COMPILED BY THE HON. SECRETARY. " Suffolk's F a u n a & Flora have been worked o u t by a long succfission of e m i n e n t resident N a t u r a l i s t s . " — N o t t i n g h a m Guardian, 21 F e b r u a r y , 1935, (Proc S N S . xxv). TILL all wells of Information are drawn dry, any such List as the present can be regarded as merely preparatory : it represents no more than is recoverable from my own small library, defective in every branch but Entomology. Any literary Ornithologist can add many names, doubtless. However, it is thought advisable to issue a basic catalogue, upon which to gradually build additional details, as they become known. Perfection is, quite obviously in the circumstances, impossible. Throughout medieval times men (though certainly not the pettifoggingJoscelindeBrakelondor John Lydgate !) mused upon Nature, which affected them far more personally than it appeals to us in well sheltered dwellings : what we regard as an abstract, but necessarily fundamental, study was to them a very real menace and tempests often enter into the old Chronicles. While printing was unknown, and later but rare, they lacked means of more than local expression. General accounts of Hunting, Hawking and Swan-upping, wherein the top mandible only bore the owner's arms or initials (Ticeh. 262), alone survive.—A Naturalist is one versed in the study of Nature. Every boy who chases Butterflies and every fool who shoots a Bird, are not necessarily Naturalists ; the former is moved by inherent love of the chase and the latter by the Englishman's lust to " go out and kill something," too often solely for the pot. Also the men who sit comfortably in London, and merely record things sent from Suffolk, are exclüded. But he who can specify a Jack Snipe or Black Woodpecker at fifty yards, a malarial Mosquito or Colorado Beetle at six inches, really is a Naturalist. Such are the six hundred enumerated below, who collected here.
To economise space, I have used the following contractions :— Ann. Mag. NH. : Annais & Magazine of Nat. Hist. 1841 et seqq. ; Bab. : Babington's 1884-6 Birds of Suffolk ; B. Guide : Botanists' Guide 1805 ; Bl.Lep.Suff. : E. N. Bloomfield's 1890 Lepidoptera of Suffolk, Additions 1900; Breck. : Clarke's 1925 Breckland Wilds ; Col. S u f f . : The Beetles of Suffolk by Claude Morley, 1899, Suppl. .1910 ; Cullum : Sir Johrf Cullum's 1784 History
of Hawstead ; Curt. BE. : Curtis' British Entomology, 1823-40 ; Dahl : Revd. Louis H. Dahl's 1913 Burgh Castle; Don. : Donovan's Natural History of British Insects, 1792-1813 ; Dutt : Dutt's Sea-marge, Marsh & Mere 1898, & Norfolk Broads 1904 ; EC. Collect. : Eastern Counties' Collectanea, 1873, &c. ; EFung. Engl. : Badham's Esculent Funguses of England ; Ent. : Entomclogist (magazine), 1840 et seqq. ; Ent. Ann. : Entomologists' Annual, 1855-74 ; Ent. Mag. : Entomological Magazine, 1833-8 ; EMM. : Entomologists' Monthly Mag. 1864 et seqq. ; E.Wk.I. : Entomologists' Weekly Intelligencer, 1856-61 ; Fl. Hind : Hind's 1889 Flora of Suffolk ; Fl. Norf. : Revd. K. Trimmer's Flora of Norfolk ; Fl. Suff. : Henslow & Skepper's 1860 Flora of Suffolk ; Freeman : Life of Revd. William Kirby of Barham, F.R.S., by his curate Freeman, 1853 ; Geol. Mag. : Geological Magazine ; Harwick : Dale's 1830 Antiquities of Harwich ; Jenyns : Revd. Leonard Jenyns' British Mammals, 1826; Jermyn : Laetitia Jermyn's 1829 Butterfly Collector's Vade Mecum, Ipswich; Kirby BT. : Revd. William Kirby's 1835 Bridgwater Treatses, vol. ii; Leathes' RN. : Rough Notes on Natural History (about Herringfleet) by H. M. Leathes, 1884 ; Loud. Mag. : Loudon's Mag. History, 1828-31 ; Mon. Ap. : Revd. William Kirby's Monographia Apum, 1802 ; Morris' Nat. : The Naturalist, edited by F. O. Morris, 1851-8 ; Nat. D. : The Naturalists' Directory for 1898 & 1900 ; Newman : Edward Newman's 1868 British Butterflies & 1871 Moths ; Not. Aldb. : Dr. Hele's 1870 Notes about Aldeburgh ; NQ. : Notes & Queries (magazine), v.y. ; Paget : C. & (Sir) J. Paget's Sketch of Natural History ofYarmouth, 1834; Pennant : Pennant's 1812 British Zoology ; Phil. Tr. : Transactions of Royal Society ; Phytol. : Newman's Phytologist (magazine), 1862, &c. ; Proc. GSoc. : Proceedings of Geological Society ; 4ly Jour. GSoc. : Quarterly Journal of ditto ; Sherborn Sherborn's 1940 Where is the Collection ? ; Ste. III. : Stephens' Illustrations cf Brit. Entomology; Subst. : The Substitute, 1856-7 ; Suff. C. HB. : The Suffolk County Hand Book, v.y. ; Suff. Inst. : Proceedings of Suffolk Institute of Archaeology ; Synopsis : Revd. John Ray's 1660 Synopsis of Plants ; Taylor : Dr. J. E. Taylor's 1892 Tourist's Guide to Suffolk ; Trans, or Tr. : Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society, i-vi, 1929-47 ; Ticeh. : The Birds of Suffolk by Dr. Ticehurst, 1932 ; Tr. Ent. Soc. : Transactions of Entomological Society, 1834 et seqq. ; Tr. Linn. Soc. : Trans. Linnean Society, 1798 et seqq. ; Tr. N Soc. : Trans. Norfolk Naturalists' Society, 1869 et seqq. ; VH. : Victoria History of Suffolk, vol. ii, 1911 ; Wake : Wake's 1839 History of Southwold ; Wortham : Miss Doughty's 1912 Betts of Wortham; Zool. : The Zoologist (magazine), 1843-1920. Since it would have become invidious later, I have restricted the names from the earliest I canfindto 1900 : roughly five centuries.
1400. 1415. 1420. 1449. 1469. 1482. 1498.
Master o f M e t t i n g h a m College (dissolved 1542)hadrightofSwanery. Earl Michael de la Pole, as local lord, had Swanery in Lothingland. Alice de Bryene's Acton account of Pheasants (Trans, iii, page 212). John Lematon of ? Suffolk, royal County Metallurgist (Tr. v, p. 207). H u g h Austen of Framlingham Castle had right of Swanery (Ticeh.) Robert Bumpsted died seized of Swanery in Willingham St. Mary. Sir Edward Echingham held Swanery in Barsham & Kessingland manors. 1499. Sir Henry Wentworth died seized of Swanery in Nettlestead manor. 1501. Sir E d m u n d Jenney (1483-1522) held Swanery in Knoddishall. 1503 Sir James Hobart held Swanery in O ulton & Flixton (near Lowestoft) manors ; devolved to Capt. A. Leake and in 1647 to C. Reeve. 1510. Simeon Steward (1508-1540) held Swanery at Lakenheath manor. 1516. Giles Hansard had Swanery at Whittingham in Fressingfield. 1524. Sir Philip Tilney died seized of Swanery in manor of Shelley. 1528. Sir William Waidegrave died seized of id. at Smallbridge in Bures. 1535. Sir Henry d'Oyly had Swanage in Plessis seu Pondhall, Hadleigh. 1537. Prior of Bromholm (dissolved 1537) held Swanery in Burgh Castle. 1537. Prior of St. Olaves (dissolved 1537) in Herringfleet, held id. there. 1538. Richard Cavenish of ? Grimston, R. Metallurgist ( T r . v, 207.) 1538. Prior of Butley (dissolved 1538) held right of Swanage there. 1538. Prior of M e n d h a m (dissolved 1538) held id. ; devolved to Sir Richard Freston 1555 and Henry Reppes of M e n d h a m 1558. 1539. Chamberer of Bury Abbey (diss. 1539) held id. in Bury and Beccles. 1540. Sir John, & 1601- Sir William, Cornwallis held Swanage in Brome. 1543. Porpoise in the Orwell (Nathaniel Bacon's Ann. of Ipswich, p. 222). 1543. George Blenerhasset died seized of Swanage in Pettistree. 1543. Sir Nicholas Bacon (d. 1579) held Swanage in Redgrave & T i m w o r t h . 1547. Lady Kingston died seized of right of Swanage in Lowestoft. 1547. Sir John Springe died seized of id. in the manor of Hitcham. 1550c. John Tasburgh held right of Swanery in S. Elmham St. Peter manor. 1551. Dr. William T u r n e r was at Nettlestead ; botany (Fl. H i n d 473). 1553. Sir Ambrose Jermyn held right of Swanery in manor of Rushbrook. 1554. Dr. Bullen ofBlaxhall ; botany (Flora H i n d 1889, page 473). 1557. H u m p h r e y Yarmouth, 1570 W . Sidnor, had Swanery in Blundeston. 1558. Sir Henry Weston held Swanery at ? Cocclesworth in Eriswell. 1560. T h o m a s Garneys held Swanery of Roos Hall manor in Beccles. 1567. Richard Codington died seized of Swanery of Ixworth Abbey manor. 1570. Sir T h o m a s J e r m y held right of Swanery at Brightwell Hall. 1570. D r Caius ( K a y e ) [ ? C . A . C a r u s ] o f ? , a t P a k e f i e l d ; fish(VHist. 171). 1573. H e n r y Everard held right of Swanery in manor of Linstead Hall. 1578. Sir William Springe held id. in the manorial rights of Pakenham. 1581. Sir William Cordell died seized of idÂť in Long Melford manor. 1585. Sir John Brewes died seized of id. in manor of Little Wenham. 1586. Sir Henry N o r t h held right of Swanage in manor of Mildenhall. 1587. Sir T h o m a s Seckford held Swanage at Seckford Hall in Bealings. 1590. Sir J o h n Playter held right of Swanage at Sotterley manor. 1592. Nicholas G a m e y s (d. 1599) held Swanage rights at Redisham Hall. 1593. T h o m a s Cavenish of Grimston in Trimley ; lice (Tr. iv, 46). 1600. E d m u n d Bedingfield held right of Swanery in Huntingfield manor. 1600. Sir Robert D r u r y held id. in his manor of Rougham Hall near Bury. 1600. Richard Jenkinson held right of Swanery in manor of Tunstall. 1600c. Whale & Grampuses in the Orwell (Woodderspoon 1850, p. 219). 1603. Sir John T a s b u r g h held Swanery at Boyses Hall in Flixton. 1603. Sir H e n r y Warner held id. in his manor of Wammill in Mildenhall. 1611- William Sak'ings, Charles i's falconer, Livermere (Tr. Norf. 1889, 1689. 561). 1618. John Wentworth died seized of Swanage in his m a n o r o f D a r s h a m . 1633. T h o m a s Johnston a t L a n d g u a r d ; botanist (Gerarde Emacul.p. 498).
