Home What is Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming, as the name suggests –‘neuro’ refers to brain, ‘linguistic’ refers to language and ‘programming’ is the installation of a strategy, procedure or plan. NLP is the study of what works in thinking, language, and behaviour It provides a systematic framework for directing our brain and body. It defines the way how we code and produce excellence which enables us to achieve the results that we want in each area of life. With NLP, you can create a set of strategies that can work for you as to how you will make decisions, build lasting relationships, create excellence in your personal and professional life, communicate to motivate your fellow men, and create balance in your life. NLP is software manual for the bio-computer situated between your two ears. NLP is an effective tool with which you can produce desired results and enjoy peak in your work. It works as a peak performance technique for you. Today, around the world, NLP is being practiced by Therapists, Students, Stage Performers, Sportspersons, CEO’s, Managers, Corporate Executives, Self-Employed People, Businessmen, Sales executives
NLP helps you to learn how to do the following and excel in your life: NLP helps you to develop your ability to tap into your unconscious mind and draw on its awesome potential. NLP helps you to develop your ability to generate cooperation and trust in people around you. NLP helps you to develop your ability to manage your thoughts and feelings so that you are in control of your emotions. NLP helps you be more flexible so that you have a number of choices over the challenges and situations in your personal and professional life. NLP helps you develop new ways of behavioural choices that support you irrespective of the changes in the external world. NLP helps you to have the ability to positively reframe any situation, challenge or behaviour to produce more choices. NLP helps you to give permanence to any experience.
The Presuppositions of NLP The presuppositions are the central principles of NLP; they are its guiding philosophy, its ‘beliefs’. These principles are not claimed to be true or universal. You do not have to believe they are true. They are called presuppositions because you pre-suppose them to be true and then act as if they were. You then discover what happens. If you like the results then continue to act as if they are true. They form a set of ethical principles for life.
1. People respond to their experience, not to reality itself. We do not know what reality is. Our senses, beliefs, and past experience give us a map of the world from which to operate. A map can never be exactly accurate; otherwise it would be the same as the ground it covers. We do not know the territory, so for us, the map is the territory. Some maps are better than others for finding your way around. We navigate life like a ship through a dangerous area of sea; as long as the map shows the main hazards, we will
be fine. When maps are faulty and do not show the dangers, then we are in danger of running aground. NLP is the art of changing these maps, so we have greater freedom of action.
2. Having a choice is better than not having a choice. Always try to have a map for yourself that gives you the widest and richest number of choices. Act always to increase choice. The more choices you have, the freer you are and the more influence you have.
3. People make the best choice they can at the time. A person always makes the best choice they can, given their map of the world. The choice may be self-defeating, bizarre or evil, but for them, it seems the best way forward. Give them a better choice in their map of the world and they will take it. Even better give them a superior map with more choices in it.
4. People work perfectly. No one is wrong or broken. They are carrying out their strategies perfectly, but the strategies may be poorly designed and ineffective. Find out how you and others do, what they do, so that their strategy can be changed to something more useful and desirable.
5. All actions have a purpose. Our actions are not random; we are always trying to achieve something, although we may not be aware of what that is.
6. Every behaviour has a positive intention. All our actions have at least one purpose - to achieve something that we value and that benefits us. NLP separates the intention or purpose behind an action from the action itself.
7. The unconscious mind balances the conscious; it is not malicious. The unconscious is everything that is not in consciousness at the present moment. It contains all the resources we need to live in balance.
8. The meaning of the communication is not simply what you intend, but also the response you get. This response may be different to the one you wanted. There are no failures in communication, only responses and feedback. If you are not getting the result you want, change what you are doing. Take responsibility for the communication.
9. We already have all the resources we need, or we can create them. There are no un resourceful people, only un resourceful states of mind.
10. Mind and body form a system. They are different expressions of the one person. Mind and body interact and mutually influence each other. It is not possible to make a change in one without the other being affected. When we think differently, our bodies change. When we act differently we change our thoughts and feelings.
11. We process all information through our senses. Develop your sense so that they become more accurate and give you better information and also help you think more clearly.
12. Modeling successful performance leads to excellence. If one person can do something it is possible to model it and teach it to others. In this way everyone can learn to get better results in their own way, you do not become a clone of the model – you learn from them.
