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Intermediate Public Transport
Strategic Transportation Plan
The objective of the studio is to understand the process of preparing a Strategic Transportation plan for which the city of Rajkot. The existing situation is analysis and the proposal of a long term vision for the city to improve transportation system. First phase started with studying in detail about various acts and case studies on different Indian and international cities to understand various interventions in the field of transportation and the agencies involved in planning and implementation process. Second phase followed by detailed study on land use, socio-economic aspects demography, connectivity, transportation and its different modes with both primary and secondary data collection. For primary data, various surveys like Land Use survey, household, economy, road inventory, junction analysis, GIS Mapping and PT and IPT survey were done and for secondary data information from the institutional bodies of the city. Based on this, the vision strategies goals were framed to upgrade the transportation system of the city with respect to people’s choices and proposal were done to support the same.
Need for the Study To provide an understanding of strategic transportation plan and the stepby-step approach in learning the overall process.
Therefore, Rajkot being our study area, we need to collect the data with respect to landuse, transport and other socio – economic characteristics. Based on the existing situation analysis, we get to know how to develop a long term vision for the city and hence propose alternative development strategies and appraise them to arrive at the most optimal set of landuse transport proposals for the city.
Analysis the existing transportation characters of city and prepare the long-term vision for Rajkot. From the base year 2040 situation analysis of primary and secondary data , propose a strategy for horizon year for the city to arrive at he most desirable set of transport proposals.
Institutional Framework

Survey Conducted