Schack Classes

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art classes


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Hot Glass







5, 7



Mixed Media












Kids Classes




Professional Development


Art Educator Workshop


Exhibits & Events Calendar


Instructor Index


2921 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA 98201 PO Box 5038, Everett, WA 98206 425.259.5050

Crows & Leaves Mosaic Mirrors, Cindy Carper-Morris

Supply Lists & Fees SUPPLY LISTS: Students must purchase items on their own and bring to class. Lists are provided at registration, and may be viewed online at www.schack. org SUPPLY FEES: This is payable directly to the instructor at the first class. The fee covers hard-to-find or expensive items that the instructor has easy access to and can be purchased in bulk for a lesser price. PROCESSING FEE: This is a one-time $10. fee PER ORDER when signing up for a class. Multiple classes may be included in one order.

Ways to Register ONLINE: PHONE: 425-259-5050 WALK IN: M-F 10-6, Sa 10-5, Su noon-5

Policies Gallery & Store Hours Monday-Friday 10-6 Saturday 10-5 Sunday noon-5

COVER Pastel Painting, Janet Hamilton Schack Hot Shop Printmaking, Betsy Best-Spadaro

SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

REFUND POLICY: Students who withdraw 7 days or more prior to class receive a full refund less the $10 process fee. Students who withdraw 2-7 days prior to class receive a credit voucher for a future class less the $10 process fee and a $15 drop fee. Refunds or vouchers are not available to students who withdraw 48 hours or less prior to class. CANCELLATION: In the event of class cancellation, you will be notified by e-mail or by phone and receive a full refund of tuition and fees. (We cannot connect to phones with caller block.) HOLD HARMLESS: Participants agree to hold harmless the Schack Art Center, its officials, its employees and agents for any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage in which damage and injury is or appears to be proximately caused in whole or in part by their participation in this program. PHOTO PERMISSION: Participants give permission for the Schack Art Center to use, without limitation or obligation, photographs which may include the image or artwork for purposes of promoting the programs of the Schack Art Center.

Flamework • Beadmaking • Glassblowing Fee Key

SF = Supply Fee M = Member Rate NM = Non-Member Rate

DANTE MARIONI – GOBLET MASTER CLASS, 18+YRS The art of making Venetian-style glass goblets will be the focus of this intensive, juried workshop. Independent learners will get the most from observing intensive demonstrations in the morning by Dante Marioni, assisted by Janusz Pozniak, and then practicing in the afternoon with the help of experienced teaching assistants. The making of a blown stem and foot, and the illusive particulars of the avoglio will be covered, along with use of the garage to construct goblets from pre-made parts. A slide lecture by Marioni, and a visit to the Pilchuck Glass School campus will round out this 4-day skill-building opportunity. Visit for application details. Applications are due January 15. TH-S Mar 15-18 9am-5:30pm M $1000.00 NM $1100.00

SOFT FLAMEWORKED GLASS I, 18+YRS Schack Staff Learn how to use the torch to create your own soft glass beads and small sculptures! There are endless possibilities for the styles that you can make, limited only to your imagination. This class will teach you about the basics of working with the torch and using a palette of colored glass rods, you will finish several different projects. Th Jan 26-Mar 4 6-9pm M $225 NM $250

ADVANCED BEADMAKING TECHNIQUES Von Schroeder Working with Effetre glass rods, this 4 hour class will build upon the foundation that you have already established on the torch. Student input on the day of class will help shape the day. Bring your tools, enthusiasm and curiosity. S Mar 10 1-5pm M $70 NM $80

INTRODUCTION TO SOFT FLAMEWORKED GLASS, 16+YRS Von Schroeder This introduction will teach you the basics of soft glass flame work using Effetre colored glass rods. With beads as the starting point, you will learn how to work safely and proficiently in the Flame Studio. Plenty of demonstrations along with time for making your own projects will give you the skills necessary to take advanced classes. Sa-S Feb 11-12 1-5pm M $140 NM $160

MAKE YOUR OWN GLASS BEADS! 16+ YRS Von Schroeder Try your hand at making glass beads in this afternoon class. The instructor will guide you through basic safety principles, and teach you how to make basic colorful glass beads which can then be turned into necklaces, bracelets, etc. All supplies provided. S Jan 8 1-5pm M $70 NM $80

HIGH SCHOOL GLASSBLOWING, 14-18 YRS ONLY Jesse Nelson Teens, this class is your opportunity to learn to blow glass. Using 2000° furnaces (hot enough to turn a mixture of sand and soda ash into glass) you will practice the basics of blown glass and solid sculpted forms. 4 weekly sessions, no prerequisite. Sa Jan 21–Feb 11 9:30am -1:45pm M $300 NM $330 SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

