoma hirtum Family: Lepidostomatidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of stony lakes rivers and streams. Morley Collection specimens: (11), 3* in Suffolk. Brandon 1925 & 1929 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 0 adults: Recorded from the Little Ouse at Santon Downham, August 2013. Also an earlier record, September 1957 is from the Shirburn Mill Stream at Flatford, though this is strictly speaking just in Essex. ď‚Ť Species: Leptocerus lusitanicus Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: This is still a scarce species but seems to be increasing its range. It lives in slowly flowing rivers and gravel pits. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 2 adults: Adults to light August 2013 from Bawdsey and Hollesley. Species: Leptocerus tineiformis Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common pond and lake species in midland and southern England, but also found in Wales and northern England and seems to be increasing its range (Plate 6). Morley Collection specimens: (7), 7 in Suffolk. Brandon 1904, Fritton Lake to light 1934 / 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 3 adults: Larvae from a pond near Earsham July 2013, and from Oulton Marshes August 2013. Adults both to light July and August 2013, Hollesley. Species: Limnephilus affinis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of still waters that dry up over summer. Especially common in saltmarshes. Morley Collection specimens: (38), 30* in Suffolk. To light, beaten from bushes or to sugar Post Morley Suffolk records: 53 larvae 29 adults: Larval records span the period 1992 to 2015 from widespread locations; Market Weston Fen, Redgrave Fen, Tinkers Marshes, Bulcamp Marshes, Snape, Walpole, Shingle Street are typical locations. Adults to light at Somerleyton June 2013, Bromeswell Green Sept 2014, Hollesley May / June 2013, and April / May 2015. This reflects the two flight periods of this species, April to June and August to October with a summer diapause. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
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Species: Limnephilus auricula Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of marshes that dry up over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (36), 23* in Suffolk. To light, beaten from bushes or to sugar Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 26 adults: Strangely for an obviously common species there are no larval records at all. Adult records to light from Hollesley Sept / October 2013 and May / June 2015, Bromeswell Green June 2014. Also, Snape, River Tang and Martin’s Meadows in May / June 2015. Another species with a long flight period including summer diapause. Species: Limnephilus binotatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread and locally common species of fens and marshes. Morley Collection specimens: (11), 1 in Suffolk. Brandon 1938, rest from Norfolk Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 22 adults: Another Limnephilid with larvae seemingly harder to find than adults. Larvae from Redgrave Fen 1966, Market Weston Fen 2013. Adults all to light; Sizewell Belts May 2013, Hen Reedbeds June / July 2013, Oxley Marshes June 2013, Somerleyton June 2013, Bromeswell Green June 2014, Hollesley May / June 2015, Snape June 2015. Species: Limnephilus bipunctatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: Widespread but very local, which is surprising as it breeds in very small temporary pools which is a very common habitat. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Redlingfield, 1908 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus borealis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: “Seems to be widespread in Highland Scotland where it lives in lochs of various sizes.” Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. River Ardle, Scotland 1923 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus centralis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of water bodies that dry up over summer. Especially streams and flowing marshes. Morley Collection specimens: (19), 3 in Suffolk. Monks Soham, 1915 - 1921 Others from New Forest, Lakes etc. Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus coenosus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: “Predominantly a northern and western and upland species so will be comparatively under-recorded. It is an expected species from moorland peat pools across its range.” Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Specimen from Carluke, coll. K. J. Morton Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 0 adults: Certainly not a Suffolk species, I have found it in the Brecon Beacons in a moorland dew pond.
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Species: Limnephilus decipiens Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Mainly restricted to the southern half of England where it is a widespread and often common still water species. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 4 larvae 5 adults: Larvae first recorded from the Stour at Workhouse Green in 1987, at Redgrave Fen May 2010 and twice at Westwood Marshes June 2016. Adults all taken to light at Hen Reedbeds November 2012; Hollesley June, July & October 2013, Shingle Street August 2013. Does not seem to be common in the county though it has a long flight period, May to October / November, and more records from moth traps may well change the picture especially as most adults emerge in the autumn. Species: Limnephilus extricatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of the weedy edges of flowing marshes and streams. Morley Collection specimens: (2), 1 in Suffolk. Brick Field, Ipswich, 1896 Post Morley Suffolk records: 11 larvae 0 adults: The larval records all come from late Summer / early Autumn between 1990 and 2014. Larvae found in Belstead Brook, several headwaters of the Stour catchment, Mill River, Minsmere River and the Little Ouse. Adults fly from June to September but are a very uniform brown. Species: Limnephilus flavicornis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common still-water species that uses water bodies that dry-up over summer, or the winter-wet summer-dry edges of permanent waters. Morley Collection specimens: (16), 12* in Suffolk. Various locations. 1895 to 1936 Post Morley Suffolk records: 38 larvae 8 adults: Widespread larval records from both ponds and flowing waters across the county. Examples being Redgrave Fen; Carlton, Thrandeston and Snape Marshes as well as ponds in Bradfield Wood. Also from the Little Ouse, Waveney, Blyth, Hundred and the Stour catchment. Adult data has the occasional record from built up areas e.g. Ipswich. It also often appears in moth traps with a long flight period May–July and August–November including a summer diapause; records from Hen Reedbeds, Hollesley and Thelnetham between 2012 and 2014.
