The Diptera of Suffolk. Part 1: Tipulidae

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THE DIPTERA OF SUFFOLK PETER VINCENT Introduction As diptera recorder for Suffolk I find it frustrating that there is no up to date and comprehensive checklist of the flies of Suffolk. My intention, therefore, is over a period of time to compile, as far as possible, a complete a checklist of the diptera of Suffolk. This is a monumental task, the British Isles list of diptera currently (August 2018) runs to some 7171 species (of which 41 are recorded from Ireland only) (Chandler, 2018), a good proportion of which are likely to occur or have occurred in Suffolk. The first checklist of Suffolk Diptera was published by C. Morley and E. A. Atmore in the 1915 Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society (TNNS) (Morley and Atmore, 1915). This enumerated the number of species known to occur in Suffolk as 1623. A supplement to Morley and Atmore’s list in the 1932 TNNS by B. Harwood raised the total to 1887 (Harwood, 1932). In 1945 Morley started an indepth review of the Suffolk diptera as known at the time, including, a species list, records of each and notes on some of the rarer species including some habitat information. From then on Morley published details of a family or a tranche of families annually in the Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society (TSNS), until his death in 1951, by which time he had reached the Asilidae. A. E. Aston with collaborators D. Walker and later W.S. George carried on the series from 1954 until the final part, Syrphiidae, was published in 1960. (George & Aston, 1960). Together Morley, Aston and George had made their way through about two thirds of the potential Suffolk diptera, but probably less of the species commonly recorded. What remained was the whole of the Acalyptratae and Calyptratae, some 60 families, containing some of the more familiar and popular groups. As it stands at present, the current Suffolk diptera checklist comprises of the database of submitted diptera records held by the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Centre (SBIS), to which can be added records available from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN). This is far from complete, however, further diptera records from Suffolk are held by the various Dipterists Forum national recording schemes and study groups, and in publications and journals such as the TSNS and the Dipterists Digest. There are unpublished records held by individual collectors. I intend to exploit all these resources to make the checklist as complete as possible. Although for the time being this remains a paper exercise, specimens do exist in museums and other collections, including Morley’s own collection in the Ipswich Museum that could be used to extract more records and also to check on the validity of existing records. The records that form this checklist are from the Watsonian vice-counties of East (v.c. 25) and West (v.c. 26) Suffolk which is of greater extent than the modern administrative county boundaries. Diptera are not well recorded in Suffolk, with few records of even quite common species. Therefore, although records are in the main collected at monad (O.S.1km square) or greater accuracy, in order to assess the

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relative abundance and distribution of a diptera species the hectad (O.S.10km square) is used as the base recording unit. Suffolk comprises of 54 hectads or part hectads. In this checklist of Suffolk Diptera the arrangement of families follows that set out in Chandler (1998) and updates (Dipterists Forum, 2018). The classification of British diptera starts with the Lower Diptera (Nematocera) followed by the Brachycera. Within families, all taxa are listed alphabetically. Altogether there are at present 106 families of diptera recognised within the British fauna. The dynamic nature of checklists, with the need to continuously be able to compile updates (additional species, taxonomic changes, synonymizations, and deleted species), means it is logical to publish the whole list, including all updates, online. So once a family or group of families has been reviewed, the checklist will be published first in the TSNS and then placed on the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society website, where it will be easier to make adjustments to the list. Part One: Tipulidae, Cylindrotomidae, Pediciidae, Limoniidae The checklist commences with the first infraorder of the Lower Diptera the Tipulomorpha. The Tipulomorpha contains one superfamily Tipuloidea, which itself contains four families, Tipulidae, Cylindrotomidae, Pediciidae and Limoniidae. Together these four families are usually referred to as craneflies. As a group, craneflies are readily recognised by their slender bodies and long feeble legs. Amongst dipterists they are one of the most popular and accessible taxa of the Lower Diptera. They have been widely collected in Suffolk from Verrall onwards. The Tipulidae are generally the largest in size of the superfamily and includes Britain’s fly with the greatest wingspan Tipula maxima Poda, 1761. There are 87 species on the British list, with 55 from Suffolk. The Cylindrotomidae are feeble craneflies with the abdomen looking too long for the wings; there are 4 species on the British list 3 of which are found in Suffolk. Formerly included with the Tipulidae, the Pediciidae are unique amongst the craneflies in having hairy eyes. Most species occur by fast flowing streams and rivers, therefore likely accounting for Suffolk’s impoverished Pediciidae fauna of only 6 from a British total of 20. By far the largest family of the Tipulidae is the Limoniidae; they vary greatly in appearance and are usually of moderate size. Limoniines usually hold the wings along the back of the body, whereas other tipulids usually hold them out at right angles. There are 222 British species of which 119 have been recorded from Suffolk. The layout of the checklist is that for each family the first division is by genus and then species in alphabetical order. Though, the Limoniidae are at first divided into three subfamilies and it is also customary for the Tipulidae, Pediciidae and Limoniidae to be divided at subgenus level as well. For every individual species the species name (in bold type) is followed by the authority, then details of the first record of that species from Suffolk – place, date (to as much accuracy as possible) and recorder (where known). To give an indication of the distribution and the abundance of each species, this is followed by a list of all the hectads each species has occurred and the number of known records (in square brackets). A few records have been italicised; these records whether for, rarity, location, habitat or date are considered doubtful.

