Plant Records

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AT present space does not permit the publication in Our Transactions of an up-to-date check list of the wild flowers of the county, nor of bringing together the many additions and corrections since the Rev. W. M. Hind published his " Flora of Suffolk " in 1889, or the list of Suffolk plants in the Victoria County History of 1911! In the past numbers of the Transactions, with the exception of somegroupsofFungilistedby Mr. ArthurMayfield, F.L.S., nothing much has been attempted to place the wild flower records in a very systematic sequence. Certain emphasis has been placed on claiming species new to the county. However, one has to be cautious, as several species thus claimed have, in fact, already been recorded, usually in a not very accessible publication. A number of new and interesting records have appeared from time to time in various Journals or Transactions of learned Societies but have not yet been extracted and noted in our own Transactions. In the light of recent research on the more critical groups, a tremendous amount of revision of the flora has become necessary and many of the old records are now almost obsolete. No flora, however good when first published, is complete or without errors.' In these days of frequent and often rapid land reclamation and building, many well-known habitats of interesting plants are being attacked and the flora of an area may thus be completely altered in a very brief period. It is surprising that some plants manage to cling for many years to an old site, even when conditions appear most unfavourable. Published records should therefore not only include new finds, but notes on plants which have disappeared or been exterminated in a locality. Some of the records published this year include several received late in 1951 which, therefore, could not appear in the last Transactions, and are added here with the date. It has not always been possible to check the accuracy of every Observation when no specimen has been available. An asterisk before the record signifies that the plant mentioned is considered a new County, and therefore new Vice-County record (East Suffolk, Vice-County 25 and West Suffolk Vice-County 26). However, I shall always be pleased to hear of any earlier published records so that mistakes can be rectified.



Papaver Argemone, L. " Long Prickly-headed Poppy." Not frequent, decreasing. Timworth, 1951 (A. L. Bull). Near the railway arch, Bottom's Farm, Rushmere St. Andrew, Ipswich (F. W. Simpson). '•*Raphanus sativus, L. Radish. On ballast, Felixstowe Docks (F.W.S.). Sisymbrium Orientale, L. " Eastern Rocket." Alien, S. and S.E. Europe, N. Africa, etc. Ingham, 1951 (A.L.B.). Felixstowe Docks (F.W.S.). *Brassica Juncea (L.), Czern. and Coss. A casual from Asia, where it is cultivated as Indian or Chinese Mustard for the oil extracted from its seeds. Felixstowe Docks. Identified at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (F.W.S.). .Silene conica, L. " Striated Catchfly." On dry sandy fields and coast, not common. Icklingham, increased from two plants in 1949 to a large colony some 20-30 sq. yards in 1951 : also one plant at West Stow (A.L.B.). Langer Common, Felixstowe (F.W.S.). Silene Otites (L.), Wibel. Spanish Catchfly. A Breckland plant, decreasing. Icklingham (H. E. Chipperfield). Tuddenham (A.L.B.). Lakenheath (F.W.S.). Melandrium noctiflorum (L.), Fr. (Silene noctiflora, L.). " Nightflowering Catchfly." This may be the species seen by Mr. Chipperfield near Icklingham, and described in letter. It is frequent in sandy fields of West Suffolk. At Bawdsey and Alderton (F.W.S.). •*Lychnis coronaria (L.), Desr. (Agrostemma coronaria, L.). " Rose Campion." This attractive plant, commonly seen in gardens, used to occur as an alien on ballast at Felixstowe Docks some fifteen years or so ago, but I have not observed it there recently, as the area of " hunting ground " has been much reduced lately by the erection of various buildings. One plant was found on sandy soil at Bawdsey in 1951, and had increased to a colony of more than a hundred this summer, many flowering (F.W.S.). Montia verna, Necker. (M. fontana L., p.p. ; M. minor C.C. Gmel.). Water Blinks. A smaller plant than M. fontana, L. This species favours dry sandy or gravelly pastures, tracks and lawns. At Chillesford and Chantry Park lawn (F.W.S.). The records In Hind's Flora given under M. fontana L. sub. species minor Gmel. probably refer to this plant. *Abutilon Theophrastii, Med. (A. Avicennae, Gaertn.)—Malvaceae. Alien. Native of S. Asia. Found near a pig sty at Rutter's Farm, Bramford, 1951. Identified by Dr. A. Melderis at sthe British Museum.