Species: Limnephilus fuscicornis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread but local lowland species with a very secretive adult and a larva that is only occasionally encountered. Morley Collection specimens: (4), None* in Suffolk. The clear labels say Scotland & Derbyshire Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus griseus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A species that seems to be declining significantly but hopefully will not pass into the Near Threatened category. The habitat is temporary pools in acid heath and in Sphagnum areas. Probably widespread in Scotland. Morley Collection specimens: (5), None* in Suffolk. Mostly New Forest Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: The single adult record is to light Hollesley May 2013. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
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Species: Limnephilus hirsutus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread but uncommon species which breeds in small streams and marshes, often highly calcareous, or with flocculent iron depositing, that are infrequently sampled. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 1* in Suffolk. Possibly from Mill Stream, 1901 Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 1 adults: Single larval record from a headwater of the Chad Brook at Rede, September 2001. Adult to light at Hen Reedbeds, July 2013. Flight period May – September. Species: Limnephilus ignavus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: This is a predominantly northern species only widespread in Scotland. Elsewhere there are a scatter of records. Will be under-recorded but it may be declining significantly for reasons that are not known. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. All from Scotland, Coll. K J Morton, 1917 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus incisus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread common species of non- acidic marshes and fens with tussocky vegetation, that dry-up over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (27), 8* in Suffolk. Covehithe & Ipswich 1897 to 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 1 adults: The single larval record is undated from Redgrave Fen. Adult to light at Snape, June 2015. Flight period May – September. A distinctive species amongst the Limnephilids due to the convex margin of the fore wing but with few recorded sightings. Species: Limnephilus lunatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: An abundant widespread species found in all types of permanent water body. Morley Collection specimens: (32), 22* in Suffolk. Various locations 1895 to 1942 Post Morley Suffolk records: 136 larvae 20 adults: Extremely common across the county with larvae records from most of our river catchments, in all years from 1990 to 2017 and occasional earlier records back to 1958. Adults frequently turn up to light whenever moth traps are run for caddis. Species: Limnephilus luridus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of acidic marshes and bogs, also, woodland pools. Morley Collection specimens: (18), 3* in Suffolk. London Rd Station, 1907 Southwold, 1912 Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 1 adults: Larval record is undated from Redgrave Fen. The single adult turned up to light at Hollesley in October 2013. Certainly worth searching suitable habitats for. Species: Limnephilus marmoratus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of still waters of all types, usually ones that dry up to a central wet area.
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Morley Collection specimens: (9), 7* in Suffolk. e.g. Lowestoft 1898, Kessingland, 1942 Post Morley Suffolk records: 51 larvae 28 adults: Another very common Suffolk species, often in the same sort of location as L. lunatus. Larvae recorded from many of our major river catchments as well as from farm or garden ponds and also coastal marshes. Adults very often turn up to light where moth traps are run for caddis, with records coming from Hen Reedbeds, Shingle Street, Hollesley etc. Species: Limnephilus nigriceps Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: This is a predominantly northern species but also found in eastern England. The larva has only been recognised comparatively recently, which coupled with a very late adult flight period will make this species comparatively underrecorded. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 3* in Suffolk. R Gipping 1895 to 1897 Post Morley Suffolk records: None: A likely species to turn up to light, the flight period is short as well as late encompassing just September and October. ➢ Species: Limnephilus pati Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: CE / NR Description: There have been no English records for over 100 years and it is probably extinct, but it may still occur in the Isle of Man. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 2 adults: Both records are from the SBIS archives at Redgrave Fen in July 1915. Similar in wing pattern to L. tauricus for which there are identical records from Redgrave. Both these records are therefore flagged as doubtful. It also has a similar wing pattern to L. hirsutus which further confuses the situation. Short flight period of just June and July. Species: Limnephilus politus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread still water species that extends north to the central lowlands of Scotland. It is only common in the south east of England. It may be declining. Morley Collection specimens: (20), 16* in Suffolk. Blakenham, Tunstall, Brandon, 1897 to 1922 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus rhombicus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of all types of water body that retain some water over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (7), 4* in Suffolk. Lowestoft 1898 to Fritton 1947 Post Morley Suffolk records: 29 larvae 7 adults: Larvae are commonly found in many of our Suffolk river catchments and from ponds, lakes and moats as well. Adult records are frequent whenever light traps are set for caddis from May to September with a summer diapause.
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Species: Limnephilus sparsus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of grassy marshes that dry-up over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (29), 10* in Suffolk. Lowestoft 1898 to Frostenden 1936 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 6 adults: Larval records only from Redgrave Fen, undated and Rendlesham Forest, March 1994. Adult records from Hen Reedbeds June, July & September 2013; Somerleyton June 2013, Bromeswell September 2014 and Hollesley May 2015. Flying May – June and August – September. Species: Limnephilus stigma Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A species that is rare in the south of England and Wales. It lives in temporary grassy marshes. Morley Collection specimens: (5), None* in Suffolk. All specimens blue label, no data Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Limnephilus subcentralis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: NT / NR Description: A species of Highland Scotland lochs and ponds but with very few modern records. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Probably Netherby Bridge, Cumbria. Specimen from J. J. King Post Morley Suffolk records: None ➢ Species: Limnephilus tauricus Family: LimnephilidaeIUCN / GB Status: VUL / NR Description: “Very few localities and occurs in a restricted area at the one Welsh site, suggesting specialised habitat requirements. They would seem to be associated with slowly flowing water in marshes.” Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 2 adults: Both records are from the SBIS archives being made at Redgrave Fen in July 1915. However, the species can be confused in wing pattern with L. pati for which there are identical records from Redgrave. Both these records are therefore flagged as doubtful. It also has a similar wing pattern to L. hirsutus which further confuses the situation. A short flight period of just July and August. Species: Limnephilus vittatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of a wide range of water bodies that dry-up in summer. Morley Collection specimens: (5), 2* in Suffolk. Ellough Suffolk, 1922. On Cypress Monk Soham, 1942 Post Morley Suffolk records: 5 larvae 4 adults: Larval records from Redgrave Fen (undated), a pond at Arger Fen April 2016 (Plate 4), Farm ponds at Milden June 2016, ponds at Grove Farm April 2014 & April 2015 Adults to light at Grove Farm October 2013, Hollesley July 2013, Bromeswell Green June & September 2013. Flight period May to October with a summer diapause.
