User Manual HumThum Mobile Application
EdServ Softsystems Limited
Table of Content 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 About HumThum 1.2 HumThum for Personal use on your mobile phones 1.3 HumThum for Business User on mobile phone 1.4 Additional features available in the apps 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 How to explore the world of HumThum 2.1.1 Download 2.1.2 Install 2.1.3 Registered 2.2 Creating Domain Name 3. BASIC OPERATIONS 3.1 My Space 3.2 Add Info 3.3 Manage Space 3.4 News 3.4.1 To View News 3.4.2 To update News 3.5 Discussion 3.6 Classifieds 3.6.1 Buy/Sell/Rent 3.7 My Members 3.8 Member Updates 3.9 Invite Members 3.10 My Area 3.10.1 Maps 3.10.2 Events 3.10.3 Change Pin code 3.11 Manage Website 3.12 Resources 3.12.1 1D/2D bar code reader 3.12.2 Currency Converter 3.12.3 Stock Quote 3.12.4 Mobile scanner 3.12.5 Learn English 3.12.6 Astrology 4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 5. USAGE OF HUMTHUM 5.1 Access/Restriction 5.2 Mobile Number Change 5.3 Mobile Phone Change
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 About HumThum
This is an initiative of EdServ to serve all the purposes of yours, your area, your district your state and your nation and also your business. HumThum is a platform that connects you with your immediate community and neighborhood. HumThum satisfies both personal and Business needs. Through this application we are trying to create a social networking environment as well as a perfect platform for the local entrepreneurs to expand their business in the regime of m-commerce and e-commerce. With the help of this application we wish to bring the blessings of technology to make things simpler for the local businesses.
1.2 HumThum for Personal use on your mobile phones: Create and maintain your mobile website for free. By downloading this app: Get the information of your neighborhood on your mobile Design/host/upload your own website on mobile Share your moods through photos with your friends Convert your mobile to a personal broadcasting station Send and receive messages through audio, video, image with your friends Buy and sell new/used product you want Share your views on Forum focused on your neighborhood Get local map of your area/ pin code or access any pin code
1.3 HumThum for Business User on mobile phone:
HumThum helps you to broadcast your business for the mass and the updates of the latest offering that you want to share with your customers in your immediate locality/neighborhoods:
Create your own website
Maintain and update as you feel is appropriate
Advertise in your neighborhood through mobiles
Direct messages to your customers (video/audio/texts)
1.4 Additional features available in the apps
2D Bar code reader
1D Bar code reader
Mobile scanner
Latest currency conversion
Latest share market price
Domain name checker
Local News events/updates
Local forums
Local classified
2. INSTALLATION 2.1 How to explore the world of HumThum? To get the HumThum application in your mobile you need to follow three simple steps.
2.1.1 Download 1. Go to , enter your mobile number and get the download link. 2. Get the application downloaded from
2.1.2 Install Click the downloaded file and get installed.
2.1.3 Register Enter the right information in the given field Name, Email address, phone no and your area pin code. Then click submit button to get registered.
2.2 Creating Domain Name
To enter into the world of HumThum, the user needs to own a site. To avail this service, the user needs to register his domain name in HumThum. Once the admin approval is received for that particular domain name, then user will be intimated through SMS.
3. BASIC OPERATIONS 3.1 My Space: Create your own space Create your own space to share your Images, Videos, Audios and Text Documents. „My Space‟ has the feature of privacy settings. Managing and deleting your space is also possible in „My Space‟. (Default space will be created in the name of the domain name)
3.2 Add Info: Add information in your web space This provides you an easy way to upload your text, image, video and audio into your web space. To upload your stuff, click „Add Info‟ icon, then choose the type of file you are going to upload. In the upload page, choose the file to upload from the mobile, and then give the title to the file and click „Upload‟ button. Your file will be uploaded.
3.3 Manage Space: Manage your space visibility HumThum is created with user privacy settings as the topmost priority. User can edit the privacy settings of 6|Page
their document visibility to others. To edit the settings, click ‘Manage Space’select the setting as ‘Public/My Group/Secure’ in the particular space click ‘Set Visibility’ to change.
3.4 News “Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which follows its own rule”Douglas Adams. Get the real crunch of hot news and updates about pin code which is updated by people like you in the same pin code.
3.4.1 To view news by a. Go to HumThum application and click „News option‟ and get update of your pin code. b. To get the other area‟s news updates, go to your mobile browser type
e.g. to get the news update of that
particular pin code.
3.4.2 To Update your Area News To update the news of your pin code, click the link „Add News Now!‟ which is available in „News option‟. To add information, click „Add Info‟ icon, then choose the type of file you are going to upload. In the upload page, choose the file to upload from the mobile, then give the title to the file and click „Upload button‟. Your file will be uploaded.
3.5 Discussion “In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion”- James Reston.
HumThum provides opportunity to the users to discuss, analyze and find solution for issues concerned to their area. By HumThum, a registered user can support or post their views about the discussion topic in their particular pin code. Users can post their opinion by clicking the topic, typing in their views and clicking the „Reply‟ button. To start new discussion, click „Post New Topic‟, enter the topic name and details, and then click „Start Discussion‟.
3.6 Classifieds HumThum is the first mobile application that has an option to post your own classified as in it's possible to view and post classified for your pin code more precisely for things like Buy, Sell and Rent.
3.6.1 Buy/Sell/Rent
Users can post his classified ad and view the ads in their pin code in this option.
