Tellina (Angulus) praetenuis Woodward. Scaldisien, Red Crag, Icenian. Wood, Crag Mollusca, PI. 21, Fig. 5a - c. Common everywhere in the Red Crag. Arcopagia crassa (Penn). Scaldisien to Recent. Wood, Crag Mollusca, PL 21, Fig. la - d. Fairly common in the Red Crag and has been recorded from the Coralline Crag. Sometimes thickened and distorted examples occur in the Crag. Arcopagia balaustina (L.). Coralline Crag to Recent. Wood, Crag Mollusca, PI. 21, Fig. 4. Coralline Crag of Sutton, not common. The bed where Wood and R. Bell collected their specimens doe's not appear to be exposed at present and I have not found this species there. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wood, Searles V.
Forbes & Hanley
Jeffreys, J. G . Winckworth, R. " Basteria "
1863-1869 1932-1934 1938-1956
Glibert, M .
Heering J.
Heering, J.
Monograph of the Crag Mollusca. M o n . Pal. Soc. L o n d o n . A History of British Mollusca, London. British Conchology, 5 Vols. Articles in the Journal of Conchology. Various articles, many in D u t c h , by C. Brakman, v. d. Meulen, etc., Rotterdam. Faune Malacologique de Miocene de la Belgique. I - Pelecypodes Bruxelles. (In French). Miocene Pelecypoda of the N e t h e r lands. Maastricht. ( I n English). Pelecypoda (and Scaphopoda) of the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Netherlands. Maastricht. (In English).
BOTANICAL SECTION At a meeting of the Botanical Section in December, 1955, a new Committee was formed. Its primary purpose is the Organisation and compilation of a new Suffolk Flora to bring the work of Hind up to date. T h e Botanical Society of the British Isles is also engaged on a flora distribution survey of the British Isles, known as the Distribution Maps Scheme and areas are being recorded in 10 Kilometre squares. For this purpose, the D.M. Scheme has issued small printed field cards with a comprehensive list of flora.
T h e Suffolk Naturalists' Society has promised to help this Scheme and at the same time, has adopted the use of the same record cards, of which there are three types. One with Clapham, T u t i n and Warburg nomenclature, another with Bentham and Hooker, and a shorter list comprising both scientific and common names of plants. Recording consists simply in crossing through on the card the name of each species found in a parish or area. Garden escapes and casuals not listed should be entered in the space at the end of the list. Blank cards are available for people who travel about the county and see things of special interest in any locality. If there is doubt about a species, a specimen should be sent to the referee, Mr. F. J. Bingley, at Fiatford Mill Field Centre, who may, if he considers it a critical variety send it to Cambridge for determination. In case of a rare plant or one uncommon in a particular locality only a small specimen sufficient for identification should be taken so as not to spoil the plant's ability to reproduce. Members of the Society who can help, even in the smallest way are asked to get in touch with Miss Willis, the Hon. See. of this Committee, and indicate the work they can undertake Recording is being done by parishes and where more than one recorder is available for one parish, we can inform you of your partner, so that local arrangements can be made for a division of the area to be recorded or a division by ecological status. Most botanists have their own particular studies and if you feel you can help in your field, in spite of the fact that it may only make a partial contribution to the cover of a parish, we shall value the assistance. Some members will have old records of flora and some will know of records made by members who have now left the County : all of this information will be invaluable. O ^ y „ t h e ? n d o f J u n e - w e h a d c o v e r f o r 1 2 2 parishes in East buffolk and 58 in West Suffolk, with 18 roving recorders besides : this represents an excellent start on a project which may take several years to complete. P. J. O.