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These records have been maintained in the checklist until further checks can be done on any possible voucher specimens to validify the identification. These records have not been added to the species totals. References Chandler, P.J. (ed.) (1998). Checklists of Insects of the British Isles (New Series). Part 1: Diptera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 12(1): 1-234. Chandler, P. J. (2018). Corrections and Changes to the Diptera Checklist (39). Dipterists Digest (Second Series) 25: 79-86. Dipterists Forum (2018). An Update of the 1998 Checklist of Diptera of the British Isles Dipterists Forum [online] http://www. [Accessed 20 September 2018] George, W. S. & Aston, A. E. (1960). The Diptera of Suffolk Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society 12: 403-411. Harwood, B. S. (1932). The Diptera of Suffolk: First Supplement. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society 2: 36-51. Morley, C. & Atmore, E. A. (1915). The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10: 1-180. Morley, C. & Hocken, M. (1945). The Diptera of Suffolk. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society 5: 184-198. Suffolk Diptera Checklist (Part One)

TIPULIDAE CTENOPHORA Meigen, 1803 pectinicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) - Fritton Hall, 31 May 1937, G. Baker TL 77,87,88 TM 04,05,49 [9] DICTENIDIA Brullé, 1833 bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1761) - Stanstead Wood, 30 May 1898, E.A. Elliot TL 84,87,94 TM 16,26 [9] DOLICHOPEZA Curtis, 1825 albipes (Ström, 1768) - Dunwich Heath, 14 May 1997, M. Edwards TM 46,47 [3] PRIONOCERA Loew, 1844 subserricornis (Zetterstedt, 1851) - Eastbridge, 31 July 1998, Natural England TM 46 [1] turcica (Fabricius, 1787) - Cretingham, 3 May 1922, C. Morley TM 26,46,47 [8] NEPHROTOMA Meigen, 1803 analis (Schummel, 1833) - Monk Soham, 16 June 1917, B. Harwood TL 95 TM 26 [3] appendiculata (Pierre, 1919) (Plate 6) - Monk Soham, 17 May 1936, G.C. Durrant TL 78,88,94,95,96 TM 14,15,16,17,23,26, 27,36,37, 58 [35] cornicina (Linnaeus, 1758) - Barton Mills, 14 August 1886, G.H. Verrall TL 66,77,86,95 TM 07,26 [9] crocata (Linnaeus, 1758) - Whitton, 20 June 1904, C. Morley TM 14 [1] no recent records Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 54 flavescens (Linnaeus, 1758) - Heveningham Park, 14 July 1945, J.P. Burton TL 67,78,86,95,97 TM 04,07,14,24,27,36,37,38, 44,46,47 [30] flavipalpis (Meigen, 1830) - Herringfleet 1945, Major Ross-Lewin TL 84 TM 07,13,14,35,37,47,49,58 [14] guestfalica (Westhoff, 1879) - Newmarket, 11 July 1885, G.H. Verrall, C. Morley TL 66 TM 04,14,45 [5] lunulicornis (Schummel, 1833) - Monk Soham, 1910, C. Morley TM 26 [1] no records since 1910 quadrifaria (Meigen, 1804) - Bungay, June 1901, W.H. Tuck TL 95 TM 04,07,24,27,36,39,46,47,49 [24] quadristriata (Schummel, 1833) - Kessingland Beach, 23 August 2017, P.J. Vincent (1-1-0) TM 58 [1] scurra (Meigen, 1818) - Barton Mills, 16 September 1885, G.H. Verrall TL 66,76,77,78,87 TM 07,15,34,35,46,47,49 [29] submaculosa Edwards, 1928 - Minsmere, 29 July 1952, L. Parmenter (6-6-0) TL 77 TM 24,34,35,46,47,58 [19]

