Butterflies Observed in Suffolk in 1955

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THE WALL (Pararge megaera Linn.). First brood from May 26 to June 23. No females noted until June 5. Second brood August 7 tili 30, first female seen on the 1 Ith. THE GATEKEEPER (Maniola tithonus Linn.). July 19 tili August 24. Males observed one or two days before the females. THE GRAYLING (Eumenis semele Linn.). Abundant from July 28 onwards. Females appeared about July 31. THE MEADOW BROWN (Maniola jurtina Linn.). Males on July 10 and both sexes on the wing tili August 24. THE SMALL HEATH (Coenonympha pamphilus Linn.). Present in varying abundance from May 29 to September 6. THE RINGLET (Aphantopus hyperanthus Linn.). On the wing from July 10 to August 11. THE HIGH-BROWN *Fvn:iiJLPtfCi(Argynnisadippe~L,inn.). Continue to be found at Blythburgh, seen on July 28 and 31 with both sexes present. THE SILVER-WASHED FRITILLARY (Argynnis paphia Linn.). It does not seem to occur on light soils near the coast, but it appears to be commoner than the High-brown at Stowmarket and Framlingham, probably due to the clay soil. THE RED ADMIRAL (Vanessa atalanta Linn.). One at Aldeburgh on June 15. Common on August 17 and onwards into the autumn. THE PAINTED LADY (Pyrameis cardui Linn.). Observed twice at Haiesworth, one on August 12 and another on the 22nd. THE LARGE TORTOISESHELL (Nymphalis polychloros Linn.). I have not seen it since 1949. THE PEACOCK (Nymphalis io Linn.). From May 8 tili June 3 and freshly emerged on July 31 onwards tili October 1. THE SMALL TORTOISESHELL (Aglais urticae Linn.). April 30 to June 2 and from July 7 tili October 2, the two broods overlapping. THE COMMA (Polygonia c-album Linn.). One var. hutchinsoni on July 28 was the only specimen seen. THE WHITE ADMIRAL (Limenitis Camilla Linn.). A few present at Blythburgh on July 28 and 31. THE SILVER-STUDDED BLUE (Plebeius argus Linn.). The Wenhaston (Mill Heath) colony continues to thrive, but is a very restricted area. Abundant July 21 to 31.



(Aricia agestis Schiff.). First brood from Second brood from August 21 to 25.


June 5.

T H E COMMON BLUE (Polyommatus icarus Rott.). Common from June 4 to 26 and one male in good condition on July 19. Second brood common from August 4 to 25. THE



(Celastrina argiolus Linn.).

Not observed

since 1952. T H E SMALL COPPER (Heod.es phloeas Linn.). First brood from May 8 to June 5 ; second brood seen from July 21 tili August 10 ; third brood from September 27 tili October 3 ; generally abundant.



were observed during


(Pieris brassicae Linn.). Common from May 8 tili June 16 and again extremely abundant from July 28 tili August 20 ; remaining present until September 6. It was seen Aying in from the sea at Thorpeness during August in small numbers. T H E LARGE W H I T E

T H E SMALL W H I T E (Pieris rapae Linn.). T h e observations on the Large White apply similarly to this species, especially as regards immigration. T H E GREEN-VEINED W H I T E (Pieris napi Linn.). First brood from May 8 to 23 and second brood from July 15 tili August 24. T H E ORANGE T I P (Anthocharis cardamines Linn.). One seen on May 12, then common from May 30 tili June 16. This butterfly had a late emergence. T H E CLOUDED YELLOW (Colias croceus Fourc.). Three examples were taken by Mr. J. Westrop on the cliffs at Thorpeness on August 19, a somewhat disappointing record for the season. T H E D I N G Y SKIPPER

(Erynnis tages Linn.).

One seen on May


(Thymelicus sylvestris Pod.) .

Seen from

July 16 tili August 14. THE



(Ochlodes sylvanus


Seen from

July 17 to 31. In general all species appeared at the normal date, except the Orange-tip which was rather late. With regard to migrants the Painted Lady and the Clouded Yellow were not common. However conditions seemed favourable for the immigrations of both the Large and Small Whites, the greatest seen for many years. WILFRID S .


Linden Road, Aldeburgh.

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