Goblet Master Class, Dante Marioni

GLASSBLOWING I, 18+YRS Granite Calimpong or Bob Mitchell The basics of working with molten glass will be covered in this class. From blowing, blocking and shaping to using specialized hand tools, this class will give you a good base on which to build the skills necessary to create functional and artistic objects. Demonstrations of basic techniques will be plenty, as will time to practice in teams of two. 8 weekly sessions, no prerequisite. Tu Jan 10–Feb 28 6-10pm M $600 NM $660 Th Jan12–Mar 1 6-10pm M $600 NM $660

INTERMEDIATE GLASSBLOWING, 18+YRS If you already know the basics of blowing glass, but aren’t quite ready to work on your own, this class is for you. The use of handles, bits, and wraps will be covered, as will color application. This class will prepare you to pass the Schack studio rental test. Prerequisite – at least one year of recent glassblowing experience. W Jan 11-Feb 29 6-10pm M $620 NM $680

MAKE IT NOW IN 20 MINUTES OR LESS! 10+YRS Drop In on certain Sunday afternoons and work with one of our skilled glassblowers to help design and help make your own hot glass piece! January is glass apples, February is glass hearts, and March is glass votives. Your work will be ready for pick up 48 hours later. S Jan 15 12-5pm M $45 NM $50 S Jan 29 12-5pm S Feb 5 12-5pm S Feb 12 12-5pm S Mar 11 12-5pm S Mar 25 12-5pm


Hot Glass • Kilnforming KILNFORMING II, 18+YRS Stacey King This continuation of Fusing I will build on what you have already learned. The use of frit, shards, stringers and cane to create different designs of your own will be the focus of this class. Advanced glass cutting techniques will be covered, along with in depth firing schedules, and proper studio practice. You will need to take this class to be allowed to rent time on your own in the Schack Kiln Studio. Prerequisite – Kilnforming I or Instructor Permission. W Jan 11 – Feb 29 6-10pm M $400 NM $440

MAKE YOUR OWN GLASS JEWELRY! 13+YRS Judy Macauley Learn how to create beautiful fused glass pendants, earrings, and pins using Bullseye glass, dichroic glass, frit, and metals. We are also providing lots of fun extras such as sepia slides and 22kt gold cross slides so you can really experiment with different looks. By the end of instruction you will have up to 8 pieces of beautiful glass jewelry to keep for yourself or gift to friends and family. Jewelry will be fired and ready for pick up 2 weeks after class. S Feb 26 2-5pm SF $25 M $40 NM $45 S Mar 25 2-5Pm SF $25 M $40 NM $45

Marble Madness, Robin Moore

INTRODUCTION TO HOT GLASS 18+YRS Bob Mitchell or Giuseppe Fria The art of forming molten glass dates back to 3500 BC.This single day 8 hour intensive workshop is your chance to experience the thrill of working with the molten media that has captivated for centuries. You will learn the art of gathering glass from the furnace, and using fire, gravity and simple hand tools you will create forms of various shapes and sizes. No experience necessary. Sa Jan 14 9:30am-5:45pm M $160 NM $200 Su Feb 19 9:30am-5:45pm M $160 NM $200 Sa Mar 10 9:30am-5:45pm M $160 NM $200

MARBLE MADNESS 18+ YRS Robin Moore In this hands-on weekend class you will learn how to use borosilicate glass rods to make flower marbles using the “deep encasement” method. You will learn how to make layered, multi color stringers to use in the design of a flower or jellyfish style marble. This class will emphasize flame settings, flame region, and using gravity to achieve a design that will “bloom” inside the marble. At least one year of flameworking experience is required to take this glass. Sa Mar 4 1-4PM M $70 NM $75

MAKE IT NOW IN AN HOUR OR LESS! GLASS COASTERS! 10+ Glass Staff During this fun evening in the Kiln Studio, you will be guided through the process of making 4 fused glass coasters! Pre-cut shapes of colored Bullseye glass make this a fun class for the whole family. Your coaster will be available for pickup 48 hours later. S Jan 22 2-5pm $35 S Mar 11 2-5pm

MAKE IT NOW IN AN HOUR OR LESS! GLASS PLATES! 10+ Glass Staff Using pre-cut glass Bullseye glass, you will be able to create a square plate of your own design! Your patterns will fuse and slump in the kiln, resulting in a beautifully shaped plate, ready for pickup 48 hours later. This Make It Now experience is a great introduction to the world of kiln-formed glass. S Feb 19 2-5pm $45