NIGROTIPULA Hutson & Vane-Wright, 1969 nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) - Timworth, 10 July 1915, C.G. Nurse TL 77,78,86 TM 03,07,15,16,25,26,34,37,46,47,49 [28] TIPULA Linnaeus, 1758 Subgenus ACUTIPULA Alexander, 1924 fulvipennis De Geer, 1776 - Newmarket, 1891, G.H. Verrall (8-7-2) TG 40 TL 66,94 TM 26,37,46,47,49,59 [9] luna Westhoff, 1879 - Brandon, 19 May 1936, G.C. Durrant, & E.A. Ellis (6-4-2) TL 77,78 TM 07,27,46,47 [16] maxima Poda, 1761 - Bawdsey, 18 July 1980, British Naturalists' Association (earlier sightings in TSNS without specific details) TL 75,86,93,94,97 TM 04,07,14,15,24,25,33,34,36,46,59 [29] vittata Meigen, 1804 - Foxhall, 11 May 1901, M. Hocken TL 77,84,85,86,93,94,95 TM 14,24,26,47,48,49 [24] Subgenus BERINGOTIPULA Savchenko, 1961 unca Wiedemann, 1817 - Brandeston, 1944, C. Morley TM 03,07,24,46,47,51 [9] Subgenus DENDROTIPULA Savchenko, 1964 flavolineata Meigen, 1804 - Assington Thicks, 1 June 1898, C. Morley TL 86,93,95 TM 04,07,24,47,58 [11] Subgenus LUNATIPULA Edwards, 1931 cava Riedel, 1913 - Heveningham Park, 14 July 1945, P.J. Burton TL 77,87,88 TM 07,24,34,35,37,44,46,47 [22] fascipennis Meigen, 1818 - Bentley Woods, 12 May 1928, Edwards TL 78,95 TM 03,04,07,26,35,37,47 [15] helvola Loew, 1873 - Flatford Mill, 11 July 1951, L. Parmenter TL 78,86,87 TM 03 [6] Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)



livida van der Wulp, 1858 - Flatford Mill, 1951, L. Parmenter TL 86,87,88 TM03,07 [7] lunata Linnaeus, 1758 - Newmarket, 23 May 1886, G.H. Verrall TL 66,87,94,95 TM 04,07,13,15,33,36,46,58 [17] peliostigma Schummel, 1833 - Newmarket, 1 July 1887, G.H. Verrall TL 66,94 TM 03,15 [7] selene Meigen, 1830 - West Stow Country Park, 23 April 2002, I. Perry TL 87 [1] vernalis Meigen, 1804 - Exning, 23 May 1886, G.H. Verrall TL 66,77,78,87,94 TM 13,14,15,26,27,34,44,45,46,47,48,59 [28] Subgenus ODONATISCA Savchenko, 1956 nodicornis Meigen, 1818 -Bulcamp Heath, 9 June 1945, M. Hocken TM 15,47 [4] no recent records Subgenus PLATYTIPULA Matsumura, 1916 luteipennis Meigen, 1830 - Barton Mills, 1888, G.H. Verrall TL 77,97 TM 45,46,47 [5] melanoceros Schummel, 1833 - Monk Soham, 18 October 1929 (3-3-0) TM 26,37 [3] no recent records Subgenus PTERELACHISUS Rondani, 1842 pabulina Meigen, 1818 - Brettenham, Edwardstone, Hartest, Hawkedon, 1 March 2001, R. Brown pseudovariipennis Czizek, 1912 - Corton, 11 June 1936, G.C. Durrant, & E.A. Ellis TL 88 TM 59 [2] submarmorata Schummel, 1833 - Shrubland Park, 16 May - 10 October 1995, C. Plant TM 15 [1] varipennis Meigen, 1818 - Assington Thicks, 21 May 1899, C. Morley TL 87,93,95 TM 04,13,15,46,47 [11] Subgenus SAVTSHENKIA Alexander, 1965 confusa van der Wulp, 1883 - Blythburgh Heath, September 1928, C.G Doughty TL 87 TM 47 [4] obsoleta Meigen, 1818 - Bentley Woods and Monks Soham, 22 September - 28 October pre 1945 C. Morley TM 13,26 [2] no recent records pagana Meigen, 1818 - Monk Soham, October 1904, C. Morley TL 94 TM 26,27,46,47 [6] rufina Meigen, 1818 - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TM 14,46,47 [5] signata Staeger, 1840 - Exning, 22 September 1915, J.E.C. Collin TL 66 TM 59 [2] staegeri Nielsen, 1922 - Exning, 22 September 1896, G.H. Verrall TM 17,37,47 [3] Subgenus SCHUMMELIA Edwards, 1931 variicornis Schummel, 1833 - Shipmeadow Marshes, 20 May 1945, J.P. Burton & C. Morley TL 77 TM 39,47 [3] yerburyi Edwards, 1924 - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TM 46,47 [2] Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)


