grown larva. In the course of a day or two, however, the pupa becomes almost black with two large white patches, and the resemblance to a bird's dropping on a leaf is remarkable. From this pupa a female butterfly emerged on 14th June. T h e Black Hairstreak is probably this country's rarest indigenous butterfly— it is not found in Suffolk. MOTHS. SCARLET T I G E R , Callimorpha dominula, L . A number of these moths were successfully reared from ova laid by a female found at Brixham, Devon, in August, 1951. The winter was spent as half-grown larvae. This species is not found in Suffolk. S.
Sept., 1952.
AUTUMN NOTES, 1952. ordinary species, such as Ennomos quercinaria, Huf., E. alniaria, Schiff., Orthosia gilvago, Schiff., O. flavago, Fab., Graphiphora glareosa, Esp., Ochria ochracea, Hueb., etc., have come to light, also a second brood of Phlyctaenia ferrugalis, Hueb., but perhaps the best insect for Suffolk is Aporophyla lutulenta, Schiff., of which my grandson has brought me four specimens, three males and one female. This, I believe, was first taken in Suffolk by the late Colonel Hawley at Butley in 1932 and recorded in 1946 from Aldebrugh and Playford—there may have been other records ; if not, it seems so far to be confined to East Suffolk. VARIOUS
Mr. Pease who lives here, a member of the S.N.S., has kept a careful list. He has a few additions, e.g., Hadena ochroleuca, Schiff., H. dissimilis, Knoch., H. leucostigma, Hueb. He also noted Aletia albipuncta, Schiff., odd specimens of which came to light through most of September in our trap. Polygonia c-album, Linn, and Vanessa atalanta, Linn, have been plentiful in my garden, sitting on the rotten fruit, the former, perhaps the more numerous. Mr. Pease has also noted its abundance. A. P.
13th Oct., 1952.