Sir John Wentworth held Swanage in his manor of Somerleyton. John Parkinson of Framlingham ; botanst (Theaterof Plants, p. 648). L i l l y , " Student in astrologie," o f B u r y : wonders (Trans, v, p. 205). M r . Sare at N e w m a r k e t ; botanist (Dr. William How's Phyt. Brit). Sir T h o m a s Browne of Norwich ; fish (VH. 168-9), 1688 at Trimley 1662. (VH. 198). 1667. Christopher Merritt at N e w m a r k e t ; birds (Pinax, Rerum Nat. Brit.) T h o m a s Wright of Downham's " Relation of Sand-flood " (Phil. 1668. T r . iii, 725). Master of Beccles Mary Magdalene Hospital (dissolved 1674), 1674. Swanage. Sir Philipp Skippon of W r e n t h a m ; birds (Willoughby's 1672 1676. Ornith.). 1680c. Revd. John Ray (1628-1706) of Notley at Orford (Synop. M e t h . Avium). 1695. M r . Jackson at Exning ; botany (Martyn's 1730 M e t h o d u s Plantarum). 1696. George Betts (1679-1727) of Wortham ; vertebrata (Doughty's Betts, pp. 159 & 176). 1698. Revd. A d a m Buddle of Henley ; botanist (Fl. H i n d , p. 475 ; no locc.). 1728. Daniel Spalding of Brockdish at Newmarket ; Otters (EC. Coli. 1873, 176). 1729. Robert Chittock junior of Palgrave ; otter hunter (EC. Coli, id.) 1729. Richard Farrant of Palgrave; otter hunter (EC. Coli, id.) 1729. Henry F o r d of Palgrave; o t t e r h u n t e r ( E C . C o l l e c t a n e a l 8 7 3 , p . 176). 1729. Peter & (? son) John Riehes of Palgrave ; otter hunters (EC. C. 1873, 176). 1729. John Rogers of Palgrave ; otter hunter -<EC. Collectanea 1873, p. 176). 1757. Robert Martin of Hadleigh ; boastful hawker (Trans, iii, p. 113). 1762c. (Revd. ?) W H u d s o n of ? Ipswich, 1764 ; botanist (Fl. Hind 1889, 477 ; cfâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Kirby 1764, p. iv). 1764. Revd. H Bryantof ; botanist (Flora Hind 1889, p. 477). 1764. Spermaceti Whale, 57 ft., in Orwell (Wodderspoon's Ipswich 1850, p. 219). 1768. M r . Miller (Ray) ; Sea Pea at Orford, 1555 (Gardener's Diction. ed. 8). 1774. Sir T h o m a s Gery Cullum (1741-1831) of Hawstead ; biology (Hist. Hawst.). 1775. Dawson T u r n e r o f Y a r m o u t h ; botany (Tr. Norf. NSoc. 1895, p. 76). 17S0. M r . Croweof ; botanist of Salices fame (Fl. H i n d 1889,477). 1780. J Dickson of ; botanist (Hortus Siccus Brit. : H i n d 1889, 477). 1780. M r . H u m p h r e y of ; botanist (Hind 1889, 477). 1780. M r . Pitchford of ; botanist (Fl. H i n d 1889, p. 477). 1780c. John Dawson Downes (1758-1829) of G u n t o n ; hawking-(Tr. Norf. S. 1895, 72). For adjacent hawking in 1825, cf. L o u d . Mag. N H . iv, 1831, p. 431. 1783. D r . John Berkenhout (1731-91) of Bury St. E d m u n d s (Transact. iv, p. 49). 1784. D r . Nicholas Gwyn (1710-97) Tacket St. in Ipswich ; insects (Trans, iv, 236). 1787. Dr. J Latham in Suffolk ; Sandwich T e r n (Synop. ; Bewick ; V H . 177). 1788 's letter from Walberswick on Whale there (Trans, ii, p. 30). 1790c. Dr. Sims of Y a r m o u t h ; botany (C. & J. Pagets' Yarmouth, p. xxix). 1790c. Joseph Sparshall of Norwich ; botany & insects (Pagets, page xxix). 1790c. Dr. Aikin o f Y a r m o u t h ; botany (Pagets' Yarmouth, page xxix). 1790c. M r . Mason of Yarmouth ; botany (Pagets'Yarmouth, p. xxix).
1635. 1640. 1644. 1650.
1790c. T 1791. 1791. 1791. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1797. 1797. 1798. 1798. 17981831. 1798. 1798. 1800. 1802 * 1804. 1804. 1805. 1805. 1805. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808.
J Woodward of Bungay ; botany (Victoria History, p. 50). Revd. Charles Davey, " ingenious naturalist," of Suffolk (Freeman, p. 171). Ven. William Kirby (1759-1850), " entomologist," of Barham (Freeman 170). Dr. James E Smith, Pres. Linn. Soc.,at Ipswich (Freeman, pp. 159, 171). T h o m a s Jenkinson Woodward (1745-1820) of Bungay, at Ipswich (Freem. 159 & 172). Revd. W Jones of Nayland ; botanist (Freeman's Life, page 40). T h o m a s Walford collected insects, Cläre Priory (Donovan, 1794, pl. 105). Dr. William H y d e Wollaston (1767-1828) of Geol. Soc. (Trans. iv, p. 51). William MacLeay of London, ? collected at Barham (Freeman 1853, 87). John Frere of Hoxne ; flints of Early M a n there (Archa:ologia, xiii, 204). T h o m a s M a r s h a m (Entomologia : Coleoptera, 1802) See. L i n n . Soc., at Barham (Tr. Linn. Soc. 1798, 230 ; Mon. Ap. 1802, 188 ; Don. 1806, 378 ; T r . iii, 284). Sir W Trevelyan at Newmarket (Bewick's Brit. Birds l, 319). Dr. A d a m Afzelius of Upsala at Barham ; botany & insects (Freem a n , 203). Revd. George Crabbe (poet, 1754-1832) of Aldeburgh ; botany in Hawes & Loder's Hist. Framlingham ; Steph. Illus. i, 58 ; Suff. Inst, xii, pt. ii. Charles Stuart Girdlestone, Y a r m o u t h ; birds (Tr. Norf. S. 1895, 76). Revd. George Routh (1741-1821) of Foxhall & Ipswich (Trans, iv, 114). James T r i m m e r of Brentford at Barham ; beetles (Tr. Linn. Soc. 1799, 256). Revd. James Coyte of Ipswich (took Evania t h e r e : Don. 1801, pl. 329). Revd. Peter Lathbury (1760-1820) of Livermere (Mon. Ap. 183 ; Freeman 1853, pp. 316 & 355), & of Woodbridge in 1799 ( T r . Linn. Soc. p. 109). Sir T h o m a s Gery Cullum of Hawstead ; botany (in Gillingwater's " Bury.") A r t h u r Young of Bradfield : " A n n a i s of Agriculture " 40 voll, 1790-1804. David Elisha Davy of Ufford ; botanist (Botanists' G u i d e : Fl. Hind). Revd. Robert Forby of Norfolk (d. 1825) ; named Plants in Bot. Guide. , Dawson T u r n e r of Yarmouth ; botanist & banker (Botanists Guide). Lilly Wigg, clerk to the last ; botanist ( T r . Norf. N S . ii, 269 & 1895, 73). Adrian Hardy Haworth of Queens Elm in Chelsea, President E n t . Soc. 1807-12 (Lepidop. Brit. 1803-28) at Barham (Freeman, 280). Prof. W Joseph Hooker of Glasgow at Barham (Freeman, pp. 283 & 463). Mr. Borrer at L o w e s t o f t ; botany (Pagets' Sketch Yarm o u t h , p. 62).
•Kirby's friends and visitors form an august galaxy at this period. Such " heroes scientise " as both Latreille, whom Kirby met in Paris during June 1817, and Fabricius were prevented by only the Napoleonic war from assembling at Barham in 1802 : sec. Freeman, pp. 197, &c.
180 1808. 18091812. 1810. 1810. 1810. 1810c. 1811 1811. 1812. 1815. 1815c. 1816. 1816. 1817. 18191850. 1820c. 1820c; 1820c. 18201843. 1821. 1821. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823.
Prof. W D Peck, Nat. Hist. Massachusetts, at Barham (Freeman, 207). William Spence (1783-1859) of Hull at Barham (Freem. 277, 291, 317). J Backhouse of Gorleston ; botanist (Pagets' Y a r m o u t h 1834, 49). Charles M Curtis of W r e n t h a m at Covehithe ; beetles (Curtis BE. 75 & 83). Revd. Henry Rowe of Ringshall the " hoary virtuoso " (Trans. ii, p. 62). F K Eagle of Yarmouth in Breck botany (Paget, 85 Fl. H i n d 1889 p. 487). Revd. G R Leathes at Herringfleet ; hepaticae Pagets' Yarm. p. 78). J Rodwellof Alderton Hall : Evelyn's Sylva (Trans, i, p. 18). T h o m a s P e n n a n t ; Golden Eagle found in Suffolk (British Zoology e d . vi). D r . Caleb Burreil Rose, Botesale (b. Eye) ; geology ( T r . Norf. NSoc. v, 387). Very Revd. D r . Samuel Goodenough ; botany (Hind's 1889 Fl. Suff. 477). John Youellof Y a r m o u t h at Burgh ; birds (Pagets 4 ; Trans, iv 89). Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865) of Haiesworth ; botany ( T r . i, 134). Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, his son (1817-1911 of id. ; botany T r . i, 134). M r s . Casborne of Pakenham ; botany (Herb, penes Troston Hall, 1889). Miss Clarke at T h e t f o r d ; Minoa Clarkiata M S . (Edw. Newman 1871, p. 200). Sir T h o m a s Gage, History of Thingoe ; Crpytograms (Victoria Hist. 70). John Davey Hoy (1797-1839) of Navland Stoke ; birds, insects ( T r . ii, 101). Simpson Seaman, dealer of Ipswich* ; insects, birds ( H u n t . Brit. Birds). H e n r y Denny of Norwich at Barham ; beetles (Curtis' BEnt., fol. 135). James Francis Stephens (1792-1853) of the Admiralty, at Barham ; beetles (Freeman's Kirby, 402 : Steph. Illust. ii, pp. 25 & 151). Richard Dykes Alexander of Ipswich, esquire " T h o m a s Allen of Ipswich, esquire M a j . - G e n . Sir H e n r y Edward Bunbury, Bart., Mildenhall Charles Collinson esquire of Chauntry near Ipswich Revd. Richard Drever of Bungay D r . Robert Hamilton of Ipswich) iv, 290) J-(Trans, iv, p. 50). E d w a r d Hasell of Ipswich, esquire Revd. John H o l m e of Freckenham near Mildenhall D r . James L y n n of W o o d b r i d g e Revd. Robert Meadows White of Haiesworth D r . William H e n r y Williams of Ipswich
•Seaman, patronised by the Revd. William K i r b y of Barham, F.R.S., was an interesting character and a good deal more than a mere taxidermist. M u c h remains ta be recovered about him : he ran his own M u s e u m in Ipswich, b u t just where we cannot now t e i l ; and this is said by Sherborn to have been the nucleus of the famous Leverian M u s e u m . More likely they later merged, for a " Short History of Insects " in the Leverian was published by Lady F e n n at Norwich in 1797. Cf. H u n t ut supra, 1815 ; Zool. 5146 ; Babington's Suff. Birds, 257 ; N . & Queries x, 1914, p. 170 ; Trans, iv, p. 202 ; &c.—John Seaman, of Norwich-rd., Ipswich, was a taxidermist in 1855.
NAMES OF SUFFOLK NATURALISTS 1823 1824. 1824. 1824. 1824 1824. 18241827 1825. 1825 1825 1825. 1826. 1826.
1826. 1827.
1828. 1828. 1828. 1828. 18281829. 18281829. 1828-
R e v d . H e n r y H a s t e d of B u r y ; r a r e local fossils ( L o u d . M a g . 1831, 178). W H H C E d w a r d s of B u n g a y ; h y m e n o p t e r a ( C u r t i s , B E . p l . 22). Revd. R L ü b b o c k of N o r f o l k a t O u l t o n ; b i r d s ( V i c t o r i a H S t ' M82^ S p a l d i n g of ; b i r d s ( C a t . of N o r f . & S u f f . Birds). ^ J o s e p h S p a r s h a l l of N o r w i c h a t M i l d e n h a l l ( C u r t i s , B E . iv, pl. clxi). R e v d . W i l l i a m W h i t e a r of N o r f , in S u f f . ( C a t . of N o r f . & S u f f . Birds). L a e t i t i a J e r m y n ( 1 7 8 8 - 1 8 4 8 ) of I p s w i c h , b u t t e r f l i e s ; s t e p - d a u . ot p r i n t e r J o h n R a w ; m . R e v d . J a m e s F o r d of N a v e s t o c k ( E A D T i m e s 5 xii 1931 & 14 xi 39). Revd. Charles CornwallisofWrentham(sub.to Curtis' Bnt. Entom.). J a m e s C h a r l e s D a l e of G l a n v i l l e s W o o t t o n a t B a r h a m ( F r e e m a n , 414). F D a n b y P a l m e r of Y a r m o u t h at G o r l e s t o n ( T r . N o r f . S. 1895, p . 113). C H S t u d d of M e l t o n ( s u b . t o C u r t i s ' B n t . E n t o m o l o g y ) . D r . T h o m a s H o r s f i e l d of I n d i a at B a r h a m ( F r e e m a n , p. 420). R e v d . L e o n a r d J e n y n s , l a t e r B l o m e f i e l d ( 1 8 0 0 - 9 3 ) of S w a f f h a m B u l b e c k a t N e w m a r k e t ; d i p t e r a ( C u r t . B E . fol. 153 ; M a n . Brit. Vert. ; E M M . xxix, 239). M r s . W a d e , " St. Mary's, Suffolk " ; entomology (sub. to Curt. B E . voll, i i i - v ) . R e v d . R e v e t t S h e p p a r d ( 1 7 7 8 - 1 8 3 0 ) of C a m p s e y A s h & W r a b n e s s ; z o o l o g y ( M o n . A p . 2 1 7 ; E n t o m . M a g . 1833, 2 9 0 ; F r e e m a n , 2 7 8 ; T r a n s . S N S . iv, 3). J o h n C u r t i s ( 1 7 9 1 - 1 8 6 2 ) , a r t i s t of L o n d o n , a t B a r h a m & S o u t h w o l d (BE. 204 & 223). , t J W i l l i a m C h a p m a n H e w i t s o n ( 1 8 0 6 - 7 8 of Y o r k a t S o u t h w o l d (Ste ; C u r t . BE. 223-7). , , R e v d . F r e d e r i c k W i l l i a m H o p e ( 1 7 8 7 - 1 8 6 2 ) of S a l o p at A l d e b u r g h ( S t e . M a n d . i, 7). r G e o r g e R o b e r t W a t e r h o u s e ( 1 8 1 0 - 8 8 ) of B M , at L o w e s t o f t ( S t e . III. iii, 132). , J o h n A s h b y (1752-1828), q u a k e r o f Bungay ; botany ( L o u d . M a g . 1829, 120). D G K e r r i d g e , of I p s w i c h ; b e e t l e s & l e p i d o p t e r a ( L o u d . M . 1829). " T . W . S . " ; birds ( L o u d . M a g . 2 0 vi 1828).