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Subgenus TIPULA sensu stricto oleracea Linnaeus, 1758 - Southwold, September 1900, C. Morley TG 40,50 TL 77,94 TM 03,04,05,07,14,15,17, 24,27,28,34,38,44,46,47,49,59 [69] paludosa Meigen, 1830 - Newmarket, 15 September 1884, G.H. Verrall TL 66,86,87,94 TM 07,13,14,15,26,27,28, 34,36,37,45,46,47,57,59 [45] subcunctans Alexander, 1921 - Carlton Marshes, 17 October 1996, M. Edwards TM 59 [1] Subgenus VESTIPLEX Bezzi, 1924 scripta Meigen, 1830 - Gorleston, 4 July 1930, C. Morley TG 50 TL 66 TM 07,47,48 [6] Subgenus YAMATOTIPULA Matsumura, 1916 couckei Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1921 - Brandeston, 26 June 1945, C. Morley [4] lateralis Meigen, 1804 - Mildenhall, 9 August 1895, G.H. Verrall TL 64,65,74,77,84,85,93,94,97 TM 04,07,13,27,39,46,59 [35] marginella Theowald, 1980 - Brandeston, 24 April 1943, C. Morley TM 26,46,47 [5] montium Egger, 1863 - Barton Mills, 17 August 1883, G.H. Verrall TL 77 [1] first British record - no recent records pierrei Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1921 - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TL 86 TM 46,47 [6] pruinosa Wiedemann, 1817 - Brandeston, 23 May 1944, C. Morley TM 26,46,59 [8]

CYLINDROTOMIDAE CYLINDROTOMA Macquart, 1834 distinctissima (Meigen, 1818) - Bentley Woods, 30 May 1932, C. Morley TL 78,97 TM 13,58 [5] DIOGMA Edwards, 1938 glabrata (Meigen, 1818 - Walberswick, 1 August 1973, Huxley TL 66,87,95 TM 47 [6] PHALACROCERA Schiner, 1863 replicata (Linnaeus, 1758) - North Warren, 1963, R.I. Vane-Wright (a pre 1897 record from the Waveney near Beccles Bridge is documented in the TSNS) TL 97 TM 44,45 [6]

PEDICIIDAE DICRANOTA Zetterstedt, 1838 Subgenus DICRANOTA sensu stricto bimaculata (Schummel, 1829) - Barton Mills, 14 April 1914, J.E. Collin TL 77 TM 24,48 [3] Subgenus PARADICRANOTA Alexander, 1934 pavida (Haliday, 1833) - Barton, 8 July 1928, F.W Edwards TL77 [1] no recent records Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)



Subgenus PEDICIA sensu stricto rivosa (Linnaeus, 1758) - Lound Woods, September 1832, Paget TL 94 TM 24,47,59 [14] TRICYPHONA Zetterstedt, 1837 Subgenus TRICYPHONA sensu stricto immaculata (Meigen, 1804) - many pre-1945 records, ‘common in Suffolk’ G.H.Verrall, 1887 TL 66,87,95 TM 07,24,46,47,59 [22] ULINAE ULA Haliday, 1833 Subgenus ULA sensu stricto sylvatica (Meigen, 1818) - Newmarket, July 1889, J.E. Collin TG 40 TL 66,77,87,88 TM 13,35,47 [13]

LIMONIIDAE CHEILOTRICHIA Rossi, 1848 Subgenus CHEILOTRICHIA sensu stricto imbuta (Meigen, 1818) - Exning, 12 July 1885, G.H. Verrall TL 66 TM 46 Subgenus EMPEDA Osten Sacken, cinerascens (Meigen, 1804) - Monk Soham, 16 May 1929, C. Morley TL 66,67,87,88 TM 07,24,27,46,47,48 [19] ELLIPTEROIDES Becker, 1907 Subgenus ELLIPTEROIDES sensu stricto lateralis (Macquart, 1835) - Ipswich, 1914, C. Morley TL 97 TM 07,24,46,47,59 [37] ERIOCONOPA Starý, 1976 diuturna (Walker, 1848) - Walberswick, 21 April 1937, C. Morley TM 46 47 [4] trivialis (Meigen, 1818) - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs (earlier sightings in TSNS without specific details) TM 07,27,28,44,45,46,47,49,59 [48] ERIOPTERA Meigen, Subgenus ERIOPTERA sensu stricto divisa (Walker, 1848 - Limnobia) - Monk Soham, 18 August 1919, C. Morley TM 26 [1] no recent records flavata (Westhoff, 1882) - Ipswich, 3 July 1896, C. Morley TM 14,37,46 [6] fuscipennis Meigen, 1818 - Monk Soham, 23 July 1945, C. Morley TL 77,97 TM 03,39,46,47,59 [18] fusculenta Edwards, 1938 - Orford, 1938, F.W. Edwards TL 75,97 TM 03,07,39,44,46,47,59 [39] griseipennis Meigen, 1838 - Bradfield Woods, 28 May 2009, I. Perry (earlier sightings in TSNS without specific details) TL 95 TM 46 [2] lutea Meigen, 1804 - Newmarket, 1887, G.H. Verrall TG 40 TL 66,88,97 TM 07,24,36,46,47,49,59 [39] meijerei Edwards, 1921- Orford, 1938, F.W. Edwards TL 97 TM 07,44,46,47,59 [12] Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 54 nielseni de Meijere, 1921 - Minsmere, 3 July 2001, M. Edwards) TM 46 [2] squalida Loew, 1871 - Minsmere, 3 July 2002, M. Edwards TM 17,39,46 [3]

