A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science” SUJAY RAO MANDAVILLI
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Education must act as an antidote for pre-scientific beliefs, superstitions and myths
Education must override “Ethnic time” by providing scientific ideas of time from the big bang, continuing with the Hadean period, Archean period and beyond. The age of the Universe and the earth must also be emphasized
Education must override “Ethnic space” by reinforcing ideas of the vastness of space, latest discoveries such as extrasolar planets etc
Scientific concepts of space and time must be reinforced from a young age.
Concepts such as the theory of evolution must be taught from a young age spanning both before and after the emergence of primates
The concepts of “Eureka points” and “Mini Eureka points” must also be borne in mind to create maximum psychological impact and transition away from pre-scientific approaches. These will vary from culture to culture (Refer Symbiotic approaches to socio-cultural change)
Thus, culture specific approaches must always be adopted as popular beliefs vary from culture to culture
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Scientific method must be taught to students from a young age, and students must be comfortable with all aspects and approaches towards scientific method by the time they complete high school. Methods used in social sciences and other specialized fields of study must also be taught to the extent possible
The differences between protoscience, science and pseudoscience must be taught clearly to students
Theories and hypothesis must be qualified and not presented as the absolute truth. Students must be encouraged to challenge theories and ideas
Culture neutral and global perspectives must be provided always. For example, The idea of God is different in different cultures
Also provide local evidence in support of theories
Cultural sensitivity is also very important: Respect cultural and religious sentiments always, and remember that change will come about slowly
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Pedagogical design must also be based on Ethnography and social science methods such as interviews. For example, even some educated people believe the earth to be 2000 years old
Historiography must also be used to promote a scientific temper
Better integration between pre-history, proto-history and history must be accomplished
Better research on unresolved paradigms in history must also be carried out
Ideological approaches to history e.g. Hindutva, Marxist, Dravidian nationalist must be discouraged as they are detrimental to science, society and the education system
Theories such as the origin of language must be explained scientifically to counter traditional accounts. This must include both biological and cultural aspects
Theories one the origin of life must be explained while leaving open ended questions to the learners imagination
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
The origin of religion must be explained in scientific terms to counter superstition and blind faith
Universal human values must be taught as an antidote to religion
The origin of different aspects of culture must be explained in scientific terms to counter superstition and blind faith. This can be related to a cultural taxonomy
Other allied topics must be clearly taught to students and lists of such topics must be identified from time to time. For example, the science of Genetics must be taught when students are able to grasp it. The principles presented here can be used as a yardstick to select such concepts.
More and more concepts must be included progressively at higher levels e.g. Identity theory
Scientific approaches must be provided on all issues that impact daily life. E.g. origin of various aspects of science and technology, language dynamics etc
Topics that do not serve any relevant purpose may be left out; that each element of the syllabus must be justified
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Learning by rote must be strongly discouraged except where absolutely necessary
Such approaches must go hand in hand with science communication to the masses, and attempts to bring about sociocultural change
The dangers of ideological constructs which polarize and lead to self-reinforcing cognitive dissonance must be clearly explained to practitioners so as to bring about self-directed change
Other approaches and movements may be recast from time to time: For example, the Rationalist movement may be recast to make it more culturally neutral and culturally sensitive
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Must be combined with other aspects such as teaching of life skills etc. A proper orientation in life must be provided to students, along with a healthy and holistic perspective towards life for maximum intellectual productivity
Special techniques must be developed for marginalized and outlier groups to integrate them into society
Special techniques may be developed for the specially gifted, intellectual and creative classes (must be neutral to socio-economic background)
Pedagogical techniques must bear in mind other concepts such as critical learning periods, and appropriate concepts must be introduced at an appropriate stage
A list of foundational paradigms must be developed across disciplines and must be mandated. A foundational paradigm is one which will open windows to other branches of knowledge
Additional knowledge must be built over foundational paradigms
A better integration between various fields of study must be pursued, and a point of integration must be developed
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Appropriate language must be used as the medium of instruction based on language dynamics, and students‘ ability to grasp languages. Theories on second language acquisition may also be used as a basis for decision making
Appropriate language teaching techniques may be used, and less important aspects such as study of poetry and literature may be relegated to the background
All aspects of the syllabus must be co-related with its real-world utility and the students needs to know
Foundational knowledge in a diverse set of fields must be provided to students at a young age. E.g. Science, Business studies and law
A list of useful areas of knowledge which cannot be acquired experientially within a cultural context must also dictate syllabus development
Guidelines must be developed to decide what must be taught in mandatory courses, and what must be taught in optional courses: For this the principle of learning capacity, maximum relevant learning, maximum individual benefir, maximum societal benefoit and maximum impact must be borne in mind
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
The education system must also aim to alter Individual mind-orientation and cultural and societal orientation for maximum societal, cultural and economic benefit (Refer Mindorientations, societal or cultural orientation, thought worlds, worldviews and mindspace from symbiotic approach to socio-cultural change)
Teachers must be trained on latest pedagogical techniques
Better collaboration between educationalists, academicians and researchers is a must
Pedagogical theory must be updated on the basis of praxis from time to time
Ivory tower approaches and careerism in science must be actively discouraged
Abstract concepts which are not based on ground realities must be discouraged
Better quality science must be encouraged
Scientists and researchers must be made aware of their social responsibilities
Interdisciplinary perspectives on science must be encouraged by encouraging people from diverse cultural backgrounds to take up research
A root cause analysis of low scientific output may also be used as a basis for pedagogical reform
Novel techniques such as crossover learning, incidental learning and learning in natural settings may be adopted
A case for Pedagogical Reform based on the principles of the “Sociology of Science”
Must help develop scientific temper through a comprehensive approach
The latest research on science communication techniques must be borne in mind
The latest research on educational psychology, social psychology and cognitive science must also be borne in mind
Must go hand in hand with brain research and other relevant forms of research
Must modulate personal and group identity and keep it within manageable limits. This can be done by promoting a universal outlook
Suitable metrics may be developed to measure progress from time to time
Unleashing the potential of the ‘Sociology of Science’: Capitalizing on the power of science to usher in social, cultural and intellectual revolutions across the world, and lay the foundations of twenty-first century pedagogy, Sujay Rao Mandavilli, ELK Asia Pacific journal of social sciences, 2021
Introducing Anthropological Pedagogy as a Core Component of Twenty-first Century Anthropology: The Role of Anthropological Pedagogy in the fulfilment of Anthropological and Sociological objectives Sujay Rao Mandavilli International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT) Volume 3, Issue 7, 2018