A Level - History of Art

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History of Art At One with Art

A Level History of Art at One

© David Hockney Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy 1968

What does the course involve? The study of art, in its historical and contemporary form, gives students insight into artists’ ideas and lives and how art relates to the time and place in which they were made and to their social and cultural context. It gives students visual and analytical skills that can be applied in many walks of life and the tools to understand how images and objects work to shape our social and political identities. In this course you will have the opportunity to explore, research and analyse the art techniques and practices, and develop your skills, knowledge and understanding of the world around you through visual and written form.

Assessment will be in form of extended writing accompanied by relevant visual research, a refined collection of research taken from relevant sources, a comparative analysis of different styles, genres subject matter and cultures, and practical techniques appropriate to the area of study. Students will produce a personal investigation portfolio of practical work and a related study. Towards the end of the course students will produce a personal response project from a thematic starting point.

What do I need to join the course? Please refer to prospectus/website for general A level entry requirements. Grade 4 or above in GCSE Art if studied is normally required and students should have a Grade 5 or above in GCSE English Literature and Language. Is this the right course for me? History of Art A level can be taken alongside 2 other A levels of your choice to create a varied and exciting timetable of study. The following subjects will complement this A level: Art, Business Studies, English Literature, Ancient and Modern History. How will I be assessed? All of your creative, practical and analytical work will be assessed by your tutors and moderated externally.

Studying the History of Art will give students the opportunity to learn how to develop reasoned arguments and draw logical conclusions. Through research and the firsthand experience of seeing works of art in galleries, museums and alternative venues, students will create a portfolio of practical artwork alongside their written analysis. The course covers a wide range of artist’s ideas and lives, developing writing skills and exploring creative ways to record and communicate intentions, ideas, feelings and meanings when interpreting the impact and effect of social, political, religious and cultural contexts and local and global trends.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Anima Dannata (Damned Soul), ca. 1619.

In taking this subject students will choose to work in one or more area(s) of study: fine art and sculpture, craft, design, art theory, the human form, landscape and natural forms, still life and designed objects, architecture and the built environment, art movements, styles and genres, curating exhibitions, art management and art in the community, cultural representations within art and design, multi-media, emerging technologies and their use in art.

Progression An A level in the History of Art provides students with excellent preparation for many careers where critical thinking and evidence plays a crucial role in decision making, as well as careers in the creative arts. The course could lead to a career in exhibition or event organisation, arts administration, journalism, picture editing or researching, art gallery management, conservation, antiques, teaching or lecturing.

At the end of the second year the externally set practical assignment will demonstrate all that you have learnt and achieved. The course is assessed as 60% Personal Investigation (Year 1 & 2) and 40% Externally Set Assignment (Year 2). What are the costs? There are no charges to study on this course. However you will be asked to contribute to the cost of printing. Students should budget for trips to galleries and museums in order to gain maximum benefit from this course and opportunities available to them. These will take place once a term and we aim to keep to keep the cost below £15 for each trip. What is the duration? A Level is a two year course.

Caravaggio, Judith and Holofernes, ca. 1607 Courtesy of Eric Turquin

One Sixth Form College Scrivener Drive, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3SU Email enquiries: admin@suffolkone.ac.uk General Telephone: 01473 556600 Admissions: 01473 556627

Sixth Form College


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