To post the ad, user can Click Classified
Click Buy/Sell/Rent Click Post free ad Enter the ad details Click Ad Listing
To view my classified, click Classifieds ---->
Click Buy/Sell/Rent ---> Click My Classified
3.7 My Members HumThum provides an option to browse your friends in your group and also their contact numbers. It also provides an option for you to create a new group and regroup your group members. To regroup the members, select the member by check box select group/create new group click add to group.
3.8 Member Updates This option allows you to view the recent updates from your group members since your last visit. The no. of member updates will be shown in the application.
3.9 Invite Members To invite members in HumThum you can use mobile numbers as your reference. Thus provide the mobile number of your friend to make him join your group. To invite members, enter the friend’s mobile no
select group/create new group click Invite.
3.10 My Area Specialty of HumThum is to provide more detailed and accurate services to its users of a particular pin code. The services are Maps, News, Classified, Discussion; Events etc. „My Area‟
information about his area on the move.
3.10.1 Maps: HumThum provides a map of each and every pin code in India. HumThum map is the first of its kind in the mobile application to provide users with the map of their pin codes. Click My Area Click Maps Click type of view (road map, terrain, satellite)
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3.10.2 Events: HumThum users get updated with the events happening in their pin code whose entry is made by the people in the same pin code. To update events, Click My Area Click Events Click add events Enter the details about the events --> Click Submit.
3.10.3 Visit other Pin codes: User can change the pin code in „MyArea‟ option to get the update of other pin codes. To change pin code, Click My Area Enter the new pin code Click Go to change.
3.11 Manage Website ‘Manage website‟ provides user with an option to edit the profile content of his/her website. Here, user is allowed to change and update his personal details like phone number, email id, social network link, photos etc.
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3.12 Resources HumThum provides value added services to its users in this field. In „Resources‟ option, user can avail the services like 1-D & 2-D Bar code Reader, Currency Converter, Stock Quotes, Mobile Scanner, Learn English, Astrology.
3.12.1 1D/2D bar code reader
User can decode the bar coded information with the help of HumThum. To use this option, user can Click Resources
Click 1-D & 2-D Bar code Reader Take the snap of bar code Upload the bar code image Click Submit. Note: If the 1-D bar code snap is not clear and user still wants to read the review, then user can directly enter the 13 digit ISBN number to read the review.
3.12.2 Currency Converter: User can convert the currency value of one country to another at the current market exchange rate using HumThum Currency Converter.
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To use this converter, Click Resources Click Currency Converter Enter the value in the field Choose ‘From & To’ option Click Convert.
3.12.3 Stock Quote: „Stock Quote‟ provides the user with current stock market price of the publicly listed company. To get the details, Click Resources Click Stock Quotes Enter the company name which is listed in stock exchange Click Get Quote.
3.12.4 Mobile scanner: „Mobile Scanner‟ serves the user to use mobile camera as „a scanner‟. User can upload image which will be converted into a PDF. The converted file can be directly downloaded or it can be sent to the user‟s email id. To avail this service, user can Click ResourcesClick Mobile Scanner Upload the imageChoose whether to download or send emailClick covert to PDF
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3.12.5 Learn English: „Learn English‟ serves the purpose of dictionary to the user. HumThum Dictionary has the abbreviations, phrases, dictionary and thesaurus. To use this service, user can Click Resources Click Learn English Click abbreviation / phrases/ dictionary/ thesaurus Enter the word Click ‘Get Meaning’.
3.12.6 Astrology:
HumThum users can view their daily astrology based on their birthday signs. To view astrology, Click Resources Click AstrologySelect your astrology sign Click ‘Get Prediction’.
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Product name
Product type
Suite of mobile apps
Apps detail
Hybrid App
Compatible OS
j2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, webOS
(Maemo, MeeGo, Android & iOS in near future) 5
Content format
Text, Audio, Video
Installation file format
.jar, .jad,
Download point
Any mobile apps download website, HumThum website, Mobile Operatorâ€&#x;s Apps Store
Content hosting point
mobile 1502 (Click on the object below to view device list)
handsets supported
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EdServ Servers
5. USAGE OF HUMTHUM 5.1 Access/Restriction Once HumThum has been installed and your account created, you cannot access your account from any other mobile. Your mobile will be registered with us and it will be your only gateway to use your account. The benefit of this feature of HumThum is that your account will be secured from any type of mishap. Only in case when someone gets access to your mobile, he can access your account. Otherwise, thereâ€&#x;s no other way for anyone to hack your account. So, HumThum guarantees you a state-of-the-art account security. (Note: You cannot access your HumThum account from any other mobile)
5.2 Mobile number change To create your HumThum account, you have to register with your mobile number and information regarding your mobile is automatically taken by the system to make your account hack-proof. Now, your HumThum account is activated for the combination of your mobile number and mobile. Any change in this combination will make your account inaccessible. Your account, in any way imaginable, cannot be accessed through other mobile nor can a request be sent for the same. But changing the SIM in your own mobile will also make your account inaccessible. In that case you will have to send a request to us to activate your account for new number. Here, you will have two options; you can use your account through both SIMs or you can de-activate your account with earlier SIM and activate it only for the new SIM. Rest assured, there is no such request application to access your account through other mobile.
5.3 Mobile phone change To change your mobile phone you have to send a request to us via SMS to reactivate your account in your new mobile handset. Till the approval from the admin your account will be inaccessible.
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