British Landscapes
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For master planner Raymond Unwind, landscape was not just a background to lives lived, it was a weapon of social change, says David Davidson, architectural adviser at Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust. Unwinds vision was the communal landscape, one that promoted social interaction at every turn. In creating the Hampstead Garden Suburb, he realized the democratic landscapes the Garden City movement espoused. For master planner Raymond Unwind, landscape was not just a background to lives lived, it aweapon of
Ken W fesso orpole , wri r rban t gest at the Plan Citie er and s s tha ning enio t the s Ins a pr r oble t p i B t r u rit ote m desi gned in thin ish still h , sugking ave plac land a e s asks s of plea capes as bout s w is th hether ure. He e tim now to re e disco for us purp ver t o leisu se of o he u r scap e land- r es. “If y o peop u leave l in a e to live lous y, unhe althy un-g , r depr een and e envi ssing ro that nment indic that a socie tes large ty at , auth their lo c o gove rity and al rnm ent the care do a then bout th n’t e surp why sho m, u r with ised whe ld we be out care n they a This ct t i ing i s Sarah hemselv n th Gave es?” e she asks wake o nta writ fA h inter act w ow com ugust’s m rio hen they unities c ts an have now possibl here y as dece be expe cted nt to to com mun e.
nd finally, Landscape’s honorary editor Tim Waterman explores our relationship with food and the urban landscape. Are taste and appetite our biggest barriers to realising sustainable design? But just how relevant are the ideas of the Garden City to those nations currently in thrall to urban revolutions of their own? We asked Ruth Olden to get behind the images of verdant green cities and see what’s happening in India, China and Mexico. With large-scale investment on the backburner for the foreseeable future, the Landscape Institute’s latest publication Local green infrastructure: helping communities make the most of their landscape, seems particularly pertinent.
British Landscapes