And Diseases Related To Them
All kidney diseases are not curable
The most thought myth around kidneys might be that all of them are incurable and once in contact, you have to live with it for your lifetime, which is not true. Not all kidney diseases are fatal, most of them can be cured if treated on time and in the early stages. However, according to Dr. Sujit Chatterjee Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant, there are certain diseases that are irreversible and progress towards end-stage kidney failure. But the progression time of the same can be delayed or slowed down with the right treatment at the right time.
Not only about kidneys but it is a prevalent myth that if everything is going fine, what is the need to visit a doctor or how can I be in the trap of some chronic disease? But the fact is that most chronic kidney diseases do not show any symptoms in the early stages and only the abnormal statistics in the laboratory tests can give a hint of it.
If everything seems well, then there might not be any problem in your kidneys
Passing out urine frequently is a sign that my kidneys are absolutely alright
The milliliters of urine you pass out in a day doesn’t define if you are good or not. Chronic kidney disease might decrease your urine output to as low as 400 ml in a day or increase it to as much as 3000 ml in a day and even then it can’t assure that the waste products like acids, potassium, urea, and etcetera are removed from your body. And some cases may go reach the dialysis stage.
The best treatment for kidneys is to drink a lot of water
The water required by your body is well managed by your thirst if you are healthy. Very popular, but still a myth that drinking a lot of water can help you maintain healthy kidneys. However, specialists from Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant explain that drinking two to three liters of water might help you prevent the formation of kidney stones and urinary tract infections, there is no point in consuming this much fluid at a stage where your kidneys are on the verge of failure or have failed.
There have been many sayings about one of the most precious organs of your body, which is your kidneys. But not every saying is true and should be brought into execution. Visiting your specialists and taking advice from them for your kidneys’ health seems to be the best option you can choose.