*Lupimis arboreus, Sims. Tree Lupin. Native of California. Naturalised in a number of places and spreading. Between Aldeburgh and Thorpeness, Sizewell, Bawdsey, Orford and Sudbourne. On the sites of former cottage gardens at Walberswick and Minsmere (F.W.S.). Genista anglica, L. Petty or Needle Whin. Newton Green. A new record for District 2 of Hind's Flora. Warren House Heath, Ipswich (F.W.S.). Redgrave (A.L.B.). Trigonella ornithopodioides (L.), DC. " Birdsfoot Fenugreek." Sea coast, rare. Bawdsey, Hollesley and Sudbourne (F.W.S.). *Medicago falcata, L. var. diffusa Schur. " Sickle Medick." Felixstowe Docks. Identified at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (F.W.S.). Melilotus alba, Lam. White Melilot. Introduced and increasing. Waste ground, Cox Lane, Ipswich, 1952 (F.W.S.). (Very frequent in Breckland ; it became abundant during and after the war, 1939-45. Ed.). Trifolium repens, L. Form with abnormal and partially proliferousflowersat Great Glemham (The Dowager Countess of Cranbrook). *Coronilla varia, L. Crown Vetch. Introduced. Native of C. and S. Europe. Felixstowe Docks. Verified at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (F.W.S.). Astragalus glycyphyllos, L. Milk-Vetch. Not very frequent. One large plant at Nacton (F.W.S.). Lathyrus sylvestris, L. " Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea." Santon Downham (A.L.B.). Vicia lutea, L. " Yellow Vetch." Mr. P. J. Burton sends a specimen from Shingle Street where it is well-known and spreading ; now at Alderton. Common on the shingle spit from Sudbourne Beach to Orford Häven, also at Boyton. Observed at Langer Common, Felixstowe before the Common was spoilt, and most of it enclosed (F.W.S.). Prunus avium, L. Wild Cherry or Gean. Very frequent in woods and hedges. A particularly fine specimen in a wood at Nayland with a girth of 9J, ft. at 4 feet—a grand clean bole. This specimen is likely the largest of the species in the county (F.W.S.). Prunus cerasus, L. Dwarf or Morello Cherry. Rare. Beyton, 1951 and 1952 (F.W.S.).

15 Prunus padus, L. Bird Cherry. Perhaps native in Suffolk. We have no records of the occurence or distribution of plants, trees, etc., when much of the county was covered with forest or scrub before the Roman Invasion. In Water Wood, Butley (F.W.S.). Crataegus monogyna, Jacq. An apetalous form of the Common Hawthorn at Polstead (F.W.S.). Saxifraga granulata, L. Meadow Saxifrage. Abundant on the railway bank between the Gippeswyk Park and the Hadleigh Road Bridge, Ipswich. Also on railway banks and verges between Sproughton and Needham Market: also at Stowmarket, Haughley, Elmswell and Thurston. Exterminated by ploughing up of an old pasture abutting the Causeway, Barking, spring, 1952. On Bury Golf Course (F.W.S.). Timworth (A.L.B.). A double-flowered form occurs at Tunstall (Hon. Mrs. A. Watson). Peplis portula, L. " Water Purslane." Uncommon. Blythburgh (F.W.S.). Oenothera erythrosepala, Borbas (O. lamarkiana, Ser.). Evening Primrose. This is the species which is now frequent all over the county : roadsides, waste places, railway banks, etc. It is naturalised in many places. O. biennis, L., used to be frequent but has now become uncommon. Both species are natives of N. America (F.W.S.). A species of Oenothera grows on the banks of the railway cutting at Broom Hill, Woodbridge. I have so far been unable to gather a specimen, but from what I have seen of the plant from the train when passing, I believe it to be O. stricta Ledeb. (O. odorata, Jacq.) (F.W.S.). *Heracleum mantegazzianum, Somm. and Lev. (H. giganteum, Host, non Fisch.). " Giant Cow Parsnip." Native of the Caucasus. Naturalised in a wood at Benhall (F.W.S.). *Heracleum persicum, Desf. Garden escape at Aldeburgh (F.W.S.). Adoxa moschatellina, L. Tuberous Moschatel. Town Hall Clock. Great quantities of Adoxa grow in a damp wood at Poplar Farm, Hollesley (Hon. Bernard Barrington). A troublesome weed in my garden, it was introduced accidentally with soil brought from the Alder Carr, Playford (F.W.S.). Dipsacus pilosus, L. " Small Teasel." This species favours damp woods of the Alder Carr type. Local. Great Finborough, Cosford, near Hadleigh, Loudham Decoy, near Campsey Ash, between Farnham and Great Glemham, Badley (F.W.S.). THE FLORA OF SUFFOLK