FOCUS ON THE FIGURE, BOROSILICATE GLASS 18+YRS Karen Buhler This introduction will teach you the basics of flameworking borosilicate glass. By focusing on figurative elements, students will learn about the torch and tools, manipulation of rod and tube, color application, construction, problem solving, and annealing. Sa-Su Mar17,18 1-5pm M $150 NM $165

KILNFORMING I, 18+YRS Stacey King This in depth technical class starts off with the basics of working with cutting glass, and will lead you through making several of your own projects. The fundamental skills necessary to work on your own in the kiln shop will be introduced through demonstrations, discussions and instructor lead projects. Kiln preparation and set up will also be covered. T Jan 10 – Feb 28 6-10pm M$300 NM $330


SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

Focus on the Figure, Karen Buhler

GLASS COLLAGE Stacey King In this two day hands-on workshop, you will learn to layer glass elements that allow you to capture imagery, designs and writing in glass. The process begins with a base of various forms of Bullseye glass, including sheet, stringers and frit. This will be combined with vitreous paint in multiple layers to create a fused glass panel of your own design. Sa Mar 24, 31 10am-4pm M $250 NM $275

Painting • Drawing • Encaustic EXPLORING THE VERSATILITY OF ACRYLIC , 15+YRS Tracy Kay Fraker Push forward in your creative approach with acrylic paints by creating the same image in six different ways! For “Nuts & Bolts” we‘ll try out a variety of gels and mediums. This class encourages an experimental and contemporary approach - you will leave with motivation and new ideas. This is a very dynamic workshop to inspire creativity. Open to anyone who would like an introduction to a new way of working. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. W Jan 18 10am-4pm SF $12 M $60 NM $65

PAINTING IN LAYERS, 15+YRS Tracy Kay Fraker Acrylic is the medium of choice for contemporary and experimental art, and layers are a great way to build texture, color and meaning! If you have been working on smaller canvases, this workshop celebrates the bold joy of stepping up to a bigger canvas. Explore the variety of ways you can use acrylics to add mixed media. For “Nuts & Bolts” we‘ll will discuss concept, color and composition. Open to anyone who would like an introduction to a new way of working. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 11 10:30am – 4:30pm SF $5 M $60 NM $65

Fee Key

SF = Supply Fee M = Member Rate NM = Non-Member Rate

BEGIN WITH WATERCOLOR, 18+ YRS Colleen Dunlap Watercolor is a great way to start your journey into art. You will learn about materials and the basics of color and design while mastering over 20 watercolor techniques. Students will produce representational works based on studio practice and instructor guided assignments. Develop your creativity and learn the natural attributes of transparent watercolor. This class is intended for all skill levels. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11 2-4:30pm Sa Mar 10, 17, 24, 31, Apr 7, 14 2-4:30pm SF $5 M $120 NM $135

INTERMEDIATE WATERCOLOR SERIES: THE ELEMENTS OF EXPRESSION,18+ YRS Colleen Dunlap Explore VIEWPOINT and relationships between the viewer, the artist and the object. Bring your preferred complete watercolor materials and supplies. This series requires that you know basic watercolor techniques. A list of suggested supplies is available on registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Mar 10, 17, 24, 31 10:30am-1pm SF $10 M $85 NM $90

INTERMEDIATE ENCAUSTIC TECHNIQUE, 18+ YRS Lisa JonesMoore Take an amazing journey into an in-depth exploration of encaustic technique on the “intermediate” level. Learn what well-known contemporary artists are doing with hot wax! If you have taken a beginning or basic encaustic class, this is the class for you. After reviewing basic techniques and studio safety, you will be able to jump right into more experimental and exciting processes involving mixed media, color, texture, scribing and much more! Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. F, Sa Mar 9, 10 Noon-5pm SF $60 M $85 NM $90

PAINTING WITH COLOR PENCILS, 16+ YRS Anna Mastronardi Novak Transcend the traditional look, feel and concept of color pencils by learning to push this medium into a far richer and relevant form of fine art expression. Learn techniques of layering and color mixing that make your color pencil work feel more like a brush or liquid medium. Intermediate drawing skill and knowledge of color is required to benefit from this class. Supply list provided at registration. Sa Feb 18 11am–5pm M $60 NM $65 Acrylic Painting Using Collage, Tracy Kay Fraker

ACRYLIC PAINTING USING COLLAGE, 15+YRS Tracy Kay Fraker Combine materials using collage techniques to “build” your acrylic painting. Exploration, encouragement and just plain time to paint will put you on the path to creating your own personal style. This is a great workshop to get ideas, experiment and try something new! There will be lots of demos. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. W Mar 7 10:30am-4:30pm SF $5 M $60 NM $65