GNOPHOMYIA Osten Sacken, 1860 viridipennis (Gimmerthal, 1847) - Mildenhall, 1918, D. Keilin TL 77 TM 17,24,37,47 [5] GONEMPEDA Alexander, 1924 flava (Schummel, 1829) - Redgrave and Lopham Fens, 23 June 2009, Anon TM 07 [1] GONOMYIA Meigen, 1818 Subgenus GONOMYIA sensu stricto abscondita Lackschewitz, 1935 - Minsmere, 31 July 1998, Natural England TL 66 TM 46,47 [5] lucidula de Meijere, 1920 - Brandon Staunch, 31 May 1929, C. Morley TL 79 TM 26,47, [3] recta Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 - Bentley Woods, 8 July 1945, C. Morley TL 97 TM 24,26 [4] tenella (Meigen, 1818) - Newmarket, 1887, G.H. Verrall TL 66,77,87,88 TM 07,37,46 [8] Subgenus PROLIPOPHLEPS Savchenko, 1972 abbreviata Loew, 1873 - Barton, 8 July 1928, F.W Edwards TL 77 [1] ILISIA Rondani, 1856 maculata (Meigen, 1804) - Bentley Woods, September 1945, C. Morley TL 88,98 TM 07,13,24,48,59 [12] occoecata Edwards, 1936 - Easton Broad, 29 September 1913, C. Morley TM 24,46,47,57 [5] MOLOPHILUS Curtis, 1833 Subgenus MOLOPHILUS sensu stricto appendiculatus (Staeger, 1840) - Monk Soham, 2 June 1928, C. Morley TL 87,88,95,97 TM 07,13,24,26,37,46,47,48,49,58 [22] bifidus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 - Brookhill Wood, Ipswich, 10 June 1990, P.J. Chandler TL 86,87,97 TM 24 [7] bihamatus de Meijere, 1918 - Wisset, June 1943, M. Hocken TL 87,98 TM 37 [4] cinereifrons de Meijere, 1920 - Downter’s Wood, Ickworth, 8 September 2006, I. Perry TL 95,96 [2] corniger de Meijere, 1920 - Brookhill Wood, Ipswich, 10 June 1990, P.J. Chandler TL 97 TM 24 [2] crassipygus de Meijere, 1918 - Monk Soham, 1938, C. Morley TL 77 TM 07,26,37,47 [5] czizeki Lackschewitz in Czizek, 1931 - Bentley Woods, 21 May 1945, M. Hocken TM 13 [1] - no recent records flavus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 - Brookhill Wood, Ipswich, 10 June 1990, P.J. Chandler TM 24 [2] Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)



griseus (Meigen, 1804) - Gorleston, 8 September 1932, C. Morley TG 50 TL 67,87,88,95 TM 03,07,24,27,46,47,49,58 [20] medius de Meijere, 1918 - Tuddenham Heath, 14 July 1970, A.M. Hutson (earlier records in TSNS without specific details) TL 77,88,97 TM 07,24,46,47,48,49,59 [20] niger Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 - Thelnetham Fen, 30 July 1943, C. Morley TM 07,17,26,37 [4] no recent records obscurus (Meigen, 1818) - Brandeston, June 1922, C. Morley TL 97 TM 07,27,28,35,39,46,47,49,59 [42] occultus de Meijere, 1918 - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TM 46,47 [4] ochraceus (Meigen, 1818) - Monk Soham, 27 May 1921, C. Morley TL 67,87,95,97 TM 07,26,46,47,57,58 [13] pleuralis de Meijere, 1920 - Southwold, September 1928, C. Morley TL 78 TM 07,45,46,47 [23] propinquus (Egger, 1863) - Mildenhall, 8 September 1895, G.H. Verrall TL 77,78 [2] pusillus Edwards, 1921- Newbourne Springs, 18 May 2008, P Lee TM 24 [1] serpentiger Edwards, 1938 - Heveningham Park, 11 June 1943, M. Hocken TM 03,24,37,47 [5] ORMOSIA Rondani, 1856 Subgenus ORMOSIA sensu stricto albitibia Edwards, 1921 - Spexhall, 12 June 1945, M. Hocken TM 38,58 [2] bicornis (de Meijere, 1920) - Southwold, 27 August 1937, C. Morley TM 57 [1] no recent records depilata Edwards, 1938 - Dunwich Forest, 26 May 1974, A.M. Hutson TL 77,98 TM 46,47 [5] hederae (Curtis, 1835) - Reydon, September 1928, C. Morley TL 86,87 TM 45,46,47,58,59 [7] lineata (Meigen, 1804) - Felshamhall Wood, 18 June 1976, J.H. Cole (earlier sightings in TSNS without specific details) TL 95 TM 24 [3] nodulosa (Macquart, 1826) - Cretingham, September 1943, C. Morley TL 95, TM 04,24,25,36,47,48,58 [11] pseudosimilis (Lundstrรถm, 1912) - Walberswick, 26 May 1943, A.M. Hutson TM 47 [2] RHYPHOLOPHUS Kolenati, 1860 bifurcatus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 - Heveningham Park, 10 October 1942, M. Hocken TM 34,37,47 [3] haemorrhoidalis (Zetterstedt, 1838) - Exning, September 1915, J.E. Collin TL 66 [1] no recent records varius (Meigen, 1818) - Blythburgh Marsh, September 1912, C. Morley TL 95 TM 46,47,49,59 [11]