Species: Lype phaeopa Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams and rivers but with few Scottish records. Under-recorded due to inadequacies in larval key. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
Morley Collection specimens: (13), 7 in Suffolk. Brandon, Claydon & Blakenham 1903 to 1907 Post Morley Suffolk records: 7 larvae 1 adults: The larval records date from 1990 to 2001 from the rivers Waveney, Alde, Wang, Blyth, Mill and Chad Brook. Adult record from Lackford May 2013. Species: Lype reducta Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams. Significantly overrecorded due to inadequacies with the larval key. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 20 larvae 1 adults: Larval records need to be viewed in the light of the description comments above. Records date from 1989 to 2001 mostly from the Stour catchment with one from the River Ore near Hollesley. The only Adult was to light at Hollesley August 2013. Species: Melampophylax mucoreus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A local species, widespread in England but very restricted in Scotland and Wales. Commonest in alkaline waters. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Lambourne, Berks 1909 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Mesophylax asperses Family: Limnephilidae IUCN/GB Status: Migrant / Migrant Description: Only a handful of records. and no evidence of breeding. Morley Collection specimens: (1), ? in Suffolk. No location given, 1895 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Micropterna lateralis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams and ditches that dry-up over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (19), 11* in Suffolk. Worlingworth, 1908 and Monk Soham, 10 recs 1907 to 1935 to light & one in the church belfry! Post Morley Suffolk records: 16 larvae 0 adults: Quite common in the county though no adults recorded. Larvae first recorded from a headwater stream of the River Box at Polstead in March 1993. There was then a long gap until Rob Brown conducted a large survey of River Stour catchment headwaters making 14 more records in 2001. One more recorded added in 2014 at Elmsett, again a headwater this time of Belstead Brook. A headwater species in South Suffolk, worth searching for in similar habitats across the county. Species: Micropterna sequax Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams and ditches that dry-up over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (7), 4* in Suffolk. Lowestoft, 1908 & 4 at Monk Soham, to light 1906 to 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 60 larvae 4 adults: Requiring the same sort of habitats as M. lateralis this species does seem to be the more common of the two, occurring more frequently in almost all of the same locations including those from Rob Brown’s
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headwater survey. In addition, there are records from the River Tang; records made from 1990 to 2017. Adults were collected from bankside vegetation and on stonework beside the Hol Brook, a headwater stream of the Box, running through the author’s garden in Boxford; May, June & October 1992 and again in June 2016. Species: Molanna angustata Family: Molannidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species in the midlands and south of England. One Scottish and a handful of Welsh records. Ponds, lakes and larger slow rivers. Morley Collection specimens: (12), Only 6* in Suffolk. various locations 1896 to 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 122 larvae 0 adults: It is initially surprising that Morley only made 6 records of a species that may be found across most of our larger river catchments, however it is the distinctive larvae that makes a caddis fan perk up at the mention of the name. Adults have not been recorded for more than eighty years! The larvae build a flat, shield shaped case and live in a tube beneath it; perfectly camouflaged until they move, which they often do by a series of small underwater hops. Broken pieces of the distinctive case are often found in kick samples even when no live larvae are present. Larvae recorded from the Stour, Lark, Deben, Blyth, Little Ouse and Waveney catchments from 1953 until the present day. Adults are on the wing from May to September and though they are not distinctively patterned are identifiable from their genitalia.
Species: Mystacides azurea Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams rivers and stony lakes. Morley Collection specimens: (22), 17* in Suffolk. various locations 1905 to 1942 but many from Brandon Staunch Post Morley Suffolk records: 66 larvae 2 adults: Larvae recorded from most of our river catchments including the Stour, Deben, Gipping, Waveney and Little Ouse, as well as from Redgrave Fen and some large lakes and reservoirs in most years from 1985 to 2014. Adults to light at Thurston June 2013 and Lackford August 2013. In flight May to September. Species: Mystacides longicornis Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of larger permanent still waters. Morley Collection specimens: (14), 14 in Suffolk. All from Fritton Lake, 1947 & 1948 Post Morley Suffolk records: 101 larvae 19 adults: The most frequently seen of our three Mystacides species larvae are recorded from the same sort of habitats and river catchments as M. azurea with additional records from the rivers Alde, Ore, and Blyth as well as the Black Bourne. Adults recorded either netted in flight or to light at intervals since 2001. A species which seems to occur frequently in moth traps set regularly in the same location. Species: Mystacides nigra Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread but only locally common species of a wide range of permanent water bodies. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 1 in Suffolk. Single specimen from R Gipping 1898, other 3 from New Forest, 1909, 1936 & 1939. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
Post Morley Suffolk records: 7 larvae 1 adults: Less often recorded than our other Mystacides species. Larval records from Stratford St Mary on the Stour 1988, Chillesford on the Butley River 1991, Lound Reservoir 1998, and The Canal, Ickworth in 2003. Also from the Little Ouse at both Thelnetham in 2011 and Knettishall in 2013. Adult was taken in flight Freckenham August 1994. Species: Neureclipsis bimaculate Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread if local species usually restricted to lake exit sites. Morley Collection specimens: (8), 4 in Suffolk. Eriswell, 1914, 2 at Brandon 1916 & 4 from Limerick S Ireland 1913 Post Morley Suffolk records: 40 larvae 3 adults: The majority of larval data comes from regular surveying by the Environment Agency and so is from a smaller number of sites. These include Pitmire Railway Bridge, Boxted Mill, Needham Mill, Ellingham Mill, Liston Mill, Blakenham Mill and Sproughton Mill. These locations bear out the habitat description above and are all in the Stour and Gipping catchments; although there are occasional records from the river itself. Adult records include September 1986 Dunwich Heath on vegetation, August 1998 caught in flight on River Box, Primrose Wood Boxford and to light at Hollesley July 2013. In flight May to October and for moth trappers the male genitalia