PAINTED PAPERS, 18+ YRS Barbara De Pirro There are many different ways to create pattern, texture and color on paper. This workshop will introduce you to some of these methods, using acrylic paints in combination with a range of acrylic mediums and gels. Creating your own papers assures that they are unique, lightfast and archival. Your hand painted paper can be used for collage, backgrounds for your paintings, sculpture, basketry, book arts, or even wrapping paper and cards! Supply list provided at registration. All acrylic products are graciously provided by GOLDEN Artist Colors. Sa, Su Mar 24, 25 10am-4pm M $250 NM $270

Become a Member of schack art center Members enjoy discounts on classes and purchases in the Schack Shop. View prices online at SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member


Painting • Drawing • Mixed Media PASTEL PAINTING, 16+ YRS Janet Hamilton Have you wanted to explore the vibrant, versatile medium of pastels? This class will focus on painting from a still-life to help us better understand values, light, color harmonies and composition. We will experiment with a variety of techniques (such as layering color and “under washes”), as well as explore different paper surfaces made for pastel. All levels are welcome, though some drawing experience is highly recommended. The instructor gives much individual instruction during the class, and will begin each class with a demonstration. Supply list provided at registration. Tu Feb 7, 14, 21, 28, Mar 6, 13 1-4pm M $145 NM $155

PORTRAIT PAINTING AND DRAWING, 18+ YRS Irina Kirienko Milton Would you like to paint self-portraits or portraits? The instructor will concentrate on teaching you the process of translating the threedimensional reality of the human head into the two-dimensional language of portraiture. You will learn the basics of human head proportions and anatomy, as well as the relationships of the facial features. Emphasis will be on pragmatic painting and drawing skills, with a focus on the creation of light and form, expression and personality. Some drawing skills are required. Supply list provided at registration. Model fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 11am-2pm Model fee $20 M $95 NM $110

Fee Key

SF = Supply Fee M = Member Rate NM = Non-Member Rate

SCULPTURAL PAINTING, 18+ YRS Jennifer MacLean Learn the exciting art of sculptural painting utilizing wallboard compound and reclaimed house paint. You will learn how to bring textural depth to a 2-D painting. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to paint! You will learn as you go and end up with an intriguing art piece. For those of you that paint, be ready to add a new arsenal of skills and ideas to your painting knowledge. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. M Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 6-9pm SF $10 M $95 NM $110

ALTERED ART TINS, 12+ YRS Mary Peterson Turn small tins into miniature works of art. You’ll collage, paint and add images, personal photos, text, and small found objects to your tins. These artful tins make great for gifts! You may even commemorate a special person or occasion. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Su Mar 11 1-4pm SF $5 M $40 NM $45

The Altered Landscape, Lisa JonesMoore


Portrait Painting and Drawing, Irina Kirienko Milton

RUSSIAN IMPRESSIONISM PAINTING, 18+ YRS Irina Kirienko Milton Inspired by the masters, the instructor will focus on teaching the secrets of Russian impressionistic painting. Discover how to achieve accurate drawing skills, technical mastery and an intuitive understanding of nature. You will focus on color mixing concepts, materials and ideas. Supply list provided at registration. W Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 10am-1pm M $95 NM $110


SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

Lisa JonesMoore Learn how to achieve artful and imaginative landscape images using mixed media techniques with your own photographs! Take a creative journey using paints, ink, oil pastels and even bleach! We will experiment with various photographic surfaces such as inkjet fabric, matte and glossy photo papers. The instructor will also provide images to work with. All levels welcome. Supply list available at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. F Mar 30 noon-5pm SF $20 M $50 NM $55

ARTFUL JUNK, 18+YRS Alicia Harvey Don’t run to an art supply store for materials every time you want to create art-just look in your cabinets and recycle bins! You will learn to see “junk” in new ways through stenciling, stamping and collage techniques. With a few basic art supplies and lots of “artful junk”, you will create beautiful paintings. All levels welcome. Supply list provided upon registration. Sa Jan 28 2-5pm M $40 NM $45

Mixed Media • Jewelry • Fiber BEESWAX VALENTINES, 16+ YRS Lisa JonesMoore Spend the afternoon “waxing poetic” with warm beeswax and collage elements! Create beautiful valentine art while learning the basics of collage. We will combine warm beeswax with various items such as lace, rice paper, “found” text, images and vintage ephemera. Your friends and family will truly be in awe of the small works of art (or greeting cards) that you create. All levels welcome! Supply list available at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. F Feb 10 1-5pm SF $15 M $45 NM $50

COLLAGE A DAY, 18+ YRS Celeste Douville No matter what your regular artist media is, collage-making every day will bring out the best in all of your artwork. Work out new color combinations, textures and shapes before committing to your large pieces. Learn techniques that get you to use a bit of everything you have in your art stash. The practice of daily art making will skyrocket your art, life and happiness to new levels. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 25 noon-5pm SF $17 M $50 NM $55