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 54

SYMPLECTA Meigen, 1830 Subgenus PSILOCONOPA Zetterstedt, 1838 meigeni (Zetterstedt, 1838) - Market Weston Fen, 27 July 1996, I. Perry TL 97 [1] stictica (Meigen, 1818) - Orford, 12 August 1908, J.J.F.X. King TL 67 TM 03,34,44,45,46,47,48,57,58 [40] Subgenus SYMPLECTA sensu stricto hybrida (Meigen, 1804) - Bulcamp Marshes, 10 October 1943, M. Hocken TL 66,95,97 TM 03,07,46,47 [7] TASIOCERA Skuse, 1890 Subgenus DASYMOLOPHILUS Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 fuscescens (Lackschewitz, 1940) - Bradfield Woods, 1977, B.R. Laurence TL 95 [3] murina (Meigen, 1818) - Monk Soham, 2 July 1943, C. Morley TM 07,24,26 [4] TRIMICRA Osten Sacken, 1861 pilipes (Fabricius, 1787) - Monk Soham, 3 August 1915, C. Morley TM 07,26,34,46 [5] DACTYLOLABINAE DACTYLOLABIS Osten Sacken, 1860 Subgenus DACTYLOLABIS sensu stricto sexmaculata (Macquart, 1826) - Newmarket, 30 April 1885, G.H. Verrall TL 66 [1] no recent records transversa (Meigen, 1804) - Wherstead Marsh, 10 May 1900, C. Morley TM 14,26 [2] no recent records LIMNOPHILINAE AUSTROLIMNOPHILA Alexander, 1920 Subgenus AUSTROLIMNOPHILA sensu stricto ochracea (Meigen, 1804) - Bentley Woods, September 1912, C. Morley TL77,86,87,88,94,97 TM 03,04,07,15,24,27,36,45, 46,47,48,59 [27] DICRANOPHRAGMA Osten Sacken, 1860 Subgenus BRACHYLIMNOPHILA Alexander, 1966 adjunctum (Walker, 1848) - Bulcamp, 6 September 1945, M. Hocken TL 95,97 TM 07, 45,46,47,59 [10] nemorale (Meigen, 1818) - Wherstead, 1904, C. Morley TL 95,97 TM 07,24,45,46,47,48,59 [19] separatum (Walker, 1848) - Flatford, 31 May 1944, M. Hocken TM 03,37 [2] no recent records ELOEOPHILA Rondani, 1856 apicata (Loew, 1871) - Monk Soham, 15 June 1906, C. Morley TM 26 [3] no recent records maculata (Meigen, 1804) - Ipswich, 1897, C. Morley TL 77 TM 14,24,34,46, [6] submarmorata (Verrall, 1887) - Lowestoft, 21 August 1898, B.S. Harwood TM 14,24,59 [3] Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)



trimaculata (Zetterstedt, 1838) - Brandeston Wood, 20 May 1944, C. Morley TM 26 [2] no recent records EPIPHRAGMA Osten Sacken, 1860 Subgenus EPIPHRAGMA sensu stricto ocellare (Linnaeus, 1761) - Chediston, 25 June 1942, M. Hocken TL 77,86.88,94,95,96,97 TM 07,15,26,37,46,47 [25] EUPHYLIDOREA Alexander, 1972 aperta (Verrall, 1887) - Fritton Lake, 28 June 1942, M. Hocken TG 40 TM 24,47 [3] dispar (Meigen, 1818) - several pre 1945 sightings in TSNS without specific details no recent records lineola (Meigen, 1804) - Bentley Woods, 1938, C. Morley TL 86,95 TM 13 [3] meigenii (Verrall, 1886) - Dodnash Wood, Bentley, 1897, C. Morley TM 13,46,47 [4] phaeostigma (Schummel, 1829) - Ilketshall St Michael, 5 June 1945, M. Hocken TM 38 [1] no recent records NEOLIMNOMYIA Séguy, 1937 batava (Edwards, 1938) - Sutton Hoo, 10 June 1998, K.N.A Alexander TM 24 [1] filata (Walker, 1856) - Heveningham Park, June 1943, M. Hocken TL 66,75,84,85,94 TM 37 [7]