are very characteristic and easily identified. Species: Notidobia ciliaris Family: SericostomatidaeIUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: Mainly a south-eastern species. The habitat is the roots of marginal grasses of rivers and canals. Even within its range there are comparatively few records. Morley Collection specimens: (9), 5* in Suffolk. Sudbury, Nayland, Gipping, Lakenheath (ditch), Wherstead: 1891 to 1911 Post Morley Suffolk records: 10 larvae 0 adults: The majority of these data are between 1987 and 2009 from the rivers Box, Brett, Belchamp Brook and Stutton Brook; all headwaters of the Stour catchment. In addition, there is a single record from Walpole Valley Farm Lake in July 2014. In flight May & June. ➢ Species: Odontocerum albicorne Family: Odontoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of stony streams and rivers. Morley Collection specimens: (15), 0* in Suffolk. Few locations given except Louisbergh, Ireland 1910 & Otterbourn Hants 1932 Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adults: The only larval record from Sudbury Common Lands 1994. Apparently not common therefore in Suffolk, adults are very distinctive with toothed antennae and often distinct markings, so live identification is possible with a hand lens; in flight from May to September. Species: Oecetis furva Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread species, but coastal marshes in the south east of England is the only area where this is a species that can be expected to be found. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 4 larvae 1 adults: Larvae recorded from just two locations; 3 lakes at Elveden in July 2005 (not found in previous or later surveys) and from Santon Downham on the Little Ouse in September 2014. The only adult record was to light at Brantham July 2009. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
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Species: Oecetis lacustris Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of ponds and lakes, but with no records from northern Scotland. Morley Collection specimens: (5), 3 in Suffolk. Monks Soham 1908, 1911 & 1934 Others Denny Wood New Forest, to light 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: 2 larvae 5 adults: Unusual in that there have been more adult records for this species than larvae, which were from two reservoirs at Lound in May 2006. Adults were all to light at Hollesley and Shingle Street in August 2013 and from a garden moth trap in Stanton August 2015, in flight June to September. Species: Oecetis notata Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: The number of sites is steadily increasing suggesting it may be spreading. A river species. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None* in Suffolk. Yat (possibly Symonds Yat) no date Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Oecetis ochracea Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of lakes and larger ponds. Morley Collection specimens: (2), 2 in Suffolk. Fritton, 1935 Post Morley Suffolk records: 4 larvae 11 adults: Another species that is unusual in that there are more adult records than larvae. The first larval record was in a trawl from a boat at Geldeston Lock in October 1990, one was found at Barnby Broad July 1997 and July 1999 saw one found at the Island Mere, Minsmere. There is also an undated record from Redgrave Fen. Adults have been taken at light in all months May to October at Hollesley in 2013 & 3 more in June 2015; Also, one record from Snape September 2015 and another at light Stanton, June 2017. Species: Oecetis testacea Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of stony streams, rivers and lakes, but absent from eastern England. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Hurn Hants, 1934 Post Morley Suffolk records: None
➢ Species: Oligotricha striataFamily: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: This is a widespread species that is probably under-recorded. but probably justifies it status as Nationally Scarce It lives in small permanent acidic pools. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 0* in Suffolk. No location or date Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adults: Single larval record in 1987 from an old NRA database; Shelley on the River Brett, certainly not a likely habitat and not found there during much subsequent recording by the author. To be removed from the Suffolk list. Species: Orthotrichia costalisFamily: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: It is a widespread and locally common species. As a hydroptilid ‘microcaddis’ with an unidentifiable larva it will be comparatively under-recorded. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None* in Suffolk. No location or date
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Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: The single Adult record is from Elmsett where there is a winterborne headwater stream that has produced some other rarities, found by Matthew Garnham in July 2015. As described above the larva is indistinguishable from other Orthotrichia species so no larval data is likely to be forthcoming and more light trap records are needed, flight period May to September. Species: Oxyethira flavicornis Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of lakes. A micro caddis with an unidentifiable larva (Plate 5). Morley Collection specimens: (3), None in Suffolk. 2 from Horning, Norfolk 1932, 1 Troutbeck, Westmoreland 1937 Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 14 adults: All adult records to light; Hollesley May, June, July & August 2013 and May, June 2015. Earsham – River Waveney July 2013, Bromeswell Green September 2014 and Rendlesham Forest – River Tang May 2015. Species: Oxyethira frici Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A widespread but locally common flowing water species. A micro caddis with an unidentifiable larva. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Carrentose, Ireland 1913 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Oxyethira simplex Family: Hydroptilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: As a hydroptilid ‘micro caddis’ with an unidentifiable larva it will be significantly under-recorded. Widespread and locally common with records from streams rivers and lakes. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: Single adult record to light Shingle Street August 2013. Species: Philopotamus montanus Family: Philopotamidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of fast-flowing streams and rivers in the north and west. No records from south east England and East Anglia. Morley Collection specimens: (16), Strangely none in Suffolk. All Irish specimens Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Phryganea bipunctata Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of permanent still water. Morley Collection specimens: (8), 6 in Suffolk. Brandon 1923, Monk Soham 1905 1908 & 1909, Wickham Market 1909, North Cove (on Poplar) 1947; others Norfolk, Ireland Post Morley Suffolk records: 6 larvae 0 adults: Larvae have occasionally been found; from the Black Bourne at Bardwell August 1993, Oulton Marshes September 2013, Thrandeston Marsh October 2009 & May 2011 and two records from Walpole Valley Farm Lake July 2014.