1828- D a n i e l S t o c k of B u n g a y ; fossils, b o t a n y , b e e t l e s ( L o u d . M . 1829. 1826-31). , „ J 1828- R o b e r t S t o n e ( 1 7 4 7 - 1 8 2 9 ) of B u n g a y & B e d i n g h a m ( L o u d . M a g . 1829. 1829, 120). 1828- R. C. Taylor, 7 W i l m i n g t o n Sq., L o n d o n ; m m e r a l o g y ( L o u d . 1829. M a g . 1829). 1 8 2 8 - E . B. & H . T . C l a r k e of E . B e r g h o l t ; g e o l o g y & b i r d s ( L o u d . M a g . 1830. 1828-31). 1830 D r . E d w a r d A c t o n of G r u n d i s b u r g h ; b i r d s ( L o u d . M a g . 1831, p p . 163 & 187). , „ 1830- R e v d . C J A s h f i e l d of B u r g a t e ; b o t a n i s t ( P h y t . N . b . 1863. 3 5 1 ; T r . S N S . ii, 6 2 ) . . , , 1 8 3 0 ; . P h i l i p & E . B e n n e t e s q u i r e s of R o u g h a m ; b e e t l e s ( F r i e n d s ot Curtis). 1830. S D a l e ; fishes of S u f f o l k ( A n t i q u i t i e s of H a r w i c h ) . 1830. E d w a r d S m i t h P r e s t o n of Y a r m o u t h a t L o w e s t o f t ; b i r d s ( T r . N o r f . 1895, 83). 1830. C A Preston at L o w e s t o f t ; b i r d s (Pagets' Sketch Y a r m o u t h , 8).
182 1830. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1832. 1832-
Revd. William Steggall of ? Stow L a n g t o f t ; botany (mentioned by Hind). Revd. T h o m a s Image of Whepstead ; fossils (Loud. M . 1831, pp. 178 & ? 288 T r . ii, 63) ; sale catalogue of 1856, penes Geol. Soc. 1940 (Sherborn). J Nichols of Finborough Hall, gardener ; birds ( L o u d . M . 1831, 449). Revd. T h o m a s Ellis Rogers of Lackford ; fossils & shells ( L o u d . M . 1831, 178). Henry T u r n e r of Bury Botanic Gardens ; b i r d s ( L o u d . Mag. N H 1831, 450). Searles V Wood of Martlesham ; crag fossils (hares : Loud. 1831, 274 Capt. Edward Chawner of Newton Valence at Lowestoft N . lighthouse ; Phoberia lunaris (Curtis' F a r m Ins. 44 ; E n t o m . 1872, 147 ; Bl. Suff. Lep.) Miss Mary L a t h b u r y of 2 Angel Hill, Bury ; botany ( H i n d ' s Flora).
Prof. Charles Cardale Babington (1808-95) of Cambs. at Newmarket ( E M M . xxxi, 220). 1833. D Preston at Lowestoft ; birds (Pagets' Sketch Yarm. p. 6). 1834. M r . Barber of Fritton ; mammals (mentioned in Pagets'Yarmouth, p. 1). 1834. Dilhvyn along Suffolk shore ; botany (Pagets' Yarmouth, p. 87). 1834. Harvey, taxidermist of Great Yarmouth ; birds (Pagets' Yarmouth, p. x). 1834. D r . Hooker at L o u n d ; searching foralg® (Pagets'Yarmouth, p. 88). 1834. Miller of Y a r m o u t h at Barnby ; after birds (Pagets, p. 8). 1834. Charles J o h n Paget (1811-44) of Yarmouth, author of Sketch Nat. Hist. Y a r m o u t h ; insects (Ent. Mag. 1835, 434 ; T r . Norf. Soc. 1895, 74 ; E M M . 1900, 89). 1834. Sir James Paget (1814-99) of Yarmouth, bro. of last (Tr. Norf. S. 1900, 104). 1834. T Palgrave at Beiton bog ; mosses (Pagets' Yarmouth, p. 77). 1834. John Drew Salmon in Breckland ; fishes (Clarke's Breck. Wilds, p. 82). 1835. D r . George Helsham of Woodbridge ; birds (Kirby's Bridg. Treat. ii, 464). 1836- T h o m a s Vernon Wollaston (1822-78) at Bury School (Suff. G r . Bks.) 1840. 1837. William Hay of ? ; botany (Wake's Hist. Southwold). 1837. Revd. G T R u d d , of Yarm in Yorks, at Bentley Woods ( T r . iii, 194). 1838. George Williams Fulcher's S u d b u r y Journal of Dec. records botany, lep, &c. 1839. William Colchester of Ipswich ; palaeontology (VHist. 45 ; T r . ii, 20). 1839. Dr. Robert Wake's History of Southwold includes local biology. 1840. Alfred Greenwood of Chelmsford : Ipswich lepidoptera (Trans. iv, 202). 1840. Henry Lingwood of N e e d h a m * ; lep., birds, mammals, &c. (Trans. ii, p. 10). 1840c. Stephen Miller of Southtown, birds (Trans. Norf. Soc. 1895, p. 81). 1841. Capt. H . Alexander's " Treatise on Soils of S u f f o l k " (Trans. i, 11). 1841- William D King, bank agent, of S u d b u r y ; bot. (Phytol.) & 1858. birds (Ticeh. Birds). • H e n r y , 3rd son of E d w a r d (1797-1864) Lingwood and Sarah nee Hayward of Battisford Manor House, where h e was b. 5 Apr. 1831 ; d. N e e d h a m Mill House, 7 Feb. 1906.—H. R. Lingwood, in lit. 28 Nov. 1947.
18411868. 18421855. 1844.
William Gage* of Haverhill at Lavenham ; butterflies (E. N e w m a n 1860, 35, &c.) King,dealerof Norwichroad (Ent. Ann. 1856,20) Ipswich ; insects, acari (Morris' Nat. 1852, 55 to 1855, 190). T h e n left Suffolk. William Clark, taxidermist & grocer of Oakley (White's Suff. Direct. p. 339). 1844. Mrs. Dunlap of Bardwell rectory ; a botanist mentioned by H i n d . 1845c Lady Henry Charles Blake of Barton Magna, friend of Hind. 1845- Joseph William Dunning (1833-97) at Brandon (Entom. 1869, 372 ; 1849. E M M . 1897, 283). 1845c Revd. Samuel & L. N . Richards of Stow Langtoft rectory ; bot. (Hind). 1846. W & H Raynbird, farmers of Hengrave grange : " Natural Grasses of West Suffolk." 1846. T h o m a s S Spalding of Westleton Red-house ; birds (Suckling's Hist. Suff.) 1846. Robert James Ransome, engineer, Stoke Hall in Ipswich ( T r . i, 27). 1847 Father of above ; friend of Kirby ; mammals (Freeman, 325, 501 ; T r . ii, 29). 1847. Bishop Stanley of Norwich at Ipswich ; birds (Freeman, 502, Leathes, 62). 1847. M r . Farr at Yarmouth (cf. Farr 1851) ; locust (Trans. S N S . i, p. 96). 1848c. Revd. George A n g u i s h ( d . 1842) of Somerleyton Hall ; goldeneagle (Leathes' Rough N. 52). 1848. William Henry Tuck, Tostock & Bury ; zoology (Morris' Nat. 1858, 237). 1848 Revd. H K Creed of Cambridge at Henham ; geology, birds (Nor. Nat. 1852, 35). 1849. Revd. H T Frere of Roy don in Norf. ; mammals (Zoologist, 2493 & 1888, 222). 1849. Revd. Octavius Pickard-Cambridge (1828-1917) at Bury ; spiders (VH. 150). 1849. J o h n Smith, Yarmouth librarian ; shot the Bury Little Bittern (Tr. Norf. NS. 1895, 81). 1850c. Robert Bell of ? at Boyton ; palseontology (Trans. 11, p. 10). 1850c. Bilson, taxidermist of Bury 1803-94 (Victoria History 204 ; Bab. 11). 1850c. M r . Cooper of ? at " Sexton Wood " near Bungay (Morris' Nat. 1858, 17). 1850c. V Gerrard of at Bures ; lep. (Bl. Lep. Suff. 1890, 35). 1850c. L o r d Hertford of Sudbourn H a l l ; birds (Babington, Birds Suff., 9). 1850. Col. H. M . Leathes of Herringfleet; zoology (Rough Notes ; T r . iii, 77 & iv, 228). 1850 J O Harper of Norwich at Lowestoft ; birds (M. Nat. 1851, 165 & 1854, 165). 1850c. " T h e late M r . Pe=k " of ? Stowmarket : moths (Morris' Nat. 1857, p. 275). 1850. Sir J Prestwich on Suffolk geology (Trans. S N S . ii, p. 72). 1851. " R.P.C., Ipswich " at Woolverstone &c ; birds (Morris' Nat. pp. 142 & 210). 1851. Charley Eatonf of Curriers Arms Lane, Ipswich, worker (1. c. 1858, 61). 1851. John Farr of Benacre at Southwold ; birds (Mor. Nat. 232, 240 & 1853, 275). 1851- E C N u n n of T h r a n d e s t o n at Palgrave & S u d b u r y 1852. (Mor. Nat. 229). 1852. William Cook of Woodbridge at Butley ; birds (Ipswich Jour., 3 April). • S e e him at Entom. 1842, 278.—A probably different W. H. Gaze showed Ingall's Lepidoptera at the Royal Aquarium Exhibition in March 1878.—CM. t H e was pioneer of a brawny band of Ipswich workingmen-mothists ; & father of that Harry who, in 1892 (q.v.), gave me details of them all.—CM.
1852. 1852. 1852.
