2 minute read

Suffolk Wildlife Trust - Farm wildlife, monitoring and surveying

Farm wildlife



Sam Hanks and John Sanderson

Sarah Groves

Monitoring & surveying

Farmland supports a wide diversity of wildlife, with several species specialising in open and cultivated habitats and many more in the margins and seminatural areas that remain within many farms.

Wildlife has been declining in recent decades by almost every measure. Through a well-defined survey and monitoring plan, delivered from Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s farmland advisory service and volunteer network, you can better understand the fortunes of the wildlife on your farm and deliver for its needs.



Farmland breeding birds

OUTCOMES - Survey of breeding farmland birds, focusing on yellowhammer, skylark and lapwing. Other priority records should be generated, including nightingale and turtle dove.

Pollinating insects

OUTCOMES - Volunteer-led survey of pollinating insects, recording an abundance metric to measure success of habitat enhancements.

TIMING - April-September

COST - Free


OUTCOMES - Surveys of farmland ponds to inform restoration and management, including great crested newt records. Some botanical and invertebrate records may also be generated.

Timing - April-September


Dormouse habitat

OUTCOMES - Survey of habitats for likely presence of hazel dormouse. Available in high priority areas, informing recommendation for full survey.

TIMING - Year round

COST - Free

Water vole

OUTCOMES - Survey of waterways for water vole signs, producing records and habitat management recommendations.

TIMING - May-September

COST - Free

Arable plants

OUTCOMES - Survey of rare arable plants, producing records and informing management actions.

TIMING - May-September

COST - At cost from £300


OUTCOMES - Surveys of flora where likely to produce useful records – as advised.May-September

TIMING - May - September

COST - as advised


OUTCOMES - Survey of fruiting fungi species, producing records.

TIMING - August-November

COST - as advised


OUTCOMES - Survey of adult dragonflies, producing records.June-September

TIMING - June-September

COST - as advised


OUTCOMES - Survey of foraging bats, producing records and ecological notes for species using site.

TIMING - May-September

COST - as advised

Breeding birds

Survey for all species of breeding birds, territory mapping and habitat management recommendations.

TIMINGS - April-July

COST - At cost from £900

Wintering birds

Survey of wintering birds, population estimates and habitat management advice.

TIMING - September-March

COST - At cost from £700

Dormouse presence

Informed by habitat assessment survey, in priority areas where likely presence advised.

TIMINGS - April-October

COST - At cost from £400


Managed by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust Farmland Wildlife Adviser, the farm wildlife volunteer network provides trained volunteers to monitor wildlife on farms across the county. Our volunteers are enthusiastic and knowledgeable naturalists who give up their time to help us chart the changes in farmland bird and pollinator populations in Suffolk.

By hosting a volunteer surveyor, you will be making a valuable contribution to the understanding of wildlife on Suffolk’s farmland. You will receive records from their surveys to help you understand the fortunes of your farm’s wildlife and help to connect an enthusiastic local naturalist to the countryside.


Contact Sam to book your free visit

01473 890089 sam.hanks@suffolkwildlifetrust.org suffolkwildlifetrust.org/farmland-wildlife-adviceSWTWildFarms

Registered charity no 262777

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