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Species: Phryganea grandis Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of permanent still water. Morley Collection specimens: (12), 9* in Suffolk. Various locations 1896 to 1947 Post Morley Suffolk records: 17 larvae 12 adults: Records of larvae cover the years 2003 to 2013 and originate from Ickworth, the Rivers Waveney, Blyth, Hundred, Gipping and Brett as well as several farm ponds and reservoirs. Adults are large, distinctive and commonly turn up in light traps; records from Hollesley, Shingle Street, Somerleyton and Hen Reedbeds during June, July & August 2013. From Thurston June 2014 and Hollesley again June 2015. Species: Plectrocnemia conspersa Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams and flowing marshes. Morley Collection specimens: (9), only 1* in Suffolk. To light Foxhall 1947. Rest of specimens mostly New Forest or no details on specimen. Post Morley Suffolk records: 60 larvae 5 adults: Larva of this caseless caddis, which spins an underwater web to catch its prey. Larvae are recorded through the years 1988 to 2016 from many river catchments. Adult records are few from Shingle Street June & August 2013, Somerleyton June 2013, Hollesley August 2013 and Bromeswell Green September 2014. Species: Polycentropus flavomaculatus Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN/GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of stony streams rivers and lakes. Morley Collection specimens: (29), 15* in Suffolk. Many from Brandon & Mildenhall, 1898 to 1941 Post Morley Suffolk records: 220 larvae 5 adults: Very common as larvae from headwaters and the quieter stretches of most river catchments in the county though no records from lakes in Suffolk. Adults to light at Suffolk Water Park May 2002, Lackford May 2013, Earsham July 2013, Hollesley and Snape June 2015. ďƒ‹ Species: Polycentropus irroratus Family: Polycentropodidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread but local species of streams, rivers and lakes. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None* in Suffolk. Hevingham Park. Norfolk 1942 Post Morley Suffolk records: None ďƒ‹ Species: Potamophylax cingulatus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams and rivers and very occasionally lake shores in Scotland. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Loch Awe, June but no year Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Potamophylax latipennis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of stony streams rivers and lake shores. Morley Collection specimens: (3), 2* in Suffolk. Brandon 1896 & 1925 Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 1 adults: A single larvae from Shelley on the River Brett May 2009, although larvae have been found on the Essex side of the Stour catchment also. The single Suffolk Adult record at Hen Reedbeds November 2012.
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Species: Potamophylax rotundipennis Family: Limnephilidae IUCN/GB Status: DD / NS Description: A widespread but very local species of streams and rivers that have a sandy substratum. Probably over-recorded due to problems with the larval key. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adults: Larva from Rob Brown’s Stour Headwater surveys at Bardfield Bridge on Belchamp Brook, Sudbury September 2001. Species: Psychomyia pusilla Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of rivers and large streams. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Salisbury 1911 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Rhadicoleptus alpestris Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: A species of water-shed marshes in upland Wales and northern England, also raised bogs. Very rare in Scotland. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None in Suffolk. Unknown location 1916 Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Rhyacophila dorsalis Family: Rhyacophilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams and rivers. Morley Collection specimens: (8), Only 1* in Suffolk. Bury St Edmunds undated, others Derbyshire or Cumbria Post Morley Suffolk records: 6 larvae 0 adults: 5 larval records in the 1990s, 4 from Washbrook on Belstead Brook and one near Marlesford on the Alde. The other is from Rushbrook near Bury on the River Lark. Species: Sericostoma personatum Family: SericostomatidaeIUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of streams, rivers and lakes (Plate 7). Even commoner than data suggests as most of an additional 6000 records from the Environment Agency described as Sericostomatidae probably refer to this and not Notidobia cilaris, but are omitted from the review calculations. Morley Collection specimens: (17), Only 1* in Suffolk. from Shipmeadow lock, Beccles 1935. Others mainly Ireland & New Forest 1900 to 1940 Post Morley Suffolk records: 40 larvae 0 adults: The 40 larval records date between 1989 and 2016 from various sites in the Stour catchment, from the Little Ouse, the Waveney and the Orwell; many of the locations are headwater streams. Species: Silo nigricornis Family: Goeridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread stream and river species but only common in south east England where it may be abundant in waters running from the chalk Morley Collection specimens: (4), None in Suffolk. All specimens Ireland 1913 Post Morley Suffolk records: None: It is worth noting that relatively little recording has been done in the west of the county where there may possibly be suitable habitat with regard to chalk substratum.