CREATE MANDALAS, 18+ YRS Celeste Douville Make original mandalas as a visual journaling exercise for selfexpression and understanding. Poetry, music and guided visualization are springboards for accessing inner images which will take form on paper. Learn to create mandalas that symbolize and express your deepest being. All levels welcome. Supply list provide at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Th Mar 1, 8 6-9pm SF $12 M $60 NM $65

EXPERIMENTAL DRAWING AND PAINTING, 18+ YRS Jennifer MacLean Explore techniques that elicit new ideas and bring creative sparks into your art practice. This will be a mixed media experience working both in class and out, individually and in groups, with both process and completion. We will also study color palettes, and ways to break out of the same palette rut. Learn exercises that will assist you in finding your individual artistic vocabulary. All levels welcome. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. W Jan 4, 11, 18, 25, Feb 1, 8 6-9pm SF $20 M $145 NM $155

MIXED MEDIA TEXTURE, 16+ YRS Tonnie Wolfe Use texture to organize and add interest to your artwork. Explore ways to create texture from traditional and non-traditional materials and techniques, including simple metal and paper embossing, fusible web, natural materials, paper and acrylic media. Texture can be added to paper, canvas or fabric. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Th Mar 29 5-9pm SF $10 M $50 NM $55

STORY BOX JOURNALS, 18+YRS Alicia Harvey Do you want to create a journal that helps you recover from an event in your past or that helps you visualize your future? “Story boxing” is a 3D version of journaling. Instead of a blank page, you begin with a rough-hewn box with doors. Through the use of paint and other materials, you will create an exterior and interior world that is all your own! Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Su Feb 12 1-5pm SF $10 M $45 NM $50 Su Mar 18 1-5pm SF $10 M $45 NM $50

SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

Story Box Journals, Alicia Harvey

ENCAUSTIC JEWELRY DESIGN, 15+ YRS Jennifer MacLean Take the best of encaustic painting, mix it with jewelry design and what do you have? A whole lot of fun! And of course, some unique pieces of jewelry to wear. Utilizing encaustic wax, make small creations into wearable art. Brooches, pendants, and earrings will be our focus. Leave with an arsenal of skills combining these two unique mediums. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. W Mar 7, 14, 21, 28 1-4pm SF $25 M $95 NM $110

SILVER CLAY JEWELRY WORKSHOP, 14+ YRS Celeste Douville Making things by hand nurtures us, connects us to our heritage and is green and frugal. Precious metal clay is an innovative (and recycled) material composed of particles of silver suspended in an organic binder. When fired, the binder burns away leaving a piece of pure silver. It is a fun and easy way to make handmade gifts for any occasion. An extensive collection of textures will be provided for creating one of a kind charms, pendants and earrings. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 18 noon-6pm SF $80 M $60 NM $65

INTRODUCTION TO FABRIC PAINTING, 16+ YRS Tonnie Wolfe Do you want to create your own fabric? Fabric painting is an easy way to create original cloth for quilts, wearable art, and embroidery. Spend a few hours experimenting with Dye-Na-Flow, acrylic, and fabric paint using both wet and dry techniques. You will leave class with a better understanding of surface design and how colors work together, along with a stash of your own unique hand-painted fabrics. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Jan 21 1-6pm SF $15 M $50 NM $55

FUNKY FABRIC PORTRAITS, 16+ YRS Mary Peterson Make a portrait of yourself or your “alter ego” with fabric collage. We’ll “cut and paste” facial features out of fabric using fusible webbing. We’ll add fanciful features and texture with beading and embroidery. No sewing experience necessary. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. W Feb 15, 22 6-9pm SF $5 M $60 NM $65


Mixed Media • Bookmaking • Calligraphy Fee Key

SF = Supply Fee M = Member Rate NM = Non-Member Rate

INTRODUCTION TO GLASS MOSAIC, 18+YRS Jules Anslow Are you infected with “Glass Fever” but the hot shop is just too hot? Compose a couple of cool “glassterpieces” and discover new glass mosaic skills! Learn to cut glass, custom-color your grout, explore a bit of history and add some sweet lingo to your “glass” vocabulary. We’ll be creating two projects: a wall hanging with a mirror and your choice of a smaller project. This class is a prerequisite for the “Glass on Glass Mosaic” class, taking place in Spring 2012. Optional supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Tu Jan 10, 17, 24, 31 5:30-8:30pm Tu Mar 6, 13, 20, 27 5:30-8:30pm SF $55 M $95 NM $110

