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Vice Chairperson Visits Business Units and Support Division to Convey New Year Greetings
As an annual customary practice, Vice Chairperson Sheikha Amal Suhail Bahwan visited all business units and support divisions on 1 January 2020 to wish the employees a very happy new year. While congratulating them for their previous year performance, she encouraged them to work harder and perform better in 2020 and wished them a fruitful and prosperous year.

Distinguished Emp loy ees of the M on th

January 2020

1] Ahmed Rashid Ali Marhab Al Shandudi, Supervisor, Bahwan Projects & Telecoms LLC | 2] Muneera Moosa Dad Rahman Al Balushi, Officer-Accounts, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 3] Amanullah Khan Mohamed, Software Support Engineer, Bahwan IT LLC | 4] Said Hashil Saif Al Shhukaili, LV Driver, Al Asala Manpower and Services LLC | 5] Sheikh Abdul Manaf, Accounts Clerk, Finance and Accounts Division | 6] Abdul Hameed, Foreman, Internal Audit Division | 7] Mehaboob Cherukadu, Branch In Charge, Bahwan Projects & Telecoms LLC.
February 2020

1] Renjith Kumar Nair, Assistant Manager Sales, Bahwan Building Materials LLC | 2] Bipul Das, Flight Handling Staff, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 3] Mohammed Saadeldeen Elsayed, Pre Sales Engineer, Bahwan Projects & Telecoms LLC.
Distinguished Emp loy ees of the M on th

SBGH Bids Farewell to Two Senior Employees
Two senior employees from our group recently bid farewell after serving decades with us.
Mr Abdullah Salim Al Battashi, PRO, who joined our Group’s Human Resources and Administration (HR&A) in 1999 retired early this year after 21 years of exemplary service. Colleagues and friends gave him a warm send off in the presence of Mr Abdullah Al Araimi, General Manager, HR&A. Soft spoken and well-mannered Abdulla Battashi was loved by one and all.
Mr Ramdev Aithal, Assistant General Manager (Operations), Bahwan Travels, bade good bye after serving our Group for 36 years. He has been a part and parcel of the growth of Bahwan Travels ever since it started as a small operation in Ruwi. A soft spoken and ever-smiling Ramdev was always there when anyone wanted help.
We wish both a healthy, happy and longer life post-retirement.

HR Training
The key to success is the ability to manage oneself in a variety of situations by learning new skills, embracing new technologies and developing professionally and personally.

We have been providing several 2-hour workshops on various topics that are practical and useful in our work-day life. We would also be giving case studies and links to free on-line courses for every employee to access and learn.
We would be shortly sending a survey to all employees including the below course topics, where you could mention which courses you are interested to attend.
1. MS Office Applications
a) Outlook b) Excel c) PowerPoint d) Word

a) These are individual modules giving a good understanding of these applications that can be applied on your every day work.
2. Problems Solving
a) The process to solve problems diligently through systematic problem solving approaches will be explained in this course.
3. Motivation and Creative Skills
a) How does one come out of his/her comfort zone and what is required to motivate oneself forms the crux of this course.
4. Time Management
a) Managing time effectively would also help you get more things done. Of course, being productive is one of the main goals of time management.

5. Communication Skills
a) Most of the time a clear and effective communication can work wonders and solve most issues
Human Resources Training Division continues Training More Employees

The Human Resources Training Division continued with its ongoing mission of transferring knowledge to employees who come forward to develop and learn new skills or update their existing skills.
Two sessions on the topic “How to enhance your Communication style” were held for Omani employees of Bahwan Projects and Telecoms and Bahwan Healthcare Centre in March.

Bahwan Holiday Souq attracts visitors
The annual Bahwan Holiday Souq was once again held in February in collaboration with various airlines, cruise companies and other global travel operators. As usual the key attractions were affordable holiday packages, cruise holidays and other incentives. Diplomats and VIPs visited the souq and were greeted by Bahwan Travels colleagues.

Team SkySOUQ participates in Bahwan Holiday Souq

SkySOUQ.com participated in the recently held Bahwan Holiday Souq organized by Bahwan Tourism. During the event, the team showcased its revamped website and the mobile app to the visitors. Increasing number of visitors showed interest in booking tickets online thorough skysouq.com

Bahwan Travels takes part in French MICE workshop in Qatar
Mr. Mohammed Jawed, Senior Executive, Bahwan Tourism recently participated in an annual workshop conducted by its France representative SAFRAN RP 2020 held in Doha, Qatarin January. Over 15 potential MICE agencies from France took part in the workshop for interaction & one to one discussion with BT to promote Oman as a MICE destination in French speaking source markets. This participation will have leverage to the division for more MICE business in 2020-21.
Skysouq.Com Becomes World’s First Online Travel Agency to Enable Oman Air’s NDC Content
SkySOUQ.com has become the world’s first Online Travel Agency (OTA) to enable Oman Air’s (New Distribution Capability) content on its platform.

Oman Air’s NDC is a flagship Application Programming Interface (API) initiative by the airline to create a new and improved direct distribution channel to the travel trade globally. The API offers rich content and competitive unbundled fares clubbed with merchandizing, personalization and dynamic offers. With this SkySOUQ has achieved NDC Level-4 certification from IATA.