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Species: Silo pallipes Family: Goeridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common stream and river species. Morley Collection specimens: (4), None in Suffolk. All specimens Derbyshire 1935 or Ireland 1910 Post Morley Suffolk records: 26 larvae 0 adults: Larvae of this species are very similar to those of Goera pilosa but it seems to be much less common though in very similar habitats. The 25 records mostly date from the 1990s in small streams such as; Belstead Brook, Dodnash Brook, Stutton Brook, the Mill River, and headwaters of the Stour and Deben. There is one more record in 2011 from Braziers Wood stream. Species: Stenophylax permistus Family: Limnephilidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: Widespread and common species of small streams and ditches that dryup over summer. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 0* in Suffolk. 1 specimen with no label Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 3 adults: all to light at Hollesley in May 2015. ➢ Species: Tinodes assimilis Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: There is a strong concentration of records in the west. A species of very small streams. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: The single adult record was a group of 12 adults caught in flight over Hol Brook, a headwater of the River Box at Boxford in May 1993. As it has not been recorded since its presence in Suffolk needs confirmation. Species: Tinodes dives Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: This is a species of upland limestone streams and as this habitat is not common in GB, neither is the caddis. Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. One unreadable label though it looks almost like Lakenheath 1935 which must be wrong, the other specimen has no details. Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Tinodes maclachlani Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: Qualifies for Nationally Scarce but is a widespread and locally common species of small streams and trickles so will be under-recorded. Morley Collection specimens: (2), None in Suffolk. Irish specimens. Post Morley Suffolk records: None ➢ Species: Tinodes unicolor Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: This is a species of travertine depositing streams in England and Wales. It is an expected species in such waters. Morley Collection specimens: No Specimens in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adults: The larval record is from an Environment Agency survey of the River Stour at Pitmire Railway Bridge, Bures St Mary in May 2006. The Stour is not a travertine depositing stream so without confirmation of its presence in the county the record is flagged here as doubtful.
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Species: Tinodes waeneri Family: Psychomyiidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of stony lakes, and rivers and occasionally streams. Morley Collection specimens: (32), 28 in Suffolk. Many from Fritton, Brandon, Ipswich docks etc., dated 1897 to 1937 Post Morley Suffolk records: 143 larvae 6 adults: Although there are no larval records from the Little Ouse or Waveney T. waeneri is present in all the other major river catchments in the county. The majority of records then occur from 1986 throughout the 1990s until 2009. Adults were in flight at Flatford Mill in 1958, recorded to light from Hollesley May & June 2013, Lackford June & August 2013 and Earsham July 2013. In flight May to September. Species: Triaenodes bicolor Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common pond and lake species. Morley Collection specimens: (4), 3 in Suffolk. Southwold 1897, Monk Soham 1905 & Barton Mills 1915 Post Morley Suffolk records: 47 larvae 3 adults: In contrast to T. waeneri a great deal of the larval records for T. bicolor are from the Waveney catchment with others from the Butley, Hundred, and Minsmere catchments. It also occurs in several still water bodies including several records from Redgrave Fen in May 2010, from Grove Farm near Norton in June 2014 and there is one record from Lackford Lakes in August 2015. A much smaller number are from the River Stour or tributaries. Adult data is from Ash Street Bridge and Cherry Hill, two sites at Semer where swarms were flying during the morning of 13th August 2008, and one record to light at Hollesley May 2015. Species: Trichostegia minor Family: Phryganeidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Description: It is a widespread and common species in most of England but scarcer in Wales and just reaches southern Scotland. Lives in pools and marshes that dry-up in summer and are choked with rotting leaves over-winter. Morley Collection specimens: (18), 5* in Suffolk. All London Road Ipswich 1907, others Somerset & New Forest 1895 to 1933 or data is missing Post Morley Suffolk records: 5 larvae 0 adults: Larvae collected at Island Mere, Minsmere July 1999, from various pools at Redgrave in May 2010 and from a temporary pond in Bradfield Woods in 2000. ➢ Species: Wormaldia mediana Family: Philopotamidae IUCN / GB Status: DD / NR ➢ Species: Wormaldia subnigra Family: Philopotamidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / NS Descriptions: Wormaldia mediana has only been identifiable as an adult comparatively recently and is still not identifiable as a larva. It may have significantly declined post 2000 so a grading of DD has been chosen. It is mainly a northern and western species. The habitat is small fast stony rivers. Description: Wormaldia subnigra A widespread species of rivers, especially those that flow from lakes. It may be declining. Morley Collection specimens: No specimens of either in the Morley Collection Post Morley Suffolk records: 1 larvae 0 adult: Larva identified only as Wormaldia mediana / subnigra; from Freston Brook May 2011. Habitat suggests strongly that this was W. subnigra. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