============================= ========== ABOUT US My name is Anil Sharma . I am an MTech in Mechanical Engineering and an Entrepreneur and i am offering NLP for Business Excellence, Education and also offering Practitioner and Master Practitioner Courses since 2003.I also teach Hypnosis and offer various courses in them I also run an Engineering Industry in Haryana with dealing all over India and Exports to Various countries. My learning methodology uniquely help participants learn and practice NLP in a simple way and help them address and resolve their challenges effectively. I have got an opportunity to design and deliver various NLP trainings like NLP for corporate executives/managers, NLP for students, NLP for cricketers & sportspersons, NLPfor sales people, NLP for couples, NLP for senior citizens, NLP for lawyers, NLP for teachers/parents and NLP for up coming trainers in different Indian cities I have been helping individuals and upcoming Indian NLP trainers (training continuously and designing their customised NLP training contents) who have been offering various NLP trainings like NLP Basic Practitioner course, NLP Master Practitioner course, NLP trainers' program, and NLP based customised workshops for Students, Youth, Couples, Parents, Teachers & Business people etc.
An NLP Practitioner is someone who has the wisdom and tools to amplify and do more of what works and also detect ahead of time when something’s not working so you do whatever it takes to achieve what you set your mind on! This skill can take anyone
success, get you into peak performance , influence people to get the results you want, get over all limitations in your mind and live with freedom, happiness, money and satisfaction like you never before. places,achieve
Do you sleep well every night and wake up fresh and excited the next morning? Do Do
you you
deal like
with do
stress much
well than
enough? currently
Do you believe managing your team better can make a lot of difference in your work?
What if you had the ability to
Influence anybody just using yourself, your
language as an instrument to Get the Results you want? Welcome into the World of NLP! Here is your chance to be
Exquisitely skilled whether
you would like to Influence your team, family, superiors or whether you
Lasting Personal Change. could Condition your Neurology
would like to use NLP on yourself for
happens if you for Lasting Transformation – so when you look at the mirror, you see a new, polished, What
enhanced, transformed you?
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Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
. More and more people display behavioural and learning difficulties. There is increasing pressure to improve results, raise achievement and move from success to excellence. NLP provides techniques, strategies and solutions to the problems of teaching and learning, motivating and engaging students. The first 12 day module of the NLP Practitioner is a “self contained” module covering the requirements of the course. You will benefit from either of these courses as a Teacher, Trainer, Manager or Coach and are enthusiastic about applying the latest developments in NLP to teaching and learning. People in all walks of life with a desire to help people learn better are also welcome. This training enables you to learn in very specific ways how learning takes place. You learn how to use language in powerful and elegant ways to ensure students really understand you. You will find teaching easier and more enjoyable when you have the skills, behaviours and attitudes of NLP to help you..
Focusing on the NLP Practitioner What is covered on this programme? Many Practitioner programmes are generic or therapeutic in context.You will learn all the skills and necessary techniques for the practitioner qualification with the added benefit of discovering how these apply to learning. Most importantly your will learn with humour and laughter, easily and enjoyably and learn how to pass your enjoyment to others. What are the details of the content covered on this course? • • • • •
How to create and maintain behavioural change. To make learning generative so students continue to learn. To change negative an unhelpful beliefs your students or others may have. Use sub modalities to calibrate a person’s thinking. Understand the learning processes of your students so you can create more flexibility in their learning. • Two models of language patterns to create useful learning states for your students and gather more information about their needs. • Elicit what your students’ really want so they can set effective goals that they will achieve and are motivated to act on their goals. • Anchoring and its appropriate use inside and outside the classroom. • Change your state so you enjoy what you do more. • Timeline work as an aid to change and learning • To use metaphor as a powerful teaching tool. • Strategies for learning, motivation and decision making
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How to install strategies for effective learning and more. How to build propulsion in yourself and others Flexibility in your own behaviour so you can respond to any situation effectively.
You will also learn how to apply these techniques and methodologies to make your own life more fulfilling and rewarding. What will I gain from the course? There are many programmes with a focus on learning which don’t teach the specific techniques that ensure learning happens. This programme is based on research that clearly demonstrates that dramatic improvements in achievement can be made in a very short period of time when teachers have these advanced skills. You will gain the ability to; engage and motivate students, ensure assignments are completed with enthusiasm, communicate supremely effectively, improve tutoring, deliver lively learning and much more.
What will be the impact of the course? • An Internationally recognised qualification. • An extended and impressive CV • Raised achievement • A happier set of learners • A unique skills set with the flexibility to be creative in finding solutions in a wide range of situations How will the learning happen? On our programmes we model good practice at all times so you will experience the methods and skills we want you to learn at first hand before you try them out for yourself. You will find yourself learning to become consciously and unconsciously confident in your new skills, with a mixture of activity, reflection and lots of humour. The course leader is Anil Sharma the International Business Trainer Anil will be joined by Deepak another Clinical Hypnosis and NLP trainer and experienced teacher Together they make a formidable team delivering excellence in NLP.
