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As lockdown restrictions have eased and most children are being encouraged back to school full time, how can they settle back in to a good routine?

Plan and Prepare for School Routine


Although the prospect might be daunting, the chances are children will find it good to be with friends again. They will be less likely to get bored and will be kept constantly busy.

To avoid any back-to-school blues and really get back into it, read these top tips for braving the classroom again. * Make a firm decision to get your child to stick to the new routine and timetable - this will help get back into the swing of things more easily. All get up when the alarm goes off and encourage children to get to wherever you need to be on time - whether it’s the school bus stop or a science lesson.

* Try to make sure your child takes some healthy food to school. Pick snack foods

that boost health like fresh fruit and low-fat dairy products. Also get them to try to drink water throughout the day as this will help to keep them active and their brain sharp.

* Encourage them to get back into any sports or exercise the school does. Really trying will help to make up for any lack of activity over the holidays and get those young bodies going again.

* Be positive about homework and try to encourage your child to get it done as soon as possible. The longer they leave things, the worse they feel and the bigger the job seems. Do it straightaway, and then they can relax and enjoy themselves.

* Always prepare for the next school day. Your child should put anything they need to take in their bag and lay out clothes ready. Being prepared always helps to keep them feeling on top of things and much more relaxed.

* Get them to bed in good time. School can be tiring and if they’re getting up early and running around a lot of the day, they need to recharge. Make a set bed time then they will be raring to get back to school the next day!

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