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from Kidnapped
Norwood Police Department 4701 Montgomery Rd. Norwood. Ohio 45212 (513) 458-4521 Incident Report
Oilo Time Oco ,od 0.,ol To WMtc 01.1)312019 2:20.00PM Thuto ... ,,.,,.. ... HPU6591/0H P:000244 ll'lddont Addtou 5330 Ricl!lo ev. Cincinnati. OH 45213 Beat - ... ·-- Traffic Slop
Incident Number: 201~244 File No: NIA Dlopalch Incident Number: 201~265 Print Dai.: February 21, 2019 Prtntod By: rmurphy
Police Offic:M Wil!iom eo..- Centus.T1tct
Assodated Persons SUfflffllry True r,,,. Name(IMl Fnl Ml) O~t~... Sumbly. Llmonte Jalopeno Add,;,i.. 3a1·i t~.ii~:~;;;,'o:·ofi45223
Sex M
Home Pl'0nt I NIA
C.I PhOnrt• NIA
V•h lde Info Reg Plate. State (Yu1) v.,._ Yea,, Mab, Model No V Ohidt Info Rocon:ttcl for •~I dent~ 201 90(!0000.244

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