CROWS & LEAVES MOSAIC MIRRORS, 15+YRS Cindy Carper-Morris Create a beautiful mosaic crow mirror from your own broken pottery and other collected objects. You may choose either theme for your mirror: crows or leaves! Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Supply list available at registration. Th Feb 16, 23 6pm-9pm SF $20 M $60 NM $65

Note To Self Calendar Journal, Celeste Douville

“NOTE TO SELF” CALENDAR JOURNAL, 18+YRSS Celeste Douville Unleash your creative spirit every day and document your life by creating a calendar for 2012. Using a combination of visual art and journaling, you will receive a series of prompts aimed to inspire confidence and help you focus on life goals. Your response to the prompts can be embellished on journal pages with ink, paint, collage materials & doodles. All levels welcome. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Jan 7 noon-5pm SF $17 M $50 NM $55

MAKE YOUR OWN ZINES! 10+YRS Celeste Douville “Zines” are self-published, handcrafted magazines made outside of mainstream press and media, by all kinds of people about all kinds of things. Your “zine” may include comics, drawings, photographs, stories, poems, interviews, reviews, collage and more. These also make great school reports, fundraising items and memories. All levels welcome. Supply list provide at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Th Mar 15, 22 6-9pm SF $9 M $60 NM $65

SEWN JOURNALS, 18+YRS Celeste Douville This is the perfect class for paper collectors! We’ll use our sewing machines to collage together all of our random pieces of saved paper into a glorious handcrafted, truly one-of-a-kind journal. All levels welcome. Supply list provide at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Jan 14 noon-5pm SF $19 M $50 NM$55

BEGINNING CALLIGRAPHY, 18+YRS Art Journaling, Kimberlie Brayman

ART JOURNALING, 13-17 YRS Kimberlie Brayman Learn how to combine design and written expression that will be personally yours in a journal that can be bound in a variety of ways. Art “starters” are provided to get your ideas flowing! Experiment with ways to express yourself visually with various mixed media techniques. You don’t have to be an artist to create a beautiful journal. Come have some fun with materials and ideas. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 25 2-5pm SF $15 M $40 NM $45

MIXED MEDIA JOURNALS, 18+YRS Celeste Douville Create functional, beautiful blank journals out of a wide variety of materials: recycled food packaging, plaster, polymer clay, architectural paper and old books. All levels welcome. Supply list provide upon registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 4 10am–4pm SF $17 M $50 NM $55


SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

Pam Koons “Calligraphy” means the art of beautiful handwriting. Imagine knowing an old-world skill that adds a personal touch to all of your projects! Bring a special uniqueness to cards, envelopes, invitations, announcements and holiday gifts. Discover how easy and fun it is to learn the beautifully flowing “Humanistic” calligraphy hand as we practice at a comfortable and relaxed pace for everyone. Make & take home a beautiful framed poem. Supply list provided at registration. W Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 6:30-8:30pm M $85 NM $90

INTRODUCTION TO CALLIGRAPHY WORKSHOP 13+YRS Pam Koons Calligraphy means the art of beautiful handwriting. This workshop will introduce you to the basics of an old-world skill that adds a very personal touch to all of your everyday and special writings and projects! Discover how easy and fun the beautifully flowing Italic Calligraphy lower case hand is as we practice at a comfortable pace for everyone. No prior knowledge of calligraphy needed. Supply list provided at registration. Su Feb 26 10am-4pm M $60 NM $65 Su Mar 11 10am-4pm M $60 NM $65

Calligraphy • Printmaking • Kids Classes INTERMEDIATE CALLIGRAPHY (GOTHIC STYLE), 18+ YRS Pam Koons Expand and continue learning the art of fancy handwriting, as we practice and learn a calligraphy lower case hand called Black Letter (Gothic). Improve your own personal style and use of your creative Calligraphy skills. This is a fast-paced class, so students must already have knowledge of a basic Calligraphy hand and angle. Supply list provided at registration. W Feb 29, Mar 7, 14, 21, 28 6:30-8:30 pm M $85 NM $90

LINO-CUT WORKSHOP, 15+ YRS Betsy Best-Spadaro The bold and direct quality of relief printmaking is distinct and unmistakable. Basic lino-cut printmaking methods and techniques will be introduced. Working from sketches, participants will cut blocks and produce a multi-colored print. Students will develop their skills and understanding of this simple yet limitless printmaking technique. All levels welcome. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at the first class. Sa, Su Mar 3, 4 11am-5pm SF $25 M $95 NM $110

Sewing Class I & II, Celeste Douville

SEWING CLASS I, 5+ YRS Celeste Douville As children learn to sew, they improve their fine motor skills and learn how to focus and follow directions. Your child will also learn how to make fun and useful items out of recycled outgrown clothes – stuffed animals, banners, clothes and more. All levels welcome. Supply list provide at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Feb 18, 25, Mar 3 9:30-11:30am SF $10 M $60 NM $65 Linoleum Printing, Julie Fisco



