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Legal Obligations
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada has established under Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2001, with jurisdiction to hear and decide casesonimmigrationandrefugee matters that came into force on June 28, 2002. All the core principles that govern Canada’s immigration and refugee protection programs are set out bytheIRPA.
A portion of this Act deals with refugees, sponsorships, removals, detentionreviewandadmissibility hearings, and the jurisdiction and powers of tribunals. In the year 2012, This act underwent significantamendmentsdrivenby the Balanced Refugee Reform Act and Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act, and relatedRegulations.
Canada has liberal views when it comes to asylum seekers. They usually accept migrants from almost all countries. Even if an asylum seeker enters Canada without authorization would not face any criminal prosecution if theyclaimasylum.Thosewhoare granted asylum status by government officials become immediately eligible to apply for permanentresidency.
Canada is running several temporary foreign worker programs to meet industryspecific demands to support the country’s economy and address cultural advancement. Under these programs, officials grant over 700,000 temporary work permits every year. These temporaryworkerscomprisecaretaker to highly skilled industrial workers.
Counting of these workers has increased almost four times over the last few years. These programs open one more window for permanent residency seekers tostarttheirlifeinCanadawhich is initially as temporary workers furthercanmakethemqualifyfor permanent residency through different programs such as express entries, PNPs, and CEC etc.