Edwin Gilesof Ipswich ; ovaof Acari (Morris' Naturalist 1852, 55). Stephen Jackson of Ipswich & N o r w a y ; acari ( M o r r i s ' N a t . 1852,55). R[ichard] Bfroadhurst] P[ostans] of Shelley* ; birds (Morris' Nat., 208 & 230). 1853. W B Clarke of 14 Berners St., Ipswich ; lepidoptera (M. Nat., 184). 1853. D r . J Crowfoot ofBeccles atFlixton ; birds ( M o r r i s ' N a t . 108). 1853. J F Doveof ; mineralogy (Suff. Nat. Soc. ii, 71). 1854. D r . Charles Garness (or -eys) senior of Trinity St., Bungay ; butterflies (Mor. Nat. 1857, 273). 1855c. Edward Bennet of Rougham ; lepidoptera (Morris' Naturalist 1858, 11). 1855. M r . Levett of Finborough at Buxhall; lepid. (Morris' N . 1857, 258 & 273). 1855. M r . Piper [? John W r o o t P i p e , f a r m e r ] o f Felixstow ; b i r d s ( T r . i, 27). 1855. Miss Spalding at Westleton ; butterfiies ( M o r r i s ' N a t . 1857, p. 263). 1856. D T Button of Peckham in Suffolk (Substitute 1857, p. 151). 1856. Revd. James Blatch Pigott Dennis (d. 1861) of Bury School; birds (Trar.s. ii, 63 ; VH. 194). 1856. Frederick Fox of Coddenham ; beetles (Substitute, p. 103 ; E M M . 1895, 75). 1856. W Leedes Fox, of Harleston in Norfolk ; beetles (Entom. Annual, 18). 1856. Revd. H H a r p u r Crewe (1829-83) at S t o w m a r k e t ; m o t h s (Morris' Nat. 42). 1856. D r . William Garneys (1832-81), Bungay (EAnn. 18) & Repton ; beetles (Morris' Nat. 273 ; E M M . 1881). 1856. Revd. Joseph Greene, Brandeston (EAnn. 18 ; Mor. Nat. 288) & Playford (1. c. 288 ; left, 1. c. 1857, 254 ; Substitute, 101) ; pupa-digging. 1856. Samuel Parker Savill of Cambridge at T h u r l o w Mg. ; birds (Mor. N . at 42). 1856. Spencer Smyth of Gorleston ; coast erosion (Dahl's 1913 Burgh Cast. 42). 1856. S i r J B T h e a r s ; Gipping Valleygeology (Trans, ii, 72). 1857. A Berners of ? at Erwarton ; butterflies (Morris' Nat. page 258). 1857. Miss Mary Bernersof ? Woolverstone ; butterflies (Morris' Nat. 254). 1857. Dr. Charles Robert Bree at Stricklands in Stowmarket 1847-63 ; lep. (Morr. Nat. 232 ; Entom. Wk. Intell. ii, 174-87 ; Trans. S N S . iii, 175, &c). 1857. Revd. Herbert Bree (bro.), lepidoptera, Woolverstone & Harkstead (Ent. Ann. 16). 1857. R Bull of Old Newton ; butterflies (Morris' Nat. 254 & 1858, 238). 1857. G A Clowes, Ash Bocking vicarage, N e e d h a m ; lepidoptera (Ent. Ann. 17). 1857. Samuel Taylor Dawson, Botesdale ; lepidoptera (Entomol. Annual, 18. 1857. A r t h u r L Simpson of S t o w m a r k e t ; lepidoptera (Morr. Nat. 257 & 1858, 239). 1857. E Wagstaff of Chippenham, N e w m a r k e t ; lep. (Ent. Ann. 25 ; Fenland). 1857. Revd. J H White at Middleton (Bl. Suff. Lepidoptera 1890, p. 24).
* T h i s identification I owe to Charles Partridge esq., M . A . , F.S.A., of Stowmarket (in lit. 3 Nov. 1947). M r . Postans was of 12 S o u t h Square, Grays Inn, W . C . , in 1859 ( E n t . W k . I n t . ) & 1860 ( E n t o m . A n n . ) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; C M .
NAMES OF SUFFOLK NATURALISTS 1858 1858. 1858. 1858 1858.
W i l l i a m B a k e r , * f a r m e r of B a t t i s f o r d ; h y m . , lep. ( C o l e o p t e r a S u f f . p . iv). E d w a r d Christian Berridge, ironmonger, Buttermarket, Ipswich ; b e e t l e s & l e p . (F.Ann. p . 9). W i l l i a m H e n r y H a r w o o d ( 1 8 4 0 - 1 9 1 7 ) , S t . P e t e r s - s t . in C o l c h e s t e r ; lep. ( E n t . A n n . p . 11). . E H o r r e x , l a b o u r e r - m o t h i s t o f I p s w i c h ( T r a n s . S N S . l, p . 26). J o s e p h K i n g of S t o w m a r k e t ; l e p i d o p t e r a ( M o r r i s ' N a t u r a l i s t ,
1858. 1858 1858 1858 1868. 1858. 1858.
R e v d ? H e n r y K i r b y , W a l d i n g f i e l d M g . ; b e e t l e s & lep. ( E . A n n . 12 ; g o n e 1859). H a r r y M e e o f B i r d s - g a r d e n s , Ipswich, worker-mothist (Suff. County H B . 1909, 4 2 ) . . , F Page junior, N i w m a r k e t ; lepidoptera (Entomologists A n n . 14 & 1859, 26). _ l o c n F r e d e r i c k S m i t h ( 1 8 0 5 - 7 9 ) o f B M . at L o w e s t o f t ; h y m . E A n n . 1859, 31 & 1869, 67). . , „MG . R e v d . Ellis W a l f o r d of D a l l i n g h o o ; m o l e c r i c k e t ( T r a n s . bJNb. l ,
W i U i a m ' w i n t e r of R a n w o r t h , e n t o m . ( E A n n . 18) ; of A l d e b y (1. c. 1860, 45). ., , C . C . B a b i n g t o n , F . R . S . ( b . 1821), S t . J o h n ' s C a m b r i d g e , b e e t l e s ( E . A n n . 2 ; T i c e h . 23). T h o m a s B r o w n , 13 K i n g s P a r a d e , C a m b r i d g e ; l e p i d o p t e r a ( E n t . A n n . 5 ; E . W k . I. 1857). Farren junior, dealer, Kings O l d Gateway, C a m b r i d g e ( E n t o m . A n n . ,
1859. 1859.
1859. ' 1859. 1859. 1859. 1859. 1859. 1860 1860 1860. 1860. 1860c. 1860. 1860. 1860.
VV' F i s o n of I p s w i c h at B e n t l e y ; lep. ( E n t . W k . I n t . vii, 1 1 2 - 3 6 ) . , . , o J o s e p h G e d g e . B u r y , of " B u r y P o s t " ; b o t a n y & l e p i d . ( E n t . A n n . 12 ; F l . S u f f . ) Miss S G r o o m , at G . P. Clay esq., B u r y St. E d s . ; lep. E n t o m . A n n u a l , 14). Revd. H e n r y Jodreil, G i s l e h a m rectory, near W a n g t o r d ; lep. ( E n t o m ' A n n . 18). . J Longe, Springfield House, Ipswich ; lepidoptera (Ent. A n n u a l , 22). Samuel A. Woods, farmer, Westleton near S a x m u n d h a m ; lepidopt e r a ( E n t . A n n . 37). Capt. R u s s e l l at L a v e n h a m ; b u t t e r f l i e s ( P r o c . E n t . h o c . , 3 F e b . 1862). R B l a c k e t t of B u r y ; b o t a n v ( H e n s l o w & S k e p p e r , p a g e m ) . R e v d . E d w i n N e w s o n Bloomfield (1827-1914) o f G l e m h a m ; biology ( M e m . 1937, p . 1). , . W Sidney Calvert, E. Bergholt, near Colchester ; lepid. ( E n t . A n n . p . 46). Revd. W B C l a r k e , in O r w e l l , p o n f e r a ( B o w e r b a n k , Brit. Spongiadae). J o h n F i s h e r C o c k e n ( 1 8 0 8 - 8 0 ) of B o t e s d a l e ; c o n c h o l o g y ( T r a n s , iii, 99) F r a n c i s K i n g E a g l e of 19 W h i t i n g - s t . B u r y , C C . j u d g e ; b o t a n y ( H . & S. F l . S u f f . ) . , Revd. J o h n F a r r , Gillingham rectory near Beccles; lepid. (E. A n n . 14). . J O & E F i s o n of S t o k e H i l l in I p s w i c h ; l e p i d . ( A n t . A n n u a l , 14).
~ * T h e r e were two Bakers. Suffolk Mercurv of 25 May 1917 reports death at 92 years of the son, William H „ at Meadlands in Combs, with picture of him and ' his collection ot 13,000 British Moths, started by his father [William] who lived Over 84 years, so lt took 150 to make the collection." I visited the former at his Battisford farm on 6 Oct. 1898 ; he gave me Sherry, and chatted of William K i r b y ! Cf. Morris' Nat. 1858, 189 ; Entom. 1917. 168.—CM.
186 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860c. 1860c. 1860c. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1861c. 1861. 1861. 1862. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1865. 1865. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1867c. 1867. 1867.
Edmund Garrett, merchant of Aldeburgh ; lepidcptera (Entom. Annual, 16). Sir Thomas Rokewood Gage, Bart., of Hengrave Hall, botany (Fl. Suff.) Revd. Prof. John Stevens Henslow (1796-1861) of Hitcham (Fl. Suff. ; EAnn. 1865-7). Timothy Last, labourer-mothist, Black Horse Lane, Ipswich (EWk. I. 175). W W Newbould, Suffolk botanist (Henslow & Skepper, Fl.) E C N e w c o m e o f N c r f o l k ( d . 1871) ; birds (Babington, page 10). H A Powles* at Bentley (Bloomfield's Lep. of Suff. 1890, p. 12). Reynolds, taxidermist of Thetford ; moths (Edward Newman 1871, p. 200). Revd. Henry Roberts of Naughton ; botany (Henslow & Skepper. Edmund Skepper of Bury (1825-87 ; born at Oulton) ; dispenser & botanist (Flora Suff.) His herbarium at St. Leonards in 1909. H Taylor of Ixworth ; Diatomaceae (Henslow & Skepper. J Townsend of Mildenhall; botanv (Phytologist ii, old ser.). Revd. K Trimmer of ? ; botanist (Flora of Suff.). Richard Tyrer junior, Hill House in Eye ; beetles (Ent. Annual, p. 42). He was of Row Lane, Southport, Lancs., on 15 Aug. 1857 (E. Wk. I.). J H White, Middleton rectory nr. Yoxford ; lepid. (Ent. Annual, 44). Revd. Albert Henry Wratislaw (1823-93), School Hall, Bury St. Edmunds ; entomology (E. Ann. p. 46 ; E M M 1880,124 ; T r . iii, 218 & v, p. Ii). Frederick Bond (1811-89) of Cambridge in Breck ; lep. ( E M M . xxv, 384). At Brandon (Entomologists' Annual 1865, 112-4 & 1866, 156). Capt. Russell of ? at Chelsworth ; lepid. (Lep. Suff. Adds, 6). . Edward Saunders of Woking at Lowestoft ; beetles (Ent. M M . 1864, 75). Henry Prigg of Bury ; earlv man there, skull Westley (Rep. B. Ass. 1866, 50). Miss Freeman (cf. 1898) of Bedingfield ; beetles (Ent. Ann. . 1855, 40). Dr. John Arthur Power (1810-86) London at Bungay ; beetles (E. Ann. 1865, 40). T Brown of ? atYarmouth ; lepidoptera(Ent. Ann.l 14) Revd.H S Marriottof? atWoolpit; lepid.(Ent. Ann. 1866, 158). Joseph Tomlinson of Yarmouth, d. at Gorleston ; birds (Tr. Norf. Soc. 1895, 83). F Postans of London at Newmarket ; lepidoptera (Ent. Ann. p. 151). George Alexander James Rothney (1849-1922) of Calcutta at Ipswich; hym. ( E M M . 1867, 235 ; 1882, 262). Edward F Bisshopp of Ipswich, butterflies (Entomologist v, 17). J H Blake; at Corton & composition on Woolpit bricks (Norf. Soc. 1893, 382 ; VH. 20). G Maw at Coddenham ; Forest-bed fossils(Geol. Magazine,. P . 110). J W Whelan of Norwich at Bury, lepidopt. (Ent. Ann. 153-7).
* ? Miss Sarah Ann Powell of 1 Priory Place, Ipswich.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;White, Direct. 1855, p. 110.