Celeste Douville This class will have different projects from Sewing Camp I, so take either or both! All levels welcome. Supply list provide at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Mar 31, Apr 7, 14 9:30-11:30am SF $10 M $60 NM $65

Julie Fisco Design, cut, print! Turn your idea, photo or drawing into a linocut print. Don’t worry if you think you can’t draw. We will experiment with ways to transfer your ideas into works of art. Learn to use the printing press to make great prints to frame or use as cards. All tools and materials will be provided for you to make several different prints. No experience necessary and all skill levels are invited to join in the fun. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Tu Jan 10, 17, 24, 31 10am-1pm SF $40 M $95 NM $110

MONOPRINTING, 14+ YRS Julie Fisco This is the most fun you can have with a printing press! From abstract to zebra, bring your ideas to create fabulous works on paper. Learn a variety of techniques using brushes, stencils and sticks to make great prints to keep or give as gifts. Artists and crafters will all have a great time learning how to use a small printing press. No experience necessary. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. W Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1 10am-1pm SF $40 M $95 NM $110

SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

LARGE COLORFUL PAINTINGS, 7+ YRS Celeste Douville Create huge, bright tempera paintings on big paper (3’x3’). Paint a portrait, an abstract, a still life – while learning painting techniques. No art experience necessary. All materials provided. Bring a sack lunch. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Su Jan 22 10am-4pm SF $19 M $60 NM $65

WEAVERS WORKSHOP, 5+YRS Celeste Douville Create your own woven artwork while you build weaving know-how! Weaving is the best textile craft for using bits of yarn, ribbon and more to create masterpieces. Bring a snack. All materials provided. All levels welcome. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Th Feb 23 10:00am-noon SF $19 M $20 NM $25


Kids Classes • Photography • Professional Development SATURDAY ART MATINÉE, 6-12 YRS


Nikki Wheeler Let them make masterpieces! These hands on art classes focus on drawing and painting skills, along with printmaking. Your child will go beyond craft making and step into the world of fine art, where they will make their own limited edition ink prints, paint on canvas, and learn the basics of drawing. Aprons provided, but please have your child dress for mess. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Sa Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 9:30-11:30am SF $35 M $70 NM $75 Sa Feb 4, 11 9:30-11:30am SF $17.50 M $45 NM $50

Nat Seymour This course will introduce you to the basics of digital camera operation and photographic technique. You will learn how aperture, shutter speed, light and motion affect the images you create. Use your own camera or share one with a friend. Any digital camera with an “M” or manual mode will work. Students should be able to email their photos and must bring the camera and manual to class. *For beginning photographers wanting an intensive learning experience, this course can be taken in conjunction with the ADVENTUROUS IMAGES WORKSHOP offered later on many of the same evenings. Th Jan 12, 19, 26 5:30-7:30pm M $60 NM $65 Th Mar 15, 22, 29 5:30-7:30pm M $60 NM $65

CREATIVE EXPRESSION, 6-11 YRS Kimberlie Brayman Set your child’s “inner artist” free while practicing a variety of approaches to visual expression. This exploratory class will introduce the budding artist to a variety of two-dimensional materials and mediums. Your child will learn about design elements and principles while creating, so he or she will take away more than a work of art from this class. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Tu Jan 17, 24, 31 4-5:30pm SF $10 M $50 NM $55

MIXED MEDIA DRAWING FOR KIDS, 8-12 YRS Tinnel Hillis Does your child love to doodle or draw? Let them learn to take their talent to the next level! This class will introduce them to basic drawing principles such as shading, outline, foreground/background, and composition while exploring completely new ways to do it! They will expand their skills in a fun, encouraging, and knowledgeable environment while gaining problem solving skills. Dress for mess and come for fun! Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor at class. Th Jan 12, 19, 26, Feb 2 4-5:30pm SF $10 M $75 NM $85

ADVENTUROUS IMAGES WORKSHOP, 18+ YRS Nat Seymour This course will have you seeing in different ways and taking pictures with fresh perspectives. Each week we will practice new photographic techniques, take more pictures over the week, then review and compare notes. Emphasis will be on fun and creativity. Students should bring their digital camera (with an “M” mode), camera manual and any other photographic equipment they want to use. This course is intended for intermediate-level photographers who are familiar with how and why to vary aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Supply fee payable to instructor at class for the required textbook: “PHOTO OP” by Kevin Meredith (ISBN 978-0-240-81400-1). Th Jan 19, 26, Feb 2 7:45-9:45pm Th Mar 22, 29, Apr 5 7:45-9:45pm SF $25 M $60 NM $65

