l i w m a te Suffolk Wildlife Trust wants young people to have a say about how the environment can be protected, feel empowered to make a difference, be involved in important decision making and governance, and help with our ongoing commitment to a more diverse and inclusive culture at Suffolk Wildlife Trust. So, in 2021, our Youth Board was formed. We reached out to young people across the county and are delighted to have recruited nine members. Each has a unique vision for a Wilder Suffolk, but they are united in shaping our future nature. Here are their visions for Suffolk’s wildlife. By LUCY SHEPHERD
Wild Suffolk | Winter 2021/22
M eet
Lucy is Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Wild Learning Officer in Ipswich.
Let’s reclaim grey land for new housing rather than developing green sites. We need more affordable housing that’s carbon neutral after completion and accessible by public transport. Designs should include cycle lanes, wildlife corridors and work around mature trees and hedgerows.
E 10
When h ouses a re built trees sh , more o uld be p scrapes lanted, and po an n ds crea can sho ted. Cam d w peop p le the v aigns Wildlife aluable Trusts d work th o fo e r our lo environ cal ment, w hich wil others t l encou o get in rage volved the way o r c h a they liv nge e.
Create protected areas where insects have somewhere to be safe and encourage farmers to plant hedgerows. We can show local people little things they can do that help a lot and assist in supporting bigger communities as one.