PARADELPHOMYIA Alexander, 1936 Subgenus OXYRHIZA de Meijere, 1946 dalei (Edwards, 1939) - Tuddenham Heath, 14 August 1970, A.M. Hutson TL 77 TM 47,58 [3] senilis (Haliday, 1833) - Flatford, 18 July 1951, L. Parmenter TM 03,24,45,46,47,59 [17] PHYLIDOREA Bigot, 1854 Subgenus PARAPHYLIDOREA Savchenko, 1986 fulvonervosa (Schummel, 1829) - Letheringham Old Park, 13 September 1913, C. Morley TL 67 TM 07,25,46,47,58 [16] Subgenus PHYLIDOREA sensu stricto abdominalis (Staeger, 1840) - Blythburgh Woods, 29 May 1943, M. Hocken TM 07,47 [2] ferruginea (Meigen, 1818) - Oulton Broad, May 1905, C. Morley TL 77,86,97 TM 07,34,39,45,46,47,49,59 [38] squalens (Zetterstedt, 1838) - Blythburgh Woods, September 1928, C. Morley TM 47 [2] PILARIA Sintenis, 1889 discicollis (Meigen, 1818) - East Bergholt, 22 June 1970, R.P. Lane (earlier sightings in TSNS without specific details) TL 66,67,77,87,95,97 TM 03,04,07,24,26,39,45,46,47,59 [31]

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 54 fuscipennis (Meigen, 1818) - Brandon, 30 May 1929, C. Morley TL 67,78 TM 46,47 [6] scutellata (Staeger, 1840) - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TM 44,46,47 [9]

PSEUDOLIMNOPHILA Alexander, 1919 lucorum (Meigen, 1818) - Ashfield-cum-Thorpe, 1921, C. Morley TL 86,97 TM 03,07,24,26,46.47,58 [30] sepium (Verrall, 1886) - Monk Soham, 1921 TL 86,97 TM 03,07,26,46,58,59 [15] LIMONIINAE

ACHYROLIMONIA Alexander, 1965 decemmaculata (Loew, 1873) - Blythburgh Wood, 8 September 1944, C. Morley TL 86,97 TM 07,47 [6] ANTOCHA Osten Sacken, 1860 Subgenus ANTOCHA sensu stricto vitripennis (Meigen, 1830) - Blythburgh Wood, 29 May 1943, M. Hocken TM 47 [1] no records since 1943 DICRANOMYIA Stephens, 1829 Subgenus DICRANOMYIA sensu strict autumnalis (Staeger, 1840) - Benacre Broad, 20 September 1935, J.P. Burton TM 26,37,46,47,58 [7] chorea (Meigen, 1818) Needham Market, 25 April 1968, A.E. Stubbs (earlier sightings in TSNS without specific details) TL 67,78,95 TM 05,05,14,39,48,58 [20] didyma (Meigen, 1804) - Mildenhall, 2 September 1895, G.H. Verrall TG 50 TL 77 TM 47 [3] lucida de Meijere, 1918 - Thelnetham Fen, July 1942, C. Morley TL 66,97 TM 07,17,24,26,46,47,59 [22] mitis (Meigen, 1830) - Belstead, 5 June 1904, C. Morley TL 88,95 TM 14,26,27,37,47,58 [12] modesta (Meigen, 1818) - Ipswich, September 1901, C. Morley TL 66,67,95 TM 07,14,17,26,37,46,47,49,58 [31] ornata (Meigen, 1818) - Thorndon Fen, 20 July 1944, M. Hocken TM17 [1] no recent records sera (Walker, 1848) - Aldeburgh, 18 September 1907, G.H. Verrall TM 34,44,45,46,47,57,58 [23] ventralis (Schummel, 1829) - Orford, 13 August 2002, I. Perry TL 97 TM 07,46,47 [8] Subgenus GLOCHINA Meigen, 1830 sericata (Meigen, 1830) - Barton Mills, 5 June 1865, G.H. Verrall TL 66,77,87,88,95 [11] Subgenus IDIOPYGA Savchenko, 1987 danica Kuntze, 1919 - Blythburgh Wood, 29 April 1945, C. Morley TM 46,47 [12]

