How to Find Right Toothbrush with Natural Organic The key thing about choosing a toothbrush is that it should be capable of cleaning all the reachable tooth surfaces in your mouth. This argues for a smaller, rather than larger brush-head. Straight-handled toothbrushes suit some people; kinkily-handled ones suit others. Which you prefer depends partly on the shape of your mouth and partly on the ability of your hands and wrists to manipulate the head of the brush to the remoter back corners of your mouth. The important thing is that it must do the work for you. Soft-bristle brushes are not really capable of removing plaque; they merely smear it over the surface of the teeth. On the other hand, very hard bristles can act like wire-wool on the gums, or indeed the teeth. A medium-hard, firm-bristled toothbrush is the best for both teeth and gums. Organic bristles, as opposed to nylon or other synthetic material, tend to become too soft, and wear out very quickly. As they also take a long time to dry out they also have a tendency to harbour bacteria. This is one of those occasions when 'artificial' appears to be preferable to 'natural'. It is also important to change your toothbrush regularly, as floppy, straggly bristles are just not up to plaque removal. Brushing your teeth is basically the simplest and the best way to prevent dental almost every dental malady. The Parts of the Toothbrush The toothbrush, as simple as it may look, has undergone a lot of patent regulations before it become the reference of the ones we commercially use. The Toothbrush Head The head of the toothbrush contains all the necessary parts for cleaning our teeth. Head sizes come in variety of sizes, depending on the age of the intended user. Smaller toothbrush heads are recommended for children or pre-adolescents who have not yet had their full set of permanent teeth. Medium-sized heads are intended for adolescents and adults, who have a larger set of teeth. There are also the bigger sized toothbrush heads that are used by people who prefer a general clean and also for people who are larger in scale. Almost every variety of toothbrushes have tongue scraper nowadays. The pricier a toothbrush gets, the more upgrades it has to match the effectiveness of the bristles. If you could notice, more expensive toothbrushes have a larger branding and commercial information that pertain to the effectiveness of the tongue scraper. Here at Green Monkey we really do believe that by when you purchase from us you are doing so much more than just buying a toothbrush, we believe, Bamboo Toothbrush Eco Friendly 100% Biodegradable and Green Monkey Bamboo Toothbrush. You help to protect the environment, You help to stop pollution and You really do make a difference.