CREATIVE THINKING: FRESH IDEAS FOR ART & LIFE, 18+ YRS Betty Hageman Stuck in a rut, stumped by a problem, or just drawing a blank? Do you find yourself doing what you’ve done before or doing nothing at all? You will learn how to formulate a personal “burning question” and practice ten proven techniques guaranteed to generate new perspectives and ideas. Learn to think creatively and have fun doing it! No previous experience required. You will leave with your own collaged posters containing potential solutions to your burning questions. Supply list provided at registration. Supply fee payable to instructor. W Jan 18 5:30-9:30pm SF $3 M $45 NM $50

Art Educator Workshop PRINTMAKING TECHNIQUES FOR THE CLASSROOM Ann Morgan The Schack Art Center continues to collaborate with the Everett School District to provide Art Technique Classes. This class is designed to familiarize teachers with a wide variety of printmaking techniques for the K-8 classroom. The first three sessions will include non-press techniques such as eraser prints, Styrofoam printing, linoleum block printing, string prints, “rubber” stamps, silk screen and more. The last session will cover printmaking processes utilizing a press. Cost: $70 ($60 + $10 processing fee) covers instructor, facility, supplies, and instructional materials. W Apr 11, 18, 25, May 2 6-8:30pm $70 (Everett SD Clock Hours or SPU Credit or SPU Clock Hours available)

Fee Key Mixed Media Drawing for Kids, Tinnel Hillis


SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

SF = Supply Fee M = Member Rate NM = Non-Member Rate


Exhibits & Events 2012 Reflections Arts Recognition & Achievement Program December 12 – January 30, 2012 Opening Reception December 15, 3-6pm Marysville School District Students

Jules Anslow, Glass & Mixed Media


Betsy Best-Spadaro, Printmaking


Mesh: Lanny Bergner January 5 – February 23 Opening Reception January 5, 5-8pm

Karen Buhler, Glass


Granite Calimpong, Glassblowing


Cindy Carper-Morris, Mixed Media


Barbara De Pirro, Painting


Regional Scholastic Art Portfolios Exhibit February 1 – 24 Snohomish County 12th Grade Students H’Arts 30th Annual Benefit Auction February 25, 5pm Preview Exhibit Feb. 9 – 23 Everett Events Center Regional Scholastic Art Exhibit February 27 - March 28 Opening Reception February 27, 5-9pm Snohomish County 7-12th Grade Students Embracing the Edge: Working in Clay in the Pacific Northwest March 8 – April 19 Opening Reception March 8, 5-8pm Black & White Photography Contest Exhibit April 5 – 30 Opening Reception April 12, 5-8pm Snohomish County High School Students Open Studio Night for Teens April 12 6-8pm

REGISTER EARLY to ensure your class takes place!

RENT THE SCHACK Planning a meeting or celebration? Rent the Schack for your next event. Check our website,, for more information.

Kimberlie Brayman, Kids Classes

Celeste Douville, Jewelry, Bookmaking, Mixed Media, Kids Classes Colleen Dunlap, Painting

7-9 5

Julie Fisco, Printmaking


Tracy Kay Fraker, Painting


Giuseppe Freia, Glass


Betty Hageman, Professional Development Janet Hamilton, Painting Alicia Harvey, Mixed Media Tinnel Hillis, Kids Classes Stacey King, Kilnforming Pam Koons, Calligraphy Judy Macauley, Glass Jennifer MacLean, Painting, Jewelry

10 6 6-7 5, 10 4 8-9 4 6-7

Dante Marioni, Glass


Anna Mastronardi Novak, Painting


Ann Morgan, Art Educator Workshop


Irina Kirienko Milton, Painting, Drawing


Bob Mitchell, Glass


Lisa JonesMoore, Encaustic, Mixed Media


Robin Moore, Glass


Jesse Nelson, Glass


Mary Peterson, Fiber


Von Schroeder, Glass


Nat Seymour, Photography


Nikki Wheeler, Kids Classes


Tonnie Wolfe, Mixed Media, Fiber

SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member




Schack Art Center


Arts Council of Snohomish County P.O. Box 5038 Everett, WA 98206

Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit No. 555 Everett, WA

Become a Member Today Members enjoy discounts on classes and purchases in the Schack Shop, so why not join today & save. View member levels and prices online at

Plan Ahead. Spring Break Art Camps April 2-6, 2012 Send your child on a creative vacation during our spring break art camps. From painting & printmaking to scultping, your child will take an artistic journey with one of our fabulous instructors. Visit Large Colorful Paintings, Celeste Douville

SF = Supply Fee, M = Member, NM = Non Member

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