THE following are additions to the lists of Suffolk Fungi already published in the Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalist's Society. Most of them were collected recently, but a few of early date were omitted inadvertently. COELOMYCETES (all from Mendlesham). Phyllosticta Polygonorum Sacc. On Polygonum Persicaria. Pkoma Typharum Sacc. On Typha angustifolia. Macrophoma Mirbelii B. & V. On box leaves. Plenodomus Ungarn v. Hohn. On a cabbage stalk. Cytospora Prunorum Sacc. & Syd. On a dead damson branch. Stagonospora Typhoidearum Sacc. On Typha angustifolia. Seploria Rosae Desm. On leaves of Rosa canina. S. ligustri Kickx. On dead privet leaves. S. alopecuri Syd. var. Phalaridis Trail. On Phalaris. Diplodia Buxi Fr. On box leaves. D.Jasmini Westd. form sparsa Grove. On Jasminum nudiflorum. Diplodiella Brassicae Grove. On old cabbage stalks. Camarosporium Ilicis Oud. On dead holly twigs. Gloeosporium pachybasium Sacc. On box leaves. G. Carpini Lib. On leaves of Hornbeam. Myxosporium Trifolii Krieg. & Bub. On dead angelica stems (identified by Mr. T . Petch). Actinonema Aquilegiae Grove. On columbine leaves. Scolecosporium Typhae v. Hohn. On Typha angustifolia. ASCOMYCETES.
Hypoxylon cohaerens (Pers.) Fr. On the trunk of a dying beech, Mendlesham (A.M.). Gnomoniella fimbriata (Fr.) Sacc. On hornbeam leaves, Mendlesham (A.M.) , , ,, Diaporthe circumscripta (Fr.) Otth. On dead eider twigs, Mendlesham (A.M.). ^ , .... Leptosphaeria Typharum (Desm.) Karst. On Typha angustifolia, Mendlesham (A.M.). „ „ /T , * x Morchella conica Pers. Gorleston Apr. 1936 (E. A. Ellis), near Shrubland Park, May 1947 (F. W. Simpson). Mollisia palustris Rob. On Schoenus nigricans, Redgrave fen Aug. 1939 (A.M.). , Tuber aestivum Vitt. In beech woods, Bury 1856 (E. Skepper). T. rufum Pico. Under a beech in Mendlesham Vicarage plantation, August 1931 (A.M.).
Elaphomyces variegatus Vitt. In a pine wood, Redgrave Sept. 1931 (A.M.). T h e table below shows the number of species of Fungi recorded for Suffolk and listed in these Transactions compared with the approximate number recognised as British. No local records of the Protomycetes (bacteria, yeasts, etc.) are at present available ; and the so-called slime-fungi, now known as Mycetozoa (fungusanimals) of which 100 species have been recognised in the County, are also omitted. Suffolk. B ritain. 22 Phycomycetes (Trans. Vol. vi, p. 111) 370 1,800 Coelomycetes (iv, p. 101, v, p. 3) & above 482 1,230 Hyphomycetes (vi, p. 106) 203 447 2,325 Ascomycetes (vi, p. 15) & above 20 70 Ustilaginales (vi, p. 112) 165 330 Uredinales (iii, p. 55 & v, p. 92) 512 2,690 Higher Basidiomycetes (vi, p. 203) Total, 13 May, 1949:
ON THE TIDE-MARK.—A visit to Walberswick on 31 August was interesting, for the Tide-mark consisted mainly of Duckweeds and chiefly Lemna gibba, with only Freshwater Snails. I see the Rice Grass Spartina Townsendi has spread to the Blyth estuary, where I do not remember noticing it before [cf. Trans, vi, 124.— Ed.]. Great quantities of Insects were being washed ashore at Dunwich, Walberswick and Covehithe on 16 August: Ten species of Ladybirds in thousands, mainly Coccinella 7-punctata, with C. ocellata and the Blythburgh Wood C. 4-punctata, waterbeetles, flea-beetles Halticid.ce, a species of Cassida and various Weevils ; the Shield-bugs included many Eysarcoris punctatus, L. [surprising ; very rare in Suffolk ; whence came they ?—Ed.], Palomena prasina and Troilus luridus, along with Corixa Waterboatmen, and Homopterous Froghoppers ; some Chrysopa Lacewinged-flies ; one Blue Butterfly Lycanalcarus ; one Grasshopper Conocephaltis dorsalis, of the extremely long-winged form Burri; also there were Syrphid Hover-flies, Eristalis Drone-flies ; Vespid Wasps, winged Ants, Bumble-bees and both workers and drones of Honey-bees Apis mellifica, L., and several kinds of Saw-flies, that of the Turnip the injurious Athalia spinarum, F., being the most abundant.—E. A. ELLIS ; Norwich.