*Helianthus petiolaris, Nutt. Casual alien. An uncommon annual Sunflower, native of Arkansas. On bailast, Felixstowe Docks. First found 1939, still there July, 1952 (F.W.S.). Identified at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. *Hemizomia kelloggii, Greene. Uncommon alien. Annual, native of N. America. On ballast, Felixstowe Docks. Identified at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (F.W.S.). *Tagetes minuta, L. North American alien, related to the African and French Marigolds. Came up in a garden at Sproughton, near Ipswich, with Datura stramonium, L.—Thornapple, and identified at the British Museum. Seed probably introduced with poultry food (F.W.S.). Galinsoga parviflora, Cav. Gallant Soldier. Introduced. Now a weed in some parts of S. England. Native in S. America. One plant came up (1951) and flowered in a plant pot (Miss Lorna Long, White House, Somerleyton). Miss Long's specimen was very small and dwarfed and was not easy to identify. (This Galinsoga is an alien on bombed sites at Gt. Yarmouth and may also occur at Lowestoft. . Ed.). Miss Long now adds " it has spread to our garden, Sept., 1952. * Ambrosia Artemidifolia, L. Ragweed. A casual. Native in N. America. Found near a pig sty at Rutters Farm, Bramford, 1951. Identified by Dr. A. Melderis, British Museum. Doronicum plantagineum, L. Leopard's-bane. In a plantation at Great Glemham (Lord Cranbrook). (It was recorded for this parish by the Rev. E. N. Bloomfield, a former well-known Suffolk botanist and Rector of Great Glemham. Ed.). Doronicum pardalianches, L. Great Leopard's-bane. Plantations and hedges, formerly cultivated for its medicinal properties. At Battisford and Lawshall (F.W.S.). Hitcham (A.L.B.). (This species has been observed at Hitcham for a number of years. Ed.). Inula conyza, DC. Ploughman's Spikenard. Railway banks at Needham, Haughley, Elmswell and Bury. Raydon cutting. Also at Stowmarket, Little Blakenham and Melford (F.W.S.). Santon Downham (A.L.B.). Solidago virgaurea, L. Golden Rod. Not very frequent. On the railway bank at Stoke, Ipswich, just beyond the tunnel, with Hieracium umbellatum, L. At Wherstead in some quantity. Edge of Rushmere Common, near Ipswich. Blythburgh and Southwold. A few plants at Redgrave. I have only observed this plant growing on strong gravelly soils (F.W.S.).



Anthemis arvensis, L. Com Chamomile. Decidedly scarce and decreasing. Felixstowe Docks (F.W.S.). Silybum marianum (L.), Gaertn. (Carduus Marianus, L.). Milk-Thistle. North Cove (A.L.B.). Plentiful on roadside banks at Holton, near Haiesworth. Bawdsey Cliff, Stutton Ness and Brantham (F.W.S.). Hypochaeris glabra, L. Smooth Cat's Ear. Dry sandy heaths, local. Lackford (A.L.B.). Blythburgh (F.W.S.). Sonchus palustris, L. Marsh Sowthistle. A few plants on the north bank of the River Aide, near Langham Bridge, Farnham (Lord Cranbrook, Sept., 1952.). On both the Norfolk and Suffolk sides of the River Waveney at St. Olaves and the south end of Fritton Decoy (F.W.S.). *Lysimachia punctata, L. Yellow Loosestrife. This species introduced from Europe is naturalised at Thorpeness (F.W.S.). Anagallis arvensis, ssp. foemina (Mill.) Schinz and ThelL (A. coerulea, Schreb.). Blue Pimpernel. Waldringfield, 1951 (Mrs. Trevor Waller). Timworth (A.L.B.). " Blue Pimpernel has come up and flowered in my garden at Newton Green. T h e flowers are a bright Gentian blue " (Brian Warner). *Phytolacca decandra. Virginian Poke, or Pocan. Native of N. America. In a garden, Constitution Hill, Ipswich, 1951-52. T h e plant bears a most attractive spike of glossy black berries. I believe birds are fond of them and thus assist in spreading this alien. This year it has appeared and flowered in a garden at Cotswold Avenue, Ipswich (not very far as a bird flies from Constitution Hill). T h e late Mr. S. J. Batchelder records Phytolacca acinosa in Ipswich gardens at Vol. V, page 154 and Vol. VII, page 9. Some doubt is is expressed respecting the identification of Mr. Batchelder's specimens. One authority did, however, refer his specimens to P. decandra, and it may well be that only one species of Phytolacca has occurred in Ipswich gardens. Mr. F. H. A. Engleheart found this species growing in a Clearing in the Foret de Fountainbleau, France. This was verified by Dr. G. Taylor at the British Museum. This species is naturalised in some parts of Europe (F.W.S.).