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Species: Wormaldia occipitalis Family: Philopotamidae IUCN / GB Status: LC / Description: A widespread and common species of small streams and larger trickles, but absent from south east England and East Anglia. Morley Collection specimens: (1), None* in Suffolk. Morley collection has T. A. Chapman’s specimen from 1936 with no other data. Post Morley Suffolk records: None Species: Ylodes reuteri Family: Leptoceridae IUCN / GB Status: VU / NR Description: Only one post 1980 site, Loch Harray a brackish water in Orkney. Other older sites are all associated with salt marshes in the south and east of England. Morley Collection specimens: (1), 1 in Suffolk. Ipswich 1895 Post Morley Suffolk records: 0 larvae 1 adults: Adult to light at Hollesley June 2015
The Suffolk list Comprising 104 species, those marked ➢ are in need of further records. Adicella reducta: (Leptoceridae) Agapetus fuscipes: (Glossosomatidae) Agraylea multipunctata: (Hydroptilidae) Agraylea sexmaculata: (Hydroptilidae) Agrypnia pagetana: (Phryganeidae) Agrypnia varia: (Phryganeidae) Anabolia brevipennis: (Limnephilidae) Anabolia nervosa: (Limnephilidae) ➢ Apatania muliebris: (Apataniidae) Athripsodes albifrons: (Leptoceridae) Athripsodes aterrimus: (Leptoceridae) Athripsodes cinereus: (Leptoceridae) Beraea maurus : (Beraeidae) Beraea pullata: (Beraeidae) Beraeodes minutus: (Beraeidae) Brachycentrus subnubilus: (Brachycentridae) ➢ Ceraclea albimacula: (Leptoceridae) ➢ Ceraclea dissimilis: (Leptoceridae) ➢ Ceraclea fulva: (Leptoceridae) Ceraclea nigronervosa: (Leptoceridae) Ceraclea senilis: (Leptoceridae ) Chaetopteryx villosa: (Limnephilidae) Crunoecia irrorata: (Lepidostomatidae) Cyrnus flavidus: (Polycentropodidae) Cyrnus trimaculatus: (Polycentropodidae) Ecnomus tenellus: (Ecnomidae) Glyphotaelius pellucidus: (Limnephilidae ) Goera pilosa: (Goeridae) Grammotaulius nigropunctatus: (Limnephilidae) Grammotaulius nitidus: (Limnephilidae)
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Halesus digitatus: (Limnephilidae ) Halesus radiatus: (Limnephilidae) ➢ Holocentropus dubius: (Polycentropodidae) Holocentropus picicornis: (Polycentropodidae) Holocentropus stagnalis: (Polycentropodidae) Hydropsyche angustipennis: (Hydropsychidae) ➢ Hydropsyche contubernalis: (Hydropsychidae) Hydropsyche instabilis: (Hydropsychidae) Hydropsyche pellucidula: (Hydropsychidae) Hydropsyche saxonica: (Hydropsychidae) Hydropsyche siltalai: (Hydropsychidae) Hydroptila cornuta: (Hydroptilidae ) Hydroptila forcipata: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila sparsa: (Hydroptilidae) Ironoquia dubia: (Limnephilidae) Ithytrichia lamellaris: (Hydroptilidae) Lepidostoma hirtum: (Lepidostomatidae) Leptocerus lusitanicus: (Leptoceridae) Leptocerus tineiformis: (Leptoceridae) Limnephilus affinis: (Limnephilidae ) Limnephilus auricula: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus binotatus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus bipunctatus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus centralis: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus decipiens: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus extricatus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus flavicornis: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus griseus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus hirsutus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus incisus: (Limnephilidae)
TRICHOPTERA OF SUFFOLK Limnephilus lunatus: (Limnephilidae ) Limnephilus luridus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus marmoratus: (Limnephilidae ) Limnephilus nigriceps: (Limnephilidae) ➢ Limnephilus pati: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus politus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus rhombicus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus sparsus: (Limnephilidae) ➢ Limnephilus tauricus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus vittatus: (Limnephilidae) Lype phaeopa: (Psychomyiidae) Lype reducta: (Psychomyiidae ) Micropterna lateralis: (Limnephilidae) Micropterna sequax: (Limnephilidae) Molanna angustata: (Molannidae) Mystacides azurea: (Leptoceridae) Mystacides longicornis: (Leptoceridae) Mystacides nigra: (Leptoceridae ) Neureclipsis bimaculata: (Polycentropodidae) Notidobia ciliaris: (Sericostomatidae) ➢ Odontocerum albicorne: (Odontoceridae ) Oecetis furva: (Leptoceridae) Oecetis lacustris: (Leptoceridae)
Oecetis ochracea: (Leptoceridae) Orthotrichia costalis: (Hydroptilidae) Oxyethira flavicornis: (Hydroptilidae ) Oxyethira simplex: (Hydroptilidae) Phryganea bipunctata: (Phryganeidae) Phryganea grandis: (Phryganeidae) Plectrocnemia conspersa: (Polycentropodidae) Polycentropus flavomaculatus: (Polycentropodidae ) Potamophylax latipennis: (Limnephilidae) Potamophylax rotundipennis : (Limnephilidae) Rhyacophila dorsalis: (Rhyacophilidae ) Sericostoma personatum: (Sericostomatidae) Silo pallipes: (Goeridae) Stenophylax permistus: (Limnephilidae) ➢ Tinodes assimilis: (Psychomyiidae) ➢ Tinodes unicolor: (Psychomyiidae) Tinodes waeneri: (Psychomyiidae) Triaenodes bicolor: (Leptoceridae) Trichostegia minor: (Phryganeidae) ➢ Wormaldia subnigra: (Philopotamidae) Ylodes reuteri: (Leptoceridae )
Species not in the Suffolk List The 98 species below are not yet recorded in Suffolk and are included here to complete the British list. Specimens of the 36 species marked are however represented in the Morley collection. Adicella filicornis: (Leptoceridae) Agapetus delicatulus: (Glossosomatidae) Agapetus ochripes: (Glossosomatidae) Agrypnetes crassicornis: (Phryganeidae) Agrypnia obsoleta: (Phryganeidae) Agrypnia picta: (Phryganeidae) Allogamus auricollis: (Limnephilidae) Allotrichia pallicornis: (Hydroptilidae) Apatania auricula: (Apataniidae) Apatania nielseni: (Apataniidae) Apatania wallengreni: (Apataniidae) Athripsodes bilineatus: (Leptoceridae) Athripsodes commutatus: (Leptoceridae) Ceraclea annulicornis: (Leptoceridae) Cheumatopsyche lepida: (Hydropsychidae)
