1953, T O
A P R I L , 1953.—Here the rainfall was concentratedintotheperiods Ist to 6th, 12th to 16th, 26th to 30th, the heaviest being 0.61 ins. on the last day. T h e total fall of 1.8 ins. is near the average of 1902-41, as also was the sunshine total of 160 hours. T h e mean temperature of 41.1° is also normal. There had been a tendency in the past decade for Aprils to be warmer, this year, 1953, it was arrested. Ground frosts were recorded on 17 nights.
MAY.—Apart from some rain on the first day, the month was dry with anticyclonic west winds from some northerly point until the 12th. A disturbed spell, though with no great falls of rain, then lasted until the 18th. Rather more settled and warm weather occurred until the 27th when a very heavy thunderstorm with hail produced the month's main rainfall of 1 in. on that day. T h e total fall for the month was 1.93 ins. Sunshine was generally very good with a total of 238 hours (above the average). Mean temperature was slightly high, the maximum air temperature was 77° on the 25th. JUNE.—A cold north westerly air stream with heavy showers of rain and hail accompanied by thunder ushered in the month and made up the weather of the first three days including Coronation Day. Until the 8th it was dry but cold, with day temperatures below 60°. T h e remainder of the month was very unsettled with some large falls of rain and low sunshine records, the total being the lowest since 1909 and some 75 hours below the average of 1903-41. Mean temperature was slightly low, the maximum being 79° on the 25th. JULY.—Unsettled wet weather lasted from the 6th until the end of the month apart from an odd day or so which was rainless and two hot days on 24th and 25th with temperatures reaching 80° on the 25th, as also it did on the 5th. In spite of these conditions totals and means were no great departure from the normal though slightly low in sunshine. AUGUST.—Here occurred some of the better summer days of 1953, anyhow until the 15th. T h e n came 10 days of weather producing the main rain of the month, though not without some sunshine. T h e 29th was a wet day with no sunshine. T h e total rainfall was nearly 1 in. below the average and the sun total was nearly 30 hours high. T h e mean temperature was 62.2°, the highest day temperature being 84° on the 12th.
SEPTEMBER.—From the 19th to 24th was the only really wet spell. Rainfall total was 1.56 in. (below the average). Sunshine was 20 hours above and the mean temperature was slightly high. In short, a fairly amenable month with the highest temperature of 78° on the first day. OCTOBER.—A dull month, dry for the first eleven days, four wet days in the next ten, thereafter wet. Rainfall 2.04 ins., (average 2.47). Sunshine 77 hours (average 109 hours). Mean temperature 1° or so above the average.
NOVEMBER.—A very mild dry month after the first few days, with sunshine rather below the average. An air frost occurred on only one day. Grass frosts on six nights. Some typically autumn weather. Rainfall 1.29 in. (average 2.49). Sunshine 55 hours (average 64). DECEMBER.—A remarkable month—very mild indeed, very dry and largely dull. Anticyclonic weather practically throughout. Rainfall only 0.68 ins. Mean temperature 44.7° (average 39.4°), the mildest since 1934 (though this was very wet). Sunshine 33 hours (average 45.8 hours). An air frost on only one night; grass frosts (30° or below) on 7 nights. JANUARY, 1954.—Rather cold for the first ten days with wintry showers. Thereafter milder and disturbed until the 20th. Thenceforward becoming progressively colder and very cold and severe from the 23rd to the end with daytime maxima of 29° and 27° on the 27th and 28th, with biting east winds very strong at times—a real " black north-easter." Some slight falls of snow in shower form on the last four days. Rainfall 1.33 ins. (average 2.12). Sun total 60.0 hours (average 57 hours).
FEBRUARY.—Very cold and severe for the first nine days with day temperatures below freezing on some days and never above 36°. Some considerable snow during the transition to milder conditions round the 8th and 9th. Afterwards unsettled and wet and very unpleasant in the main. Very dull. Becoming colder again in the last few days. Sun total 48 hours (average 73). Rain 2.14 ins. Mean temperature 35.8 (average 1902-41 39.3°). MARCH.—Cold weather for the first week with some snow and frost and heavy rain ; drier until the 19th, thereafter unsettled and wet. Rainfall 2.46 ins. (average 1.69). Sunshine 92.7 hours (average 121.4). Mean temperature close to average, maximum 59°, minimum 20°.
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APRIL.—Dry and cold with frequent night frosts (20 nights) and an average quota of sunshine—" a bad growing month." Total rain 3.2 ins. Mean temperature 44.8° (average 46.2°). Northerly winds predominant after the 15th. An unusually high mean pressure at the observing hour. MAY.—A changeable month—cold and unsettled tili the 7th and then becoming very warm from the lOth to 13th with temperature over 75°. A cold northerly type of weather became established from the 15th to 22nd which then broke down with another change to a warm though rather stagnant thundery type which culminated in a hot day, maximum 78°, on the 28th and a thunderstorm which gave the main rainfall of the month. Cold northerlies were then re-established for the remainder of the month. Examination of the totals and means shows that the deficit of sunshine is the most apparent, some 57 hours below the average. The mean temperature was close to normal, due to large fluctuations. Rainfall was rather low. The month was a bad successor to April from the point of view of " growing weather," mainly owing to dry conditions coupled with violent temperature changes in the first two weeks. JUNE.—Practically all the rainfall here was concentrated in the period 5th to 13th, with some unusually heavy rain on the 12th and 13th, the total of the two days being 1.54 ins. The month's total was 2.70 which is nearly an inch higher than the average. Sunshine was very low, fairer conditions did not produce very sunny days. T h e month was generally rather cold, the highest temperature being 74° on the 24th. T h e night of 29th - 30th is worthy of mention as quite a sharp frost occurred, doing damage in some localities. R.