*Buddleia Davidii, Franch. Shrub, native of China, commonly grown in gardens where the lilac panicles attract various butterflies. DĂźring the war it spread to bombed sites and waste ground. It is interesting to note that this is the only garden plant recorded from bombed sites in London. Nacton Road Schools, Rope Walk, St. Augustines Gardens, Warren House Heath, Upper Brook Street behind St. Stephen's Church, site of former County Club, Ipswich (F.W.S.). Amsinchia lycopsoides, Lehm. Alien, native of S. America. Naturalised at Waldringfield (Mrs. Trevor Waller, 1951). At. Felixstowe Docks before the war (F.W.S.). A species of Amsinchia occurs at Scots Hall, Dunwich (Jack Ellis). * Verbascum thapsiforme, Schrad. Native of Europe, N. Morocc Introduced. Six plants of this species were found in a disused sand pit, Mildenhall Road, Bury St. Edmunds (H. J. Boreham). Verbascum virgatum, Stokes. Twiggy Mullein. Not a native of Suffolk. West Stow, 1951 (A.L.B.). Verbascum pulverulentum, Vill. Hoary Mullein. Brantham (Miss B. Schafer, B. Plastics). Railway cutting near Higham, West Suffolk and St. Olaves (F.W.S.). Verbascum pulverulentum x Thapsus. Hybrid. Brantham B. Schafer). Verbascum blattaria, L. Moth Mullein. Not very frequent, and probably always a garden escape in Suffolk. Gathered on a bank near Beccles by a school child (N. Kerr, 1951). Specimen brought to me for identification, collected near Bredfield, 1951 (F.W.S.). Scrophularia Vernaiis, L. Yellow Figwort. Two plants, Fornham St. Genevieve, 1951 (A.L.B.). (First recorded for this parish in 1774 and has been noted there several times since. Ed.). *Parentucella viscosa (L.), Cruel. (Bartsia viscosa, L.). Yellow Bartsia. Small colony, near Bury, growing on sandy soll of acid type, rather damp. First found July, 1951 B. David Jones. (An interesting addition to our Flora. I have verified a specimen and the habitat is correct. It has recently been found in Norfolk and may therefore be spreading. Previously known to me only in Devon, Cornwall, the Channel Islands and Ireland. F.W.S.). Orobanche Picridis, F. W. Schultz. Picris Broom-rape. Parasitical on Picris hieracioides. Uncommon. One plant at Sicklesmere (B. D. Jones).