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halterella Edwards, 1921- Blythburgh Wood, 10 September 1944, M. Hocken TM 47 [1] no recent records magnicauda Lundstrรถm, 1912 - Minsmere, 2004, D.J. Gibbs TM 46 [1] [melleicauda Alexander, 1917] subspecies complicata de Meijere, 1918) - Covehithe Broad, September 1928, C. Morley TM 44,46,47,57,58 [26] stigmatica (Meigen, 1830) - Bentley Woods, 12 June 1904, C. Morley TM 13,47 [2] no recent records Subgenus MELANOLIMONIA Alexander, 1965 morio (Fabricius, 1787) - Ipswich, April 1898, C. Morley TM 07,14,24,37,46,47,58 [8] occidua Edwards, 1926 - Easton Broad, 29 September 1913, C. Morley [1] no recent records rufiventris (Strobl, 1901) - Monk Soham, 7 October 1922, C. Morley [1] no recent records Subgenus NUMANTIA Bigot, 1854 fusca (Meigen, 1804) - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TM 47 [2] GERANOMYIA Haliday, 1833 bezzii Alexander & Leonard, 1912 - Shingle Street, 7 August 1977, J.W. Ismay TM 34 [1] HELIUS Le Peletier & Serville, 1828 Subgenus HELIUS sensu stricto flavus (Walker, 1856) - Bentley Woods, 8 July 1945, C. Morley TL 77,97 TM 07,13,47,59 [15] longirostris (Meigen, 1818) - Brandon Staunch, 31 May 1929, C. Morley TL 78,97,98 TM 07,28,46,47,48,58 [10] pallirostris Edwards, 1921 - Blythburgh Wood, 17 May 1945, C. Morley TL 86,97 TM 46,47 [7] LIMONIA Meigen, 1803 dilutior (Edwards, 1921) - Sudbury, 1923, Harwood TL 77,84 TM 26,47 [5] flavipes (Fabricius, 1787) - Newmarket, 30 May 1896, G.H. Verrall TL 77,95 TM 04,14,24,36,39,46,47,48 [17] macrostigma (Schummel, 1829) - North Cove, 17 September 1932, C. Morley TM 03,07,24,45,46,47,49,59 [12] maculipennis (Meigen, 1818) - Exning, 12 May 1886, G.H. Verrall TL 66,77 TM 14,26,48 nigropunctata (Schummel, 1829) - Assington Thicks, May 1901, C. Morley TL 66,77,87,93,95 TM 04,13,15,35,46 [13] nubeculosa Meigen, 1804 - Ipswich, 1894, C. Morley TG 40, TL 66,67,77,78,94,95,97 TM 03,04,07,13,15,27,35,44,46, 47,48,58,59 [91] phragmitidis (Schrank, 1781) - Orford, 9 July 1908, J.J.F.X. King TL 77,95,97 TM 03,04,07,24,45,47,48,58 [19] Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 54 stigma (Meigen, 1818) - Barnham, 14 August 1970, A.M. Hutson TL 87,88 [2] trivittata (Schummel, 1829) - Huntingfield, 10 June 1943, M. Hocken TM 17,37 [2] no recent records

LIPSOTHRIX Loew, 1873 nervosa Edwards, 1938 - Brookhill Wood, Ipswich, 10 June 1990, P.J. Chandler TM 24 [1] remota (Walker, 1848) - Fritton Woods, 28 June 1942, C. Morley TL 77,97 TM 26,37,47,49 [7] METALIMNOBIA Matsumura, 1911 Subgenus METALIMNOBIA sensu stricto bifasciata (Schrank, 1781) - Tuddenham Heath, 19 September 1892, G.H. Verrall TL 77 TM 05,13,47,48,49 [7] quadrinotata (Meigen, 1818) - Ipswich, 1894, C Morley TG 50 TL 66 TM 07,24,47,58 [7] NEOLIMONIA Alexander, 1964 dumetorum (Meigen, 1804) - Bentley Woods, 7 June 1943, J.P. Burton TL 77,86,87,88,94 TM 03,07,13,24,26,46,47,48,58 [27] ORIMARGA Osten Sacken, 1869 Subgenus ORIMARGA sensu stricto juvenilis (Zetterstedt, 1851) - Redgrave Fen, 7 July 1945, C. Morley TM 07 [2] RHIPIDIA Meigen, 1818 Subgenus RHIPIDIA sensu stricto ctenophora Loew, 1871 - Tuddenham Heath, 30 May 1996, I. Perry TL 77 [1] maculata Meigen, 1818 - Newmarket, 22 May 1896, G.H. Verrall TL 66,67,78,88,95 TM 07,46,48,59 [19] uniseriata Schiner, 1864 - Kings Forest, 27 May 1992, I. Perry TL 87 [1] THAUMASTOPTERA Mik, 1866 Subgenus THAUMASTOPTERA sensu stricto calceata Mik, 1866 - Walberswick, 1980, A.M. Hutson & A.E. Stubbs TL 97 TM 24,47

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Arthur Grosset


Plate 6: Cranefly Nephrotoma appendiculata at Monks Eleigh (p. 35).

Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 54 (2018)

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