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From the Publisher

Suite Greetings

The Suite Life SoCal Foodie Issue is lled with stories that remind us of how food is central to every part of our life. From food and entertainment to pairing wine with food, our writers have uncovered the best of Southern California’s culinary cuisine.


As the holidays heat up, food is the central part of every holiday gathering, and Suite Life SoCal offers a guide to ensuring you have the tastiest of holidays. From sweet treats to meals to satisfy every palate, the Fall 2022 issue will not disappoint.

Be sure to check out the articles that highlight the various restaurants in Southern California. There are restaurants for vegans and the vegan-curious. There are menus that speak to all types of food connoisseurs. From the Imperial Valley, Riverside, and Kern County, our contributing writers have ensured your plate will be full and your palate satised wherever you travel in SoCal.

Enjoy the magazine cover to cover and if you have a business you’d like to advertise to one of our more than 50,000 readers, contact our Sales Manager Lance Washington at lwashington@suitelifesocal.com.

Suite Reading,


Angela Jackson, ABD, MS

Managing Editor


angelarenaandco.com @_angelarena

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