William H Baker at Stowmarket, Butterflies (E. Newman, p. 35, &c.) 1868. Dr. G S Brady on Suffolk coast ; crustacea (Recent Brit. Ostracoda). 1868. J Baiding of 5 Lyme-road, Ipswich ; moths (Ent. M o n t h . Mag., p. 128). 1868. Sir John Evans at Warren House, T h e t f o r d warren (Geol. Mag. p. 4+4). 1868. Dr. William Miller Crowfoot of Blyburgate House, Beccles at Redisham ; pliocene fossils, lepidoptera, &c. (E. Newman, 77). 1868. Garrett Garrett (1808-90) of Cobbold-st. in Ipswich ; butterflies (Tr. v, 10). 1868. Jonathan G r u b b of Melford-rd., Sudbury, butts. (Newman's Butt's p. 29, &c.) 1869. Dr. Henry Pilkington D r u m m o n d , 30 Silent-st.,foundedthe Ipswich Sei. Soc. (Tr. i, p. xxi). 1869. Edward FitzGerald (poet) at L o w e s t o f t ; birds, cetacea ( T r . v, p. 204). 1869. Revd. H Jones at Barton mere ; chalk erosion (41y J. Suff. Inst. 31). 1870. William Alexander of Aldeburgh ; birds (Dr. Hele's Aldeburgh 175, &c). 1870. Alfred Bell of Ipswich ; palaeontology (AMag. NHist., ser. 4, vi, 213 ; T r . v, 94). 1870. John Cable of Aldeburgh ; birds (Dr. Hele's Notes about Aldeb. 114). 1870. Capt. Francis Dowler, vicar's son, of Aldeburgh ; birds (Hele, p. 69). 1870c. L a d y Laura FitzRoy of Euston Park ; b o t a n y ( H i n d ' s Flora of Suff.). 1870c. M r s . William French of W o o l p i t ; botany ( H i n d ' s Flora of Suffolk). 1870c. J H Gurney of Norfolk at L o w e s t o f t ; birds, fishes (Vict. H. 166). 1870c. Leonard Hayward (d. 1933) of Melton ; fishes (Trans. S N S , ii, p. 97). 1870. D r . Nicholas Fenwick Hele of Aldeburgh (1859-92) ; zoology (Aldeb. Notes). 1870c. L o r d Arthur Hervey of Ickworth ; physical (Trans. S N S . ii, p. 71). 1870. Capel Holden of Glemham Magna ; moths (Ent. Mon. Mag., 86). 1870. Capt. H u d s o n , R.N., of Fritton ; G o l d e n Eagle (Leathes' RNotes, 52). 1870. Capt. Henry Haughton James of Aldeburgh ; birds (Hele's Notes ; Bab. p. 4-11). 1870c. Miss Jeffes o f N e e d h a m Market ; botany ( H i n d ' s Suff. Flora). 1870. Revd. Richard H e n r y King of Glemham ; lepidoptera ( E M M . 139). 1870c. Fluter Lee (d. 1895), labourer-mothist, Rope Walk, Ipswich (Suff. C. HB. 1909, 424). 1870c. Revd. Edward James Moor of Bealings Magna ; botany ( H m d , Fl. Suff.) 1870c. Prof. Alfred Newton (1829-1907) ofElveden ; vertebrata (VH. 173 ; Ticeh. 24). 1870c. W L Notcutt of Ipswich ; botany ( H i n d ' s Fl. of Suff.) 1870c. J i m m v Parsons (d. 1890), labourer-mothist, of Bramford (Suff. C. HB. 1909, 424). 1870c. C W Peck of Brockford ; botany ( H i n d ' s Fl. of Suff.) 1870. David Robertson of ? ; crustacea (Annais & Mag. NHist., pp. 1-33). 1870c. Revd. Charles Roe of Sicklesmere, palaeontology (Trans. S N S . n, 70). 1870. George T h o m a s Rope (1846-1929) of Blaxhall ; zoology (VH. ; T r . i, p. xlvii). 1870c. Dr. David Sharp (1840-1922) of Cambridge at Lakenheath ; lepid. (Entom. 9118, 92).
1870.c. Sir James E Smith, Pres. Linn. Soc. ; botany ; b u r . Lowestoft (Taylor, 98). 1870c. Steggall's collection at Stow Langtoft Hall (Trans, i, 94). 1870. Revd. Talman of Haddiscoe at Fritton (Leathes' RNotes, p. 70). 1870c. Thirtle, t a x i d e r m i s t o f L o w e s t o f t ; birds (Babington, Birds Suff. 12). 1870. Col. Thelussonof Rendlesham ; birds(Hele's Notes Aldeburgh, 69). 1870c.. Miss T u r n e r of Bradfield St. George ; botany (Hind, Fl. Suffolk). 1870. L o r d Walsingham (1843-1919) of Merton at Brandon ; moths ( E M M . 1871, 197). 1871. Charles Golding Barrett of Norfolk at Brandon ; moths ( E M M . 197 ; T r . v, 204). 1871c. D r . F W H a r m e r on Westleton & Southwold gravels (41y. J. Geol. Soc. liv, 308). 1871. Revd. H S Marriott of Wickham Mkt. at T h e t f o r d : lep. ( E M M . 199). 1871. Dr. John Ellor Taylor, Ipswich M u s e u m ; geology, biology (Tr. i,
Revd. Henry Williams of Croxton at T h e t f o r d ; lepid. ( E M M . page 199). 1872. Revd. J W Colville of? at Southtown ; lep. (Bl. Suff. Lep., p. 9). 1872. Revd. Henry Keyworth Creed of C h e d b u r g h at M u t f o r d ; concretions, birds (Suff. Inst, iv, 244 ; Bab.) 1872. Higgins by the Orwell ; entomology (Entomologist, page 46). 1872. C Rope of Orford ; on mammals of Suffolk (Victoria History, 225). 1874. Revd. H e n r y Canham, vicar of Ramsholt ; on palaeontology (Tr. S N S . ii, 29). 1874. Clement Chevallier (1852-1943) of R u s h m e r e ; zoology (Tr. S N S . v, p. xlvii). 1874. Norton Burroughs Garrard (1854) of Eye & Hoxne ; birds (Tr. v, 199). 1874. Whittaker on the Crag at S u d b u r y in south Suff. ( T r . ii, 72). 1875c. John Edwards of Bury School ; V. Antiopa at T u d d e n h a m ( E M M . 1880, 126).
1875. 1875. 1875c. 1876. 1876. 1877c. 1877. 1877c. 1877. 1878.*
F Long of ? at Ipswich ; lep. (Entom. 200 ; Bl. Suff. Lep. 27). D r . Augustus Metzger ; trawling crustacea, N . Sea (Nords, der Pomerania). M r s . Dawson T u r n e r of Yarmouth ; crustacea (Victoria History, p. 156). William T h o m p s o n of Ipswich, introduced nearctic flora (Botanical Mag's, dedication). Revd. T h o m a s H e n r y Waller of Waldringfield ; moths ( E M M . 1877, page 137). Leonard William Hayward (1861-1933) of Melton ; birds (Trans, ii ,p. cxxi). Revd. John Longe of T u d d e n h a m Martin ; lepidoptera ( E M M . , page 67). Major E d w a r d Charles M o o r (1848-1934) of Bealings ; Phoca Moori (VH., p. 35). T h o m a s Naunton Waller (1863-1942) of Waldringfield at Bradfield (Tr. v, p. xxviii). William Warren of Cambridge at Newmarket ; lepidoptera ( E M M . p. 16).
* T h e local derelection of Natural Science throughout the 'seventies beco^nes strongly apparent from this List. In Insects we may ascribe it to the failure of The Naturalist in 1858, The Entomologists' Weekly Intelligencer (and The Substitute) in 1861, and of The Entomologists' Annual in 1874 : Stainton was become old, and confined himself to t h e E M M . Such local somnolence suffered considerable upheaval with the appearance of Babington's Birds 1884-6, Hind's Flora 1889 and Bloomfield'sLepidoptera 1890.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;'The five next names are but approximate here.
J Baker of Woodbridge ; pliocene vertebrata E d m u n d Cavell, lawyer of Saxmundham ; pliocene vertebrata. (Vict. James Jeremiah Colman* of Corton ; Forest-bed fossils. V H i s t . John G u n n at Hopton and Corton ; boulder-clay 14-19). Mr. Whincopp of Woodbridge ; pliocene vertebrata. 1878. S B J Skertchly at Brandon ; glacial loam. 1878. Eedle, L o r d Walsingham's collector ; lep. (Miller's " T h e Fenland," 1878). 1880. Charles C Clarke of Aldeburgh ; birds (Victoria History, 198 & 209). 1880. Arthur Cottam of Watford at Nayland Stoke ; beetles (Ent. Mo. Mag. 163). 1880. W H Dalton on geology of east Suffolk (VH. ; Trans. ii, 72). 1880. Edward Arthur Fitch (1854-1912) of Maldon at Wixhoe ; diptera (Entom. 149). 1880c. Henry Haward, farmer of Bramford at Wherstead ; lep., birds (Lep. S. 1890, 5 ; Bab.) 1880c. Canon Edwin Hill (1843-1933) of Cockfield ; geology, birds (41y J. Geol. S. Iii, 302 ; Bab.) 1880c. Lucas of ? at Risby ; lepidoptera (Bl. Lep. Suff. 6). 1880c. Henry Miller of Ipswich (1848-1929) ; zoology (VH. 174 ; T r . i, p. xxi). 1880. Edwin James Rope (1860-1943) ofBlaxhall ; zoology (Trans, v, p. 1). 1880c. Rose(d., veryold, in 1935), taxidermist of S u d b u r y (Trans, iii, 210). 1880. T i m o t h y Sterry, rope-maker of Lowestoft ; fish (Leathes' Rough Notes, 12). 1880c. Revd. Julian George Tuck (1851-1933) o f T o s t o c k ; zoology (Tr. ii, p. cxvi). 1881- F W Ager of Ipswich ; Sphinx pinastri (Entom. p. 210 1883. & 1883, p. 187). 1881. George Henry Verrall (1747-1911) Ist came to Newmarket ( E M M . , p. 152). 1882. Archdeacon Charles Page Cory (1859-1942), Campsey (Trans, v, p. xxix). 1882. Revd. H A Macpherson at Aldeburgh ; reptiles (Victoria Hist. 175). 1882- Dr. H C Sorby, Pin Mill ; marine zoology (Vict. Hist. 1903. 85-95). 1883. W C Boyd of Cheshunt at Lowestoft; Chrysopa ( E M M . 1884, 21 ; Bl. Lep.) 1884. M a j o r B a r n a r d i s t o n o f S u d b u r y ; birds(Babington'sSuff.Birds, 11). 1884. Capt. E d w a r d Starkie Bence (b. 1862) of Kentwell Hall, M e l f o r d , birds (Bab. 9) 1884 F J Bennett at Wattisfield ; glacial loam (Vict H., p. 19; Breckl. 14). 1884. William Gage Blake, farmer of Nowton Hall ; birds (Bab. p. 11). 1884. Sir Charles Bunbury of Barton H a l l ; birds (Babington, p. 11). 1884. Revd. W H M Carthew of Woodbridge ; birds (Babington's Birds, p. 5). 1884. Oldham Chambers, architect of Lowestoft ; fish (Leathes, p. 23). 1884. Collett, taxidermist of Woodbridge ; birds. 1884. Edward Buckley Cooke of Polstead Hall ; birds. 1884. Sir Saville Crossley Bart, cf Somerleyton ; birds, now J>(Babington, at Oulton Broad m u s e u m (Ticeh. 22). I pp. 7-12). 1884. Cutmore, taxidermist of Härtest ; birds. J 1884. William Everitt (dead 1885) of Oulton ; fish (Leathes' Notes, p. 23). M ü s Bibliotheca Norfolciensis was not published at Norwich tili 18%.
190 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884.
NAMES OF SUFFOLK NATĂ&#x153;RALISTS Revd. A F o s t e r - M e l l i a r of Redgrave ; birds. F r e e m a n , taxidermist of L o w e s t o f t ; birds. Garrard, taxidermist of Lavenham , birds. (Babington Revd. D r Goodacre of W i l b y ; birds. pp. 5 - 1 2 ) . Revd. Arthur Hanbury o f Bures ; birds. L o r d Henniker of T h o r n h a m Hall ; birds. Prof. Percy F r y Kendali ( 1 8 5 6 - 1 9 3 6 ) of L e e d s at Gedgrave ( T r . iii, p. cxix). K e r r y , dealer of Bathside, Harwich, at Shotley ; birds. R e v d . Herbert Samuel Hawkins of Beyton ; birds. R o b e r t Hillen of T h e Quay, Woodbridge ; birds. J o s e p h Francis Hills, postmaster o f S u d b u r y ; birds. Howlett, taxidermist of N e w m a r k e t ; birds (I rem e m b e r him, living Barton Mills, 1 8 9 9 . â&#x20AC;&#x201D; C M . ) (Babington, L o r d Huntingfield of Heveningham ; birds ( C f pp. 4 - 1 1 ) . Ticeh. 23). Revd. Herbert J a m e s of Livermere ; birds (Hind). j R e v d . Harry J o n e s of Barton M e r e ; birds. Mr. L a m b a r d e o f Assington ; birds. S i r Edward Kerrison o f Oakley ; birds. Col. Hill M i s s e n d e n L e a t h e s of Herringfleet Hall ; zoology (Rough Notes N H . ) Revd. C J L u c a s of Burgh House, Y a r m o u t h ; birds (Babington, p. 11). M e e k , dealer of B r o m p t o n - r d . , L o n d o n , at Southwold ( E n t o m . 253 & 278).
