Orthoptera of Suffolk Revised

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the mere fact is all sufficient in the case of a Bird that can rapidly cover the fifty-odd miles of our coast. It is attested by at least three of our Members, whose guarded letters convey the impression of three distinct situations, ranging over forty miles. Two adults were first noticed in spring, whence the presumed pair remained occasionally visible for just two months ; then a lady-Member observed four adults, along with two fairly newly-hatched chicks. Later, at a quite different place, four adults were reported to have hatched off three young, upon strictly private and protected ground. And another Member asserts that ' they have nested elsewhere in the County.'

ORTHOPTERA OF SUFFOLK REVISED. RECENT alterations of nomenclature and some additions to the List published in our Transactions (i, 92) render the present revision advisable. All the 36 British species are here presented, but only the 27 of them that have been found in Suffolk are italicised. All introduced species are square-bracketed.—Though through seventy years' publications the Norfolk Naturalists have never been moved to produce an account of their Orthoptera, the appearance of Suffolk's in 1930 inspired some of their Members to print one of 25 kinds in ' Wild Life ' on 6 January 1934. Of it Dr. Malcolm Burr obviously had no knowledge (e.g. Map, p. 59) when writing his ' British Grasshoppers ' of 1936 ; indeed, our own List and much eise are there overlooked.



Labidura riparia, Pall. 1. Lalia minor, Linn.—Bury (Trans, iii, 199); Tuddenham Fen 12 June 1900 (Elliott); Aying plentifully at Gorleston 24 May 1937 (Tr. Norf. Soc. xiv, 209). Flew to light, M o r k s Soham 25 July & Foxhall 16 Aug. 1947. 2. Forßcula auricularia, Linn.—At Monks Soham light 17 Oct. 1935, along with Apterygida, post; on sugar at Fritton in Sept. (Trans, ii, 88); Elliott found nymphs to be common on Icklingham sandhills 18 June 1915. 3. F. Lesnei, Fin.—Omitted by Burr, p. 35. 4. Apterygida albipennis, Meg.—Taken at light at Monks Soham House : $ 10.30 p.m. 9 Sept. 1934 ; a dozen, including a pair in cop., 11 p.m. 17 Oct. 1935 (Trans, iii, 92); $ 10 p.m. 19 Aug. 1938 ; nymph 12 p.m. 22 Aug. 1939. [Three introduced species : Prolabia arachidis, Yers., Aniso'abis maritima, Bon. & A. annulipes, Luc. None found in Suffolk.]



