Ain-ul-Arifeen English Translation with Persian Text

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TERMINOLOGY ALIF Alif (‫ )ا‬is the first letter of Arabic alphabets that gives the sound

ّ​ّٰ َ

of „A‟ and represents the name Allah ‫ اللہ‬which also starts with Alif. ANNIHILATION Annihilation is translated from Arabic word Fana (‫)فنا‬. Annihilation and immortality are two stages that form a compound in spirituality, annihilation alone is incomplete. Annihilation has various stages and continues according to the spiritual capacity until nothing but Divine Essence adorns the man within. The three levels are annihilation in the spiritual guide, the Holy Prophet and Allah. APPREHENSIONS It is used for the mystical term khatarat (‫ )رطخات‬which are the thoughts that become an obstacle in the spiritual way. BELIEVER The Arabic word Mumin (‫ )مومن‬is translated as the believer or faithful. A believer can be distinguished from a Muslim as a Muslim accepts Islam verbally or just because he is born in a Muslim family. He follows Islam only outwardly but the believer reaches the essence of Islam following the spiritual path and worships Allah while beholding Him with perfect faith. Following verse explains the difference:

ُ َ‫اب ّٰا َم ّ َنا ؕ ُق ۡل لّ َ ۡم تُ ۡؤم ُن ۡوا َو لّٰک ۡن ُقوۡلُوۡۤۡا اَ ۡس َل ۡم َنا َو ل َ ّمَا یَ ۡد ُخل الۡایۡم‬ ُ ‫َقال َ ِت الۡاَ ۡع َر‬ ‫ان‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ

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