REVD. D R . JOHN E . H Ü L L , M . A . ,
[Two or three of our Members, collecting Insects in north-east Suffolk from 14 June to 19 July this year, provided themselves with spirit-tubes into which they popped every Spider and Harvestman and Mite swept or beaten or casually come at, between Dunwich and Fritton. The massed result, computed at little less than a thousand specimens, was posted in late July to our Arachnid Recorder for his kind determination. Those asterisked are new to the County List (Trans, iv, pp. 156-74 et seqq.).] A collection of Arachnid as made in the north-east of Suffolk has been submitted to me for identification. After due examination, I find that the bag includes the following species :— D I C T Y N I D A E :—Dictyna *puella, Sim. $ ; D. uncinata, Westr. ; D. arundinacea, L. $ ; Lathys humilis, Bl. <J? ; A *subnigra, Cb. $ ; Amaurobius ferox, Walck. $ ; A. simil PHOLCIDAE :—Pholcus phalangioides, Fues. a rare species. DYSDERIDAE :—Segestria senoculata, L. $ ; Dysdera Koch. $ (scarlet. At Dunwich salt-marshes and Southwold Grand-hotel steps. Fig. by Blackwall as D. rubicunda. Not maritime ; occurs in heart of Colchester). CLUBIONIDAE :—Clubiona reclusa, Cb. $ ; C. corticalis, Walck. C. compta, Koch. $; C. diversa, Cb. $; C. subtilis, L. C. *decora, Bl. $ ; C. *humida, Jks. $ ; C. phragmitis, K C. terrestris, Westr. $ ; C. *coerulescens, L. K. $ ; Chi *carnifex, Fab. $; Scotophaeus *Blackwalli, Thor. T H O M I S I D A E :—Oxyptila *horticola, Koch. $ ; Xysticus ulmi Hahn, $ ; X. *viaticus, L. $ ; Philodromus aureolus, Clk. fleet Hills and Fritton Warren, profuse on Ulex), c>? > " P- dispa Walck. PISAURIDAE :—Pisaura mirabilis, Clk. $ (Frostenden brick-fields). LYCOSIDAE :—Pardosa *agricola, Thor. $ ; P. *annulata, Tho $; P. prativaga, L. K. $; P. nigriceps, Thor. SALTICIDAE :—Salticus scenicus, Clk. c?? (IN Lowestoft). AGELENIDAE :—Tegenaria Derhami, Scop. Ö 2. M I M E T I D A E :—Ero furcata, Vill. THERIDIIDAE Episinus *truncatus, Latr., three a rare specie Phyllonethis *ovata, Clk. ; Theridium bimaculatum sisyphium, Clk. ; T. denticulatum, Walck. $ ; T.pallen T. vittatum, Koch. $ ; T. simile, Koch. $; T. tinctum, W ; T. varians, Hahn, ? ; T. tepidariorum, Koch. $ ; Teu *grossa, Walck. q9, is very rare ; Robertus dubius, Bl. ARGIOPIDAE :—Pachygnatha Clercki, Sund. $; Tetragnatha extensa, L. ?; T. Solandri, Scop. «J?; T. obtusa, Koch rare species ; taken probably in a Huntingfield cottage on 3 July, the most westerly point collected) ; T. *nigrita, Lendl. $ ; Zygiell
atrica, Koch. $ ; Meto, segmentata, Koch. ? ; Araneus diadematus Clerck, $ ; A. quadratus, Clk. $ ; A. umbraticus, Clk. $ ; A. *patagiatus, Clk., var. ocellatus, Clk. ? ; A. cornutus, Clk. $ ; A. gibbosus, Walck. $ ; A. *dioidius, Walck. $ ; A. *alpicus, L . K . ? ; A. cucurbitinus, Clk. LINYPHIIDAE :—Linyphia montana, Clk. CJ$ ; L. *tnangulans, Clk. ? ; L. peltata, Wid. $ ; L. *pusilla, S u n d . $ ; L. furtiva, Cb. $ ; Floronia *frenata ( i m m a t u r e ) ; Centromerus *levitarsis, Sim. 2 ; Gongylidium rufipes, Sund. ; Micryphantes *dentatus, W i d . $ ; Troxochrus scabriculus, Westr., var. cirrifrons, Cb. $ ; Entelacara erythropus Westr. PHALANGIDEA
Odiellus (Oligolophus) *palpinalis, H b s t . ; Phalangium L i n n . ; Platybunus triangularis, H b s t .
THROMBIDIIDAE :—Anystis baccarum, Linn. ; Achorolophus *globiger, Berl. ; Rhyncholophus phalangioides. DeG. T h e s e 75 species of Araneae (also cf. T r a n s , v, 31 and 155),of which 23 are new to the County, bring the Suffolk total Spiders to 240 out of the 560 in Britain. T h e Phalangids are raised to 15 ; the T h r o m p i d i i d Mites (cf. T r . v, 33 and vi, 165) to 18 ; and the Tetrapodili ( T r . v, 32 and 210-3) to 21.
I wish to record the following Chlonethida (cf. T r a n s , iv, 166), w h i c h I have collected in Suffolk during the last fifteen months. I t seems stränge that I have not come across any Neobisium, excepting Roncus, for I find N . muscorum, Lch., commonly round Manchester, where I have not hit u p o n any Chthonius although the habitats sampled about Bary St. E d m u n d s a n d here look similar. I hope these records are not too late for this year's Transactions of our Society.—30 Oktober. Chthonius Rayi, Koch.—In leaf-mould at H o r n n g e r Court with C. Panzeri, and in Ickworth Park with an at present u m d e n t i fied Chernes ; both genera have been f o u n d at all seasons. Roncus Hubricus, K o c h . — T h r e e speeimens only were found at Horningsheath in November 1948 among the needles at base of a large (PSequioa) Conifer. Chelifer LatreiUi, L c h . — A b u n d a n t on the sea-dunes at T h o r p e ness in September 1949. Several females, with eggs, were f o u n d earlv in the m o n t h . Apparently living u n d e r very dry conditions. Chernes* Panzeri, C. L . K o c h . — I n leaf-mould at H o r n n g e r C o u r t near Bury.