Kidney transplant shares some insights about when you ma y need it.
Kidney transplant:
A kidney transplant can be a life-changing decision for you. Dr. LH Hira na nda ni hospita l
Do you really need it?
Know kabout idney transplantIn a kidney transplant, your doctor will fix the kidney from a healthy person into your own body. It can affect either one or both the kidneys. The healthy person or donor is the person whose blood type matches yours. Be mindful about kidney stones to see if you need a surgery for it says by Dr. LH Hiranandani hospital Kidney transplant.
More energy
There is a grea ter proba bility of a higher quality of life. They don’t have to spend hours each week on dialysis, and they’re more likely to return to work.
Dialysis can at times take a toll on the body. It can cause problems ranging from a nemia , where you ha ve fewer red blood cells, to hea rt disea se.
Why do doctors recommend a kidney transplant?
Quality of life kidney transplant will ensure fewer long-term hea lth problems tha n people ha ve with dia lysis. limits on diet
CONDITIONS REQUIRE FOR A TRANSPLANT Congenital renal obstructive disorders Alport syndrome Nail –P atella syndrome P olycystic kidney disease Goodpasture syndrome
When do you need ka idney transplant?
to Hiranandani hospital kidney transplant, the transplant committee will tell you for a transplant when your kidney will stop working. Before the transplant, your doctor and the transplant committee will take many tests such as blood tests and a pprove the need for a tra nspla nt.
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