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Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) f This intensive 12 day programme is delivered over two weeks
What are the details of the course content? Mastering NLP, focuses on the fundamental skills to become a Master Practitioner in NLP. • The fundamentals of NLP for mastery • Meta Resource States including input and output states • The utilisation of meta resource states with others • The meta model in depth • Shifting clients easily from the surface structure to deep structure. • Slight of mouth patterns used elegantly and effectively • The advanced use of the Milton patterns • Metaphors to inspire the imagination and create change • Inoculation against objections • Conversational Timeline work • Integrated use of Meta Programs with clients and students • Convincer Strategies for great learning and change • The difference between Modelling and Strategy Elicitation • Practical experience of the processes for installing new strategies or changing old ones. • Conversational Applications of NLP Techniques The Learning environment • Deepen your use of NLP language patterns to create states of confidence, competence and excellence in learners • Learn to ‘set up’ learning for success • Learn our 6 keys to effective learning • Utilise specific states of consciousness to promote learning and create curiosity and enthusiasm quickly and easily • Control more of the variables more of the time in a teaching or training context. Strategies for teaching • Create learning that is generative, fun and full of hope • Design strategies for learning specific skills and tasks
• •
Use your voice effectively to deliver your message with confidence Use the art of metaphor to create powerful transformation and deep learning
NLP and Technology • Create amazing audio and visual presentations that really work • Utilise podcasting, DVD and web skills to maximise learning • Experience the latest technology and brain wave research to empower learning • Expand your abilities to teach and learn outside of the traditional model • Change or eliminate inappropriate or undesirable behaviours • Use propulsion systems to overcome reluctance to learn • Learn to install exquisite strategies for learning • Discover effective persuasion techniques and the language of influence • Work with reluctant learners or members of staff Have more fun learning than you thought possible!
How does this course differ from other programmes? Most of the knowledge we teach today will be outdated in 10 year’s time. Therefore the successful people will be the ones who can learn voraciously, and devour everything on offer to create something unique. There is much talk of ‘learning to learn’ This programme teaches exactly how to do this to make learning generative and fun so in the future our students will not merely hit targets but be on a quest for learning throughout their lives. This unique course takes NLP into the field of education and learning. You may have attended a practitioner and wondered how to integrate the learning into your practice as an educator. This course enables you to master your practitioner level skills and apply them thoroughly and effectively in the classroom, as a tutor or mentor and with your team. There are numerous courses offering the ‘quick fix’ to classroom challenges, however when the techniques don’t work, there are often no answers as to what to do next! This course enables you to develop the flexibility of behaviour and range of skills so you can formulate your own effective strategies to promote learning, improve retention and motivate students. We share with you the results of our research projects which demonstrate the effectiveness of NLP in improving learning and show you how you can make the same quantum shifts in your teaching. We will also share with you training and persuasion skills for working with colleagues
What will I gain from the course? There are many programmes with a focus on learning which don’t teach the specific techniques that ensure learning happens. This programme is based on research that clearly
demonstrates that dramatic improvements in achievement can be made in a very short period of time when teachers have these advanced skills. You will gain the ability to; engage and motivate students, ensure assignments are completed with enthusiasm, communicate supremely effectively, improve tutoring, deliver lively learning and much more.
What will be the impact of the course? • An Internationally recognised qualification • An extended and impressive CV • Raised achievement • A happier set of learners • A unique skills set with the flexibility to be creative in finding solutions in a wide range of situations How will the learning happen? On our programmes we model good practice at all times so you will experience the methods and skills we want you to learn at first hand before you try them out for yourself. You will find yourself learning to become consciously and unconsciously confident in your new skills, with a mixture of activity, reflection and lots of humour. The course leader is Anil Sharma the International Business Trainer Anil will be joined by Deepak another Clinical Hypnosis and NLP trainer and experienced teacher Together they make a formidable team delivering excellence in NLP.
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NLP Course Schedule NLP Practitioner Hotel 14th - 25th May 2013 10th- 21st June 2013
NLP Master Training in Delhi 15th July - 26th July 2013 18th - 29th October 2013
Delhi Ivory
NLP Practitioner
in Mumbai
The Grand Maratha 15th July 18th - 29th November 2013
26th September 2013
2nd - 13th December 2013
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Contact Us International Institute of NLP Excellence & Durg Manglam Projects 6-Sakshi Gopal , Kalyani Nagar, Pune 00-91-9582692321 email: info@internationalnlp.org web: www.internationalnlp.org
Weaving Thoughts
Aug 26
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Weaving Thoughts
Aug 26
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