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EDSERV SOFTSYSTEMS LIMITED Concept of 2tion+ 13 September 2011

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................................ 2 WALL: ................................................................................................................ 2 GROUPS AND CIRCLES:....................................................................................... 2 LIBRARY AND BOOKSHELF: ................................................................................. 2 Library:............................................................................................................ 2 Book-shelf:...................................................................................................... 2 CLOUD ( Classes-Lessons On Ur Demand ): ........................................................ 3 SHARING MATERIAL: .......................................................................................... 3 SENDING INVITATIONS: ..................................................................................... 3 ACCESSING CREDITS:.......................................................................................... 3 NEW FEATURES:................................................................................................. 4 Timetable:....................................................................................................... 4 Notifications: .................................................................................................. 4 Online Whiteboard: ........................................................................................ 4 2tion+ BLOG:...................................................................................................... 4 SMS FACILITY: .................................................................................................... 5 CREDIT COUNTER: .............................................................................................. 5 PROFILE: ............................................................................................................ 5 REPORT ABUSE OPTION: .................................................................................... 6 ADVERTISEMENTS:............................................................................................. 6


INTRODUCTION: 2tion+ will be a Social Networking platform for educational purpose. People can share the information they have and participate in Collaborative learning. 2tion+ can be compared to the recent Google+. 2tion+ can be modelled in the following way.

WALL: This wall which we are going to have in 2tion+ is similar to that of Google+.

GROUPS AND CIRCLES: Concept of “Groups” already exists in 2tion.com. Each group that’s created in 2tion.com will be given a Group ID (GID). An optional feature of adding a tutor to the group can be implemented. This is completely up to the creator of the group. Having a tutor in the group will be helpful for the students as a mentor. If the creator wants a tutor to be in the group, an invitation can be send to that tutor. Coming to “Circles”, these are mainly for the ease of user. User can select different groups by choosing the GID and put them into a Circle of his choice. For Example : Let there are some 5 different groups on English language., and the student joined all the 5 groups out of his interest. Now, if he wants to know what is happening in those groups, he/she has to go through all the 5 groups. This can be made easy by using Circles – he/she creates a Circle in his profile and then adds all these 5 groups to it by giving GID’s. So, whenever the student go to that Circle, all the updates, discussions happening over there will be given on the wall. Even profiles of students and tutors can be combined and made into a circle. So, when the user clicks this particular circle, all the recent updates by the members of that circle will be shown.

LIBRARY AND BOOKSHELF: Library: 2tion.com already has e-books in its database. More stuff can be included into the database like power-point presentations, videos, documents, published papers, previous newspapers, recordings, test papers etc. Database having all these things will be named as “Library”.

Book-shelf: In 2tion.com, when a student download an e-book from database, those e-books will be stored to his profile by deducting credits in his account. In 2tion+, student can download any


material from the Library, and all those which are downloaded by him/her will be saved in his account in the name of Book-shelf.

CLOUD ( Classes-Lessons On Ur Demand ): Cloud serves the purpose of a knowledge pool. Anyone can post any queries, request for information, share information here.

SHARING MATERIAL: If a user shares any material he/she has, it will be uploaded in his/her book-shelf and the material will be given a Product Id (PID). Also, the material will be uploaded in the groups of his/her wish – this will be done by giving the Group Id (GID). Notifications will be given to the members of that particular group that a new material has been uploaded and if someone wants to download that particular material, he/she has to enter the Product Id (PID).

SENDING INVITATIONS: When the registration process is completed for a new user, an option will be given to send invites to his/her Google contacts. With this, invitations will be sent to all of his/her contacts.

ACCESSING CREDITS: New ways to access Credits:1. For uploading material. 2. For clarifying doubts – Answers will be rated by the user who asked the question. Credits will be given as per the rating. 3. If User2 downloads from User1’s book-shelf, User2 will be charged the same as if he/she downloading from Library and credits will be added to User1. 4. Activities like Quiz, Aptitude Test will be uploaded on a regular basis and users can take part in it. Depending on the number of right answers credits will be added. 5. Creating new Quizzes, Aptitude tests etc. 6. When a new user joins in 2tion+ in response to the invitation sent.


NEW FEATURES: Timetable: A new feature “Timetable” can be introduced. This Timetable will be on weekly basis and 24hrs will be shown for each day. Student has to send a tuition request for a tutor mentioning the time and date of his preference. If the tutor is fine with it, he/she will be conforming by clicking an “Accepted” button. Now, this news will be shown in both Student’s and Tutor’s timetable that a particular time has been allotted on a particular date for the online tuition to take place. This can be worked for Whiteboard tuition as well. Tutor will be sending a request and if the student is interested, he/she can click “Accepted” button and Timetable is updated as usual.

Notifications: User will be given notifications of all the recent activities. Few are listed below: 1. When a new group has been created. 2. When a new material has been uploaded into the groups which the user is a member of. 3. Timetable notifications – When a particular time is fixed for online tuition. 4. Credit updates for each week. 5. When someone responds to the Question which the user posted. 6. When a new SMS has been updated. (SMS Facility has been stated in the later part of this report.) 7. New posts in Cloud.

Online Whiteboard: Video recording for tutor’s teaching. These videos can be added to tutor’s book-shelf and students can download from it.

2tion+ BLOG: All the recent updates, improvements, achievements will be given in the blog. Here users are free to comment and share their views and ideas to make 2tion+ better.


SMS FACILITY: Two types of SMS Facility can be provided. They are 1.Private & 2.Public 1. Private: Users can post their SMS into groups of their own choice. This can be done as stated below:SMS should start with the Group ID(GID) and then followed by the query. Now, this query will be posted into that particular group only. 2. Public: Here, SMS will be started with a keyword and then followed by the query. Now, this SMS will be sent to all the groups concerned to that keyword.

CREDIT COUNTER: Credit counter can be maintained showing all the credit transactions of the user.

PROFILE: The following things can be shown in the Profile of the user: 1. Profile Picture 2. Circles 3. Timetable 4. Notifications 5. SMS updates 6. Credit Counter 7. Cloud 8. Groups created 9. Book-shelf 10. Messages 11. Email id


REPORT ABUSE OPTION: As the user is given liberty to upload any material and share views or comments, there is a very good chance that he/she may misuse it by posting unwanted unethical material. So, a Report Abuse can be introduced at all places where user is free to upload material. Few are listed below:        

Groups Uploading material Replies to a question asked. Creating un-related quizzes, tests etc. Un-related messages to profiles Posting meaningless SMS Un-related comments in 2tion+ blog. Un-wanted postings in Cloud.

ADVERTISEMENTS: Five advertisements can be given on a single page. Ads will be on Edserv Products, Ads from other companies, Google ads. Method of making money from these advertisements have to be worked upon.


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