Chimarra marginata: (Philopotamidae) Cyrnus insolutus: (Polycentropodidae) Diplectrona felix: (Hydropsychidae) Drusus annulatus: (Limnephilidae) Eccliopteryx dalecarlica: (Limnephilidae) Enoicyla pusilla: (Limnephilidae) Ernodes articularis: (Beraeidae) Erotesis baltica: (Leptoceridae) Glossosoma boltoni: (Glossosomatidae ) Glossosoma conformis: (Glossosomatidae) Glossosoma intermedium: (Glossosomatidae) Hagenella clathrata: (Phryganeidae) Hydatophylax infumatus: (Limnephilidae) Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum: (Hydropsychidae)
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Hydropsyche exocellata: (Hydropsychidae) Hydropsyche fulvipes: (Hydropsychidae) Hydroptila angulata: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila lotensis: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila martini: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila occulta: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila pulchricornis: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila simulans: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila sylvestris: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila tigurina: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila tineoides: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila valesiaca: (Hydroptilidae) Hydroptila vectis: (Hydroptilidae) Ithytrichia clavata: (Hydroptilidae) Lepidostoma basale: (Lepidostomatidae) Leptocerus interruptus: (Leptoceridae) Limnephilus borealis: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus coenosus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus elegans: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus fuscicornis: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus fuscinervis: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus ignavus: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus stigma: (Limnephilidae) Limnephilus subcentralis: (Limnephilidae) Melampophylax mucoreus: (Limnephilidae) Mesophylax aspersus: (Limnephilidae ) Mesophylax impunctatus s. zetlandicus: (Limnephilidae) Metalype fragilis: (Psychomyiidae) Molanna albicans: (Molannidae) Nemotaulius punctatolineatus: (Limnephilidae) Oecetis notata: (Leptoceridae) Oecetis testacea: (Leptoceridae) Oligotricha striata: (Phryganeidae) Orthotrichia angustella: (Hydroptilidae) Orthotrichia tragetti: (Hydroptilidae)
Oxyethira distinctella: (Hydroptilidae) Oxyethira falcata: (Hydroptilidae) Oxyethira frici: (Hydroptilidae) Oxyethira mirabilis: (Hydroptilidae) Oxyethira sagittifera: (Hydroptilidae) Oxyethira tristella: (Hydroptilidae) Philopotamus montanus: (Philopotamidae) Plectrocnemia brevis: (Polycentropodidae) Plectrocnemia geniculata: (Polycentropodidae) Polycentropus kingi: (Polycentropodidae) Polycentropus irroratus: (Polycentropodidae) Potamophylax cingulatus: (Limnephilidae) Psychomyia fragilis: (Psychomyiidae) Psychomyia pusilla: (Psychomyiidae) Rhadicoleptus alpestris: (Limnephilidae) Rhyacophila fasciata: (Rhyacophilidae) Rhyacophila munda: (Rhyacophilidae) Rhyacophila obliterata: (Rhyacophilidae) Setodes argentipunctellus: (Leptoceridae) Setodes punctatus: (Leptoceridae) Silo nigricornis: (Goeridae) Stenophylax vibex: (Limnephilidae) Synagapetus dubitans: (Glossosomatidae) Tinodes dives: (Psychomyiidae) Tinodes maclachlani: (Psychomyiidae) Tinodes maculicornis: (Psychomyiidae) Tinodes pallidulus: (Psychomyiidae) Tinodes rostocki: (Psychomyiidae) Triaenodes ochreellus: (Leptoceridae) Tricholeiochiton fagesii: (Phryganeidae) Wormaldia occipitalis: (Philopotamidae) Wormaldia subnigra: (Philopotamidae) Ylodes conspersus: (Leptoceridae) Ylodes simulans: (Leptoceridae)
References Barnyard, P. & Ross, E. (2012). The adult Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Britain and Ireland. Royal Ent. Soc. Handbook Vol 1 Part 17. Field Studies Council. Chalkley, A. (2014). Book Review: The Adult Trichoptera of Britain & Ireland. White Admiral SNS Newsletter 87, p12–14 Crofts, S. (2014). Cressbrook & Litton Flyfishers Club Website. https://cressbrookandlittonflyfishers.co.uk/adult-caddisfly-occurrence-scheme-2013stuart-crofts/ October 12 2017. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 53 (2017)
Edington, J. M. & Hildrew, A. G. (1995). A revised key to the caseless caddis larvae of the British Isles. Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific Publication No 53. Macan, T. T. (1973). A key to the adults of the British Trichoptera. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific, Publication No 28. Morley, C. (1899). The Coleoptera of Suffolk. Available on line from the pages of SNS ISSUU publications. https://issuu.com/suffolknaturalistssociety/docs/coleoptera_of_suffolk October 31 2017. Wallace, I. D., Wallace, B. & Philipson, G. N. (2003). A revised key to the cased caddis larvae of the British Isles. Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific Publication No 61. Wallace, I. D. (2016). A review of the status of the caddis flies (Trichoptera) of Great Britain -Species Status No.27. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number191. Adrian Chalkley 37 Brookhall Road, Boxford, Suffolk. CO10 5HS bas@boxvalley.co.uk
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A. Chalkley
A. Chalkley
Plate 4: Limnephilus vittatus Arger Fen (p. 54).
Plate 5: Oxyethira-sp-3mm larva & pupa (p. 59).
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A. Chalkley
A. Chalkley
Plate 6: Leptocerus tineiformis Bruisyard pond with case (p. 49).
A. Chalkley
Plate 7: Sericostoma personatum Tiger Hill (p. 61).
Plate 8: Brachycentrus subnubilus Santon Dowbham (p. 42).
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