Mission SULADS CANADA NEWSLETTER A publication of SULADS CANADA PO Box 190, Kitwanga, British Columbia V0J2A0, Canada Phone #: (+1) 250-849-5953 Email: suladscanada@gmail.com Website: www.suladscanada.com WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR CONTENT! Please send your story, ideas, articles, and photographs to: suladscanada@gmail.com On the Cover: Sulads Canada Sir Ephraim Baragona and Sir Lemwel Ramada Yellow Knife Seventh Day Adventist Church. Photo Credit: Jonathan Geraci Resource: http://www.adventistreview.org/chur ch-news/story4040-go-north-god-haspeople-there-too Join our Facebook Group page;
SULADS FairhavenProduce Kitwanga
Our Mission is “To reach out in service to the less remembered people in C a n a d a , p r o v i d i n g t h e m w i t h n o n - f o rmal e d u c a t i o n , A g r i c u l t u re , H e a l t h p r o g r ams, d e s i g n e d t o a l l e v i a t e i l l i t e r a c y , p o v e rty and disease while promot ing social awareness, g iving due respect t o local t r a d i t i o n s , b e l i e f s , c u s t o m s , a s p i r a t ion s an d in t e r e s t s , s o t h at all may s e e the v a l u e a n d b e a u t y o f t h e i r c u l t ural herit ag e and way of life as purposed by t heir creat or.”
“ My brother and sister, we need to keep before us the example of Christ’s perfection. When we allow our minds to dwell upon the imperfections of others, our own souls become filled with the leaven of evil. In our endeavors to represent the truth for this time to the world, we shall meet with many difficulties, but, if we keep the mind and heart fixed upon the precious Saviour, if we talk of his love and power, the perplexities will pass away, and we shall become happy in the assurance of a Saviour’s love.” -This Day w ith God, page 372
We stood in the old, run down restaurant, observing the mess it had become. At “one point this place served food made from the heart.”, Sheldon had said. Despite the fact that the foundation was falling down on one side of the building this old place had potential, not because of its physical space but because of its heart. Nowadays, there are not many places you can go where they will serve food with a passion and care for their customers. Those who had nothing, would come and in be fed, Sheldon mentioned that at one point they had served six turkeys at Thanksgiving. They would simply sit down and enjoy the warm, loving atmosphere of this restaurant.
This is how our story began, before Christmas Sulad Lito called me and said someone from the village was giving away their fridge and stove. I said that our prayers had been answered, because our stove had started to die one burner at a time. So, we went to the village of a friend of ours named Sheldon - a young man still in his thirties - who was getting rid of his appliances. We helped him take out his old appliances and loaded them on the truck, then Sir Lito and I installed his new appliances. Afterwards, we spent some time visiting and talking, at which point he then mentioned that he had some more things he needed to be fixed around his place. I told him we would be back after Christmas, as we were leaving for Christmas vacation the next day. We said our goodbyes for the meantime and left on our trip.
After our Christmas holiday, Sheldon was eager to get his light switch fixed. The calls kept coming more and more, it seemed like the Holy Spirit was urging him to call me. So, I figured I had to go and see him. Many times, when the Holy Spirit is urging us to do good for others, opposing forces try to discourage you, keep you in your comfort zone, keep you unmotivated. But in order to get God’s blessings, we must move out of our comfort zones. So, I called our young friend in the village and decided to go and pay him a visit. I knocked on his door, went in with my tools and got straight to work, I fixed his light switch and installed the door stop for his front entrance. The fixi ng of the things in Sheldon’s home was a way in, but that wasn’t the only thing that God had in mind. It became apparent to me why I was called to be here and that reason was to talk with Sheldon and give him a Bible study. I had never really given anyone a Bible study before, but I thought to myself that I will do my best. As we talked, we exchanged stories about our lives and Sheldon told me about how he had grown up, living in many different places, not knowing his family or his father. The person who was always there, was his mother who still to this day would bring him food and the things he needed, as he was struggling with a major alcohol addiction. Because of this, he was unable to drive or to get things for himself. As I sat there listening to Sheldon's story, a man who was maybe just a couple years older than me, who had already had three different wives and three children with each, who sat at home every day struggling with his addiction became apparent to me that God wanted me to intervene even more. I gave him advice on how he could change his lifestyle and change the direction of the future of his life. I asked him what was most important for him, to live or die?What kind of legacy did he want to leave behind for his children, for his daughters? How could we change his drinking problem? I agreed to purchase him a detox package, filled with vitamins and natural remedies which would detoxify his body and lessen the cravings for alcohol. Sheldon shared with me