Scutellaria galericulata, L. Common Skullcap. Appeared in my little front garden at Blythburgh during the last few years. I have not found it in the district (Miss M. M. Whiting). (The Common Skullcap is fairly frequent in Suffolk although not usually found in any quantity in one spot. Scutellaria minor, L., is rare and has not been observed recently. Ed.). *Ajuga chamaepitys (L.), Schreb. Ground Pine. Rare annual. Edge of afield,West Stow (A. L. Bull). (I have not observed this uncommon plant in Suffolk previously. The habitat is well-known but must remain unpublished to protect the plant from vandals and collectors. Ed.). *Amaranthus albus, L. Casual. Native of N. America. In the garden of Westwood, Constitution Hill, Ipswich (Mrs. Russell Paul). Specimen identified by Dr. A. Melderis, British Museum. Atriplex sabulosa, Rouy (A. laciniata, L.). Frosted Orache. Local. Nacton Shore, River Orwell ; Bawdsey and Minsmere (F.W.S.). Euphorbia platyphyllos, L. Broad-leaved Spurge. One plant on a bank at Bury Sugar Beet Factory, 1951 (A.L.B.). *Euphorbia virgata, Waldst and Kit. Large colony of plants, Barrow (B.D.J.). (Introduced and naturalised in a number of places. Native of E. Europe. Ed.). *Populus x canadensis, Mรถnch, var. Serotina (Hartig), Rehde P. deltoides, Marsh, x nigra, L.). Black Italian Poplar. Introduced c. 1750. Native of eastern N. America. A veryfinespecimen near Poplar Farm, Hollesley. Girth of more than 17 feet at approximately 4 feet. About 40 feet to the first branch. Height (estimated) 150 feet. Noted during excursion, 16th August, 1952. *Populus gileadensis, Rouleau. Balm of Gilead. Introduced. Origin unknown, possibly a hybrid. Very fragrant foliage. At Polstead, introduced and spreading (F.W.S.). *Ulmus carpinifolia, Gleditsch. (U. nitens, Moenvh.). Smooth Elm. Timworth, 1951 (A.L.B.). Coeloglossum viride (L.), Hartm. Frog Orchid. Hitcham, 1951 (A.L.B.). I have not observed a single specimen in the county for twelve years. All its former habitats have been ploughed up (F.W.S.). Epipactis vectensis, Agg. A form of this Helleborine was found in a plantation in the grounds of Melton Hall, Suffolk (Dr. D. J. Young, Croydon Natural History Society). (I have



not yet seen a specimen to compare with other doubtful Suffolk Helleborines. Dr. Young considers it Epipactis vectensis (T. and T. A. Steph.) Brooke and Rose. Ed.). *Allium paradoxum (M. Gieb.) G. Don. Native of the Caucasus and N. Persia. Naturalised in the Abbey Gardens, Bury. I have introduced it into my garden where it has taken and is spreading a little too rapidly (F.W.S.). Gagea lutea (L.), Ker-Gawl. Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem. In a grove at Great Glemham (Lord Cranbrook). Recorded there by the Rev. E. N. Bloomfield in Hind's Flora. Visited the grove on 6th April and delighted to see so many flowers of this charming bulbous plant. Also at Playford where the leaves come up every year though it rarely flowers, the last occasion was April, 1937. Formerly at Waller's Grove, near Gippeswyk Park, Ipswich, but this habitat is now spoilt and included in the new Chantry Housing Estate. The former habitat, Sproughton Wood, is the site of the Ipswich Sugar Beet Factory. (F.W.S.). Ornithogalum nutans, L. Nodding Star-of-Bethlehem. Small colony naturalised at Barrow (B.D.J.). This attractive bulbous plant occurs in a few places in Suffolk, frequently on the sites of former gardens and orchards, also hedgebanks and pastures. Bank between Tunstall and Blaxhall. Formerly in a pasture between Woodbridge and Melton, but I have not observed it there lately. Plentiful in the orchard of the old Rectory at Whatfield where Mr. R. Burn showed me many flowering spikes (F.W.S.). Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Common Star-of-Bethlehem. Occurs in similar habitats to the last species, but is more frequent. It is said to be a native of Breckland. The bulbs are often thrown out of gardens where it sometimes becomes a nuisance, and the plant thus establishes colomes in hedges, old pits and wayside ditches. In a pasture at Edwardstone, on the site of an old cottage garden. Pasture at Barking but this habitat has now been ploughed up. Waysides and copses at Playford, East Bergholt and elsewhere. It is a " pest " in my garden but the flowers are showy so I do not like to destroy the bulbs (F.W.S.). Miss J C. N. Willis also notes that it is a little too common in her garden at Holly Road, Ipswich, but the foliage soon dies away in the heat of the summer, allowing other plants to grow. Sparganium simplex, Huds. Unbranched Bur-reed. quent. In a ditch at Westleton (F.W.S.).