Mr. M o r r i s of R o u g h a m H a l l ; birds. S i r Edward ( 1 8 3 2 - 9 7 , bro. o f Pro. A.) Newton o f Elveden ; birds (cf. T i c e h . 24). 1884. S i r William Parker Bart, of M e l f o r d ; birds. 1884. William Page T h o m a s Phillips, Melton G r a n g e ; birds. 1884. P o d d , taxidermist of Ipswich ; birds. 1884. J o h n George W e l l e r Poley esq., Boxstead Hall ; birds. 1884. C a p t . T h o m a s Harcourt Powell, Drinkstone, birds. 1884. L o r d Rendlesham o f Rendlesham ; birds. 1884. Richold, taxidermist of M e l f o r d ; birds. (Babington, 1884. M S c o t t o f M i l d e n h a l l ; birds. ^pp. 4 - 1 2 ) . 1884. Revd. William H e n r y Sewell of Yaxley ; birds. 1884. D S i m o n s of S u d b u r y ; birds (? taxid.) 1884. F Spalding of Hadleigh ; birds. 1884. F Spalding o f Westleton ; birds. 1884. Revd. Frederick T e a r l e o f Gazeley ; birds, botanv (Hind). 1884. T r a v i s , taxidermist o f Burv : birds. 1884. H u g h T u r n e r ( 1 8 5 6 - 1 9 3 2 ) o f Ipswich ; birds. 1884. Alfred Wainwright, Whelnetham M a g n a , birds. 1884. H e n r y Westropp o f M e l f o r d Place ; birds. 1884. G e o r g e H o l t Wilson of Redgrave Hall ; birds. 1885. Charles Frederick Cattle ( 1 8 6 4 - 1 9 3 8 ) o f T h u r s t o n ; m a m m a l s ( T r a n s , iv, p. lv). 1885. C Dale o f ? at T h e t f o r d ; lepid. (Bl. Suff. L e p i d o p t . 1890, p. 46). 1885c. Albert Brydges F a r n ( 1 8 4 1 - 1 9 2 1 ) of Dartford at T h e t f o r d ; lep. B l . Suff. L e p i d o p t . p. 50). 1885c. William Holland B F l e t c h e r o f W o r t h i n g at T h e t f o r d ; len. (Bl. L e p . 4 9 ) .
S Griffithsof Dedham ; mammals (Victoria History, p. 223). li!5. R Kay of 3 Ingham-st., Bury ; lepidoptera (Entom., 295). 1885c. Frank Norgate ( -1919) o f D o w n h a m and Bury ( E M M . 1887, 9 ; Trans, iii, 218). 1885c. J o h n Sang (1828-87) of Burton at L o w e s t o f t ; lepidoptera (Bl. S. Lep. 49). 1885. Richard South (1846-1932) L o n d o n at Brandon ; plumes (E. Wk. I. vii, 112 ; S. Lep. 37). 1885. C o m d r . James J Walker of Oxford at Brandon ; beetles (Ent. M o . Mag. xxii 86). 1886. Bantock, taxidermist of Bildeston ; birds. ") 1886. Dr. Charles Bree of Hill House, Melford ; birds. [ (Babington, 1886. Major Edward St. George Cobbold of Ufford ; f p. 256). birds. i 1886. Benjamin W a d e Cooper, land agent of Euston ; birds. J 1886. Sidney Cooper of Walthamstow at Aldeburgh ; lepidopt. (Ent.14). 1886. Miss Dix of 21 Lower Brook-st. Ipswich ; birds. 1886. M r s . Tyrwhitt Drake of Shimpling ; birds. 1886. William Everitt, farmer of N o r t h Cove ; birds. 1886. Revd. Augustus Barker Hemsworth, Bacton ; birds. 1886. L o r d John Hervey of Ickworth ; birds. 1886. Frederick Jefferies, Steward of Elveden ; birds. (Babington, 1886. William J Manfield of Ixworth T h o r p p. 256). Manor ; birds. 1886. George Mason of Wherry Inn, Oulton ; birds [cf. T r . iii, 271], 1886. Newby, taxidermist of T h e t f o r d ; birds. 1886. D u n c a n Parker of Rattlesden at W o o l p i t ; birds. 1886. Frederick M a n d e r Remnant of Southwold ; birds. 1886. T R Sanders of ? in S u f f o l k ; lepidoptera (Entom, p. 127). 1886. Preb. Archdale Palmer Wickham (1855-1935) at Rickinghall (Trans. iii, p. lxxv). 1887. H e n r y Haward farmer of Pannington H a l l ; plants, Zincke's Hist. Wherstead. 1887 C J Staniland in Breckland ; botany (Clarke's Breckland, p. 80). 1888. H o r a c e Ross Barker (1863-1941), Bury curator ; botany (Trans, I V , p. cxliv). 1888 Lt.-Col. Butler of Herringfleet Hall ; birds (Tr. Norf. Soc. 1889, 687). 1888. Miss M Gardiner on Suffolk Thanet-sands (Transactions 11, 72). 1888. Revd. Richard Peek of Swefling ; Deilephila galii(Ent. M o . Mag. 1889, 455). 1888. Clement Reid of L o n d o n at Corton ; palaeontology (VH. ; T r . Norf. S. 1889, 606). 1888. H w Vivian of Cambridge at Brandon ; lepid. (Bl. Lepid. Suff., p. 2). 1889. Revd. Dr. Churchill Babington of Cockfield ; botany ( H i n d s ' Suff. Fl.) 1889. M r s . Bevan of Plumpton Hall in Whepstead ; botany (Hmds'). 1889. Miss E. M . Bridgman of Coney Weston H a l l ; botany (Hinds'). 1889. Revd. T h o m a s Brown, rector of Hemingstone ; botany (Hinds'). 1889 F J Bucknellof ? a t B r a n t h a m ; lepidopt. (Bl Suff. Lep. 17, 23).
192 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889.
Sir Charles J. F. Bunbury of M i l d e n h a l l ; botany. Robert Burrell, farmer of Westley H a l l ; botany. Mrs. Carss of Whelnetham Parva ; botany. Mrs. E Clowes of N e e d h a m Market ; botany. Revd. E d w a r d Byles Cowell of Ash Bocking ; botany. Revd. Joseph Morrison Croker of Lavenham ; botany. Mrs. French of W o o l p i t ; botany. Mrs. Gibson of L o u n d rectory ; botany. Revd. J o h n D u r b i n Gray of Nayland ; botany. Miss J H G r u b b e o f .'Southwold ; botany. Revd. T S J Harries of Nedging ; botany. Revd. T h o m a s Hedley of Grundisburgh ; botany. Revd. E d m u n d Lovegrove Hickling of Frostenden. Revd. William Marsden H i n d of Honington ; botany. Miss M L Hodgson of Wrentham ; botany. Revd. William Holland of Huntingfield ; botany. William Jordan of Cockfield ; botany. Revd. H e n r y Ingate Kilner of Saxham Parva. Miss Lathbury of Bury ; botany. Revd. Peter L a t h b u r y of Bradfield Combust. R E Leach, F.G.S., of Beccles ; botany. Revd. G R Leathes of Scropham Hall. Revd. John Longe of Sternfield ; botany. Revd. E J Moor of Bealings Magna ; botany. Dr. H D Palmer of Nayland ; botany. M r s . Parker of Clopton H a l l ; botany. Lady Pettiward of Finborough H a l l ; botany. Revd. E J Phipps of Stansfield ; botany. Revd. H e n r y Roberts of Naughton ; -botany. Canon J o h n Sykes Sawbridge, Thelnetham ; birds.
at Aldeburgh ; lepid. (Bl. G Sheldon of Suff. Lep. 28, 45). M Sheppard of Woolverstone ; botany. 1889. Miss H C Stanford of Ash Bocking ; botany. 1889. Miss F 1889. Revd. William Roddam T ä t e of Walpole ; botany. 1889. M r s . T e r r y of Tostock ; botany. 1889c. Revd. C ' M Torlesse of Nayland Stoke (1823-81) ; botany. 1889. Dr. H e n r y T r i m e n at L o w e s t o f t ; botany. 1889. Dr. White of Lavenham ; botany. 1889. Revd. A r t h u r Lukyn Williams of Ampton ; botany. 1889. Revd. C A Williamson of Cockfield ; botany. 1889. Miss Agnes Wilson of Langham Hall ; botany. 1889. Arthur Maitland Wilson of Stow Langtoft. 1889. T J Woodward of Bungay ; botany. 1889. Claude Morley & Capt. William Thomson Hill at Ipswich ; entom. 1890. Asten, taxidermist of Woodbridge ; vertebrata (Vict. Hist. 220,224). 1889.
Dr. Charles John Barnes (1871-1936) of Cläre ; fish (Trans, iii, p. cxix). T & J Brown of Cambridge at Brandon ; lep. (Bl. S. Lep., p. 1). C Candler at Elmham St. Cross ; boulder-clay (41y Jour. Geo. S. xlv, 504). William H e n r y Collins, decorator, 21 Westgate, Ipswich ; lepid. (Bl. L e p . Suff., p. 3). Major Ernest Read Cooperof Southwold ; r e p t i l e s ( V . H i s t . , p . 175). Canon C T Cruttwell of Denton at Aldeburgh ; lep. ( E M M . 1891, p. 50)
1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890.
1890c. " Robinson Crusoe " Davis of Kessingland ; beach-comber (Trans, ii, 62). 1890. Revd. Ernest George Doughty (1861-1915) of Martlesham ; birds (Tr. i, 169). 1890. Fonnereau'scollectionof InsectsatChristchurch, Ipswich(Tr. i, 94). 1890. A C Freeman of Ipswich ; lepidoptera (Bl. Lep., p. 3). 1890. Hon. Beatrice de Grey at Leiston ; lepidoptera (Bl. Lep. Suff., p. 1). 1890. G A Harker of Liverpool at ; lepid. (id., p. 1). 1890. Hilling [? Hillen, cf. 1884] of Woodbridge had coli, of Birds (Hele 1890, p. 98). 1890c. G P Hope of Hollesley ; jellyfish, birds (Bab. 256; VHist. p. 89). 1890c. Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys of London at Shottisham ; mollusca (Brit. Conch. v. 205). 1890. James Herbert Augustus Jenner (d. 1924) of Lewes at Tuddenham (Bl. Lep. 10). 1890c. Francis C R Jourdain at Huntingfield ; mamraals (VHist. 200, 219, &c.) 1890c. Dr. Henry Laver of Colchester ; on Suffolk mammals (Vict. Hist. 216). 1890. Dr. Philip Guyon Laver (1865-1941) of Colchester ; on Stour (Tr. iv, p. cxxxix). 1890c. Revd. H Marriott at Elmsett; lepidoptera (Bl. Lepid., p. 13). 1890c. Revd. Henry Spelman Marriott at Wilby ; mammals (Victoria History, p. 219). 1890c. Arthur Mayfield of Mendlesham ; botany, mollusca (Victoria History, 96). 1890. Canon Euston John Nurse (1865-1845) of Bamham ; birds (Trans. v, p. c). 1890. Dr. FergusMenteith Ogilvie (1861-1918)of Sizewell; birds (Ticeh. 24). 1890. Thomas Southwell of Norwich at Corton ; mammals (Victoria Hist, 226). 1890. Tilney, taxidermist of Beccles ; mammals (Trans. SNS. iv, 221). 1890. William Warren (1839-1914) of Chelsea at Brandon ; lep. (Bl. Lep 1). 1890. Francis D Wheeler of Norwich on Suffolk Lep. (Bl. p. 1). 1890. Revd. H Williamsof Croxton atThetford (Bl. Lep. Suff. p. 1). 1891. Edward Albert Butler (1845-1925) of London at Lowestoft; hemip. (EMM, p. 277). 1891. Revd. Carleton Greene of Bedford ; conchology (Trans, ii, 64). 1891. Charles J Marten, Wellesley-rd., Yarmouth ; mammals (Trans, iv, 289). 1891. Revd. Francis David Morice (1849-1926) of Rugby at Lowestoft ; hym. (EMM. p. 276). 1891. Arthur Mingay Rope, farmer of Lower Abbey, Leiston ; mammals (VH. 223-5). 1891c. Frederick Archibald C. Thelusson (1868-1938), baron Rendlesham (Tr. iv, p. liv). 1891. Miss Grace Watson (1868-1944) of Monks' Soham ; botany (Trans. v, p. lxx). 1892. John Cambridge, Bury lawyer, 34 Brentgoval ; Large Copper, &c. (Tr. i, 94). 1892. Harry (above Charley's son) Eaton, Ipswich Mus. porter (S. County HB. 1909, 424). 1893. Francis Laurence Bland (1873-1941) of Bury & Copdock (Tr. iv, p. cxliii).