BLATTID/E : COCKROACHES. 5. Ectobius lividus, Fab. (perspicillaris, Hbst.)—Added to Suffolk by M r . Geof. Burton at Needham Market (Trans, iv, 191). E. lapponicus, Linn. 6. E. Panzert, Steph.—Occurs along our whole coast; Kessingland & Sizewell sandhills after dark in Aug. (Trans, iii, p. clx); many $9 with ootheca at Thorpe 25 Aug. 1936, and nymphs there in July 1931. Abounds far inland, in New Forest. 7. [Ectobius sp.—A specimen in Amber, presumably from Southwold beach, is in Major Cooper's collection (Trans, i, p. lxxv).] 8. Blattella Germanica, Linn.—None later. [9. Blatella? pallida, Steph.—Dr. Blair does not consider (in lit. 3 Apr. 1942) the unnamed Cockroach, found in Bananas at Gorleston on 15 Sept. 1923 (Trans, ii, 289), to belong to Stephens' sp. (Illus. Mandib. vi, 48).] 10. Blatta orientalis, Linn.—Southwold 1937 (Collings) : Gorleston 1935 (Morley). To Westward Ho (Trans, i, 94) may be added : Andrew Balfour in 1586 aboard the San Juan in 1 By Stroke of Sword ', cap. xxiii. In Amber (Trans, i, 115). Meriplaneta Americana, Linn. [11. Periplaneta Australasice, Fab.—None later. 12. Nyctibora sericea, Burm.—One alive in Southwold shop 6 Aug. 1936 (Trans, iii, 184); one alive among Banana in Holton shop, circa 1939 (I.e. iv, 252). 13. Dorylcea rhombifolia, Stoll— One dead in linseed at Ipswich docks 9 Sept. 1901 ; one alive at Claydon 11 Sept. 1934 (Trans, ii, 288). 14. Pycnoscelus (Leucophcca) Surinamensis, Linn.—None later. 15. Panchlora Cubensis, Saus, (nivea, auet.)—Now known here from Orwell Park (Trans, iii, p. xxxvi), Ipswich (ii, 289), Needham Market (i, 94), Framlingham (i, p. lxxxi), Bury (i, 94) and Gorleston (i, 94 & ii, 89). Rhyparobia Maderce, Saus. ; Blabera gigantea, Linn., noticed at Trans, iii, 283 & exii. M A N T I D 7 E (none British). Mantis sp., exhibited (Trans, ii, p. xlii & iii, p. cxlvi). Ootheca of Mantis religiosa, Linn., parasitised by Fly, Lonchaea pusilla, Mg., in S. France (Trans, iii, 92). P H A S M I D / E (none British). Stick Insects referred to (Trans, i, p. lxxv). Carausius morosus, Br., from India & S. Asia exhibited alive in Ipswich (I.e. iv, p. lxvii). Bacillus Gallicus, from S. France, exhibited (I.e. ii, p. lxxiii). Leaf Insect, Phyllium sieeifolium, Linn., exhibited from Ceylon (I.e. iii, p. lxix).] G R Y L L I D i F : Crickets. 16. Gryllotalpa vulgaris, Latr.—None later. Omitted by Burr at p. 111 from Somerset (Dale MS. in Oxford Mus. & M r



Berrens in lit.); Wilts (Samouelle 1819 & Lucas); E. Sussex (Entom. 1939, 268); Essex (Harwood in Vict. Hist. i, 94); Suffolk (Tr. i, 94); Warwick (Birmingham, sec. Lucas); Worcs (Dale M S . ; Nat. Gazette 1891, p. 10); S. Wales (John Ray's Letters ; Trans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. 1898, 67-8) ; Derby (Lucas). 17. Gryllus campestris, Linn.—None later. _ Omitted by Burr at p. 116 from Suffolk. {17a Gryllus bimaculatus, DeG.—cf. post, Observations.] Nemobius sylvestris, Fab. 18. Gryllulus domesticus, Linn.—None later. T E T T I G O N I I M i : Long-horned Grass-hoppers. 19. Pholidoptera cinerea, Linn, (griseaptera, auct.).—Helmingham (Trans, iii, p. lxiv); abdt in Monks Soham rough hedges, pastures and paddock in Aug. 1941-7. Platycheis grisea, Fab. Metrioptera brachyptera, Linn. Metrioptera Roeselii, Hag. 20. Tettigonia viridissima, Linn.—Singly in 1930 at Semer rectory (Mrs. Donkin) ; Whatfield, Nedging drift-way and Cosford workhouse (Ronald Burn) ; Redgrave Fen, 1947. 21. Conocephalus dorsalis, Latr.—Abundant in Redgrave Fen, Sept. 1940 (Goddard). Omitted by Burr at p. 161 from Somersetj where it occurred in Shapwick peat-moor in July 1933 (Morley). Conocephalus fuscus, Fab. 22. Meconema thalassina, Fab.—Helmingham (Trans, iii, p. lxiv), Framlingham, Westleton Heath, Blythbro Wood, Wangford Wood, Sotterley & on sugar at Fritton (I.e. ii, 88). 23. Lepophyes punetatissima, Bosc.—Gisleham, Sept. 1932 (Ellis), Fritton (Trans, ii, 88), Monks Soham. Omitted by Burr from I. Wight, Northants, Merioneth & Worcester, where I took it at Newport in June 1907, Castor Hanglands in June 1908, Barmouth hills in June 1939 & at Worcester in July 1939 (Morley). {24. Tachycines asynamorus, Adel. (EMM. 1921, 208 : sie Diestrammena marnmrata, Haan.)—Ipswich (Lucas, p. 98). Phaneroptera falcata, Poda. (cf. Trans, iii, p. cxlvi.) Decticus verrueivorus, Linn.] ACRIDIID7E : Short-horned Grass-hoppers. 25. Tetrix subulatus, Linn.—Omitted by Burr at p. 59 from Somerset & Norfolk, where I took it at Shapwick peat-moor on 29 June 1933 and near Cromer in Aug. 1903 (Morley). 26. Tetrix nigricans, Sow. (vittatus, Zett.). » Our common Tet1 Tetrix bipunetatus, Linn. rix is now considered to be Zetterstedt's species vittatus and to differ from the true bipunetatus in (1) its southern ränge and (2) having the 6th antennal joint about thrice longer than broad. This