that he had been to seven different rehabs, tried doing the different treatments and none had worked for him. As he shared this with me, a light bulb turned on in my mind. Or rather, should I say the Holy Spirit turned on the light bulb. As he was sharing with me these struggles he has had, a light bulb went off in my head. Or should I say the Holy spirit gave me an idea. Different people have different ways of approaching a situation or an idea, my idea was to take out the alcoholic away from his current environment and get him to go back doing what he loved. which was cooking. He loved being a chef and cooking for people. With this solution in mind, I presented my idea to him as a different rehab. In order to fix or to work on a problem, you must present the situation and the circumstances to the person, giving them options and negotiating the deal. So, I presented him my solution. The solution to Sheldon’s problem was to make his dream become a reality. We all have dreams at one point in life, right? Some wait to live their dreams until the money is there or until their marriage is stable. But what is life, whe n we only live it when it is all gone? Then what is the point of living when we have nothing in the end? This was what our dear brother was struggling with. So, when it comes to Jesus teachings, what was more important? For our own dreams to be fulfilled or to make someone else’s dream come true, and in turn receive two-fold blessings? What is our purpose, if we really think about? How do you acquire more blessings from God? This is what it is to be the blessed first, by being the blessed first we will then afterwards receive the priceless gift or two fold the blessings from God. I shared with Sheldon Matthew 10:8, “Freely give as freely you have received”, sharing with him the message from Jesus, His instruction for us.
I told Sheldon that I would help reopen his restaurant, only if he would stop his drinking and change his life. I presented him this so he would have options, but also to help him to get motivated to do something with his time. I wanted to give him a reason as to why this life was important and let him know that God had a plan for him. Sheldon shared with me that he used to run a small restaurant next to his mobile house on t he reserve. At this small restaurant, he would serve food for the tourists and villagers. It was a place where people could come and hangout. He said that on Thanksgiving, he would make a turkey dinner for everyone. Some of friends on the First Nations’ re serve very envious of his restaurant, so much so that they would kick over his signs on the road, so people wouldn’t know whether or not he was open. But he said that the way of life here, always fighting amongst each other and never supporting one another. I told Sheldon, “My brother, let’s change your outlook and let’s start to teach those who are envious of us by doing good to them. The Holy Scriptures teach us that you can only overcome evil only if you do it by doing good.”. I then asked him to show me this building that he used to cook out of. We walked over to the building next door with the stairs and porch severely deteriorated with one corner of the foundation rotting away. We walked up the stairs, he opened the doors and the light shone in, this place had been used for storage for the past few years, all of the original equipment gone, but even then, what I saw was that it still had potential. I asked Sheldon what the restaurant used to be called. He told me the name, but I said, “Let’s come up with a name, a new name. A name that will make people think, a name that will give people hope with a message. When they ask you where or how this started, you will have a message to give them.” I told him to think of name in Gitxsan, the native language of this First Nations Reserve. I also told him to think of a name that would be for the people who would remember him in their native language. I also told him think of name that is for the people what he would be remembered by? He thought for a couple of seconds. I said to him that if he needed time to think he could call me and tell me later. But before I finished speaking, he told me the name, “Heart Café”. “Heart Cafe, why ?” I asked. He replied, that was what had come to his mind. I knew that it was divine intervention, and I told him that he couldn’t have come up with a better name. Sheldon wanted to help both himself and to help his people who were also in a feeble stage as he was. What excuse could I have if I couldn’t help him? How could I not be the motivation to help him to live and be the light he was meant to be? How could I not be the light that God calls us to be? “A shining candle under a bushel cannot be seen.” So, what excuses are we going to come up with, saying that we cannot do it? Sometimes the devil pushes us down to the point where we just want to be left alone. but that is the time God wants to show Heaven what we truly are made of. It is hard, it is difficult but in the end, we all have each other. We are a family in God and we ne ed to continue to help each fulfill our dreams, helping each other not only to fulfill our dreams but also by helping one another. Be a blessing and receive the blessings that will continue to flow when we freely give. The cleaning and renovation of Heart Café will start this spring. So, all I have to say is, to be continued and watch how God answers prayers.