194 1893.
Bunn, taxidermist of Lowestoft; mammals (Trans. S N S , iv, 284).
1893c. Henry Prigg alias Trigg of Babwell Friary, Burv ; mammals (Trans, i, 195). G D Turner of Newbourn Hall, at Bamham ; birds (Trans, i, 172). 1894. Ernest Bavlis of Burrell-rd. in Ipswich ; lepid. (B1 S. Lep. 1900). 1893.
1894c. Alfred Beaumont of Halstead, Essex, at Bentley (Coleop. Suflf.) 1894.
G Clarke of Thetford on Breck fauna (Tr. Norf. NSoc. 1895.-p. 23). 1894- Ernest Arthur Elliot (1850-1936) of London at Bentley, Foxhall, 1930. Sudbury, Lowestoft, Tuddenham, Brandon, &c. ; insects (Trans, iii, p. cxvi). 1894. His cousin, Arthur Edward Elliott (1866-1945) of Elveden (Trans, v, p. xciv). 1894. Major Edward St. Francis Moore (1853-1940 of Woodbridge (Tr. iv, p. cxviii). 1895. Mr. Bonnewell ; paper on genus Aleurodes in Suff. ( E M M . 1895, p. 68). 1895c. James E Collin of Newmarket, Verrall's nephew ; diptera ( E M M . 1899, 70). 1895. J T Cunningham at Lowestoft ; fishes (Victoria Hist. 163-72). 1895. G H Harriss of Yarmouth ; Suff, botany (Tr. Norf. Soc. 1896, p. 137). 1895. Revd. John Hocking Hocking (1834-1903) of Copdock ; moths (Trans, v, 203). 1895. Albert Piffard of Boxmoor at Aldeburgh ; Culex dorsalis ( E M M . p. 227). 1895. Charles Herbert Roper (1861-1934) ; botany & birds (Trans, ii, p. cciii). 1895. E J Singleton Smith (1860-1926), Lowestoft ( E M M . 1900, 237 ; Trans, iv, p. 224. 1895c. Dr. Orby Russell Morgan Wood of Woolpit; Stenopteryx in Suff. 1895.
Frank Woolnough (1845-1929) succ. Taylor at Ipswich M u s . (Tr. p. xlvii). A B Corder of Ipswich ; lepidoptera (Entom., p. 66).
1896c. George Edward Frisby (1872-1936) of Gravesend at Cavenham, iii, p. cxx). 1896. John Lee Moore (1877-1945) of Gorleston ; macrolep. (Tr. v, xcvi). 1896. Claud A Pyett of 28 Waterloo-rd., Ipswich ; microlepidop. 1896. John Spiller of Southwold ; coast erosion (Geological Mag., 23). 1896. William West junior at Cavenham ; botany (Victoria History, p. 74). 1897. Revd. E T Daubeny of Mt. Weston ; birds mammals (Trans, i, 169 ; VH. 219). 1897. Miss Nina Frances Layard (1853-1935) of Ipswich ; botany (Tr. iii, p. lxxv). 1998. Prof. Dr. Sir Thomas Hudson Beare (1859-1940), Southwold (Tr. iv, p. cxvii). 1898. Ernest Charles Bedwell (1876-1945), Carlton Colville (Trans, v, p.xcvi). 1898. Walter Alfred Brook (1869-1934) of Bacton ; fish (Trans, iii, p. cc). 1898. Lt.-Col. E A Butler of Brettenham at Edwardstone (Tr. Norf. S . 416). 1898. William A Dutt of Lowes.toft; biology (his " Sea-marge " & c â&#x20AC;&#x17E; 1898).
Miss E E Freeman (Mrs. W. Garneys),White House, D e b e n h a m ; beetles E A Gibson, Trinity-st. B u n g a y ; oologv, insects ( N a t . D i r e c t o r y , 19). 1898. W B l v t h G e r i s h , 85 S o u t h t o w n , Y a r m o u t h ; b i r d s ( N a t . D i r e c t o r y , p . 19). 1898. W J o r d a n , H o n i n g t o n near Bury ; oology, beetles (Nat. D i r e c t o r y , 25). 1898. R e v d . G r a v e s L o m b a r d ( 1 8 6 2 - 1 9 3 4 ) , Y a r m o u t h & R e n d l e s h a m ( T r . ii, p . cc). 1898. A M a r t i n e i i i , 77 H e r v e y - s t . I p s w i c h ; p a l s e o n t o l o g y ( N a t . D i r e c t . 69). 1898. A W M e r a of F o r e s t g a t e L o n d o n at B e n t l e y ( N a t . D i r e c t o r y , p . 31). 1898. E d w a r d R a n s o m of S u d b u r y , l a w y e r ; i n s e c t s , m o l l u s c s ( T r a n s , vi, p . ). 1898 Edward G J S p a r k e of B u r y & T u d d e n h a m ; l e p i d . ( E M M . 1904, p . 160). 1898. F T h e l l u s s o n of R e n d b s h a m , W o o d b r i d g e ; m o t h s ( N a t u r a l D i r e c t o r y , 29). 1898. R J W a l l e r , 4 P i e r T e r r a c e in L o w e s t o f t ; b i r d s , eggs (Nat. Dir. 42). 1898. E d w a r d A l e x a n d e r W a t e r h o u s e ( 1 8 4 9 - 1 9 1 6 ) of P u t n e y at G l e m s f o r d ( C o l e o p . S u f f . , s u p p l . i). 1899c. E A L B a t t e r s of ? ; m a r i n e algae ( V i c t o r i a H i s t o r y , p . 78). 1899. R a y m o n d B e n n e t o f S t . H e l e n s in I p s w i c h ; c o l l e c t e d D i p t e r a ( C M . ) 1898.
Dr. George W C h a s t e r of S o u t h p o r t , at B r a n d o n ; c o l e o p tera ( C M . ) C h e s t e r G o o d w i n D o u g h t y ( 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 3 9 ) of G o r l e s t o n in L o t h i n g l a n d & a l o n g w h o l e c o a s t , a t M a r t l e s h a m , B r a n d o n , &c. ; M y r m e l e o n ( T r a n s , i, 228). C o l . E r n e s t C a r r i c k F r e e m a n ( 1 8 6 0 - 1 9 3 2 ) of I n d i a a t B u r y ( T r . 11, p . xlix). J B G a r n e r - R i c h a r d s of B u s h e y , H e r t s . , a t B r a n d o n , &c.
W i l l i a m S e t t e n G i l l e s ( 1 8 7 6 - 1 9 3 9 ) of E s s e x a t R a y d o n ( T r . iv).
B e r n a r d S m i t h H a r w o o d ( 1 8 7 6 - 1 9 3 3 ) F e r n Villa S u d b u r y ( T r . ii, p . cxviii). C L a r b a l e s t i e r of ? at F e l i x s t o w ; l i c h e n s ( V i c t o r i a H i s t o r y , 79). D r . P h i l i p B r o o k s M a s o n ( 1 8 4 2 - 1 9 0 4 ) , B u r t o n , at F o x h a l l ; c o l e o p .
1899. 1899.
1899c 1899.
1899c. G e o r g e M a s s e e of K e w at F e l i x s t o w ; m a r i n e algae ( V i c t o r i a H i s t . 78). 1899.
Paymaster Gervasse F M a t h e w of H a r w i c h at I p s w i c h ; lepidoptera (CM). 1899 E m a n u e l A u g u s t u s N e w b e r y ( 1 8 4 5 - 1 9 2 8 ) of D e n m a r k - r d . L o n d o n at L o w e s t o f t ; c o l e o p . 1899. L t . - C o l . C h a r l e s G e o r g e N u r s e ( 1 8 6 2 - 1 9 3 3 ) of T i m w o r t h ; e n t o m . ( T r . ii, p . cxxi). 1899. M r s . M a y n a r d ( B l o o m f i e l d ' s sister), O r f o r d , W i c k h a m M k t ; lepidoptera. 1899c R e v d . T R R S t e b b i n g of T u n b r i d g e W e l l s a t L o w e s t o f t (Vict. Hist. 153-62). 1899. H e n r y J T h o u l e s s ( 1 8 6 5 - 1 9 3 3 ) of N o r w i c h at B r a n d o n ( T r . ii, p . cxx). 1899. J R le B r o c k t o n T o m l i n of S t . L e o n a r d s at F o x h a l l . 1899.
M a j o r D r . F r a n c i s W a r d ( d . 1933) of W i s s i n g t o n ; fish ( T r a n s , ii p . cxx).
Revd. Joseph Henry White of Brockdish at Weybread ; lep. (CM).
Sir Frederick Adair of Flixton near Bungay ; birds (Vict. Hist. 197).
T e d d y Boar, of Tanners Lane in Ipswich, labourer-mothist (S. County HB. 1909, 424). 1900. W H Burreil of ? at Downham ; botany (Clarke's Breckland, 53). 1900. J E Campbell-Taylor, 41 Arnold-st. Lowestoft, at Southwold ; lepid. 1900. C Candler, Weybread Housc near Harleston ; birds (Nat. Directory, p. 10). 1900. George C Champion of London at Felixstow (Col. Suff.), suppl. i). 1900c. Arthur James Chitty (1860-1903) of 27 Hereford-sq., W., at Brandon ; coleoptera 1900. Frederick T h o m a s Crisp (1880-1941) Hemingstone ; lep. (Trans. iv, p. cxliii) 1900c. Revd. Louis H Dahl of Burgh Castle ; botany (his " R o m a i C a m p , " 1913, 239). 1900. Henry D e w e v o f ? ; geology (Clarke's 1925 Breckland, p. 16). 1900.
Horace St. John Donisthorpe of L o n d o n at Oulton ; beetles (N. Direct. 18). 1900. C T Gimingham of Harpenden at Dunwich ; coleop. (Suff, suppl. i). 1900. J T Hotblack on Stones of Suffolk beaches ( T r . Norf. NSoc. 1900, 7). 1900c. Hudson, taxidermist of Ipswich ; reptiles, birds, mammals (Vict. Hist. 175). 1900c. F B Jennings of Silverton at Branden ; beetles (Col.). 1900.
Francis Jenkinson (1853-1923) of Cambridge at Lowestoft ; insects (Ent. M M . , p. 188). 1900c. A S Ksnnard of ? ; mollusca (Vict. Hist., p. 98). 1900.
Lomas on constituents of the Suffolk crag ( T r . S N S . ii, 72).
1900. 1900.
Mrs. H Ethel M a n n (1862-1947) of Bungay ; lep. at light (Lep. Suff. Adds, 3). Dr. J E M a r r in Breckland ; botany (Clarke, p. 54).
Martins, 7 South Quay in Y a r m o u t h ; aculeates (Nat. Directory, 39). 1900. Alexander Mayall (1875-1943) of Bealings ; birds (Trans. S N S . v, p. xlix). 1900c. Dr. G W Nicholson of Guys Hosp. at Aldeburgh. 1900.
Edward William Platten of Ipswich & Needham ; botany, insects, vertebrata ; at Brandon, &c. ; Thecla betulae, Ptilophora. 1900. John Razor, village dominie of Woolpit (d. 1924) ; botany (Trans. v, 206). 1900c. Charles Silcock of ? ; Lothingland M a p of c. 450 A D . (Dahl, Burgh 1913, 42). 1900. Dr. A G Tanesiy in Breckland ; botany (Clarke's Breckland Wild, 55). 1900. Dr. Claud Buchanan Ticehurst (1881-1941) of Lowestoft (Trans. S N S . iv, p. cxl). 1900. Canon A r t h u r Pretyman Waller of Waldringfield ; lepidoptera and all vertebrata ; active doyen of the Suffolk Nat. Society, 1948.