27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

32. 33.




joint, however, seems to vary a good deal in length, and is thrice. longer than broad in my specimens from Cläre Island in July 1910 (omitted from Mayo by Burr at p. 62), Brockenhurst, Knight Wood, Matley, Ramnor in New Forest, Ipswich, Blakenham, Ashfield-Thorp and Lowestoft in Suffolk; but only twice longer than broad in others from the I. Wight, New Forest, Grcvely Wood in Wilts, Crookham in Berks, Catfield in Norfolk, Bentley Wood and Kesgrave in Suffolk, where I swept an imago on 12 Sept. 1895. I believe none of these to be Linne's bipunctatus. James Sowerby's British Miscellany, plate 74, 1807, " displays three species of the Fabrician genus Acrydium, viz. A. subulatum, Fab., A. undulatum and A. nigricans,-the two last of which are new species. The figures are given from Mr. Kirby's cabinet and are, therefore, probably Suffolk Insects " (Haworth, Trans. Entom. Soc. 1807, p. 62). Obviously the Revd. William Kirby recognised our indigenous Tetrix as distinct from bipunctatus, L. Gomphocerus rufus, Linn. Myrmeleotettix maculatus, Thunb. Mecostethus grossus, Linn.—Still lacks confirmation. Norfolk 1935 (Trans, iii, p. lix). Stenobothrus lineatus, Panz.—Blythbro Wood, Herringfleet Hills ; Elveden, Brandon. Omitted by Burr at p. 74 from Somerset, where I took it in Shapwick peat-moor 1933. Omocestus ventralis, Zett. (rufipes, Zett.).—Omitted by Burr at p. 81 from Norfolk, Staffs, Merioneth & Westmorland ; I took it at Ringstead in 1906, Dovedale 1935, Aberystwyth 1939 & at both Langdale Pikes Newby 1937 (Morley). O. viridulus, Linn. Chorthippus bicolor, Charp.—34. C. albimarginatus, DeG. (elegans, Charp.).—35. C. parrallelus, Zett. [Chorthippus vagans, Feib.] (Edipoda ccerulescens, Linn. Anacridium JEgyptium, Linn.—Cf. Trans, ii, pp. cxliv & c l ; iii, p. cxlvi. The one captured at Ipswich in 1850 is still in the Ipswich Museum, and is certainly referrable to this species (CM. there, ii 1935). Locusta migratoria, Linn. & its solitary form Danica, L.—The pair'at Yarmouth in 1847 (EMM. 1925, 250) are typical migratoria ; as also may be that at Aldeburgh in Sept. 1846 (Trans, i, 26). But Stephens refers his individuals to Donovan, pl. cclxx which shows Danica (i.e. cinerascens, Fab.), and that from Stowmarket (Ent. Wk. Intellig. 1857, 173) was doubtless named from Stephens' description of this green form, to which pertain all the recent importations to Southwold Common 1921-32 (Trans, ii, 89 & xlii), Gorleston quay Aug. 1939 (I.e. iv, 127), Bradwell in Oot. and Yarrnouth quay in Aug. 1931 (I.e. i, 229).]

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