A NOTE ON THE BREEDING OF THE WHITE-BANDED CARPET (Euphyia luctuata Schiff.) In mid-June, 1955, I was sent a number of ova of the Whitebanded Carpet with instructions to feed the larvae when hatched on Rcsebay Willow-herb. There were a few withered leaves of this plant with the ova, but when the larvae eventually hatched they refused to leave these leaves for fresh ones of the Great Hairy Willow Herb or of the Small-flowered Willow Herb. I then supplied them with leaves of the Rosebay Willow-herb and they at once began to feed on it. A dull green colour at first, the young larvae became bright green and when three-quarters grown some remained green and others became chestnut brown with darker diamond marks on the back. They grew rapidly and were full-fed in about a fortnight. The moths began emerging on July 20th, and 1 managed to get a pairing. Four of the pupae did not produce moths, but are still apparently alive and healthy. Ova from the resuiting pairing duly hatched and the larvae again fed up rapidly and pupated. I was expecting these pupae to lay over the winter, but two moths emerged on September 7th and five each on the 8th and 9th. About a dozen pupae are apparently lying over until next year, but I obtained some more ova which I am waiting to hatch. I do not know how many broods of this species occur annually, but it appears to keep on breeding given favourable conditions. In my case no forcing was resorted to. It is to be hoped that this attractive little moth will some day extend its ränge into our Suffolk woods. H. E . CHIPPERFIELD, Stowmarket.
NOTES ON A COLLECTING TRIP IN THE EASTERN COUNTIES DĂœRING JULY AND AUGUST, 1955 I have thought it of interest to give some account of a very interesting and profitable collecting holiday which Commander G. Harper undertook this summer and which had its culmination in the Eastern Counties. He has kindly supplied me with the following details. Setting out from his home at Newtonmore in Inverness-shire on July 18th, he spent a day or two in the West
Country eventually reaching Cambridgeshire on July 23rd. The Rev. Guy Ford joined him that night in a marsh not far from the University City. It turned out a grand night and they were lucky enough to find the Mere Wainscot (Arenostala hellmanni Ev.) in numbers among its foodplant Calamagrostis epigeios. Other species of interest observed on this occasion included the Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata Clerck), the Brown Scallop (Philereme vetulata Schiff.), the Royal Mantle (Euphyia cuculata Hufn.), the V-pug (Chloroclystis coronata Hübn.) and the White Satin (Leucoma salicis Linn.). The next day he went on to Suffolk. Near Bury St. Edmunds he had the good fortune to beat a larva of the Barberry Carpet (Entephria berberata Schiff.), which produced an imago on August 15th. He then travelled to Southwold which was to be his headquarters for the next three days. On the sandhills just south of the town he found the marram heads well patronised by many species which he was glad to get. The Lyme Grass Wainscot (Arenostola elymi Treits.) was especially common, though past its best. He also took one each of the Sand Dart (Agrotis ripae Hübn.) and of the Coast Dart (Euxoa cursoria Hufn.) and two specimens of the Crescent-striped (Apamea oblonga Haw.). On July 25th, he was joined by Mr. E. J. Hare and myself. That night we made a combined visit to the marshes in the Walberswick area. We started the evening by parading up and down a dyke füll of reeds. Just after dusk Commander Harper took his first Sussex Wainscot (Nonagria neurica Hübn.) and just over an hour later netted another in a reedy area near where his m /v lamp was situated. We were working two m / v lights on the edge of the marsh. These attracted a fine lot of the Fen Wainscot (Arenostola phragmitidis Hübn.) and several of the Southern Wainscot (Leucania straminea Treits.) of which we also took a good many at rest on the reed stems. He took one Starwort Shark (Cucullia asteris Schiff.), while many of the Dog's Tooth (Hadena suasa Schiff.) also came to the lights. The next evening he tried another marsh in the district, but he only caught one more N. neurica Hübn. However, he also took a single specimen of Fenn's Wainscot (Arenostola brevilinea Fenn), while the Crescent (Celaena leucostigma Hübn.) was everywhere in great plenty. In one spot several males were assembling to a virgin female. On July 27th Commander Harper stayed near Barton Broad mainly working the marshlands round Hickling and Sutton until August 8th. In spite of remarkably warm and fine weather by day such as we experienced in Suffolk, the nights were cool and not always productive. Düring this period together with his son he obtained a good number of the Dotted Footman (Pelosia muscerda Hufn.) which was widely distributed in the area. Fenn's Wainscot (Nonagria brevilinea Fenn) was rather scarce. The Rufous Wainscot (Coenobia rufa Haw.) was fairly numerous.
Full-fed larvae of the Swallow-tail (Papilio machaon Linn.) were in most places where its foodplant was flourishing, but other larvae were scarce. On the sandhills near Waxham they saw only two of the Pigmy Footman (Eilema pygmaeola Haw.) and were surprised to take there a fresh Maple Prominent (Lothopteryx cucullina Schiff.). The Rosy Manor (Procus literosa Haw.) was fairly numerous there. Among the butterflies which were seen in some numbers were the Small Copper (Heodes phloeas Linn.), the Gatekeeper (Maniola tithonus Linn.), the Grayling (Eumenis semele Linn.), the Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperanthus Linn.) and the Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris Pod.). C. G . M . DE WORMS, Woking.
A FEW DAYS IN SUFFOLK, JULY 1955 July of this year was one of the most remarkable of recent times with almost uninterrupted sunshine and it was these glorious conditions which greeted me when I reached Ipswich on the evening of July 22nd to stay with Mr. S. Beaufoy. The following morning was just like its many predecessors with clear skies and a blazing sun. We set off at a fairly early hour for one of the woods in the district. Nearly all the butterflies of high summer were well on the move and mostly in good condition owing to the lateness of the season. We were very pleased to see the White Admiral (Limenitis Camilla Linn.) in fair numbers accompanied by even more Silver-washed Fritillaries (Argynnis paphia Linn.). The Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperanthus Linn.) and the Gatekeeper (Maniola tithonus Linn.) were in abundance and just as we were about to leave at midday we had the welcome sight of a Purple Emperor (Apatura iris Linn.) come sailing across one of the rides. We braved the heat of the afternoon to visit another wood in the neighbourhood. Here we saw more of the species of butterflies already mentioned and in addition many High Brown Fritillaries (Argynnis cydippe Linn.). The Skippers were especially common on rush and grass heads with almost equal numbers of the Small Skipper (Thymelicus silvestris Pod.) and of the Essex Skipper (T. lineola Ochs.). At one spot we came across a damp patch patronised by dozens of Green-veined Whites (Pieris napi Linn.). Larvae of the Poplar Lutestring (Tethea or Fab.) were plentiful between leaves of aspen.