Acton 1830 Adair 1900 Afzelius 1798 Ager1881 Aikin 1790 Allen 1823 Alexander 1823 Alexander 1841 Alexander 1870 Anguish 1848 Ashby 1828 Ashfield 1830 Asten 1890 • Austen 1469 Babington 1833 Babington 1859 Babington 1889 Backhouse 1810 Bacon 1543 Badham 1890 Baker 1858 Baker 1868 Baker 1878 Baiding 1868 Bantock 1886 Barber 1834 Barker 1888 Barnardiston 1884 Barnes 1890 Barrett 1871 Batters 1899 Baylis 1894 Beare 1898 Beaumont 1894 Beccles Hosp. 1674 Bedingfield 1600 Bedwell 1898 Bell 1850, 1870 Bennet 1830, 1855 Bennet 1899 Bennett 1884 Berkenhout 1783 Berners 1857, 1857 B erridge 1858 Betts 1696 Bevan 1889 Bilson 1850 Bisshopp 1867 Blackett 1860 Blake 1845, 1867 Blake 1884 Bland 1893 Blenerhasset 1543 Bloomfield 1860 Boar 1900 Bond 1851
Bonnewell 1895 Borrer 1808 Boyd 1883 Brady 1868 Bree 1857, 1857 Bree 1886 Brewes 1585 Bridgman 1889 Bromholm 1537 Brook 1898 Brown 1859, 1865 Brown 1889, 1890 Browne 1662 Bryant 1764 Bryene 1420 Buckell 1889 Buddle 1698. Bull 1857 Bullen 1554 Bumpsted 1482 Bunburv 1823, ' 1884 Bunbury 1889 Bunn 1893 Burrell 1889, 1900 Bury Abbey 1539 Butler 1888 Butler 1891, 1898 Butley 1538 Button 1856 R.P.C. 1851 Cable 1870 Caius 1570 Calvert 1860 Cambridge 1892 Campbell-Taylor 190Ö Candler 1890, 1900 Canham 1874 Carss 1889 Carthew 1884 Carus 1570 Casborne 1819 Cattle 1885 Cavell 1878 Cavendish 1533, 1593 Chambers 1884 Champion 1900 Chaster 1899 Chawner 1832 Chevallier 1874 Chittock 1729 Chitty 1900 Clarke 1844 Clarke 1820,1828
Clarke 1853,1860 Clarke 1880,1894 Clowes 1857, 1889 Cobbold 1886 Cocken 1860 Codington 1567 Colchester 1839 Collett 1884 Collin 1895 Collins 1890 Collinson 1823 Colman 1878 Colville 1872 Cook 1852 Cooke 1884 Cooper 1850 Cooper 1886, 1890 Cordell 1581 Corder 1896 Cornwallis 1540, 1825 Cory 1882 Cottam 1880 Cowell 1889 Covte 1800 Crabbe 1798 Creed 1848 Creed 1872 Crewe 1856 Crisp 1900 Croker1889 Crossley 1884 Crowe 1780 Crowfoot 1853, 1868 Cruttwell 1890 Cullum 1774, 1804 Cunningham 1895 Curtis 1810 Curtis 1828 Cutmore 1884 Dahl 1900 Dale 1825,1830 Dale 1885 Dalton 1880 Daubeny 1897 Davey 1791 Davis 1890 Davy 1805 Dawson 1857 Dennis 1856 Denny 1821 Dewey 1900 Dickson 1780 Dillwvn 1834 Dix 1886
Donisthorpe 1900 Doughty 1890 Doughty 1899 Dove 1853 Dowler 1870 Downes 1780 Drake 1886 Dreyer 1823 Drummond 1869 Drury 1600 Dunlap 1844 Dunning 1845 D u t t 1898 Eaton 1851, 1892 Eagle 1810 Eagle 1860 Echington 1498 Edwards 1823, 1875 Eedle 1878 Elliott 1894 Elliott 1894 Evans 1868 Everard 1573 Everett 1886 Everitt 1884 Fabricius 1802 Farn 1885 Farr 1847, 1851 Farr 1860 Farrant 1729 Farren 1859 Fenn 1820 FitzGerald 1869 FitzRoy 1870 Fison 1859, 1860 Fitch 1880 Fletcher 1885 Foster-Melliar 1884 Forby 1805 Ford 1729 Fonnereau 1890 Fox 1856, 1856 Freeman 1864, 1884 Freeman 1898, 1899, 1890 French 1889, 1870 Frere 1849, 1797 Freston 1533 Frisby 1896 Fulcher 1838
Gage 1820, 1860 Hemsworth 1886 Gardiner 1888 Henniker 1884 Garrard 1884 Henslow 1860 Garner-Richards Hertford 1850 1899 Hervey 1870, Garness 1854 1886 Garneys 1560, Hewitson 1828 1592 Hickling 1889 Garneys 1854, Higgins 1872 1856 Hill 1880 Garrard 1874 Hill 1889 Garrett 1860, Hillen 1884 1868 Hilling 1890 Gaze 1841 Hills 1884 Gedge 1859 Hind 1889 Gerrard 18ÂŁ0 Hobart, 1503 Gerish 1898 Hocking 1895 Gibson 1889, Hodgson 1889 1898 Holden 1870 Giles 1852 Holland 1889 Gilles 1899 Holme 1823 Gimingham 1900 Hooker 1807, Gordiestone 1834 1798 Hooker 1816-7 Goodacre 1884 Hope 1828 Goodenough Hope 1890 1815 Horrex 1858 Gray 1889 Horsfield 1826 Greene 1856, Hotblack 1891 Howlett 1884 Greenwood 18-10 Hoy 1820 Grey 1890 Hudson 1762 Griffiths 1885 Hudson 1870, Groom 1859 1900 Grubb 1868 Humphrey 1780 Grubbe 1889 Huntingfield Gunn 1878 1884 Gurney 1870 Image 1821 Gwyn 1784 Ingall 1841 Hamilton 1823 Ixworth 1567 Hanbury 1884 Jackson 1695, Hansard 1516 1852 Harker 1890 James 1870, 1884 Harmer 1871 Jefferies 1886 Harper 1850 Jeffes 1870 Harries 1889 Jeffreys 1890 Harris 1895 Jenkinson 1600, Harvey 1834 1900 Harwood 1858, Jenner 1890 1899 Jenney 1501 Hasell 1823 Jennings 1900 Hasted 1823 Jenyns 1826 Haward 1880, Jermyn 1553, 1887 1824 Hawkins 1884 Jermy 1570 Haworth 1806 Jodreil 1859 Hay 1837 Johnson 1633 Hayward 1870, Jones 1792, 1884 1877 Jordan 1889, Hedley 1889 1898 Hele 1870 Jourdain 1890 Helsham 1835 Kay 1885
Kaye 1570 Kendali 1884 Kennard 1900 Kerridge 1828 Kerrison 1884 Kerry 1884 Kilner 1889 King 1841, 1842, 1870 King 1858 Kingston 1547 Kirby 1791, 1820 Kirby 1858 Lambarde 1884 Larbalestier 1899 Last 1860 Lathbury 1802, 1832 Lathbury 1889, 1889 Latham 1787 Latreille 1802 Laver 1890, 1890 Layard 1897 Leach 1889 Leake 1503 Leathes 1811, 1850 Leathes 1884, 1889 Lee 1870 Lematon 1449 Levett 1855 Lilly 1644 Lingwood 1840 Lomas 1900 Lombard 1898 Long 1875 Longe 1859, 1877 Longe 1889 Lubbock 1824 Lucas 1880, 1884 Lynn 1823 MacLeay 1796 Macpherson 1882 Manfield 1886 Mann 1900 Marr 1900 Marriott 1865, 1871 Marriott 1890, 1890 Marsham 1797 Marten 1891 Martin 1757 Martineiii 1898 Martins 1900 Mason 1790 Mason 1886, 1899 Massee 1899
Mathew 1899 Maw 1867 Mayall 1900 Mayfield 1890 Maynard 1899 Mera 1898 Mee 1858 Meek 1884 Mendham 1538 Merritt 1667 Mettingham 1400 Metzger 1875 Miller 1768, 1834 Miller 1840, 1880
Moor 1870, 1877 Moor 1889 Moore 1894, 1896 Morice 1891 Morley 1889 Morris 1884 Newberv 1899 Newbould 1860 Newby 1886 Newcome 1860 Newton 1870, 1884 Ni;holls 1831 Nicholson 1900 Norgate 1885 North 1586 Notcutt 1870 Nunn 1851 Nurse 1890, 1899 Ogilvie 1890 St. Olaves 1537 d'Oyly 1535 Page 1858 Paget 1834 Palgrave 1834 Palmer 1825, 1889 Parker 1884, 1886
Parker 1889 Parkinson 1640 Parsons 1870 Peck 1808, 1850 1870 Peek 1888 Pennant 1812 Pettiward 1889 Phillips 1884 Phipps 1889 Pickard-Cambridge 1849 Piffard 1895
Waller 1898, S t u d d 1825 Sang 1885 1900 T a l m a n 1870 Sare 1650 Walsingham Tansley 1900 S a u n d e r s 1861 1870 Savill 1856 T a s b u r g h 1550, W a r d 1899 Sawbridge 1889 1603 Scott 1884 W a r n e r 1603 T ä t e 1889 Seaman 1820 W a r r e n 1878, Taylor 1828 Seckford 1587 1890 Tavlor 1860, Sewell 1884 Waterhouse 1871 S h a r p 1870 1828, 1898 Tearle 1884 S h e l d o n 1889__ Watson 1891 T e r r y 1889 S h e p p a r d 1827, Weight 1668 1 hears 1856 Tnelusson 1870, W e n t w o r t h 1889 1499,1618 1891, 1898 S i d n o r 1557 West 1896 Silcock 1900 T n i r t l e 1870 Simons 1884 T n o m p s o n 1876 Weston 1558 Simpson 1857 W e s t r o p p 1884 Thouless 1899 1893 S i m s 1790 Wheeler 1890 Ticehurst 1900 Pvett 1896 Skepper 1860 W h e l a m 1867 Tilney 1524 R a n s o m 1898 Skertchly 1878 W h i n c o p p 1878 R a n s o m e 1846-7 1890 Skippon 1676 W h i t e 1823, Ray 1680 T o m l i n 1899 S m i t h 1791, 1849 T o m l i n s o n 1865 Raynbird 1846 1857 S m i t h 1858, 1870 Razor 1900 W h i t e 1860, Torlesse 1889 Reeve 1503 1889, 1899 T o w n s e n d 1860 1895 Reid 1878, 1888 W h i t e a r 1824 T r a v i s 1884 S m y t h 1856 R e m n a n t 1886 Sorby 1882 Trevelvan 1797 Whittaker 1874 Rendlesham 1884 S o u t h 1885 T r i g g 1862, 1893 Wickham 1886 R e p p s 1538 Southwell 1890 Wigg 1805 T r i m e n 1889 Reynolds 1860 Spalding 1728, Williams 1823, T r i m m e r 1798, Richards 1845 1871 1860 1823 Riehes 1729 T u c k 1848, 1880 Williams 1889, Spalding 1846, Richold 1884 1890 T u r n e r 1551, 1855 Roberts 1860, Williamson 1889 1775 Spalding 1884, 1889 Wilson 1884, T u r n e r 1805, 1884 Robertson 1870 1889 Sparke 1898 1831 Rod well 1811 W i n t e r 1858 Sparshall 1790, T u r n e r 1870, Roe 1870 Wodderspoon 1875 1824 Rogers 1729, 1600 T u r n e r 1884, Spence 1809 1831 Wollaston 1795, Spiller 1896 1893 1836 Springe 1547, T v r e r 1860 R o p e 1870, 1872 W o o d 1831, R o p e 1880, 1891 Verrall 1881 1578 1895 R o p e r 1895 Vivian 1888 Stainton 1878 Rose 1815, 1880. W o o d s 1859 Stanford 1889 W a d e 1826 R o t h n e v 1866 W o o d w a r d 1790, Staniland 1887 Wagstaff 1857 R o u t h 1798 Stanley 1847 1791, 1889 Wainwright 1884 Rowe 1810 S t e b b i n g 1899 Woolnough 1895 Wake 1839 R u d d 1837 Steggall 1830, Waidegrave 1528 Wratiälaw 1860 Russell 1859, 1870 Y a r m o u t h 1557 Walford 1793, 1861 Youell 1816 1858 Stephens 1821 Young 1904 Sterrv 1880 Walker 1885 T.VV.S. 1828 Steward 1510 Sakings 1611 Waller 1876, - C . M . , Aug. 1948. Stock 1828 Salmon 1834 1877 Stone 1828 S a n d e r s 1886
P i p e r 1855 Pitchford 1780 Platten 1900 Plavter 1590 P o d d 1884 delaPole 1415 Polev 1884 Postans 1852, 1866 Powell 1884 Power 1864 Powles 1860 Preston 1830, 1833 Prestwich 1850 Prigg 1862,
S P I D E R IN W A T E R - P I P E . — T h e enclosed Spider was found at the bottom of a rain-water pipe at Holy Wells in Ipswich on 29 September. Please teil me its name.—(Miss) A D A Q U A N T R I L L ; 16 Oct. [Sent Dr. Hull on 16 Oct. : he was ill.—Ed.]