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Best Adhesive on the Market.
Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive ™
Tail Adhesive is the highest strength adhesive. It has unmatched holding power for flat lying, hard-tohold hair on legs and when shaping the tail ball. You can depend on Tail Adhesive to dry completely and hold its firm shape in all types of weather with no fall-down when Touch-Ups are applied. It is tremendous for creating a thicker appearing hair follicle by simply spraying light coats, and repeating after each coat has dried until the desired look has been achieved. Cover with a Touch-Up of your choice.
Sullivan’s Prime Time Adhesive ™
Prime Time is our strongest show day leg adhesive with holding power that is ideal for medium length, thinner hair types. It creates body and volume with the clear, natural look you demand. Prime Time will perform in all types of weather - winter, spring, summer or fall. It holds hair firmly in place and will not “wilt” or fall down in humidity. Sullivan’s Prime Time is formulated lighter, is more flexible and clear in a pure form of adhesive. This is the BEST option for no paint shows.Dries completely and leaves the hair crisp so it can be clipped easily. The natural look with a little more holding power.
Sullivan’s Jet Black Touch-Up ™
Jet Black Touch-Up covers adhesives, leg builders, and faded hair completely. The hair will appear thicker, fuller and deeper black. Jet Black Touch-Up is ideal to cover Ultra White as the first black touch-up used in the leg building process. It has unique drying abilities that creates texture to the hair without breaking down your adhesives. Jet Black Touch-Up has a medium black color.
JET - can , 11.5 oz. $10.75
- 12 can case, 15 lbs. $124.50
Sullivan’s Black Finisher ™
Black Finisher is applied as the last step in the leg building process. Its bright black color and natural shine matches the natural black color of body hair. This black touch-up delivers the deepest, most natural black appearance that we have ever seen. Black Finisher gives you great coverage and build-up on the hair without breaking down adhesives and leg builders. The number one choice of professionals. TUP*
- can , 11.5 oz.
- 12 can case, 15 lbs.
Sullivan’s Powder’ful ™ Hair Thickening Powder
Ultra White Touch-Up ™
Ultra White Touch-Up covers stained or faded hair with a smooth natural powder-white color. Ultra White is tremendous as a leg builder to achieve a thick, fuller appearance to hair, even on black cattle. After leg adhesives are completely dry, apply Ultra White. It will not break down your adhesives. Ultra White goes on with powder-like particles to give a more natural appearance than heavy adhesive leg builders.
W - can , 11 oz. $10.75
- 12 can case, 13 lbs. $124.50
The first hair building powder spray specifically designed for livestock hair. Sullivan’s POWDER’FUL creates extra depth and dimension to each hair follicle during the hair building process, without the appearance of be coming too heavy, globby or unnatural. Great for legs, bellies, flanks, top-lines and tail heads. As an added benefit, after applying over adhesives, the drying powder agents contained in POWDER’FUL allow the hair to be clipped easily, better than any previously known product. The two color options, white and black, make it easy to build legs without having to use an excess of paint to cover it up. Check out page 32 for fitting steps on the best way to use Powder’ful.
• Follicle builder
• Easy to clip through
• Fast drying
• Does not weigh the hair down like other leg builders
• Most natural full look you will get from any product
• Will not leave hair wet and globby
• Available in Black and White Powder Spray