Not fre-



Potamogeton pusillus, L. Small Pondweed. Not very common Ditch at Westleton. Specimens verified by Dr. G. Taylor, British Museum (F.W.S.). Isolepis setacea (L.), R. Br. (Scirpus setaceus, L.). Bristie Clubrush. Rare. Blythburgh (F.W.S.). *Carex pairaei, F. Schultz. (C. muricata auct. angi., pp.). Prickly Sedge. Westleton (F.W.S.). (Some of the localities in Hind's Flora for C. muricata, L., probably refer to this species, or perhaps Carex contigua, Hoppe. Ed.). *Carex otrubae, Podp. (C. vulpina auct. occid. non L.). False Fox-sedge. This sedge is frequent in Suffolk, especialy on damp soils, besides ponds streams and woodland glades, also in salt marshes. True Carex vulpina is not known to occur in Suffolk and the localities given in Hind's Flora for this species, in error, may all refer to C. otrubae. Setaria Viridis (L.), Beauv. Green Bristle-grass. Uncommon. Nelson Road, Ipswich (F.W.S.). Apera spica-venti (L.), Beauv. Silky Apera. Experimental Farm, Tunstall (N. Kerr). Tuddenham, W. Suffolk (A.L.B.) Covehithe and Benacre (F.W.S.). Sieglingia decumbens (L.), Bernh. (Triodia decumbens (L.) Beauv.). Heath Grass. Not very frequent. Westleton (F.W.S.). Festuca arundinacea, Schreb. Tall Fescue. Bawdsey, Dunwich Westleton and Grundisburgh (F.W.S.). Bromus gussonii (Pari.), Nevski. Great Brome. Felixstowe Docks, July, 1952. Established in this habitat for several years (F.W.S.). Poa nemoralis, L. Wood Poa. Shady woods and banks. Aldeburgh, Bentley, Capel St. Mary, Freston, between Martlesham and Little Bealings, bank near Stoke Priory, also at Polstead (F.W.S.). Aspleniutn adiantum, L. Black Spleenwort. Old walls at West Stow (A.L.B, and F.W.S.). Icklingham and Boyton, on old walls. On sandy banks at Newton and Polstead (F.W.S.). Aspleniutn trichomanes, L. Maidenhair Spleenwort. Tuddenham, W. Suffolk, 1951 (A.L.B.). Elveden, Framlingham Castle and Lawshall (F.W.S.). Thelypteris palustris, Schott. (Dryopteris Thelypteris (L.), A. Gray). Marsh Fern. Very local. Cavenham Heath, first found 1932 and still there (F.W.S.).



Lycoperdon giganteum (Batsch.), Pers. (L. Bovista, L.). Giant Puff-ball. A very large example was found in a pasture at Wingfield by Mr. Humphrey Stevens and exhibited at the Excursion (Hollesley) 16th Aug., 1952. It measured 15 ins. across, thus having a circumference of nearly 4 feet; weight was 7 lbs. A large bed of this puff-ball, some 70-80 ft. long, was found on spoil heaps dredged from the River Aide about | mile above Blaxhall Bridge (F. W. Catchpole of Playford Road, Rushmere). (It has been observed at Blaxhall for many years. Ed.). " In our garden at Wenhaston" (Miss Heather Ellis). Geaster bryantii, Berk. In a hedge of hawthorns and eiders at Higham, East Suffolk. Specimens per Mr. Reynolds, Art School, Ipswich. Geaster fornicatus (Huds.), Fr. above species.

Same habitat and details as


Helvellaceae. Mitrophora hybrida (Sow.), Boud. (Morchella semilibera, DC.). Bures and Bradfield St. George, 1951-52 (F.W.S.). Verpa digitaliformis, Pers. ex Fr. This uncommon fungus came up in an old pasture at Wetheringsett, spring, 1952 (F.W.S.). UREDINALES.

Puccinia bupleuri, Rud. Abundant on Bupleurum tenuissimum at Hollesley and Alderton, July - August, 1952. Found at Little Oakley, Essex, in 1935 ; unrecorded in Britam since 1887, at Walton, Essex (F.W.S.). *USTILAGINALES.

Schroeteria delastrina (Tul.), Wint. This rare species found parasitising Veronica arvensis on Beiton Common, E. Suffolk, 8th June 1952. Known British distribution to date: Norfolk (E. and W.), Oxford, Suffolk (E.) (E. A. Ellis). Space has necessitated the omission of many records : these have been filed and will be published later with observations on the twenty plants listed on the 1952 Botanical Circular.

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