A poem inspired by Neng Nazareno
it was August of two thousand and sixteen When I joined our youth’s mission team Those who came for the trip were a total of fourteen I believe we can all testify, that serving the Lord is very rewarding. We went to a place called Kitwanga, One of the reserved areas of British Columbia, The mountains, the lakes are a magnificent panorama The salmon, the berries, made every meal like a fiesta. On our first two days, we did the native’s church painting, This is in preparation for the Chief’s nephew’s wedding, We didn’t realize that this had marked the beginning of our wonderful friendship, through the Lord’s working. Backyard “clean up,” was our next assignment And everyone seems to be so competent, In pulling the weeds or mowing the lawn,” you’re all excellent What a God-given skill and an unbeatable talent. Our major project, we didn’t forget to deliver, A gift to school children, that’s the “bus stop shelter” While waiting for the bus, especially during winter, It will protect them from snow, rain & very bad weather. There’s also work done in the carpentry shop, The youth made stools for the kids, so they can reach their desk top Only a half day was spent there, it’s just a shortstop Then they cut logs into firewood, it’s as easy as doing “hip hop.” Everyone enjoyed picking blueberries, A part of our daily routine activities, So sweet and so fresh, the mouth can’t resist, The urge is so strong, the heart and mind insist.
Visiting the neighbourhood is another opportunity, And caring for them is more of a loving responsibility, We sang and pray for them, serving is a joy, really! And we’re able to extend sympathy to one grieving family. We were so honored by attending their feasts Observing their tradition, is one in the list Refusing an offer insults everyone especially the chiefs, Better follow the instructions, or they will be displeased. We were all amazed with chief Gary’s testimony, His life and his wife’s changed, by God’s transforming ability, There are also others, whose depression and anxiety, Had been cured by God’s love, and had removed their misery. Let’s all praise the Lord for His abounding grace He had brought the SULADS to this aboriginal place, To rescue His children from addiction disgrace And the love of Jesus, many people embraced. There’s so much work to do, the SULADS are busy, Their steadfast commitment is extraordinary Their relentless dedication, is not just an accessory, But a very important tool, possessed by a missionary. The coming King will bring you, your hard work’s reward, Keep on keeping on, and always move forward Just patiently wait, you’ll get it afterward, Be faithful and true, keep your hearts on guard. Let us work together, this command is for all, Let us respond quickly, to our Saviour’s call Let’s join hands together, so nobody would fall, Meeting Him in the air, is our major goal. We thank you O Lord, for this golden opportunity, To work with the SULADS in this northern part of the country It has always been my dream to become a missionary Wherever you want us to go, lead my husband and me.
Cutting wood for elders at Gitwangak made me feel so good to be doing the Lord’s work and appreciate all His blessings. We need to look at what God is doing for us and be thankful for it. -Viktor Sabo
Left: SULADS Canada President, Ephraim Baragona. Right: SULADS Canada VP, Lemwel Ramada wearing traditional dress. The Northern Mission Summit w as held in Yellow knife, Northw est Territories, Canada. On the said ev ent, SULADS Canada missionaries shared how they use agriculture and positiv e experiences for young people to connect and grow the church in an indigenous community in northern British Columbia. Read more here: http://www.adventistreview.org/church-news/story4040-go-north-god-has-people-there-too
SULADS are asserting agricultural program in Gitanyow village where 11 households were benefited
with 4 garden boxes thereby enjoying fresh, chemical free vegetables. We are hoping that children and parents will
join the community health program in the nearby villages.
Dinner together with our church family after the Sabbath service held at the ove’s residence.
1Peter 4:9 Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. The gift of hospitality is so powerful. People can come together and offer up their
homemade food, precious laughter, and generously share their possessions. The sort of giving is rare to come by, but leaves a lasting memory . – remy burce FROM WETASKIWIN, AB, CANADA.
If you wish to buy our produce or send donation to Gitxsan Mission, Please send it to -marked as: Edmonton Filipino SDA Church for Gitxsan Mission 311 Kline Crescent, Edmonton, AB, T6L 6K7