Major Pest Infestation Concerns in Dubai

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Major Pest Infestation Concerns in Dubai

Indoor Pest Infestation ●

Pest infestations at home are common everywhere in the globe. These tiny creatures wander everywhere to find a better shelter and a good source of food for their living.

Once they meet these requirements, they start to build their colonies within those spaces.

Even though most of these pests have shorter lifespans, their ability to reproduce and multiply quickly makes the infestation massive.

Pest Infestations in Dubai ●

Depending on the climatic conditions and time intervals, different pests infestation become predominant at each seasons within Dubai.

Here we focus on 3 major pest infestations that cause serious health concerns for the natives

Cockroaches ●

Cockroaches can multiply quickly even at worst external conditions and cannot be killed easily.

Cockroaches can shed their skin and droppings within the indoor spaces, causes allergic symptoms for people being in those indoor environments.


Professional cockroach pest control treatment is more effective in getting completed riddance from roaches.

Rats ○

Among other indoor pest infestations, rodents can cause serious life-threatening illnesses to people.

Consumption of edibles that are contaminated by rats can lead to viral fevers like Lymphocytic choriomeningitis.

Rats ●

Rodent control services makes use of baits, spray poisons and traps to eradicate the infestation.

Mosquitoes ●

Mosquitoes lay up to 50 to 500 eggs at the first brood & can turn into completely developed mosquitoes within a span of 8 to 10 days.

Mosquitoes can spread to a wider area, leading to severe health troubles like Zika, West Nile, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.


Mosquito control services with the aid of non toxic repellents can reduce the number in infestation.

Conclusion ●

Even though most of these pests have shorter lifespans, their ability to reproduce and multiply quickly makes the infestation massive.

So it's important to eradicate the infestation at the earliest with the help of pest control agencies.

Pest control companies in Dubai through their pest treatment services tries to uplift the healthy living of people in Dubai by creating a healthy and safe indoor environment.

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